I can already see a PRC article about this xD
Would have been better if you guys had a simple "Unlock" instead of those "Buy the DLC" thing in game, just saying
Where I can see what info I get for each level of detail I choose from the radio?
I do that (AMD card) and works fine, it never resets the resolution here. But I need to run it full screen and then tipical isimotor crash on alt...
I use it but it end up being a bit useless if the other drivers online aren't using it. Especially when a full course yellow appear ;)
I wish they'd release the 1.1 anyway and the DLC later, really needing that spotter
EEC Online Le Mans Series @ Sebring, the race start :) [ATTACH][ATTACH]
Cara quando for usar o mod GT3 e o LMS posta o link pro arquivo shared texture que ta aqui MEGA ja resolve vários problemas, as vezes tem que...
To get the best experience just delete the whole DynHUD folder and .dll file.
2 more because Reiza tracks are top notch :) Looooooong line behind the safety car for the early full course yellow [IMG] [IMG] Btw @Alex...
EEC Online GT Series round 1 yesterday, beautiful grid, 34 cars tried to start (limit due to track space), too bad AMS can't handle it and caused...
@Renato Simioni can you give a light on this please A friend in our EEC forum is having issues with his wheel losing FFB in AMS all of sudden,...
1.1 not this week? :(
Well where I live 24ºC already make us freeze :D
Can I get an explanation? Was wondering what each number means because checking the one in CART and URD Vette they were pretty different Like,...
You may be passing the SC when it goes to pits then if you are getting that warning you'll have to check the SC speed in a replay (compared to the...
Best you can do is either hold your speed or even reduce it a little bit till you see the green flag warning
I don't get why the first 2 are less than one lol, just make it (1.0,1.0,71)
hmm maybe the fuelrange in General?
Pq o Live Racers de vcs as vezes muda o resultado da corrida? Segunda vez que vejo o resultado diferente. E agora ele moveu 2 caras que terminaram...
Separate names with a comma.