Hi all, I'm after some advice regarding the FFB with my Accuforce. I can feel detail, like kerbs etc. But there is no weight to the steering at all and I cannot feel what the car is doing at all. I have tried every setting under the sun in SC4, even maxed out all strength and gain settings, but wheel is still light as a feather. Tried custom, legacy and Fanatec DD1 settings in game, no difference. Tried Default, Deafult+ and Custom, no difference. Tried the sliders in game to max. Still no change. Any ideas on what I can try next? Note: AC, rF2, iR, etc all OK. Many thanks.
SOLVED:- Found out it's a SC4 issue. It's not loading my profile and reverting to base AF settings, which just happened to be set at 20% strength. Think I better head over to the SimXperience forum to understadn why why my profile isn't loading.