AMS1 working in VR

Discussion in 'Automobilista - General Discussion' started by mr_belowski, Nov 29, 2020.

  1. Bjarne Hansen

    Bjarne Hansen Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 14, 2016
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    Have no such issues with a WMR headset so might be the Q2 link?
    Often have SteamVR crash on first startup in AMS and Gtr2 VR but after that all works just fine.
  2. Sparten

    Sparten New Member

    Feb 12, 2017
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    Make sure you disable confirmation menu in the game.
    Edit: helps to read first, not sure what could be the problem then.
  3. Tambe

    Tambe Member

    Jun 9, 2017
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    That happens to me from the beginning, I have followed all the steps and tried everything that my colleagues have told me here in the forum, and I have not been able to solve it, hence my frustration at not being able to use AMS.
    I go with some Lenovo Explorer ..
  4. M.Guenette

    M.Guenette Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Please be sure to use the Non Beta Version of Steam VR
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  5. Tambe

    Tambe Member

    Jun 9, 2017
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    [QUOTE = "M.Guenette, publicación: 155766, miembro: 238"] Asegúrate de utilizar la versión no beta de Steam VR [/ QUOTE]

    I don't use betas, I have checked it.
  6. Salvatore Sirignano

    Salvatore Sirignano Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 14, 2017
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    @Sparten did your attempts to reach out to Reiza ever come to anything? You guys have done an amazing job regardless, thanks again! :)
  7. ssgroppo

    ssgroppo New Member

    Nov 8, 2021
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    Hi man. I need some help. I have HP Reverb G2 and I want to play AMS in 3d...all good but when I am getting into the car, the view is never centered, I don´t know what more can I do. With my Oculus Rift works perfect, and this problem only happen with AMS 1. Could you help me with this?
  8. Salvatore Sirignano

    Salvatore Sirignano Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 14, 2017
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    Pressing numpad 5 should put it in the right place....
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  9. PierRacer

    PierRacer New Member

    Nov 19, 2021
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    Is it just me or is the download link down?
  10. Sparten

    Sparten New Member

    Feb 12, 2017
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    Nope its not just you link seems to be broken, I'll check up on it.
    Edit; seems to be a problem with chrome, both firefox and edge works fine.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2021
  11. Ich Dien

    Ich Dien New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 14, 2021
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    With the 1.5.16 or 1.5.25 betas, this crashes to desktop on the splash screen. Would be nice to have as there are big outstanding performance/stability issues with certain input devices in 1.5.03 (or, 1.5.3 depending on which typo is correct) that are supposedly not present in the betas.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2021
  12. RaceRider

    RaceRider New Member

    Sep 21, 2021
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    Can someone help me understand how to edit and set up HUD for VR?
    In Assetto Corsa and other major games, the HUD appears as if it is near me on a curved screen...(placed near windscreen). The video shown on the front page of this post is what I expect and as it should be. be. AMS1 working in VR

    However, my HUD elements appear to have the depth that makes them feel like large billboards in space and always showing pass through the cockpit/car which is very annoying. Surprisingly, rfactor 2 shows the same behavior. Fiddling through hotkeys, I found the one that disables hud but if I can keep some info, that will be good. This title has the best performance so far on my gtx 1070. I have VR and a decent wheel now and would love to try these raw sims but these HUD issues and lack of some general info are keeping me away.
    And how do I record for VR such as that video? Quest 2 using the link cable.
  13. Retrolux

    Retrolux Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 29, 2019
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    I streamed a few races in AMS1 in VR with this mod. You can adjust the hud settings in the crewchief ini file to change the distance or completly disable it in VR. I personally disable all the ui in VR for better immersion and add floating simhub dashboards/overlays through steamvr.

    For recording VR footage i can highly recommend OBS + openvr plugin to directly capture it from you hmd eye instead of the 2D mirror. OpenVR input plugin

    Here you can see how it looks on the last stream i did:
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  14. Balrog

    Balrog Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 25, 2016
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    So has this project been abandoned in the end? I'm only asking because one year later, the GTR2 plugin has become much more sophisticated, but this one hasn't officially became part of the CrewChief app and stayed in beta. Not that I'm complaining though, I'm glad I can use AMS1 in VR as well.
  15. Balrog

    Balrog Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 25, 2016
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    That is an option for GTR2, but here I can only turn the HUD on or off.
  16. Retrolux

    Retrolux Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 29, 2019
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    The AMS1 VR mod is heavily based on the work of the GTR2 VR/CC plugin mod which is constantly improved by TheIronWolf from the Crew Chief Team.
    GTR2 CC VR Mod
    (Btw. GTR2 + P&G Mod is still today a great combo to race, especially in VR with a large grid of cars)

    But this does not mean that porting a selection set of features/improvements over to the AMS1 VR mod is an easy task to do, as it requires carefully merging and testing to get it work properly. Still I hope that a few of the big changes will be ported over at some point.

    Notable changes where AMS1 could benefit:

    - VR Hidden Area Mesh to improve GPU performance by stenciling out the pixels that are not visible
    - Vulkan Wrapper & Vulkan VR implementation (Possible big performance boost on modern GPUs for AMS1 as well)
    - near clip plane adjustment for VR (Then it will not be needed to adjust the cam per car anymore)
    - Command line switches to start in 2D and VR mode
    - Other VR implementation improvements

    I also have access to be able to port changes over but I would need way more time as I am not so experienced in C++ as the CC team is. But I might jump in at some point to support the CC team :whistle:
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2021
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  17. Balrog

    Balrog Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 25, 2016
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    Oh yeah, I know that, the fact that I can use both in VR is amazing on its own, but I think the GTR2 plugin now offers one of the most polished VR experiences and its not even an official solution, it would be fantastic if some of the later features would find their way into AMS as well.

    Same here, unfortunately I have very little and outdated C++ experience, so I probably wouldn't be too much help without guidance.
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  18. The Iron Wolf

    The Iron Wolf New Member

    Mar 22, 2017
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    And that's sad, as there's so much that can be done for VR and isiMotor in general. But, thanks for your kind words. I've put 1.5 years of my life into this VR, and it's nice you _feel_ the polish.

    While I will continue to focus solely on GTR2 (as in my opinion GTR2 is the most complete isiMotor 2.0 base that we should all gather around) I hope some of my work will bring you joy. And big thanks to Retrolux, who selflessly helps sharing his broad graphics dev experience, even if I am not focusing on his favorite game ;)
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2022
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  19. Salvatore Sirignano

    Salvatore Sirignano Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 14, 2017
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    Thanks a lot for your hard work bringing VR to AMS. Whilst I feel that AMS is superior to GTR2 at catering to my particular needs (AI that slipstream overtake properly, better car mods and vehicle handling, graphics) at the same time if GTR2 is your passion then focus on that! I'm grateful that some of that passion has spilled over and benefitted all of us VR users who still play isiMotor 2 sims. :)

    If any future performace improvements do find their way over here though, they would be very gratefully received! I would be very happy to donate towards it if you set up a go fund me page or similar. Would work out cheaper for us here than GPU upgrades etc! :D
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  20. Scraper

    Scraper Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 9, 2016
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    @The Iron Wolf Many thanks for all that you've done for simracers over the years. If you should happen to do a tiny bit more work for AMS1, @Retrolux will be streaming his VR races of the upcoming AMSU 1958 F1 season with many rare cars and tracks, so any improvements/new features would be much appreciated. If not, you're more than welcome to join in. :)

    A test race will take place on 5th Jan - see the link below for details.


    AMSUnofficial Events - For all your AMS1 and AMS2 needs!
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