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AMS2 Dedicated Server Tool / SteamCMD Support

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Dave Stephenson, May 29, 2020.

  1. Hangon

    Hangon New Member

    Dec 15, 2020
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    I find this whole setting up dedi server very confusing ..i managed to set up a raceroom server which i find SO much easier and the whole server ui is so easy to set up races and change things ..is there ever going to be something similar in ams2? Hell ..i cant even get the web ui up in ams2 :(
  2. Kro

    Kro Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 29, 2020
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    Ya its not very user friendly , you need to learn the .json files .. at SRO we gave up trying to host our own ded and simply rented a server from Emperor & they have been real good about working with us to try and make this work for our league .. like they gave us a way to delete the result file so we can start fresh for each event without having every event from history in the result file .. (we do this because we have our own result software) the thing we need most is some admin commands or at least a vote system .. & that horrible '2 min left' count down lock out that PC2 added needs to go .. We end up with so many frustrated members that get dropped for what ever reason and cant get back in with still 2 min to go to race really pisses ppl off haha .. & as admins we take the heat :eek::Dso for now sadly we don't race any official AMS2 events , only some test runs after new patches to see if things have improved regarding admin control's & all :whistle:..
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  3. Wolfgang Herold

    Wolfgang Herold I Like Liveries :) AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    its not really needed if you want to just setup a simple server for private use.
    All you have to do is take the sample script, change the servername and save it as server.cfg.
    And start this server.
    Then add -selectDS to the launchparameters of AMS2 in steam.
    Then go to MP in AMS2 and do a full configuration like generating a P2P session. After starting this session you get a list of all free DS'es on the net and there you should see your own too. Select this server and you're running a full configured session on your server :)
  4. TekNeil

    TekNeil Take me back to the 2.4l, twin 50 weber days...

    Mar 9, 2020
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    For some reason mine doesn't show when looking via Multiplayer > Create > Start, but it shows when looking straight at multiplayer...
  5. Hangon

    Hangon New Member

    Dec 15, 2020
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    I have managed to get server up..got the web ui up ..but yea ..very unuser friendly :( Been doing a bunch more racing in AMS2 and a few thoughts on Reiza's biggest hurdle in giving me a "top gear award". As for forcefeedback ..very good ..on par with rf2 with this last update, physics wise...depends on the car ..many feel absolutley fantastic ..and many need work..some just feel like ****...those things can be improved over time ..polished ..but where the big issue in my thinking is thier ingame servers ..or a combination of that and possibly thier netcoding still needing improvement?. it seems as soon as you get many drivers on, and with varying high pings the driving smoothness degrades immensivly.It's a catch 22 scenario, in one hand it makes it extremely easy for anyone to throw up a server ..but these "cloud' servers(are they cloud servers?) do not seem to take ping into factor...we never have any idea where they are even located? If Rieza could implement a dedi server ui like raceroom(and even thats very limited for admin compared to rf2 but still easiest to use) I think you would find alot more dedi servers up and leagues running. Is it evenly remotely possible?
  6. Wolfgang Herold

    Wolfgang Herold I Like Liveries :) AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    There are no cloud servers. All dedis you see are created by the community, some on rented servers some on their home devices. As long as an admin does not add his country or region to the server name, as long you don't know where its located. Isn't that the same is RRRE or AC ?
  7. Shriukan

    Shriukan Touristenfahrten Community AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 23, 2019
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    I think he means the P2P lobbies, which are dependent on the Hosts upload speed to keep the lobby lag-free. Lots of people still haven't understood that you shouldn't be host on ADSL connections xD
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  8. Hangon

    Hangon New Member

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Yes ,thats what I was referring to. Thanks for clarifying that, so in game races, who ever starts one , they are dependent on the Hosts upload speed to keep the lobby lag-free.Still somewhat unclear about that ..as of course with a dedicated server that would be the case. And why exactly not hosting on ADSL connection? Rather it should be ?? fiber optic i'm assuming? I'm in Canada, and my provider is Telus, who depending if your household area has fiber capability, it's probally ADSL?
  9. Shriukan

    Shriukan Touristenfahrten Community AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 23, 2019
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    The game requires roughly 20Mbps upload with a full 32 driver lobby. Classic ADSL will give you 8 Mbps tops as most ISPs go for high download, low upload speeds. Hell most countries will barely give you 1 Mbps upload on dsl. A DS will suffer the same fate if you are hosting it locally. When soeaking of DS it is usially implied it is being hosted on a remote server.
    But yes the more drivers in thelobby, the more tue amountof data that needs to be sent ramps up (not linear) so if you don’t have a remote server then you need to keep an eye on the network to determine that max amount of drivers you can host before reaching the uplod speed limit
  10. Hangon

    Hangon New Member

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Thanks for the info! I checked , I have 150 Mbps download, 30 Mbps upload ...but with even much less drivers than 32, I believe there was only 15-18 I sure notice it is just not as smooth as in single player. If there is one or more high pingers can that make a big difference? So if I host a session through the in game option, that is been hosted and dependent on my speeds the same as a dedicated server on my machine(same one I'm driving on) also?? I guess what I'm trying to say is if I host a game/session on my home computer that I'm also driving on, would using the dedicated server be better/faster/smoother than using the in-game session creator?
  11. Shriukan

    Shriukan Touristenfahrten Community AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 23, 2019
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    Not really. The netcode performance would be similar. I guess there still needs to be netcode adjustments for cases where drivers with high or unstable pings are in the mix then.
  12. Dualin Racing

    Dualin Racing New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 6, 2021
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    @Shriukan @Daniel R.
    Hi, I´m new in this forum, I recently buy the Automobilista2 with the season pass and I´m very happy with it. The sensations are great with my rig.
    I´m trying to use the AMS2 dedicated server in a cheap linux vps, in windows works well, but i can´t make it work in the server. I don´t know enought linux, can you make a little tutorial with the steps to install the AMS2 dedicated server in a vps ubuntu 18.04?

    Thanks in advance and sorry for my poor english
    Best regards
  13. Shriukan

    Shriukan Touristenfahrten Community AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 23, 2019
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    Well to get the server to run you will have to install Wine and all dependencies and run the server with the wine64 command (wine will just run it in 32bit since the exe is 32 bit but then you can only have 16 people in the server). I don't remember all the steps i took and some of the stuff is dependent on the OS (i am running debian buster). Check the steamcmd tutorials to get exes to download on a linux steamcmd.
  14. NoMorholt

    NoMorholt New Member

    Jul 19, 2020
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    Can someone help me? I'm trying to create a Multiclasse GT3 and GT4 server, however, when I leave the lobby and come back the game resets the server settings. And the "Ready/2minutes" between qualy and race doesn't work.
  15. Dave Stephenson

    Dave Stephenson Administrator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 13, 2016
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    More info is needed to be able to give useful advice. Are you using game controlled or dedi controlled? Is it with rotation or not? Your config files (server.cfg and lua_config/sms_rotate_config.json) would also be helpful if you could attach them please/
  16. Shriukan

    Shriukan Touristenfahrten Community AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 23, 2019
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    Hi @Dave Stephenson
    Hope you had a good weekend. Got a request and a couple questions.

    1- I was wondering, could you add scrolling text to the on-track chatbox and extend the time it stays visible by 2 seconds? It is getting annoying only seeing half a message on track :)

    2 - Even though the Windows DS is running fine through wine64, when is the 64bit Linux DS coming? (I haven't forgotten xD )

    3 - Any plans to have a "keep server running without host" feature someday or would that be too complicated? Maybe a sort of dummy plug passing itself as a race director and using macro commands to advance sessions and change settings would be a feasible thing to reach the same result?

    You guys keep on rocking :p
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2021
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  17. ToMythTo

    ToMythTo The Hero We Need But Not Deserved

    Aug 31, 2020
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    Is there anything happening on the ds side for months? Yet not seeing it mentioned in the update log.
  18. Kro

    Kro Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 29, 2020
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    Is there anything we can do to get our server to show up better in the MP lobby ? This one thing is keeping us from running champ series over at simracingonline only 1/3rd of our members can see the server & 1/2 of them need to refresh over & over to finally see it .. Its a rented server from Emperor servers with lots of bandwidth ..For me I can see it no most of the time but If I don't get it after 4 or 5 refreshes I will go & restart it and then its again on first page .. Any ideas ?
    Thanks !
  19. kagurazakayukari

    kagurazakayukari Member

    Dec 1, 2019
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    As this game will be 1st year anniversary, can "DS be controled via command in game" have a schedule add-in it?
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  20. ToMythTo

    ToMythTo The Hero We Need But Not Deserved

    Aug 31, 2020
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    Nope you all assumed to play this game all by yourself or with a crippled lobby. Not much info on DS side like it is abandoned.:whistle:
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