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AMS2 Dedicated Server Tool / SteamCMD Support

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Dave Stephenson, May 29, 2020.

  1. Andy

    Andy Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 25, 2020
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    Hi folks
    How do you set refuelling to be allowed in your server.cfg file?
  2. Nobkins

    Nobkins Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    I think it is always allowed unless you use the DisablePitstopRefuelling setting at "1"

    So If refuelling is not allowed make sure that you have DisablePitstopRefuelling setting at 0
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  3. Andy

    Andy Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 25, 2020
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    I added this line into the cfg as it wasnt there before, but doesnt seem to take effect.

    "DisablePitstopRefuelling" : 0,

    Also set it to 1 but no change.
  4. Nobkins

    Nobkins Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Are you testing more than a single car / series? I don't use the refueling option but maybe it can be affected by the series you choose.

    For example, in AMS1 (I know we are talking AMS2) the F3 does not allow refueling.

    So it could be same in AMS2. Maybe you can prevent a car that allows refuelling but can't allow a car that prevents refueling.
  5. Andy

    Andy Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 25, 2020
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    We ran a few different cars last night, one of them was the mcr2000, one of the guys was running out of fuel so went to pit, and couldnt add fuel.
    I checked the server settings after, and it was set to not allow refuelling, so wanted to change that by default when you join the server, rather than have to set it every time...and most likely forget to do it :)
  6. Roy Niessink

    Roy Niessink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    I just looked, i dont have set that in my server.cfg and disablepitstoprefuelling is off by default, so it should allow refuelling.

    Could be a bug, or maybe the player hasn't selected the fuel/amount in the in car menu/pit menu
  7. Andy

    Andy Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 25, 2020
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    Thanks for your help.
    It was definitely set as off in the options the host can see, so pretty sure it's setting that as default regardless of what you put in the cfg file.
    I've reported it as a bug.
  8. Nobkins

    Nobkins Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    I suspect that if the car/series does not allow it you can not re-fuel. All the setting does is allow you to prevent refueling if the car series DOES allow it.

    The setting is called DisablePitstopRefuelling. Setting it to zero would logically NOT disable pit stop refuelling. But if already disabled it will not enable it.

    Hope that makes sense!

    Would need testing with something known to have pit stop re-fueling (GT3) and then enable the setting and see if you can pit for fuel in a race session.

    That would confirm that it does "something".

    Then once you confirm that test with a car that does NOT have pit refuelling (F3 I would guess and looks like the MCR maybe as well based on what you said).
  9. Henk

    Henk New Member

    Dec 31, 2021
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    Been testing with the "fill with AI" setting on a user controlled server so the user can change the track for example. When using the server default settings you get AI no matter what local settings there are on your pc/game (this seems to work as expected).

    However, when changing the track for example it seems to depend on the config of your local game if you will then get AI into the game. For example when you set something like grid size 2 and fill with AI in your local game settings (multiplayer -> create new -> change opponent settings -> save) you will end up with no AI even if the server is setup with grid size 32 (8 human) and "fill with AI" on. This, as stated above, only applies when changing settings from the lobby on the DS.

    If you ask me it would be nice to have the DS work independent of the local config but maybe this is a restriction in the engine or something because as I understand the host machine is responsible for generating the AI?
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2021
  10. Inge Nordnes

    Inge Nordnes TROLL SimRacing

    Nov 29, 2021
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    Hi, I got a question/request :) I doubt this exists but I would like to configure my server with more precision than to the closest hour. As of now I have automated configuration of my server with realtime PracticeDateHour, but would love for there to be a PracticeDateMinutes for a more realtime feel.

    I guess the hour precision is still not terrible, but not as sexy as having even the minutes more or less correct as well. I tried looking through the api for any info of this param but I cant seem to find it.

    Anyone able to enlighten me?
  11. Shriukan

    Shriukan Touristenfahrten Community AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 23, 2019
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    Unfortunately start minutes aren't a parameter. You can only set a start hour.
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  12. Theoloop

    Theoloop Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 4, 2021
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    Dumb question but does anyone know where the log file exports to? Like race results after a session. Thank you.
  13. Wolfgang Herold

    Wolfgang Herold I Like Liveries :) AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    yea dump :)
    Because it was answered in this thread before :p
    I used the search buton ( next time do that yourself please ) and found my own answer from a year ago

    If you want to use SIMRESULTS:
    in \Automobilista 2 - Dedicated Server\lua_config\sms_stats_config.json
    set "track_results" : true,

    upload following file to simresults.net
    \Automobilista 2 - Dedicated Server\lua_config\sms_stats_data.json
  14. Theoloop

    Theoloop Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 4, 2021
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    Didnt know what word combos to search to even find it. Thank you
  15. mister dog

    mister dog Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    What's the status for dedicated servers not showing up in the list? Both the console says there are no errors and it's up and running when I start it up, and the admin web tool gives the all ok when I configure 'next session' (changes were applied to the server confirmation message).

    It's a bit of a lottery at the moment if your server will actually show ingame, and I've been told that it's due to servers just getting filtered out which is another issue stemming from the PC2 days. In some cases folk need to press the refresh list 10 times until the list populates fully. I gave up after 5 times though :D
  16. Roy Niessink

    Roy Niessink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Yeah i have the same lately, seems to be since the 1.3 update i think, server not showing for some people, but it is for others, no strange things showing in the logs, but this makes it difficult to run a league on ams2.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  17. Kro

    Kro Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 29, 2020
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    It's been like this from day one for us. We rent a dedicated & sometimes after making a change & restarting it its nowhere to be found, even after several refreshes, So I will restart it again & it shows up?? it's always a mystery for us. :rolleyes:One thing I do notice is I see allot of the same servers up top of the list all the time? so what's the deal with those servers? & Why do those always show?o_O:whistle: How does one get that kind of performance? :D
  18. Roy Niessink

    Roy Niessink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Before the 1.3 update i hardly ever experienced an issue, but yesterday i had 10 people able to find it and join it, but like 5 others in my chat that couldn't find it, even after like 10 refreshes, restarting the game, and restarting their steam, its really odd and since i am not the only one, i doubt its a configuration error. Seems something has changed since the 1.3 update or one of the patches after that, but i dont think the server got updated when the game did, so 1.3 seems likely
  19. Roy Niessink

    Roy Niessink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Do any of you guys know if its somehow possible to create a link to launch ams2 in vr and use the sportsplay command to connect to a server?

    i can make it work in normal mode, but not in vr
  20. Dave Stephenson

    Dave Stephenson Administrator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 13, 2016
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    the forcevr launch option will override novr if it's present. It can be passed via steam url protocol or as an option on a shortcut

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