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AMS2 vs IRacing rain hype: sponsored content creators sucks

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ernesto_171, Mar 4, 2024.

  1. Lizardfolk

    Lizardfolk lizard people run the FIA

    Aug 30, 2022
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    LMU's puddles are visuals only right now, and LMU's rubber on the racing line washes away super quickly. It very quickly turns into just racing on the racing line with less grip. Which is unrealistic and noticeably poorer at this point.

    I think the biggest difference is that iRacing's wet line isn't just used to cool the tires off, it's where the actual grip is and the wet line can change very quickly from lap to lap depending on how the rain is falling at any specific part of the track. It's very dynamic where you're actively searching for the grip lap after lap.

    I think part of that has to do with the "track polish" that I've shared a screenshot of earlier in this thread (Christian is an iRacing dev). Where the racing line, due to polish, gets wet quicker once rain starts to fall and pool. Additionally, I think iRacing's moving water effects grip a lot more than AMS2, which I think contributes to iRacing's rain feeling more dynamic and different from lap to lap than AMS2's.

    I'd like to see AMS2's rain get better and closer to to iRacing's new rain where you search from the grip lap after lap more.
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  2. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    I´ve been on record before about my distaste for influencers generally (which to be frank expands way beyond sim racing), but as far as sim racing influencers go I´m not sure any of them are actually paid to produce positive content about any given sim - I can tell you we definitely have never paid for such content and never would, but we still get plenty of spontaneous positive coverage so long as we´re putting out stuff that warrants sim racers (be them influencers or not) being positive about, so I wouldn´t immediately jump to that conclusion here .

    It´s clear however there´s a slightly incestuous relationship going there between game developers and content creators in that when game developers put out new games / updates / content, there is an immediate incentive for influencers to create content covering it while interest in said developments is high - the content can be as milk-toast, run-of-the-mill and shallow as can be or just purely rehashing what the developer´s marketing lines are, they´ll still get clicks for it and for the sake of preserving their access they will tend to do just that, which generally encapsulates part of my distaste for it (even tho again we often also benefit from that same dynamic). Obviously the bigger the developer and the bigger their product, the more it attracts this sort of coverage. It´s just the nature of media products in the age of the internet.

    It can be a bit bemusing to see iRacing promoting the introduction of dynamic weather as though they have just discovered a new planet with influencers pretty much beating to that same drum, when in fact 80% of what they´re offering now we already offered in AMS2 for quite a while. At the same time I´d be first to admit most of the credit for the weather system in AMS2 actually belongs to SMS rather than ourselves, and also the 20% iRacing has over our tech is actually quite impressive and very relevant to accurately simulating the effects of rain and weather in autoracing.

    The good thing is we can always take the lead from such raising of the bar to further develop what we´ve got ourselves, and we are doing just that - already for the next update undertray aero will influence the amount of water spray getting kicked up, and for v1.6 there will be a bigger distinction between driving on and off the racing line in the wet both visually and in terms of driving dynamics.

    How much Youtube hoopla there will be for it I guess we´ll have to wait and see but we know our users will appreciate it, and that´s enough for us :)
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2024
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  3. Racinglegend1234

    Racinglegend1234 AMS2 wiki founder AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 28, 2022
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    Didn’t you say in the dev update that you would do some of this for V1.5.6?
  4. Horia M

    Horia M Reephur

    Nov 22, 2022
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    Maybe you need to make customers wait for 6 years and give it a cool and edgy name to get people's attention :rolleyes::rolleyes:
    • Funny Funny x 3
  5. bobbie424242

    bobbie424242 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 31, 2017
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    What has been amusing with that iRacing wet episode, is to see all these youtubers drowning in rain all at once for 7-10 days. You would have thought it was raining non-stop everywhere in the world. And then nothing. Now that the rain hype died down, I suppose everybody is back to good old summer, 14h, sunny day (at Spa or Monza if adventurous).
    • Funny Funny x 4
  6. Lizardfolk

    Lizardfolk lizard people run the FIA

    Aug 30, 2022
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    Something I'm curious about that iRacing still hasn't touched at all yet... weather is something that's available for RX content and RX tracks. I've been wondering if rain on dirt, turning it into mud, should feel much more different than running the RX dirt in the dry, right now it doesn't feel that different to me going from a dry RX track to a muddy rain RX track.

    If Reiza gets this really right, it's something that's completely absent in iRacing and I predict will be absent in iRacing for a very very long time.
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  7. Jox05

    Jox05 New Member

    Apr 24, 2020
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    It's hard not to get caught up in all the excitement, especially when YouTubers are going nuts over something new.

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