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Assessing Yearly Season Passes for AMS2 DLCs

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Renato Simioni, Dec 28, 2023.

  1. YES

    172 vote(s)
  2. NO

    33 vote(s)
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  1. bobbie424242

    bobbie424242 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 31, 2017
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    As an original backer (before 1.0) I'm getting all future content, which in retrospect is an incredible deal. I would gladly make a yearly donation.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2023
    • Agree Agree x 3
  2. WarmRed

    WarmRed Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    I feel the same way
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Basil

    Basil Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 29, 2023
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    Don't call them season packs as this will create discussions on timing. Call it Pack 1, 2,... and put in each pack 4 or 5 DLC's (stated before the buy). In that way there is no time issue for Reiza and no misunderstadings about the year in the pack. Just an idea...
    • Agree Agree x 5
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  4. TacticalNuclearPingu

    TacticalNuclearPingu Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 3, 2022
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    As a paddock club member it doesn't effect me directly. I do however think season passes are the best option overall, maybe for not obvious reasons.

    It greatly simplifies upfront purchasing of content for new users. I looked at rF2 a while back - here used as an example of a game with a lot of DLC available - and it was very intimidating to figure what I wanted to buy. Whilst there were many packs available, it quickly became apparent that the wallet cost would be massive. Given the competitiveness of Reiza's prices, the quickest and simplest way of getting the maximum amount content to the user (buy game plus first and second season pass - job done) I think is key, not least because of the sheer amount of DLC available.

    Tl dr; I'm pro season pass as it's the simplest way to getting good and attractive content to the user.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  5. Louis Marlowe

    Louis Marlowe New Member

    Aug 17, 2022
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    Well I hope this thread didn't spawn from a joke I made in the December '23 update thread, as I'm just excited for the direction 2024 seems to be heading in for AMS2!

    Happy to pay for upcoming content however it fits Reiza's interests best, particularly if individual packs generate enough revenue to help secure further licenses from circuits/car manufacturers, if it works that way.

    Would love to see more of the current classes populated (which seems to be in the roadmap for 2024!) as well as track packs that focus on specific regions of the globe, such as Eastern Asia; a pack with circuits like Motegi, Zhuhai, and Sepang would be pretty tasty, I think.
  6. Lucifer_sam

    Lucifer_sam Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 26, 2022
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    I agree with a lot of the points that the people who say "yes" are putting out there. However I have my doubts it will end that much differently, not in terms of the mistakes you guys made but instead in terms of reaction. Why? Because I feel that the genral attitude in simracing (and gaming in general) has not changed all that much from one year ago.

    Even as it stands the mistakes you guys made with the 2020-2022 season pass are common ones that anyone who has created something has delt with in one form or another. The amount of sh*t you guys got was way overblown, don't get me wrong it was still a mistake but it's a very understandable mistake to make. That was rarely acknowledged, a lot folks just complained about not having a thing they wanted without having their mind open that there may be understandable (or even good) reasons for why things happened the way they did.

    In a vacuum a season pass is the way to go, but we don't live in a vaccum. Whether it be larger grids, multiplayer, replay mode, or even other sims the issue still shows itself here often, including within the Paddock Club. I just struggle to see how the outcome would be much different this time around due to feeling there is a larger issue going on here, but I do hope I am wrong about that.

    Edit: I think many of the responses to LeMans being delayed prove my point better than I could. There are many responses that are positive and understanding, but there are many that aren't.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2023
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Gazzawesty

    Gazzawesty Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 25, 2020
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    I think if a season pass was to be offered then it should be offered now before the content is released. If the pass is released at the end of the year most here wouldn't wait that long to try the content so would just buy it individually anyway. A pass offered at the end of the year whilst being the most accurate and upfront with content is too late. People will not wait a year and will just buy it separately.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. JustinCase

    JustinCase Member

    Jan 16, 2022
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    As the Dutch saying goes; trust comes on foot, and leaves on horseback. It seems to me that AMS2 has a bad reputation with a lot of folks in the sim racing community. And unfortunately it doesn't really matter if the critiques are warranted or not. You want people to buy your the product your selling, and for that they gotta be on board.

    Now with the upgrades with 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 and the amazing new content of the last years (especially the historic stuff I think), the goodwill is coming back. I'd say don't risk that by taking this path where you could end up over-promising and under-delivering again. Do you really want to be in a situation in December 2024 where everyone's like "I paid for a season pass to have Le Mans 1972 by now, and now Renato's saying it will be June 2025"?

    Just my two cents :) I want the best for this endeavor. I'm looking forward to all the stuff coming our way, whenever that may be :)
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  9. 3dquick

    3dquick Active Member

    Oct 30, 2022
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    I would also release a season pack at the end of a cycle once sufficient content has been released or at the very least confirmed 100%, that way there is 0 confusion. Those who don´t want to wait can buy the individual DLC´s either at full release price or when they go on discount. There should be the option to bundle multiple season packs for those who arrive later to the game and want everything in one shot.

    When the game release schedule is officially finished and no further DLC planned then one big all encompassing bundle would also be ideal, as was done with AMS1 and AC Ultimate Edition.
  10. Harry_Harras

    Harry_Harras Member

    Jul 1, 2023
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    I generally agree with the pro choice argument and also with the stated caution to naming the season pass ...
    Because I will probably buy every piece of content at once and money is not rly an issue, it does not effect me that much. But because I know I probably will back Reiza till the end of the lifecycle of this game and unfortunatly missed the chance to become a paddock-member, I would gladly see that chance (in any way, shape or form) coming back. Not rly for me, because as stated its not about the money, rather for folks like me, for whom money is a thing.
    Maybe there could be the possibility to opt in for lifetime for a reasonable price. Dont know how steam is working in this regard, but I guess some ppl would like that option.
  11. Mic5000

    Mic5000 New Member

    Jan 5, 2024
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    As someone who is new to AMS2 and does not know anything about historic context (what is a backer? why were people unhappy?), I found your DLC naming highly confusing.

    Why is there a season pass 2020 — 2022, but not one for 2023? Why is it called season pass at all, is it because I get the livery’s of that championship season? Then I understood it is about bundling DLCs, but it is very unspecific what it actually includes. Then I was afraid I have the wrong buying strategy and maybe buy stuff twice etc pp.
    All of this took me way too much time, instead of just jumping into the game and enjoying it.

    So whatever you do, maybe consider it through the eyes of someone new and clean stuff up ☺️.

    That said, I love the game and will happily buy whatever you release in the future. Just be clear what the purpose is. Are you offering a season pass because you need money upfront to finance licenses? Great, I understand and buy it. Are you doing it so I can save money. Also great, I do it!

    Keep up the good work!
    • Like Like x 2
  12. Rodger Davies

    Rodger Davies Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2016
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    This is a tricky one to answer. I don't really care for the season passes per se, but I do like when you bundle related content together.

    I have no interest in road cars, off-road or post-1980 single seaters, so a pack that bundles these with content I want doesn't really interest me; I may as well just pay for the separate parts I do want (GT and sportscar content, tracks from any era).

    However, something like an Endurance pass or Le Mans pass I would absolutely go for, just as I did with the Premium Tracks and the Racin USA sets.
  13. kkdrummer

    kkdrummer Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 25, 2016
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    Agreed. Maybe a patreon or buy me a coffee of some sort to allow ppl to make donations. Have joined as a backer before 1.0 I feel it is just fair for me to contribute a bit more on content and overall development of the game.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  14. Xzanman

    Xzanman Active Member

    Jun 8, 2023
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    More options can never be a bad thing, I prefer to buy individually but if others prefer a season pass then having that option would be great.
  15. biancazzurro

    biancazzurro New Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Despite this topic it seems no season pass will be available soon. New content is going to be paid individually
  16. Sparviero

    Sparviero Member

    Aug 10, 2021
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    I really hope in discount for those who buy new DLCs (eg. endurance pack, le mans) before reading this thread of a possible 2024 season pack...
  17. Benzaah

    Benzaah Member

    Apr 5, 2021
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    Can we get an answer ASAP if there is going to be the 2024 season pass or full endurance packs as mentioned. I would assume most of us have like me, already bought the hitech and historic pack so IMO having a 2023 season pass with those and the 2 latest DLC is a waste of time.

    I think if you are going to have a true 2024 season pass then IMO Le mans should be stand alone to help pay for the licensing of that, but the endurance pack pt1 should be part of either a 2024 pack or full endurance pack like racing USA was considering the rest of the full endurance pack will hopefully be released this year.

    I got burned before buying racing USA pt 1 and then didn't get any discount when i bought the full pack. Same with buying the old premium expansion pack and then buying the season pass and feeling like Ive wasted money as all that content ended up being included in the season pass.

    Money is tight for people so I just don't want to waste money buying the current content, if we are going to buy it as part of a pack later without any discount for previous content purchased. Its a sure fire way to annoy your user base to release the current dlc,and make them feel like we are not getting value for money when months down the track, you offer the pack when we have already purchased part of it.

    Love supporting the work you do and I will be purchasing regardless, but want to know ASAP what I'm getting myself into before feeling like I'm wasting money again.

    Regards Benzaah.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Seb02

    Seb02 Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2022
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    I have not yet purchased the hi-tech formulas and the historic circuits so a 2023 season pass interests me if the price is reduced.
  19. clunkclunk

    clunkclunk New Member

    Jan 6, 2024
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    I just signed up for the forum since I was searching for info on DLC and Season Passes. My vote is to ditch Season Passes, but create some bundles of DLC, which can be discounted when purchased together. They can be themed by decade, location, car types, etc.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Samanar

    Samanar New Member

    Jan 1, 2024
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    So when can we expect the season pass (with detailed expansions) to be available? At this point I'm hesitant to buy any new DLC that just came out since bundle is probably coming, looking at majority of votes here being pro. Would be great to know since otherwise people might just snag the latest DLC and call it done, not needing the pass anymore. Cheers!
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