Automobilista 1.0 not working - troubleshooting

Discussion in 'Automobilista - Help & Support' started by Maximo, Aug 25, 2016.

  1. Synthbent715

    Synthbent715 New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 20, 2016
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    Got a small update to AMS Beta today, didn't crash at startup, and all the cars and tracks are available. It looks like whatever the issue was with the permissions has been sorted in the beta. Thanks guys.
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  2. OleGreyGhost

    OleGreyGhost New Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    @DaVeX, @ Reiza,

    It seems this is a constantly recurring problem with the Logitech G27 Wheel.

    When I turned the machine on today, it polled the wheel. During the second polling, at startup just after the windows logo loads, the wheel stuttered & paused. So I knew the problem returned.

    The Logitech profiler showed the picture of the wheel in the previous post as the USB Force wheel for the PS/2. The G27 wheel was inoperative in AMS. It does not always affect the Keyboard.

    This problem only manifested itself after updating Automobilista from version 0.98r to 1.0.0r.

    So I went back into device manager, to further research the problem, & this is what I observed.

    With the wheel malfunctioning, I get corrupted USB input devices..[see attached]
    The PS/2 wheel is disabled with a code 22. The G27 wheels' only function is a wide open throttle.

    The normally operating USB input devices, with the G27 wheel functioning properly, look like the second picture below.

    These are the three driver files for the USB ID:
    hidclass.sys dated- 07/03/2013
    hidparse.sys dated- 07/03/2013
    hidusb.sys dated- 11/20/2010
    There doesn't appear to be a more recent version of hidusb.sys.

    At the MS site, while querying USB input devices I did find this:
    Touch, Input, and HID
    Hardware IDs for PS/2 Input Devices on Laptops
    It provides guidelines for hardware partners to correctly assign hardware IDs for PS/2 input devices. It assumes that the reader is familiar with Input device drivers and ACPI.

    It appears that somewhere during the communication process between AMS, Logitech profiler, G27 wheel & the USB input devices; the location address is changed from a numerical value [0007.0000.0000.] to a string value [G27 Racing Wheel].

    The only time the corruption does not show up is when the machine is not totally shut down.

    Hopefully, this will help to find a solution to this annoying problem...

    Attached Files:

  3. DaVeX

    DaVeX AMSUnofficial Staff AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Last edited: Sep 4, 2016
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  4. OleGreyGhost

    OleGreyGhost New Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    What you are saying sort of makes sense, but I do not have Win 10. Running Win 7, SP1. I do not allow windows auto updates. Hardware updates are from manufacturer only. The only MS hardware I have is the KB & there were no updates for it.

    The only thing I did was update AMS & the problem immediately surfaced. Somewhere in there AMS communicates with the hardware. With all the code changes Reiza is making, something could have been missed.

    I am keeping the wheel in the same port. The only thing is now it is occurring every time I turn the machine on. It is really annoying.

    I thank you for the links & see if I can fine a solution.....
  5. DaVeX

    DaVeX AMSUnofficial Staff AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    When you turn on the pc the wheel have the problem but AMS is still AMS isn't the problem, a lot of people not playng AMS have the same issue, thia the reason I am 100% sure isn't AMS fault...
  6. OleGreyGhost

    OleGreyGhost New Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    @ DaVeX,

    According to the links you provided & other info I read this should be a windows 10 problem, which I do not have. Reports says this was in the May 2016 hardware update. The majority of updates I received were security & .NET updates except for one windows update in June & July. I don't remember any reference to hardware, or I would not have allowed it. Will check with MS as to contents of that update.

    In the links they referenced Logitech software was changed to v 8.83.85 by MS. When I checked mine was v5.10.129 which I deleted & reacquired from Logitech. Unplugged G27, installed new D/L & plugged G27 back in. This cleared up the posters problem, & mine for a short time, but then mine returned & is still here.

    The driver file hidusb.sys dated- 11/20/2010 is different from the other two driver files that operate the USB input devices, but I cannot find any info to verify ant discrepancy between the files.

    I'll poke around some more to see if I can find a solution

    Thanks for your help...........
  7. Wombat

    Wombat New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 13, 2016
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  8. OleGreyGhost

    OleGreyGhost New Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    @ DaVeX,

    The MS update for May 2016: DST (daylight saving time) update for Azerbaijan, Chile, Haiti, and Morocco in Windows.

    I have my device install settings blocking windows update from updating hardware as in picture below.

    The two links in your previous post were very informative.

    In each instance, users were complaining the fix was not permanent. Whether it was the video from the previous post, which did not clear up the problem for me either, or to Logitech users complaining the wheel driver cleaner worked, but then the problem returned with the next re-boot.

    Poking around the MS site for an answer to the driver file dates was fruitless. I had better luck poking around in my computer.

    In the registry, I found these device IDs':
    usb/vid_046&PID_c294----Logitech Driving Force USB
    usb/vid_046&PID_c29b----Logitech G27 Wheel USB

    An error changing the "4" for a "b" while the program & drivers are communicating would certainly create this type of havoc. Plus there were approximately a dozen other entries in the registry referencing the Driving Force wheel as if it were installed on my computer. These are called "ghost entries". {see below}

    From all the information gathered, I devised this cleaning routine:

    1. Disconnect the Wheel (Power & USB)
    2. Uninstall all Logitech gaming software (use Control Panel)
    3. Run the Wheel Cleaner Software {NOTE: Neither process removes any registry entries, which leaves the "ghosting entries" that can still interact with the hardware.}.

    This step is optional, but guarantees no recurring problem!!!! Proceed at your own risk!!!!!
    4. Run regedit.exe {only if you are confidant in using this software.!!}
    a. Search for "logitech" - Delete any reference to Driving Force wheel {approx 12}
    b. Search for "c294" - Delete { first entry should remove second entry}
    c. Search for "driving force" - You should not find any references left in registry. {ghost entries}
    You can turn your computer into a large brick..!!!!!

    5. Shut down & re-boot computer. { for uninstall & edits to take effect }
    6. Download Logitech Gaming Software from:
    G27 Racing Wheel - Logitech Support
    7. Install Logitech gaming software 5.10 version (not anything by Microsoft)
    8. Connect wheel into USB 2.0 port {recommended} when prompted during installation
    9. Back to enjoying the racing.

    My Problem is solved!! Hope this helps anyone else that develops this problem.

    I want to thank Jacob Klein & Brandon B plus all the other users for their input & comments.

    And a very special Thanks to DaVeX for pointing me in the right direction......

    Attached Files:

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  9. OleGreyGhost

    OleGreyGhost New Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    AMS just happened to be the first program I used which triggered the problem. Since I just upgraded to v1.0, I erroneously assumed AMS caused the problem.
    It was the only change made to my system in more than a week. (win security updates).
    I was using AMS v0.9.8r extensively for the last week w/o any problems.

    From everything I read, I now believe that this is an issue between MS & Logitech.

    I blocked windows from updating my hardware & the profiler software was v5.10 (no change since installation 3 yrs ago).

    The only thing I can figure is MS piggy-backed this upgrade onto one of their security updates.

    Thanks for taking the time to assist with clearing up this problem...........
  10. BassCabMan

    BassCabMan New Member

    Aug 26, 2016
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    Updated windows 7 to service pack 1 and It still wont work!

    Problem signature:

    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
    Application Name: AMS.exe
    Application Version:
    Application Timestamp: 57cd816e
    Fault Module Name: AMS.exe
    Fault Module Version:
    Fault Module Timestamp: 57cd816e
    Exception Code: c00000fd
    Exception Offset: 00ea6fd6
    OS Version: 6.1.7600.
    Locale ID: 2057
    Additional Information 1: d668
    Additional Information 2: d668d97aa319b8e54417c4606cdf1e54
    Additional Information 3: b826
    Additional Information 4: b8266c4249bcefc4be7269069f342134
  11. Kevin Pheiffer

    Kevin Pheiffer Owner of Shadowracingrsa

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Have you deleted your profile folder? Run as admin? File integrity check?
  12. Craig Patteson

    Craig Patteson New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    hey guys can anyone help me for the past few weeks AMS has been crashing on me at random times online offline from changing control settings going from warmup to race

    ive included a link with a image of what happens when the game crashes

  13. Valber Carvalho

    Valber Carvalho New Member

    Nov 19, 2016
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    Meu game não atualizou para a versão 1.1.5, o que devo fazer?
  14. Erick Goldner

    Erick Goldner Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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  15. Valber Carvalho

    Valber Carvalho New Member

    Nov 19, 2016
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    Hi Eri, i am using version 1.1.1, do I have to add some DLC to upgrade to version 1.1.5? Tks! print_AMS.jpg
  16. Erick Goldner

    Erick Goldner Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    No, with this option you're forcing the game to be on this version!

    Just select NONE (i believe it's the first option on the combo) and it will Auto update to last version!
  17. Valber Carvalho

    Valber Carvalho New Member

    Nov 19, 2016
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    Tks Erick!! Game updated. OK!! V1,1,5 Yes.
  18. Steven Luppino

    Steven Luppino New Member

    Dec 14, 2016
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    All I did was right click properties on "AMS.exe", tick compatible for Vista, and run as administrator, click OK, then run from Steam Client and the game starts up fine.

    Only, after running it, time after time, picking cars and watching it crash over and over again, to find after looking through the folders you had .gen and .hdv files missing, no wonder.

    Where are they supposed to be located?
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2016
  19. Rafael Pedrozo

    Rafael Pedrozo New Member

    Jun 29, 2017
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    Estou com esse problema !!
    Assinatura do problema: Nome do Evento de Problema: APPCRASH Nome do Aplicativo: AMS.exe Versão do Aplicativo: Carimbo de Dados / Hora do Aplicativo: 592bd623 Nome do Módulo de Falhas: AMS.exe Versão do Módulo de Falhas: 2.0 .0.0 Carimbo de Dados / Hora do Módulo de Falhas: 592bd623 Código de Exceção: c00000fd Deslocamento de Exceção: 00f12fd6 Versão do sistema operacional: 6.1.7600. Identificação da Localidade: 1046 Informações Adicionais 1: d668 Informações Adicionais 2: d668d97aa319b8e54417c4606cdf1e54 Informações Adicionais 3: 10e9 Informações Adicionais 4: 10e99b7a75ce9a645f0e8e7e0f9927a0

    Tenho inumeros jogos project cars, gameroom e nenhum do problema !! Ja tentei como administrador, ja troquei como versao beta !!! erro no comeco
    ja entrei com compatibilidade do win xp , deste jeito eu entro no jogo , mais so aparece a pista de caruaru e na hora de carregar da o mesmo erro APPCRASH Nome do Aplicativo: AMS.exe !

    Teria algum arquivo com erro que eu possa substituir ? pois eu nunca vi isso !!

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