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Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    You are, as did I.
  2. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    There are definitely differences even among the same manufacturer. Not only do Fanatec DD wheels not respond the same to various variables as the belt wheels, even different versions of the "same" wheel (e.g., the CSW v1 is quite different from v2/v2.5) respond quite differently. Found that out the hard way with my CSW over the years with multiple sims.
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  3. Aza340

    Aza340 Active Member

    May 18, 2020
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    Ah thanks good to know .
  4. Erik Geelhuijzen

    Erik Geelhuijzen Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 7, 2019
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    The version 'Keep It To Yourself' is very good for me on my trusty old G25. Using 90/80/40 and altered the file a bit to experience stronger feedback from the kerbes; changed kerb_scale to 0.7 and changed wheeltype_g25_g27_g920 to 1.0 obviously. Feeling some good resistance in corners, letting me know when I'm oversteering and that is very important for me driving the Stock V8. Thank you guys for your efforts, it is very much appreciated. It gives me the certainty that if for some reason Reiza drops the ball on FFB there will always be a solution provided by you guys. Adding so much value to this already superb game. Thanks again!
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2020
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  5. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    * Center enhance: more relaxed & working on pre lfb force.
    * Center enhance: enabled experimentally again.
    * Road rumble scale by # wheels on the road.
    * Slight scrub variations depending on road surface.
    * Scrub disabled for individual wheels off the road.
    * kerb_scale at 0.7 for g-series.

    Scrub now is not active off the road & all wheels count for both front & rear effect variations.

    Enabling center enhancement again as an experiment - Please comment how you find it, both in case you like it or not.

    Since the center enhancement is enabled, remember to turn down the Lfb to fit. Otherwise you might think it too much.

    Custom ffb file attached: "Slippery Slope":

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jun 3, 2020
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  6. Slapshot82

    Slapshot82 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Is this center enhancement the same one that was put into a previous file (Attack on Tighten, I think) to tighten up the wheel for the car's with lighter steering?
  7. NuScorpii

    NuScorpii Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2020
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    No, that was an inbuilt function for which there is no documentation.

    I tried to see what the differences were between Kerb Your Enthusiasm and the latest files but there is so much stuff in there now it's really difficult. One thing that I did notice that might make the difference for you is the details_boost_smooth_value. It's now set to 0.002 but in the old file it was set to 0.0075. Try setting some values in between and see if it helps?

    I might go back to something like the old file and add some of the new stuff but keep it simple. There's too much complexity now IMHO.
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  8. Alegunner68

    Alegunner68 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 21, 2019
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    Looking forward to trying these latest files at the weekend, too tired during the week now I'm back in work:(
  9. Slapshot82

    Slapshot82 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Thanks man for taking a look! I spent a good while comparing the files as well - I'm a design engineer by trade, not software! - but like you stated, there is so much different in these files now that I couldn't come up with much of anything, really. I'll definitely give your recommendation a try.

    I'm currently in the process of again enabling/disabling each individual enhancement to see if I missed something from before that might bring the feel closer to before. Currently, just dropping in a file and enabling the T300 option doesn't really improve the FFB much over the Reiza's Default, as there is practically zero braking scrub felt with the default settings of 75/50/50. The wheel feels quite similar to the Old Default actually, but without the LFB bug that caused the centering issue. All of the strong forces are coming thru loud and clear, but a lot of the details are being overcome. Decreasing Gain/LFB doesn't seem to bring them into a closer balance either.

    I'm curious about the (road_grip_rack_max_effect 0.6) setting. What forces does this setting scale?

    Thanks again guys for all your hard work!
  10. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    "road_grip_rack_max_effect" defines how much the rack can loosen based on road surface. It only makes a difference to change it if the road grip effect is enabled(it's disabled by default).
    Its an experimental effect that I like, but most might not. The value of 0.6 is def. on the very high side but since it's disabled anyways....

    Reg. T300, there currently are no changes done by selecting that wheel, so any values or enabling/disabling of features that are good are very welcome and will be added in.

    Last edited: Jun 3, 2020
  11. Slapshot82

    Slapshot82 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Thanks @Karsten Hvidberg - I thought this might be the case, but I wanted to make sure. I tried to tweak the scale with the effect enabled and did notice a difference when the value was adjusted. I just wanted to make sure that it didn't have an overall effect elsewhere without the setting enabled.

    So far, about the only thing I've narrowed down is that the center_enhance seems to not be good for the T300. :confused:
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  12. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    What's bad about it on T300 would you say?
    There's a chance this effect will just be removed along with other old stuff if there's no love for it
  13. Slapshot82

    Slapshot82 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Last night I thought it was the center_enhance that was causing the wheel to tighten up too much in the slow/medium corners in the Stock Car and Super V8, but this isn't the case. When comparing the Default against the Custom file, it's definitely something in the Reiza code that causing this, as it's much worse when using the Default setting. Directly testing the center_enhance against this issue, it doesn't have an effect with the wheel weight in the corners where I notice this the most.

    I'll be honest, I'm having a hard time being able to tell the difference between most of the enchantments. It's been a rough week and maybe my head is down the rabbit hole today, but I'm just not able to differentiate the differences between most of them. Kerbs, road undulations/bumps all feel great with this file for sure, it's just the tire grip details under braking/acceleration at load that I can't seem to get right. I think I'm going to call it a night and give it another go tomorrow.
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  14. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    The center enhancement caused details to be boosted right around center, which made the center feel a little less "equal" in details.

    * Center enhance fix so details boosting is not affected.
    * Center enhance work on the full force, not on big rack force.
    * Simplification made it possible to remove split/join of rack big/small force.

    Custom ffb file attached "Equals":

    Attached Files:

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  15. F.Santos

    F.Santos Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 3, 2020
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    I haven't had the time to test any of latest files, gonna try to test this one later.

    @Karsten Hvidberg does this options affect or should affect the center at all?
    (road_details_grip_feel_enhance 0.0) # Experimental feel of grip based on speed & road surface
    (road_bumps_mid_size_enhance 0.0) # Seems to be good on csw wheels bases?
    (road_soft_bumps_enhance 0.0) # Not sure this is ever used any more.
  16. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    Hey Santos,

    No, they should not.
    But the details grip effect affects the wheel in any position, where it will loosen it up on more rough surfaces.
    IF you enable & happen to like that effect, but think it's too much, you can change "road_grip_rack_max_effect" to something lower than the default 0.6.

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  17. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    Hi Blanes,


    How do you feel the center enhancement now after the last 3 updates?
    Curious as it's been relaxed as well as improved since. I would specially like to hear your opinion based on the latest "Equals", just posted before.
    Also, what value changes do you make in the file for your Accuforce specifically and what are your in-game Lfb and fx set at?

    Last edited: Jun 4, 2020
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  18. Jean-Yves Mercy

    Jean-Yves Mercy Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 5, 2018
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    Hello @Karsten Hvidberg and @NuScorpii,

    I tested your last two files, Spin Spin Sugar and Equals.

    I find them both very good, I have no problems with my Fanatec CSW.

    But there is a problem with Karts and Super Karts.
    There's a huge weight in the steering wheel, constant resistance.

    Karsten on your "Unfortunate Circumstances" file, I didn't have that problem.
    If it helps. Thank you for your work.
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  19. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    Thank you!

    Maybe disabling the gyro effect helps?
    If that is so, we will fix it, should be simple.

    Last edited: Jun 4, 2020
  20. Jean-Yves Mercy

    Jean-Yves Mercy Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 5, 2018
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    yes, with (gyro_enhance 0.0) it's good.
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