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Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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  2. Harald Loch

    Harald Loch HarryHole AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    Thx, Karsten.
    So it would be helpful to give a go here as soon as Domago fixed it. Otherwise we have to try this with every update in the beta. I´ve done so with the updates in the last two hours with no success. It´s a little bit annoying to do it that way.
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  3. samyrden

    samyrden New Member

    Apr 4, 2020
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    @Karsten Hvidberg
    Thanks so much for your work here. Been following along for ages, v50 is something special on my DD1.

    I’m curious if the breakthroughs you and the group have made will be directly portable to PCars 2? It would be a wonderful thing.

    I’ll admit I’ve been refreshing the PC2 custom FFB race department page for a while now hoping it might get an update :)

    Don’t want to push my luck, understanding this is a passion project on your end... but very curious if the parameters will be able to carry over potentially someday.
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  4. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    i t
    I tried a bit of copy and paste work to port new stuff to pc2 file but wasn’t successful.
    some of this stuff is based of reiza involvement and the physics are different. karsten will make it work one day , requires some higher iq than me .
  5. Michael Enright

    Michael Enright Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2019
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    @Karsten Hvidberg Did Reiza give you any clues on what broke your Silver Raw files, and if they will be fixing any time soon? Or is it going to be left up to you to fix, again? Hopefully they will fix, soon. Thanks mate, keep 'em coming.
  6. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    The PC2 file has not been updated for a little while since we have been aiming to get the AMS2 version better and still are working on v51. V51 is trying to make a big leap on all cars not feeling great already, for example the Mini, GT4's, GT5's etc.. Hopefully this will mean the cars that are great already get a slight improvement as well, we will see.
    Some further tweaks are required and then adjustments and fine tuning.
    Plan is then to improve the PC2 file too, to the extend possible :)
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  7. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    Yes, I have been informed what is likely the issue but we have no final conclusion yet. It's a pretty small, but very important piece that's def. changed & it is being changed back, so should be just a matter of that code change to make it to a beta release. So I hope it will just automatically work later today or so. Worst case I should be able to work around it.
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  8. Chip

    Chip Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 22, 2020
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    Random question: If you have a fresh install of AMS2 and do not change anything the AMS2 folder on your PC, and then select the "Custom" FFB profile in-game, is it any different than the "Default"? If so, how?
  9. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    Hey Chip,

    Yes, it is an old version of the Reiza FFB. There is currently no way to customize the current Reiza ffb implementation, but it prob. will change at some point in the future, so the original custom.ffb file will be Reiza's new default rack, I'm guessing.
  10. steve montuno

    steve montuno Member

    May 13, 2016
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    Has anyone tried the silver raw file with the latest update release ? i've not updated yet so i was wondering if its still working ok?
  11. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    It is, but also new v51 will be posted within the hour 8)
    It makes many cars feel quite a bit better.
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  12. steve montuno

    steve montuno Member

    May 13, 2016
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    Cheers mate ,,,,that's a relief .
  13. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    new default is quite good now. just the torque steering effect is a bit more than i’d like
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  14. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    v51 posted:

    * Huge thanks to @Panos Schoino for the final tweaks to this file & everybody else in the forum for all the awesome feedback to work from.
    * Also huge thanks to Reiza @Renato Simioni and @Domagoj Lovric for help providing valuable information making it possible to improve these files further than otherwise would have ever been possible.
    * Using new Reiza provided static weight value fixes issues where a car sometimes would feel a little different between session, coming out of pits & it was not possible to start in Default & then switch to the custom file. These new values fix this issue that has been impossible to remedy until now :)
    * Further improved rack & tyre calculations.
    * Fix to how tyre deform feel works.
    * Re-weighted values to make many of the cars that used to not feel quite good enough much better.

    Direct link: https://forum.reizastudios.com/attachments/silver-raw-6-6-5-51-zip.12964/
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2021
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  15. Harald Loch

    Harald Loch HarryHole AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    works fine on latest beta out of the box and is imo better than new default (which is really good, too)!
    Thanks a lot.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Aza340

    Aza340 Active Member

    May 18, 2020
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    I was wondering about this too . Only had an hour to test the latest update but noticed a fair amount of oscillation going down the straights in group c at Spa , not had this before and haven't changed any settings . This was with default ffb btw .
  17. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    i only had ten minutes myself, but didn’t experience oscillation on straight: just a strong pull under acceleration.
    i’d say new default probably needs lower LFB values than before due to split forces.
  18. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    with very limited testing . v51 feels great.
    more subtle than default but also very similar which shows the direction the collaboration has taken.
    I feel like default has everything. but is a little exaggerated in some things like bumps and self alignment including torque steer with powerful rear wheel drive cars. i think it’s using an unnatural amount of rear axle feedback.
  19. ToMythTo

    ToMythTo The Hero We Need But Not Deserved

    Aug 31, 2020
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    Sorry I couldn’t understand this. Can we switch between your file and default in the game without restarting or changing file name?
  20. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    I think that is a yes. I have been switching seamlessly it seems. But I am having an unrelated clipping problem with version 51 in game - it could be the red bar is just going off non stop at big turns. I use a tx wheel.

    It does not do that in default - and I can do that in the custom v51 with 100 gain in CPanel or 75 gain in Cpanel.

    Also there is no real extra or less feel with the wheel and its comparable to the default version which does not clip.

    Its not because of the bug that I say this - I constantly have my eyes on both versions and I can't fault the file on nearly all tracks but I am noticing some differences and some cars are not fully done for the custom file it would seem - but some cars like ultima racer seem unrefined moreso than previously I am guessing they are not updated as much; but I tried this on many f1 cars too and so I feel I don't know maybe I am doing something wrong this time...as I am playing with values and will continue to play - but go back to what I usually run, which was nice. I just think for mt tx wheel its not suitable so much. In contrast version 47 was highly great (I skipped 48 and 49) and 50 seemed really good.

    So unrelated to that this is a version/time where the default has become my favourite. I don't know if a dev will get caught reading this forum/post as its in custom haha, but I said it. Its a little more lively it seems but its not that, on which I am neutral - its simply more linear and refined just now and across more cars.

    I like both and heck - I use different ffb across different games and so its the same here. I will just say that ultimately default crosses the barrier for goodness thats for sure.

    I said once that I felt that less is more, and I think it gets the big ticket items right about driving. But I will stop pushing the cars now doing crazy things to bring about the red clipping bar (extra long turns).

    So this is more preliminary for myself. I think default is very good. And as for custom I am sure it just needs more updates or there is a bug. But just preliminary -default does not bring about the red bar and custom is a bit flatter and less linear. I think the point of 51 is to be less linear (am I mistaken?) meaning I would not like it as much anyway. Its probably down to the wheel I have, because at the end of the day I do like cool feedback but for my skill level (a notch above spastic haha) I really like the linear/progressive kind of thing and the 'holy cow man don't turn it too hard just now' kind of preventative feedback.


    I expect the 2 will just probably get closer and closer anyway.

    I also like the custom's center a lot more than default. Its not like custom went down 3-0 or in straight sets. But its pipped ahead a fraction overall probably; maybe it had more room to play with regarding physics etc, but the secondary reason I do not currently use it is the red clipping bar, pretty sure its a bug or just on the game-side of things.


    Well thats progress.

    Turning down all settings on tx, 50, 20, 50, 50, does not clip and feels ok and the center is there but not like it was. Really seeing default is closer than ever, but I am going to be bumping things up to get a slightly harder center and decent turn to give the rubberized feel. They were a lot higher earlier, and the track now is brands hatch and a gt3 porche. If I go on guapore I bet it will give clips at 2 turns of the wheel (maybe not) with such higher settings.

    Or it could be I need to use the medium file.

    Just took lfb back to 50 and center is returned with mild clipping if you throw it into a wall haha (on purpose) - but gee turning is different from default maybe. Its like turning using a turn-overdrive maybe.

    When did this sim become a slide/drifting sim? I noticed this on default as well. You can really push those cars round the bends now haha

    But at those settings its like 'drift on tap', you know once you break the center strength on the porsche gt3 at least, you can drift round a bend if you give it a little thrust in the right way. Its not too shabby. Of course this is largely a hang over from the bad old days of the locked diffs etc. And its a deliberate driving style as I am not breaking and turning, or trailing, just breaking then turning.

    I will drive properly. But any way now all the systems are more fleshed out - I do believe it to be a little disjointed, because I can see each defined system (turning, center, corners/weigth etc) fairly well as we all know I guess where to look.

    I am not sure default has this attribute to it, it seems more blended. Or my settings on custom are not on-point yet. Default would be the smoother in transition.

    So thats the thing, when I bring out the center like in previous versions its almost too defined. I don't know how it plays out. Maybe thats a good thing.

    This is probably how the Porsche should be pushed round brands hatch though. Its not real drifting, but at least I can feel where the edges of the grip are, where it goes away and where it comes back on.

    Maybe too well I don't know. Don't drive a Porsche.


    >>>>>>>>>>>>So I know what it is <<<<<<<<<<

    Its the ratio. In default its just better aligned than I could do myself. The difference between turn and center is just right - its substantial, and generally there is not much difference between default and custom.

    That default a gain of 70 and the rest 50

    If you speed out of the pits at brands, in 3rd/4th, you can do a jump. No kidding, before you leave the pit area, but not crash.

    On default can definitely feel the back end more - but on custom the back end is lighter. Think it was version 45 where the front I reckoned needed more weight going down hill at bathurst and a few versions later its longitudal force was altered.

    I am thinking the reality of the back end has been massaged a bit for the Porsche. Surely it is preferable.


    Finally, same settings, same default porsche, on custom, and its less inclined to drift. Its more sure going into a turn I would say, and it still jumps at the pit exit lol so cool. I would expect 100kms hour would make a car do that.

    There is definitely a lot more feel there, and control per se`. EG: you can drift from one side of the road to another and you can feel the road better. And going round turns there seems to be more definition, which means for me the points on a turn where you feel its doing something you could interact with.

    ^ Now, I can see the benefit to both styles, I would not call default vague, nor upon this kind of testing custom 'too much'. They are grippy tyres, but if anything my instincts are telling me it can't possibly have that much grip; which is not to say I have never slid off, but if you get the first turn right when you floor it thats good, the times when you dont/correct it you go off, so grip is relative. As if you can plan the turn down to the last meter. So I don't know - I think people better skilled in car racing than me would need to debate that and its suitability to a computer game, but its almost like both are needed. To be clear - I am not trying to do a perfect turn, just get an idea about too much turn and too little.

    So I could not devalue or dismiss custom or default now in any way. The last thing I noticed is that with the game in general, turn 3 on brands, the left after down the hill, it can now be taken properly without much hassle, and in line with what the AI can do.

    If there is a tick for custom I am seeing, not that default is without it - its that the game is not a limiting factor. It seems by now we are able to 'race' without feeling as if the water is going to fall out the glass, so to speak. Its more natural and less confined this version


    Enlightening: the ginetta p1 actually has as much control in default, as the porsche does with the custom. Its far more grounded, and has a real kind of heft to it... suggesting to me that they need to work the porsche more (but it goes well down Nord), but maybe thats how its meant to be. I got the sensation of speed but not control.

    So thats a tick in terms of the ginetta -and I won't say the Porsche was boring it was fun so its not the easy-pass of the ginetta p1. I do think maybe when I try the custom the ginetta will have super powers though. It was different earlier on Imola as opposed to brands now, earlier the ginetta p1 was as it always was, but with 70/50x3 I am getting a good base line here and the turning is neat as the center. Obviously my former settings were out of wack for this version.

    The Porsche's back end, its like the rear axle was not moving and it could be flipped around in default. On custom it was more present. This is why I have moved on to the ginetta p1. But overall I am impressed. Its been fun. On default there is far more precision in the G P1 interrupted by the torque steer only, so its not unfathomable that this is how it may drive.

    On default this drives better than it did on custom at imola. Not sure what I was doing. I exit out each time for a change still.


    All in all a lot of improvements all round. With so many cars I think that some times default is just going to be better for a combination. Wondering if tyre deformation was turned down or something/replaced, the rubbery feel is largely gone, but in its place (or the extra amount) instead of reaction it allowed, is more action allowable.

    So its pretty good. I think some things within the file are exacerbated but this is just the feel I get from AMS2. I could try an audi in race room and will be entirely different apart from being an audi. Or rfactor2. So it makes me wonder. What I mean by this is I think this ams2 versions are strecthed out of shape in some ways .,

    So thats not as stilted maybe as driving slow in ACC (where if you 'race' its good but anything else and the game does not like it), but maybe AMS2 is too lively still, but I would think it could be less fun without it.

    Before I thought it would be in the 60s before they get it right, I think now, they will be in the late 50s before game and files align greatly, and probably with less and less changes needed.


    Group C at Spa feels great same with nord. Ginetta p1 was good, and f1's were good. It came a long way in 3 versions.

    1st thing

    I am going to hazzard a guess, just trying Group C's at Spa, that default is tight and good while custom is looser. I feel as though custom should be a bit tighter. The gt3 porsche must be on a different base or something because it was vague until the custom brought it out. iirc. But that was to bring out it snap oversteer. Jury is out on that.

    2nd thing

    You can turn more on the custom. The default slower speeds does not turn as hard. Sub 80kms. Otherwise both offer more precise handling than ever before. Good thing both are accessible from the menu. I usually exit before using either one though.

    3rd thing

    The driving nuance and possibility seems to be at the greatest extent in AMS2 versus other games. This is a good thing. Snap oversteer on tap, do it, tight driving, do it, loose driving do it, its really show casing the game engine more. Slide round a bend, do it, drive the good line round a bend, do it, more than one ideal race-line being good to drive on = yes. There is more precision and there is also more possible/strategically viable lines on the road to drive along. This is all a good combination. I will say that sometimes though the above ingredients, at least on preliminary inspection, mean that sometimes the cars come across as super-hero's almost haha, you know what I mean, almost too good; but then I liken this to not seeing it much in other game's. So this is only a positive.

    I mean that if you are overtaking on the inside at spa, and there's a car on the right and you take the inside down a hill, you can pull that off. Other games would be uncertain doing that. As if they felt its wrong. Or there's not multiple race lines, or ams2 has too much grip. Whatever it is: I am talking about more useable driving space, and also more ability/capability from the cars, somehow.

    Fourth thing

    With the AI now doing aggressive over take moves, the ffb has made the game really intense, and if a car overtakes you at the turn onto the straight lol and they pop around yu and in front of you they are often not fast enough up the hill again and you can get them by over taking on the left, then right outside of bounds, then back onto the rest of the straight on the side road.

    Its made this game really intense. Especially in a v10 first one not the senna one/ mp4

    Maybe I embellish, but just did 3 consecutive fish-tails down the straight at Spa in the Group C Porsche, thats not possible in other titles, maybe race room, but AM2 has a lot more control. So thats slide back to left, then right, then left, stepping on gas; then ultra grip at the end, kept in control seeking that traction at the end each time and the sideways force gradually being pushed forward.

    THATS a race car... I am using default, which just goes to show how good the dev on the ffb has been; custom is still pretty much needed, so there's now two files car/track combo depending. I am going to say if only the game had this level done round september last year when people were looking for it to kick on.

    The secret for me swapping between them has been 70 gain in game (100 in control panel) then 50/50/50. If dampening is not on 50, they won't be crisp and dulled just enough to blend in. Seems anyway. There will be other cars though that require the custom file I am sure. I am spending a bit of time on default and its holding up well.
    But if you're on a tx wheel or similar, and you ?THINK? dampening should be more like 30, then by all means you will probably love it. I did not as 50 felt great. So this is why I use these settings, there's nothing wrong with the feedback in AMS2 as of probably yesterday.

    Revelation of sorts

    - might want to drop gain to 68 if you think 70 is too much. The one thing that I like about default - is its consistency...

    it was like this 10 patches ago. Anything over 70 made turning too hard. 70 is fine but you can get away with 68 and even 69. The difference is now my control panel is at 100 if it makes any difference.

    So they would be tuning it behind the scenes but the only one you saw was the ONE version with 100 changes. With custom we saw 51 versions and a change or two as such each time. Its no different to people saying they love the bumps down the straight - but do 100 laps, then ask about bumps. If f1 drivers could have less bumps I bet they would take it any day of the week, such is why I keep dampening at 50. They're still there.

    Whats this affair with the default one may ask?

    I think 51 is at the point now of a solid base, and they are complimentary to one another. So I think its a point to work on still. Default has come really far though, and as such I think 51 now makes a good alternative, more loose version, maybe less tightness at the back. Its hard to say - except each wheel needs the ideal settings. Or these files do not work including default (well).

    Which always made me wonder why games like this do not have a force feedback calibration for strength too. The amount of people over the years who got/get dodgy feedback in Assetto Corsa - its probably turned away thousands of players.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2021
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