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Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Downloaded latest v 3 of new naming convention and immediate knew it was exceptionally good, on a belt drive tx, I have it set to 75 gain, 20 lfb and 50 fx, 0 dampener (have not tried that power steering aspect yet, remember last time it was not my cup of tea) but who knows: Because I do not think anything needs to be said at this point, only a few laps in on a v10 at 93 spa exceptional A+ job. (first v10 in left most v10 list, f-reiza, with the mp4/12 selectable :: that v10 gen 1, first in list)

    Oh you can just tell this one is the goods and will be across all cars.

    edit: I lifted lfb to 30. better, not that prior was bad or nothing but more in line with the rubber is on the road feel versus vague(er). This is def in the zone with high speed turning in the v10 gen1 at jerez and I expect it will carry over to gt3 and others. May experiment with fx at higher levels as per above post but just on this driving experience with a wheel base here, I am at a level of immersion as such just focusing on the road/driving. Ah stuff it - will try 70 evenif I suspect it may unseat/upset this balance being a belt.

    Until now I also noted the bars 0-10% 10-20% etc are neatly in line, so 10% is low as you expect then next bar is higher, and next, and no red... its very nice and consistent.

    Edit 2: Oh no - well maybe a csl elite will do such a thing, but the fx - which is essentially one step down from an elite but rather the same - driving with 70 fx makes it seem like gravel is across the road, very coarse and not at all how tarmac should feel (maybe a go kart would feel like that with "fx" as I would imagine may be at 60, so back to 50 fx it is)

    edit: this all told is still very good - I agree the best yet; slippage is good, traction is good, the steering is linear and you can even adjust all that, any vibration is either the engine or the rack itself because in game its meant to be a metal object so its a decent feel versus it and the track, can really get a sense of definition and spatial awareness, a good dynamic range and it never gets blown out or muddy it would seem.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2021
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  2. Fizzy

    Fizzy Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    Did more laps last night, this time in Porsche Cup 3.8 at Interlagos.

    I absolutely love the new file. For the first time in AMS2 this car felt really great to me. I need to do some tuning based on what I’ve read in this thread recently, but it feels pretty great already.

    What is staggering is how much more alive this feels compared to the default. I would love to see this flavour of ffb incorporated into the game as a menu option.
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  3. Fizzy

    Fizzy Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    So I’ve made a few minor adjustments to the file and I’m getting it into a really nice place for my liking / hardware... I’ll publish my settings when I’m happy with them. The in game settings I’m gravitating towards are ~60/~40/~50/~50

    One thing I would like some help with please...

    I’ve been testing the Porsche cup car, and it feels really nice, but I have this feeling under hard braking of driving on marbles. It only really happens under hard braking. Can any of you clever guys offer any thoughts on this?

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  4. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Had some online races tonight where the wheel isnt auto centering at end of session ( I started race at 180 degrees lol ) and if I’m paused off track, the wheel pulling to either side depending on surfaces.
    Not sure if file related or not, but can’t say it’s happened before
    • Informative Informative x 1
  5. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Hey Kuku Maddog ... same reasoning here on G920 but with small differences obviously due to the different steering wheel and your own sensations.
    GAIN 62-68 (small indecision whether to start from the lowest value and increase it if necessary from the per-car ffb or do the opposite starting from the highest and then adjust if it is necessary to the downside, but it is not even a problem);
    LFB 20-40 (previously it was no less than 50, so it must definitely be lowered, but I am left with a big indecision, the lower value of 20 helps me with very swaying cars and with powerful low gears that slip continuously but the range 30-40 is nicer with most other cars which are very stable);
    FX 45-55 (before I used 65-75 but now the slider also pulls the road effects and in order not to have anmalie it is necessary to lower it at least from 55 downwards but the sensations remain very nice, no problem);
    Damping 50 (Now that I have done some testing, you have to agree that the damping improves the feel of the tire but also the 30-50 range is sometimes not bad;

    As soon as I can make up my mind I go to the tuning of the values, but being a new sensation I want to play with it a little more to tune the brain better!!!

    Great job guys!!!!
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2021
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  6. Shadak

    Shadak Active Member

    May 2, 2020
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    Personally I go to the heavyest car, like Formula reiza or V10's or something and tune the overall gain and damping to what I feel right, then go to GT cars etc. and see how it feels. We generally tried to make this file so that you dont need to adjust much between cars and at least on DD whlees it worked really well.

    FX being separate now I run at 30 as more than that brings too much road detail and it tends to drown the other feelings :)
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  7. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    There's a chance this is either scrub or tear effect that produces this on your base. I know Kuku changes the scrub/tear slightly to make it not do that for his.
    So prob. try and change this:
    (scrub_frq_scale 0.5)
    or this:
    (tear_frq_scale 4.0)

    Please post if you find what the issue might be, so we can change it going forward.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  8. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    I will take a look so we can have it not do that for the next version. If you happen to find the cause don't hesitate to post it :)
  9. AxisMagi

    AxisMagi Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 2, 2020
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    Karsten & Crew: Nice work on the latest upgrade, just now digging into it. Since the damping has changed to power steering what would you say is the best order of tweaking process to find the optimal feel? Like set main gain and lfb centering balance first with damping/pwr steering at 0 ? Then tweak the power steering to taste? Or do you have some other suggestions on the best approach for starting settings and then how to quickly optimize?
  10. SlowBloke

    SlowBloke Member

    Jul 6, 2020
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    Testing GT3 BMW all good at Kyalami but the Formula V12 I get a constant knocking with my DD1 even at 5 mph that increases as I speed up and is constant. Cant filter it out with the usual Fanatec settings FEI etc.. First time I felt this in any of the files.
  11. Shadak

    Shadak Active Member

    May 2, 2020
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    Just tested V12 on DD1 and all good, feels excellent actually. But I am on old drivers, I dont trust fanatec updates.
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  12. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    On the basic settings, I finally found the winning ticket for my G920 (certainly it is a personal opinion) ... :cool:

    Even if it changes little compared to what was written before I felt a big difference ... I had settled on the values 60-30 -50-50 and, even if I was amazed by this new file, I felt a little bit out of place (but I thought then I will fix it with the changes of the values inside the Karsten file) ... all the tests I had done in SPA Ibarra, Kansai, etc. o_O

    I found the turning point by trying again many cars at Nurburing which as you know is a circuit with many road disconnections, ups and downs, curbs, background road noise, etc. in short, it is very complex from a road point of view ... since I felt too many very small peaks and gaps on the steering wheel, it occurred to me to raise the damping a little over 50 to dampen everything a little more and then I set it to 55 ... everything seemed more homogeneous and without imperfections just a little flat ... then I again raised the GAIN from 60 to 65 and together with the damping 55 everything was perfect at Nurburing .... ;)

    I was left with only the center and the realignment of the wheels to retune and I returned to the circuits of SPA and Kansai which as you know have many long curves, ups and downs and changes of direction (especially Kansai) ... I solved the inconsistency on the wheels by climbing the LFB from 30 to 35. ..

    Finally I can say that I have finished the basic setting of this wonderful new melody on my pitiful G920 ... I remember having only set the titghten range to 0.10 and the falloff to 0.005 .. with the in-game values Gain 65 - LFB 35 - FX 50 - DP 55 ... :cool:

    Tonight we play and tomorrow we start to tune the voices of the file!!! :whistle:
    Thanks everyone for the tips I stole from you!!! :)
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  13. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Increasing scrub frequency to 1.0 helps for me in terms of lateral load vibrations through corner. It just smooths the signal of the effect.

    Tear is something I still don’t fully understand it’s overall impact, I’m not sure if it’s only really active in those situations where your dragging the tyres the wrong way after a spin or coming to a stop while sliding off track a bit, or does it have a bearing on the overall grip feel ?

    if it’s important to overall grip feel I’m reluctant to change it , as I can live with it feeling a little uncomfortable if I make an error and spin etc.

    I can’t say I feel the effect you describe under hard braking. Locking up (which is something I do a bit too often) feels about right, previous files the braking effect was too strong for my taste, and was physically pulling the steering away from the corner on entry , which was making entry very unbalanced. So I was turning brake effects down a full point, but it’s not so extreme in this file.
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  14. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    As an experiment; and I’m thinking back to my days with Logitech , I would be interested if tightening values of 0.16 0.04 combined with lower lfb gives you a nice centre ?
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  15. Panos Schoino

    Panos Schoino New Member

    Nov 21, 2020
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    Try FX lower than 30.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  16. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Yes I have tried in the past and it is as you say, You can play it. ;)

    I do not do it because my perception that I have of the tightening on the center is different than the one I perceive from the LFB on the center itself... translated I like to smooth the tigthen and raise the LFB a little.

    Regardless, your quoted values are correct, but for the g29 .... strangely the g920, while sharing 99% of the components of the g29, has a smaller dead zone and for example generate different lut files ... the g29 on average it needs 0.16 of tihgten, while 0.12 is enough for g920 to fill in the center ... I personally still bevel at 0.10 (or 0.11 at times) to sweeten and because I like to create a micro laxity in the exact center of the steering wheel.

    Same as last for the falloff ... the g29 had 3-4% while the g920 had 0.05% :confused:


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  17. Peter Stefani

    Peter Stefani Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 3, 2020
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    Absolutely a major step up in the rFuctor_3 file. The one size fits all concept seems to actually work out well. Most the tin tops were fine with the same levels, and the most of the open wheels were also really amazing, with only a few small in-game FFB level adjustments needed.
    The F-V10_Gen2 was amazingly detailed and controlled at the same time. And the Ultima GTR Race was a dream to drive.
    If you want to try it out for G920 or similar wheels, see below.
    NAME: SlvrRaw-rFuktor3-MomRk-6.0-Karsten
    DATE: 03-13-21
    IN-GAME START POINT: 66-50-46-58
    LINK: ffb_custom_settings - SlvrRaw-rFuktor3_PeterS_G920

    Hats off to Karsten and all that contributed ! A real game changer !
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  18. MJV_1973

    MJV_1973 finnish ed AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Fanatec DD1.
    Latest two version of Silver Raw, compared to 51 version I had raise FFB gain from game 33 to 55.
    I suppose this is normal.

    Thanks for your work :)
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  19. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    "Silver Raw - rFuktor 3.1 - Momentum Rack 6.0" - Mar 14 2021.

    This has been completely co-worked with @Shadak & @Panos Schoino.

    * High end file only. Please adjust for other wheel-bases & post so we can combine in one single .zip file.
    * Minor update to rFuktor 3. Values should carry straight over from that.
    * Adds more load feeling on cornering. Values: "front_tyre_stretch_feel" & "rear_tyre_stretch_feel".
    * Adds slight under-steer strengthening. This provides slightly more feel on center when the physics system slides very early on.
    * Adds front drive torque feel: Value "front_drive_torque_feel".
    * Activates "brake_feel" again, hopefully not too high.
    * IMPORTANT(repeating it): Damping slider is NOT damping as Silver Raw is rock solid. It is instead used for power-steering, the higher you set it, the more power steering assist helps on cornering.

    Direct link: https://forum.reizastudios.com/attachments/ffb_custom_settings-silver-raw-rfuktor-3-1-txt.13242/
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2021
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  20. Wakkaman

    Wakkaman New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 26, 2020
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    Kartsen big big thankyou for your custom FFB. I have a osw 30Nm and it just feels so good with your ffb file. Before I hardly played AMS 2, but AMS 2 keeps getting better and your file is the cherry on top.
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