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Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Made a quick comparison of the FFB between the new default and the rFuktor 3.2 (which still works fine without any problem) ... ;)

    I confirm that, even if the default preset is making further leaps, the rFuktor remains and is far superior (personal opinion) ... the default is still improved in FX effects and Road feel, but above all on a logitech basis, there continues to be a huge elastic effect and a exaggerated self-aligning torque both in oversteer and understeer ... and except in very placed and stiff cars, on these cheap steering wheels, with swaying cars, it is a constant struggle to keep the car straight, especially when accelerating, exiting the curve and/or changing direction.

    I'm making further minor adjustments to 3.2 which should make the wheel feel better for all Logitech bases ... I hope to have some time today to finish testing and get your feedback. :rolleyes:

    In the meantime someone could explain to me what exactly the 3 "tire_resistance_timing" represent with values respectively equal to: 0.000 - 0.002 - 0.005??? :oops: ... ok in the notes it is indicated:
    "#higher for larger time build up of resistance force. Higher gives less friction fell , but also more delay in the steering"
    ... but what is this "time build up of resistence"??
    Is it the time build up related to the increase of resistance in speed?? To the progressive increase of the resistance of the steering wheel during a curve and therefore to the lateral forces?? To the progressive increase of the downforce??

    EDIT: Or maybe they simply mean that at the beginning of the curve with a timing of 0.000 it applies the force X (defined resistence1_hi-lo_df), during the curve with a timing of 0.002 slightly delayed it applies the force Y (defined by resistence2_hi-lo_df) and at the output of the curve with a final timing of 0.005 applies a force to the steering wheel of Z (defined resistence3_hi-lo_df) ... and then returns to the timing 0.000 until the next curve????

    Thanks in advance
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2021
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  2. Fizzy

    Fizzy Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    rF 3.2 still feels better on my CSL Elite.

    I agree with Stakanov’s comments, especially regarding exaggerated self aligning torque on the default version.
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  3. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Must say, I’m enjoying just running the same tune day after day, it’s been really consistent, and I’ve only really noticed a small weakness in gain after update, but that just means I’m running less to no per car gain reduced settings.

    The aliens I run with a bit have noticed I’m getting quicker too, so that repetitive consistent feel is helpful.

    well done all
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  4. DaveC187

    DaveC187 Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    What are your in game FFB settings? I have CSL Elite also. thanks
  5. GearNazi

    GearNazi Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2020
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    Thanks for the share, and the work put in with the tweaks. On a t300 here....
    Feels great, rFuctor indeed! I could live with the default, but this one takes out all of the rubber bandiness(You can tell immediately you're dealing with a professional engineer here...)
    Even passes the 'let go of the wheel' test, where the default one would throw you in a left-right oscillation straight away.
    I use lower values on the LFB and FX, but I might play with those yet.
    Would you know the whereabouts of the original file, as in roughly what page?
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  6. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    you can find in second post on page 1

    @Karsten Hvidberg probably needs to have a clean up of post 1 with recommendations.

    my tune also has different tire resistance values inspired by alegunner , but I’ve gone more linear steps and it feels well ,, more linear :)
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  7. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    My last rev of rF 3.2 ... :whistle:

    I tried to stuff it as much as possible without exaggerated values to make the file more usable, both for my G920 (obviously), but also for the other logitech bases and so it should be even better for the G29-G27 and G25 bases ... it is very rich and seasoned and I hope you like it ... so in particular:
    - a tigthen "range" and "falloff" a little more full-bodied;
    - the values on the center and relaxation are a little increased;
    - reduced and therefore modified the third tire timing from 0.0005 to 0.0004;
    - reduced all 3 "tire_resistance_hi_df" to eliminate the clipping of the formula cars (V10, Reiza, Ultimate, etc.) ... only small clippings remain in a few curves and in very few circuits but not noticeable at the wheel;
    - leave all 3 "tire_resistance_lo_df" unchanged instead;
    - revised downward the values of the effects (after the last update) which, as a feeling, remain higher than before;
    - the gain was not increased (after the update it feels a bit more slack) ... doing so would require an increase in power stering and skip the circle of coherence;
    - the lfb brought to median values, increasing it further would create problems;
    - updated some explanatory notes in the margin of the values to be set .... I hope I have not written nonsense as my English is not very fluent (tell me);
    - etc. etc. etc. the remaining other changes can be seen in the file ;)

    Then "Custom" and with this starting value:
    GAIN 65 LFB 50 FX 55 DP 55

    then, in the car setting, use +/- % of Gain for car to taste.

    Note 1: For those very few car that are too swaying and/or with elastic effect and/or with mutch self-aligning torque, if you don't like and only in this cars, try to lower the LFB in the range to 45-40-35 to taste.
    Note 2: If it seems too much seasoned, turn down FX.

    If you can and if you want, leave me your feedback, not only if you found it pleasant, but above all if it would not be to your taste ... :eek:

    Edit: Sorry i have re-upload the file for for an incorrect value in the file... :(;)
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2021
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  8. GearNazi

    GearNazi Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2020
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    So what other title has a 117 page(and counting...)thread on custom ffb alone? This is why I keep coming back here.
    I'm going to read up some on exactly what does what in the file, what a luxury when you think of it eh?
    I've tried your iteration, since we're on the same wheelbase, but it felt weirdly light to me...o_O
    So I ended up with the one from Alegunner68, I seem to have good luck with files taylored for the CSL/CSW wheels. Maybe you should give it a whirl?

    Anyway, much appreciated there buddy!:)
  9. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Yes it is lighter and Id describe it as informative and free moving more tuned for faster speeds and aggressive fast wheel movements in battle. But then it should scale up with higher gain and fx. I just don’t go for extra exaggerated effects as more immersive feel can come at a cost of speed. So it’s a balance.
    also my wheel is slightly different as i’m running the lighter leather add on wheel and also i’ve done a ball bearing mod on tensioner/rollers in base so have less resistance
    I did try alegunners and it’s what lead me down the path of tweaking tyre resistance .
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2021
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  10. Fizzy

    Fizzy Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    Around 70/50/50/50. In game

    FEI = 90 and DRI = 2 on wheel.

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  11. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    Happy Easter guys, thanks for all comments! We could not resist an experimental iteration.

    "Silver Raw - EasterFuktor":

    This has been completely co-worked with @Shadak & @Panos Schoino.
    * High end file only. Please adjust for other wheel-bases.
    * Experimental update to rFuktor 3.2.
    * Less harsh going from non-grip to full-grip.
    * Power-steering now adjusts feeling of downforce as well as delta steering angles.
    * Removed harsh micro-bump coming from micro-bumps.
    * Again more center feel.
    * Adjusted lfb for steeper curve. Should help lower end wheel bases a little.
    * Grip feel slightly adjusted.
    * Brake feel stronger, but not obstructing grip loss feeling (on hard braking for example).
    * Scrub adjusted to higher frequency, as it seems to play nicer with some wheel bases.
    * Untested viscosity functionality. Comes with value "visc_scale".
    * Lower gain will allow more downforce dynamic range than prior versions.

    Direct link: https://forum.reizastudios.com/attachments/ffb_custom_settings-silver-raw-easterfuktor-txt.13750/

    It is somewhat experimental as it is not as well tested as the prior version, but hopefully plays nice. Nothing big, but should be a nice change in a few places.
    After this I will now finally next start assembling the combined .zip file that includes all files posted by you all. I will prob. take your values and inject directly in to this latest version, if we find it an ok iteration.

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  12. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    And when you think it can't improve who knows how much ... here Karsten & Co. put another flag on their collection ... ;)
    I really think that the experiment was very successful, not because it was upset who knows what, but because what was vague in the previous rFuktor 3.2 (if one can say so since it was already great) has been even better tuned in the EasterFuktor ... :cool:

    We were two friends discussing these files, of which I with the G920 and the other with the G29, but tonight a third joined the G25 in telephone contact and to do the tests ... we just needed to restart the game about ten times, inserting the values of the previous file one by one and decide if it was good or not, then go to the next item .... in short, always better !!
    But what did we warn?
    - the front wheels feel more in contact with the ground, they are also less elastic but transmit more information;
    - the transition from non-grip to grip is more highlighted and therefore more control;
    - the center is fuller and together with the aforementioned characteristics, we obtain that the entry into the curve takes place in a more homogeneous way and without jumps in sensation (from the straight to the beginning of the curve);
    - this time there was no need to change the 1-2-3 timings, but we confirmed that on a logitech basis the 1-2-3 resistances of high DF cars should be lowered by 30-35% to avoid clipping (even in 'rFuktor was like that);
    - lastly we managed to increase the tighten range a bit to 0.12 and the falloff to 0.0120
    - the value in game are all the same.

    LOGITECH G920 (but also G29-27-25)
    GAIN 65 LFB 50 FX 55 DP 55
    then, in the car setting, use +/- % of Gain for car to taste.

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  13. MCor57

    MCor57 Active Member

    Aug 15, 2020
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    Hello @Stakanov ! I own a Logitech G29. Yesterday I tried your file and I must say that I'm thrilled. I tried a few categories; GT3 (911, AMG, 720s), GT4 (570s, Camaro), F Retro (Lotus 79, BT44, Formula Reiza gen 2) and the Mini Challenger JCW (the latter struggling a bit due to its physics) . I'll try other categories later.

    Stai facendo un ottimo lavoro con i FFB dei Logitech, bravo! ;)

    Buona Pasqua!
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2021
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  14. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Hey @MCor57 thanks ... try the last my tuning of Easter Karsten file's is mutch coerent and with a best center.... ;)

    My prefer categories are:
    - All the PROTOTYPES
    - All the GT3, GT4, TOURING
    - Almost all FORMULA CARS*
    - Some CLUB CARS while ARC CAMARO and PUMA P052*
    - Of the two STREET CARS i like only the ULTIMA*

    *I cannot close the circle with the same general settings only with some cars that are particularly swaying and characterized by a strong rear slip when accelerating, such as FORMULA VINTAGE, CATERHAM, CAMARO SS ... or rather to be able to guide them I have to completely upset the game settings and also the values of the FFB file ... but I think it is due to the fact that the physics is still immature on certain aspects that do not allow the right use ... if you add to this that I am sick of the use of the H gearbox and the manual clutch, then it becomes even more complicated ... yes because I think that the clutch, differential and partly that of the suspension are the sectors where it is needed still a big intervention by Reiza!!! ;)

    Ringrazio per auguri e rilancio augurandoti il meglio possibile!!!! :)
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  15. tpw

    tpw Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Hi Karsten et al. Thanks for continuing to work on this important stuff for us. Just out of interest I switched back to default FFB and it feels like the steering column is made out of silicone rubber.

    I just tried the Easter Fuktor file and while in general it's outstanding, I do notice the return of the pronounced clunk as the wheel (TS-PC) passes through centre. Is there something in the file that can dial this out?
  16. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    What are your settings both in control panel and game, I sense nothing like that on similar architecture t300 base.
    Also to save Karsten saying it again, switching between default and these customs in same session can sometimes cause strange things.
  17. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    @Karsten Hvidberg @Panos Schoino @Shadak
    Totally amazed by this Easter special, Its so good out of the box, that I've barely made any adjustments. I didnt think there was much more left in terms of improvement, but its gone to another level again.

    I flipped flopped between tightening and not, but settled on having amended tightening in file as it was more informative at small steering angles , I could also enjoy no tightening and moderate 35-50 levels of LFB , but it didnt give the micro bumps and track feel on straights etc and was slower to signal turn in feel. ( which is a pleasant advancement in file).

    @Stakanov I played with the tyre resistance for high df , but it messed with the consistent feel between classes and felt less informative and linear , I found it better to just raise high df static resistance to reduce extreme loads, as I think they have the tyre resistance mix just right.

    Best Easter ever :cool:

    Attached Files:

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  18. tpw

    tpw Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Thanks Kuku Maddog.
    TM control panel : 75/100/100/100/0
    In game: 80/50/50/0/50

    I've been using these settings for quite a few months, they give me a pleasing sense of weight in the steering. I turned in game damper to 0 following rfuktor release to remove the power steering.

    The knock is barely noticeable in some cars, very noticeable in others eg Ftrainer. FWIW I noticed it immediately upon starting the game after after upgrading from Rfuktor3.2. I switched to default to see if the knock was present there (it's not, but the rubber feeling is just too much for me).
  19. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    I’d say those settings are contributing to the problem.
    try turning spring down to zero in cp
    don’t be afraid of power steering in these files . it won’t make your wheel lite or weak.
    many of us have found around 50 very good.
    I think your the first case i’ve seen of running 0 power steer.
  20. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Free speech matters AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 7, 2016
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    I haven't tried any custom FFB for a very long time but hearing a few people talk it up and also seeing the rFuktor (rFactor reference) i just had to have a go :cool:
    I installed the Easter Fuktor file and made sure to select custom in game, now i'm not sure what i'm supposed to change for my CSWv2 base seeing the "High end file only" part at the start of the download post? Am i supposed to read through the whole 118 pages to find what is needing to be changed or is it just try different settings until taste?
    With my current in game settings of 69 gain 0 LFB, 0FX and 20 dampening this Easter file felt just lifeless with a notch at center :confused: Is there someone somewhere with recommended settings for my base?
    I did raise FX to 50 and LFB to 25 but still unsure what is supposed to be feeling compared to default FFB?

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