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Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. Wilfred de Ruijter

    Wilfred de Ruijter Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 10, 2020
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    I would like to thank everybody who put time into improving custom FFB. Today I decided to go from the default FFB to the custom FFB (Rfuktor 3.1). It was a piece of cake. I couldn't feel a big difference at first. When I did a MP race and I didn't spin (which is rare for me :) ) I was convinced that this is better. It was easier to react in time to catch the car while sliding. and I also improved my laptime.
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  2. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    I wonder if there’s some soft clipping that can be added for Logitech, or maybe having increased master rack combined with lower gain might bring the low to middle force up but have lower peak force due to lower gain.
    Also velocity scale may play a part ?
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  3. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    I'll try ... it's an approach that might be interesting. ;)
  4. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    If I interpret what Bart is saying right, running with a free wheel with no ffb seems faster ?
    Well this isn’t something unheard of, it’s been said before that some aliens run no ffb as that means physics and there limitations aren’t a factor to work against you.;)
  5. GearNazi

    GearNazi Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2020
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    Outstanding! Very nice effort... Much tighter around the center. Nice and detailed with the roadbuzz. Works well with a t300.

    Thanks guys!
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  6. Micropitt

    Micropitt Mediocre driver doing mediocre laps AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 16, 2020
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    Hello, just wondering if there is a Silver Raw recommendation for Thrustmaster TX. I'm currently using the recommended Heavy Messing 2.5 from Jan. 21
  7. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    You can try my only slightly adjusted Easter special rfuktor tune, it’s in my signature and my settings are noted in file.
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  8. Micropitt

    Micropitt Mediocre driver doing mediocre laps AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 16, 2020
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    I will give it a try, thank you.
  9. Peter Stefani

    Peter Stefani Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 3, 2020
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    Velocity scale and lfb slider scale help control the peak responses in a Logitech, at least for me.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  10. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Give it a try ... let's take SPA (but we could do many other examples) and try to bring the Formula Ultimate with GAIN 65 LFB 50 and DP 55 (even if you lower them slightly it doesn't change) .... take the original Karsten file's Easter or rFuktor 3.2, also raise the velocity scale '... You tell me that you can make these curves without going into abundant clipping????:confused:
    I just tried this and the clipping is there!!!! At EauRouge, at Pouhon, at Stavelot, at Blanchimont... :(

    The same although less so with the other FORMULA, with MCLAREN MP4/12, with the FORMULA REIZA, etc etc. ... I don't know the T300 so I can't know it but on Logitech I don't think so !!!

    With the decrease only of the 3 resistancesHiDF (NO LoDF) in proportion I feel I have solved the overload and therefore the clipping on all cars with high aerodynamic downforce, without upsetting anything ... all the other cars are not necessary for correction ... personal opinion of course but the abundant RED bar in the telemetry is there!!!! ;)

    Last edited: Apr 4, 2021
  11. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    I tested with a formula reiza on historical oval , and at 100% per car gain ( which I normally would not run on this ) it was very stiff at max load and while not quite going into red bar, it was maxing out white bar just about and didn’t feel good for the motor.
    then I did what you have done to reduce the tyre resistance and it helped and felt fine, but then when I went to a GT1 or other high performance Gt style car, the feeling wasn’t as good as normal throughout the range and wasn’t as linear in progression. that’s why I reverted back to standard. And just added some static force reduction to high downforce and that was enough to contain the peak force.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  12. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Here is where the difference in sensations lies ... I with my Logitech on the GT formula do not feel noticeable differences with the reduction of the resistances ... probably because even if with high downforce, they are a fraction of the Formula-style cars with enormous forces and therefore also if there is a reduction of the resistances I do not feel it as in the formula (obviously with higher tigtening, lfb and center) ... indeed I must say that the GT especially the 3 and 4 (but also the GT1) are among my favorite cars ... ;)

    But ok the important thing is to have each found his solution :)
  13. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    But i have a dubt ... @Karsten Hvidberg whitch car are definied or included with HighDownforce in your file??? And which are the car with LowDownforce??

    Or is it the force generated on the moment that defines what function to use ???
  14. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    Yes, we have no way to know which car is used or how the flaps etc. are set up, so instead the downforce is calculated and if it's low it uses the low df values and vice versa.
    I hope this helps.
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  15. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    So @Kuku Maddog ... it is not the car or the theoretical power that it releases to define which function to use ... but the force/downforce that is physically detected ... practically all cars start with the same 3 timing and with the 3 resistances in LOW. .. if they exceed a certain threshold they go into HIGH and this applies to all cars ... so this anomaly only on the GT3s you should not hear it as it is only an intensity on the HIGH level that applies to all cars above a certain threshold ;) ... of course the FIAT UNO will remain in LOW :D

    And @Peter Stefani also the lfb_slider, if I am not mistaken it inflates or deflates the curve more or less quickly but does not raise or lower the start value and the maximum peak ;)
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2021
  16. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    the issue I had when running different values between low and high tyre resistance, was that it created a inconsistent feel between different classes, the total weight changed , even at low load down the straight.

    with the values equal the wheel feels consistent weight and resistance no matter if I’m driving a standard car , a GT or a Formula.
    The only difference is what you would expect as natural changes from one configuration to the next dependent on car.
    That consistent feeling helps to adapt to each car without feeling something is inherently wrong with set up or ffb setting.

    I just believe there’s a better solution there somewhere in terms of limiting the max forces to fit within you wheel strength. you sort of need a compression or equaliser effect, to boost the low to mid forces while reducing overall peak gain to level that doesn’t exceed max volume of motor.
  17. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Nice discussion ... now I'm just afraid of what Karsten & Co might come up with in the near future :p:D
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  18. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    As I read it the issue happens only on higher Lfb settings?
  19. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    I had a we spin in the new retro f1 on oval and despite turning per car gain way down i was still getting to strong peak force ( more than the F-reiza.) .
    so i put both my static reduction at 0.18 and it was much better.
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  20. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    With Logitech wheel with this optimal value of Gain range 60-65, LFB range 45-50 with DP 45-55 (Power Stering) ... and using in your file high value of Tightening and Centering .... this condition is the best for Logitech and is all ok except the clipping in high DF ;)

    EDIT: If you use Low LFB it is a little better but the steering wheel is no longer pleasant but empty and flaccid
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2021

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