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Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    You hit the spot ... I'm not saying it's the only attitude that can save Logitech or the low end, tastes remain personal and therefore must be respected, but personally I have always thought that the low end and probably also the medium cannot enjoy if first it is not filled uniformly (from low forces to high forces) ... let me explain better ... o_O
    Many prioritize flattening (flattening for stability and/or cleanliness is a mistake), then harden just enough (however they not see that hardening an emptied base creates instability elsewhere) but the gaps or vacant remains and in the end they can only accentuate what your head wants to emphasize to fill the same void (the angle, the slip, a specific sensation, road noise, braking etc.) ... this for me (personal opinion) is a mistake.
    With the first rFuctors (despite being vastly ahead of the previous ones) I often puzzled to reduce the oscillations, I was always looking for stability, once I had to lower the GAIN, other times the LFB, other times I crowned myself that the old tightning was the only solution, in short, I was looking for solutions able to fill in the gaps, but the variability of the old tightenig voice (for example) distorts the forces based on their position out of phase everything that was beautiful in Karsten's FFB files and I was forced to change very very much even the curves of Crossover, OS, DS and Yaw ... in short, it always seemed to put a patch on the holes.
    With the latest rFuctor the oscillations were first reduced a lot, then the forces upwards to the clipping limit were raised too much but in the end with the use of the "trail" in centering and increased scaling everything seemed to go in the right direction:
    (centering (blend (- 1 trail_scale) 0.22 0.5))
    (force_scale (* 1.8 (/ 0.22 centering)))
    The final act was the NEW Tighten that not only acts when the forces are different from zero, but always acts even if 0, and for this I have to thank as always the availability of Karsten and Shadak ... with it the circle is closed because yes can make the background of a wheel full and constant, whatever it is from 15Nm to even one alone of 2.5Nm ... done this (everyone can do it with its level even lighter but always full) add the effects I mentioned above (the angle, the slip, a specific sensation, road noise, braking etc.) it can only be a pleasant personalized dressing for your brain!!!!
    I hope that the guys share my idea that first you need to fill evenly and only then season in a personal way according to your tastes ... and this I think is valid from the DD (which almost does not need to be filled) to the lowest of the LOWs (which instead it must be) .... FORWARD EVERYTHING ALWAYS AND ANYWAY .... I AM VERY CURIOUS OF HOW THINGS CAN EVOLVE .... ;)
    Last edited: May 4, 2021
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  2. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    rFuktor 4.0:

    Thanks to the usual crew @Panos Schoino & @Shadak for fine tuning this one for high end.

    * Adjusted for more feeling from the front tyres stretching.
    * Adjusted for more front feel in general.
    * Other values adjusted to make it come together.
    * @Stakanov It seems the tighten does hit DD wheel bases in some ways, even when used only to a small degree, so we will experiment more & if it's possible will include it in the high end file in a future version.
    * Old values should mostly carry over, but if you want the most of it, make sure to keep the front tyre stretch value at least as high as is already in this file.

    High end file attached:

    Attached Files:

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  3. Great Ape

    Great Ape Member

    May 16, 2020
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    CSL Elite PS4; this was the magic sauce. Using rf 3.8
    Sen: 600 (yup)
    FF: 100
    DRI: -2
    FEI: 80
    FOR: 110 (might change that actually)
    SPR: 0
    DPR: 0
    BLI: off
    SHO: 100


    These need a little fine tuning for me.
    3.8 is very good, but reducing Sen to 600 was the winner; for the first time, I'm actually getting detail back from the wheel that I can use. Took the Porsche GT3 around Brands, and for the first time in this game I was smiling.

    I'd had the same thought today that I'm getting nothing in the wheel, and all of the cues are audio/visual but Sen at 600, I can feel what the car is doing.

    The only problem now is that now I can play the game, it's revealing just how bloody awful the default setups are; but that's a thing I can fix.

    Cheers for all of the work on these custom files guys, they've made the game playable.
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  4. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    No problem for the No include the thighten in the file .... it means that at present it is not much better for DD and for me you have already done a lot ;)

    The file 4.0 to be beautiful it is beautiful, it is easy to set and easily transporting the values of the old rFuctor 3.8 / 3.9Alpha ... but I don't know if it is higher ... maybe it improves the front tire stretching (and I think the file is based on this improvement) but a little worse on the roundness of the not very relaxed in center, over_steer, under_steer and the rear grip loose feel ... but maybe I just have to metabolize it and change a little bit the value ... o_O.

    Instead I don't like this line because the hopping returns on the V10Gen2 and the Ultimate
    (force_scale (* 1.7 (/ 0.22 centering)))

    I prefer
    (force_scale (* 1.8 (/ 0.22 centering)))

    Now it's late in Italy tomorrow I will deepen a little ... a good night to all!!!! ;)
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  5. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    I like how each new version is going in the same direction as my internal tuning experimentation.
    Look forward to trying this later but can see from reading file it’s going to be good.

    In regards to this tightening @Stakanov , i’ve not found it to not be advantageous on my wheel. it seems to create a minor click or notch on transition. I probably need to read back and understand it better and maybe see if some other values might work .
    I’ve been limited in experiment time lately, and trying to keep it simple for my possible tune posting .
  6. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Hi @Karsten Hvidberg @Shadak

    First thing i noticed with short test of 4.0 was how very light and low force the feeling of oversteer and when counter steering .
    There’s very little resistance to it and makes it easy to spin due to the back end coming around without much warning.

    Reverting rear tyre stretch to 0.2 helps greatly , but there may be something else needed.
    Not sure if the different force scale of 1.7 has a part to play or not yet.
    • Informative Informative x 2
  7. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    Hey Kuku,

    Any particular car that makes it most obvious?
    We did not notice this in the ones we tested.
  8. Eetu Peltomäki

    Eetu Peltomäki New Member

    Jul 28, 2020
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    This was super good! I toned FFX down to 40, because i felt the wheel being a bit too nervous to my liking, too much road effects. Otherwise it is great! Really felt well what the car was doing, kerbs etc feel real nice. I think i'll stick with this setting. I don't want to spend too much time searching for some holy grail.

    I use T300 Ferrari F599XX.
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  9. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Ginetta g40 cup , Gt4 super cup and the Caterham were the only 3 i tried.
    All what i call balance cars . very good for dialing in ffb.
  10. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    The force scale to 1.7 is NOT a part to play for this different sensation to spin without much warning ... this is only a different scale but (with this) the scale of forces is reduced and with the same setting of 3.9 return i little the hopping on the V10Gen2 and the Ultimate... for me 1.8 work good (personal opinion of course) ... but for this even if 1.7 just a recalibration would be enough (no problem to solved).

    The NEW front tire stretching value and the reduced over_steer, under_steer and the rear grip loose feel (with a minor relaxed in center) creates the different feeling and uncertainty.
    In fact, in the file, only the new stretching value and the abolished of these lines of code were made:
    #(FL_stretch (power FL_stretch (power (abs FL_stretch) -0.05)))
    #(FR_stretch (power FR_stretch (power (abs FR_stretch) -0.05)))
    #(RL_stretch (power RL_stretch (power (abs RL_stretch) -0.05)))
    #(RR_stretch (power RR_stretch (power (abs RR_stretch) -0.05)))
    • Useful Useful x 1
  11. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    I briefly tried this file too, and did like many aspects of it.
    it was better for me with tightening values 0.0
    but i think these t300s etc are far more sensitive to fx signals than most. I can never run high fx without being rattled to bits.
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  12. Panos Schoino

    Panos Schoino New Member

    Nov 21, 2020
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    Kuku, do you mind trying again with lower damping values (power steering), even 5 and below and report if you still get the light/low oversteer? You might have to run lower gain as well.
  13. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Yes that does improve things a lot.
    Lowering both dampening (ps) and Lfb to half previous levels works better without having to lower gain really.

    Last run was with Caterham at 55-60/ 25/ 25/ 20-25 & it felt good .
    but damper anywhere over that would bring on lack of feeling of rear again.
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  14. Panos Schoino

    Panos Schoino New Member

    Nov 21, 2020
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    Yep i noticed the same when we were tuning this file. With the SCpro i run damping from 1 to 10 depeding on the car, lfb 12. WIth the cat i think i was with 5 damping...At least by adjusting the damping you should be able to match all cars needs.
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  15. Fizzy

    Fizzy Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    4.0 works great for my CSL Elite. Probably my favourite rFuktor version so far. Only tried with GT1 Merc and P4 Metalmoro.

    I need to make a few tweaks (kerbs are too strong, road texture needs a change too), but the feeling of the car dynamics is just great for me. I’ll post the tweaked file when I get ‘round to it.

    edit: Running 70/30/50/50 in game.
  16. Magnus

    Magnus Active Member

    Oct 12, 2020
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    I’ve been using this today and think I’m happy to use it ‘as is.’ I’m running 70/25/50/50 and have loved the feedback.

    I’ve always preferred the MCR2000, struggling with the P4 Metalmoro, but today with this file I managed to put myself in P8 on the Bathurst TT leader boards with the Metalmoro - it’s been a while since I drove it but I think the improved ffb files these guys have provided have played a big part in me finding the way to drive it.
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  17. JoKeR

    JoKeR Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Using the 4.0 with the changes suggested by Stakanov here (force_scale (* 1.8 (/ 0.22 centering))), the file is the best so far regarding general feeling of grip, balance. I feel I'm fast with it, but specially on twitchy circuits I'm struggling to properly feel when the tires are loosing traction/spinning or locking.
    Few files ago I used to feel a subtle soft rattling when spinning/loosing traction, and a subtle loss of force strength when locking tires (the wheel felt slightly lighter while the tires were locked). This was really very important to me, because I'm using the weakest wheel (G25).
    As far as I know (i.e., nada), the scrub_scale and tear_scale would be used to enhance/diminish these effects. I'm sure now that I'm wrong, because I've changed the values like scrub 1.0 and tear 50 (yep, fifty) on file and felt nothing different.
    Can someone point me in the right direction if there is a way to get that behavior back or strong, please?
  18. Fizzy

    Fizzy Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    Here is my Fanatec CSL Elite tweaked version of rF4.0

    Only tried with 3 cars so far, but I'm very happy with it. In game I'm using ~70/~25/~55/~45 (but I find adjusting these sometimes helps with 'problem' cars).

    On wheel I have FEI at 90 and dRi at -02. I suggest tweaking the in game settings mentioned above for specific vehicles if needed.

    Hope this is of use to someone :)

    Attached Files:

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  19. Carmine Carpentiero

    Carmine Carpentiero New Member

    Feb 9, 2021
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    i would like a good setting with ts-pc racer, thanks
  20. Magnus

    Magnus Active Member

    Oct 12, 2020
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    Unless someone comes along with something that works perfectly for you I’d suggest you don’t be afraid to open the file and play around with it.

    I'm normally very cautious about editing files, especially ones where I have very little knowledge of the code or parameters. However, the guys behind these files have given advice for adjustments inside the file alongside those parameters you can change which make it very easy to make any adjustments.

    Start by trying the file as it comes and adjusting in-game settings to your preference. When you've got something that feels workable you'll have a good idea of what may need adjusting for your wheel and/or tastes. In the previous versions I lowered the feedback on kerbs slightly - on this version I like it all as it comes and have only adjusted my in-game settings.

    If you have a look and don't think you are willing to make changes that's fine but you'll have to put up with what someone else prefers.

    They've not just done an incredible job making the ffb, to my thinking the best I've ever felt in any of the sims I've played, they've done a fantastic job of letting people like me know what they can adjust.

    I hope you find something that works for you. Good luck.
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