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Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Its not crude - but it is a sensitive topic. This is simply not a project that needs endless nuance.

    I am pretty happy with the title as it is with the custom file as it is. Why is 1 guy out of 1000, just say, not?

    Thats what I had to ask myself. And I think its worse to leave things how they were than to have had this disussion.

    Think better of the file. And maybe buy a new and better wheel.

    Its not thread bombing. You guys can relax about the freaking title you know. It doesn't require the level of circle jerking that was happening last year.

    Some are simply too attached to the way things were.

    Reiza just need content and continued foundational work, some marketing or equivalent; and positivity and belief in the product being good from people, even if its as low as being on a forum.

    THATS why something needed to be said.

    The only other thing I would do (file is fine enough) is add the custom file 4.5 to the custom-default in the game.

    Thats the way forward... it doesn't need me or anyone to jump up and down, circle-toss each other about altering a little value here or there, it doesn't need wonderment or questions, or waiting, it should actually just be done.

    At the point of sale people need certainty and this would go a long way. Some think they're not just another f-ing sheep in the herd - but they really are. We can do without all the conjecture over how the file is meant to be lousy and in constant need of fine adjustment. Thats negativity and discouraging uptake.

    >>>> this is what you need on lesser wheels.

    Stakanov said:
    LogitechHUB: Last version with default setting 900° and sensitivity to 50

    IN GAME: 900° All deadzone to 0 and sensitivity to 50 except the throttle on 30

    NAME: Silver Raw - rFuktor 4.5 Exp4 - Momentum Rack 6.1 - Tuned by Stakanov for LowEnd Wheels and Logitech (G920 and G923/G29/G27/G25/DFGT) (Date 06/06/2021)

    In game setting select "Custom" with this starting value for Logitech:
    GAIN 90* [myself I actually use 95 and default control panel] - LFB 80 - FX 65 - DP (PowerSteering) 80.
    *Then, in the car setting, use +/- % of Gain for car to taste!!!

    Those settings, and with the 4.5 exp 1 (not the others imo but one may try) if you have a belt thats what you need to be doing.

    The rest - is bullsheiot

    Because the game is wow
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2021
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  2. Peter Stefani

    Peter Stefani Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 3, 2020
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    As suggested, please take your conversation to a PM.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Micropitt

    Micropitt Mediocre driver doing mediocre laps AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 16, 2020
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    Just tested your custom file with the recommended settings. It feels great :D
    • Informative Informative x 1
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  4. TekNeil

    TekNeil Take me back to the 2.4l, twin 50 weber days...

    Mar 9, 2020
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    Don't feed the Narcissist. Click his name, click 'Ignore'. And then 'Report' under his posts.

    Absolute disgrace of a human being. Shouting 'Autism', 'Disability' and 'Mental issues' all over the damn forum, does it time and time again and I for one find some of it highly offensive. The f**k does he think he is telling people what they should/shouldn't do? What they should/shouldn't own? Throwing around suggested disabilities and illnesses?!

    And then after the offensive comments, making out he's doing it with good intent. I know how you narcs work. He needs banning.
    And that's the last time I'll click 'Show ignored content'.

    Apologies for the rant. I may finally get to try the update tonight, and see how the FFB feels. Which may lead to testing the latest custom files.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2021
    • Agree Agree x 4
  5. Flow

    Flow New Member

    Jun 5, 2021
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    Hey guys,
    a little FFB problem. My Fanatec DD1 Wheelbase is set to 100%. In the game, the FFB is 45%. For example in an accident or offtrack, the base goes to the maximum and starts to rotate a lot. That's where it gets dangerous. Anyone with the same problem? Ideas?

    Regards Flow
  6. Boomer Studios

    Boomer Studios New Member

    Jun 8, 2021
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    My thumbs ached at the thought of having my DD1 set to 100% :eek:
    Here are my Fanalab Settings: My biggest issue is not having the understeer and oversteer feedback that I'm used to in other sims and real life. I'm hoping I can find a custom FFB file that will address this for me.

    DD1 Settings for AMS2.png
  7. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Hi Rob

    You can adjust the master road scale in main settings near top of file.
    Default is 1.25 i believe, but you can increase incrementally from there.

    # Main dials

    (master_rack 0.78) #Rack and road scale.
    (master_road 1.35) #Road bumps, details and suspension
    (master_effects 1.55) #Effects scale.

    If that doesn’t help enough you can do the same with master rack scale

    and as a final option there’s is perhaps some gain in minor increase in Texture scale down further.
    (texture_scale 0.32)

    This is basically just like adjusting internal equaliser for these signals.

    sorry for slow reply , been busy at work trying to earn enough money to buy a Fanatec CSL DD that isn’t freely available and fanatec refuses to ship or offer support to my country ;)
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  8. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    This is what I am trying to get across. And it causes us ALL to have a massive rethink about the game and the file. And our settings.

    -- I personally use the 4.5 exp 1 in its default state from Karsten but with stakanovs surrounding settings.

    I try to make no offence but its for peoples own sanity I need to bust through their denial about changing things too much - it soon goes awry since there's so many settings. I would put it to the experts to be closer, which is not to say they are infallible, but if you can beat that and not get mixed up over time, then thats stunning, but I highly doubt it, and the game is a moving target with development.

    If anyone is suggesting weird changes to the file, I would call that a big mistake. Do they even play other games, for example? I think they are chasing shadows and their own reference points are off kilter by this stage. Their wheel could be on the way out. They should upgrade in any event.

    I just played f1 AC dlc ferarai at laguna seca - guess what, with those settings, the 4.5 exp 1 (or 4 go for it) AMS2 is a phenomenon with the f1 reiza (second most modern one, standalone car in the menu). More movement, as much control. Its lively and its better, frankly.

    And I put steering sensitivity to 50 and throttle sensitivity down to 30 (was advised this and its great). Its a tx wheel and default control panel. dead zones are 0. If you have load cells you will probably have its own program to do things as well and they average for lcm's a bottom-off of 2, and a 'factor' down the bottom for me, of 80, so if I push down on the brake pedal it goes up to 100 at 80% of the pressure needed which is a lot as I beefed it up slightly but its so good. The above feels great to drive. If prioritizing, though, then buy a wheel before pedals.

    What needs to be done with people with is their settings or wheel is not up to par.

    Get a new wheel if the above does not feel good - the majority of people who don't own a DD will be within a year. We all have the means. IF thats not an option then make sure the settings are just like that and don't bother altering lower files, just use the high end file. The system is essentially like audio/waves/modulation. The high end file will retain its allure - its just limited by wheel tech. The pool of people using a t300 or a tx in the coming years will shrink. I could go on about a bunch of marketing and process/manufacturing things now but whats the point, we all see this happening everywhere.

    Its a waste of time eeking out another couple of percent for a particular car/track; the game is an iterative process. Heck I could name 5 cars which felt better 6 months ago - but we all know 6 months ago the game was no where near what it is now. What goes around comes around, so it will eventually turn.

    We can hold that opinion and leave the meddling to others and that must not be fun, because what is fun is that file, those settings and the game itself. I would suggest anything coming from a g29 or t300 is an error anyway. Thats not how one should develop the file, or us use it, and basically I think the creator of the file has it right what he is doing. Not only do the results speak for themselves, but the only ones having trouble are those in the wrong; and its mere perception on several fronts. Why try to alter things for example when the LFB boost does a lot. This for me was a thing - and I lowered dampening/power steering back to 80. Boom, done baby!

    (and guys like kuku who absolutely loves the game, if he is not on a dd wheel by very soon I would be surprised - what you see from people in market segments who devote a lot of their time to their hobby they always have the baseline/needed or otherwise good equipment because they can see the value in it thus making us make ahem 'the right call' at the time of purchase (point of purchase=whenever you need to make the brain make the finger give up your money, its a moment in time where the rubber meets the road, so to speak)...otherwise advertisements focus on making us think there is value in it to get us to make 'the right call'; but people like him have it automatically realized).

    (all I did to the f1 reiza [its not the ultimate one], is lower the front ARB by one notch, for which I use the keyboard keys /i/ and /o/ for the front and /k/ and /l/ for the back. No fancy setup in that case, /p/ is pit limiter and the /;/ and /'/ keys are for starting the car; if anyone is wondering why I just go on like its easy, I try to streamline things - brake bias is on the knob on the wheel, left is down and right is up and drs etc is a button - so I change these things per lap quite often)

    - so its a thing of beauty now this game. No other game would I race round in practice Laguna seca in an f1 car. As my tires got worn more and more I just adjusted brake bias and lowered the ARB by a notch as those tires got lower. FFB was sublime at all stages. The game is so dynamic now and I really think this FFB file is keeping up well with the physics and game. My sound for curbs is not out of sync either. And the pace was kept high. You can even see (now its past the point where in a race you'd have to go into the pits for new tires) your tires rubber being laid down onto the track lol and you drive over it.

    -- basically this is a great stage for the game to be in. I said no other game would I do this in, and its true. I did do this in ACC going round the one in the netherlands for like 50 laps lol and thats before ACC I realised how bland it was unfortunately. But as a driving experience it was real good then (middle of las year but not now as AMS2 came along), but I prefer AMS2, and I can now safely say its at that level where you can legitimately drive round a track 20-30 times. And be happy enough doing it. This is more indicative to me than trying to adjust a couple of values in the file ( or be very careful/make it temporary because it moves away from the functional greatness of the file). I think its a mistake to adjust values, just check your settings are complimentary to ideal.

    - the other cool thing about this, is you want to drive the cars for a long time which not a lot of other sims can make happen. If you set in your in car setup for the management to swap drivers it will also do that. Which is great for taking a brake in long sessions. In practice he will jump in the car and drive it round for a bit and come back into the pits. This ffb is that good. The game is very immersive now. Not to mention the landscapes and detail on the tracks such as the corkscrew sign at laguna.

    You will love it. And hopefully you read the above because you could literally save yourself months of effort.

    No. I am not that. And lets not get into pop psych too much. What you refer to is a common internet condition where people become a "vulnerable narcissist". It can happen offline too but in general it can happen in the positive and negative online as well; where it can be any form of cluster B/histrionic which we see in females more, but those neurotic things come out like attention seeking behavior, which this is not a pattern of over a long period of time. I don't have it in me. But pragmatically what people are doing with these files is being careless. Some more than others, and depending on how much leisure time you have. If you have a LOT then you may not consider 24-48 hours a week spent on fiddling with the f-king file a problem. Most people would, however. Thats different to the creator, its his work, but for those people doing it for fun, then by any measure that is a symptom of something deeper. Its not narcisism my good man.

    But with V-Narc's when pushed they become all sensitive and get on like a narcsisist BUT without the grandeur component - only the 'im hurt and you will pay!' component. This is not the case. Kuku for example is not that either, he simply became indignant, then he revealed as per my suggestion he is going to buy a DD wheel. Which is for his own personal best interests.

    What I am doing, is two fold - getting it through peoples skulls because lets face it, people do not heed advice at the best of times and denial is a thing when their experience with files is a dissonance with what they were experiencing - and we only have literature which is not a firm hold on reality as words need to be interpreted.

    The second thing is I am highlighting the value in nor getting bogged down by your own ego. Be pragmatic, be sensible. Be reasonable. There is only so much a wheel can do and these files when set up as intended do what is proper.

    If you put me on ignore this just indicates your 'special needs' space requirement and you miss out on a lot of good stuff. Look, I am sorry I am not there to pat you on the back to keep your courage and positivity up, but I would otherwise be, but I can simply not see to everyone. Kuku gives the most inputs, and it would help if his input was more true to what it should be.

    Now you put me on ignore you can travel through life in a larger cone of ignorance - I am not fussed as this stuff gets worked out one way or another for yourself - there is always a price to pay in time, money, resources, effort, people, etc. You do not find me on here 24/7 anyway updating people with my latest file changes (there are none), or observations (only at junctures). The game does not exist in a vacuum and its better right now than many other sims....what we find out there is that people are in fact saying this patch pushed the game past a lot of things. Check the feedback. The FFB is sublime (even on default), its a well done; and for custom people who like it different its a well done too.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2021
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  9. SlowBloke

    SlowBloke Member

    Jul 6, 2020
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    ahhh ignore - what wonderful functionality :)
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  10. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Haha. If you read my other posts you'd see how intelligent I am, heck if you were able to wrack my brains for five mins you would.

    As such I don't want you reading my posts. Also given the maturity of the ffb files now, with any luck Karsten can take a break from all this or have an easier run of it.

    Also I am so perceptive and learned I can literally solve patterns of behaviour in others to deter them and better their own ends just by how they come across. See, the pushback I am getting is token resistance. You know I am right but you want your safe space.

    You'll get it all understood in time, I'm sure. I'm often one step ahead. Don't worry I'm not bothered you don't want to read my stuff. There's probably little you could tell me I don't already know. It's better you're happy in your ignorance than upset in the truth. That's ok because just like politics some people swing the other way.

    Like a fiddle.

    Last edited: Jun 8, 2021
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  11. bandqit

    bandqit Active Member

    Dec 19, 2020
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  12. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    He is probably and it's a good idea quoting for the blockers to see.

    They missed the other guitar stuff but after a year of work the ffb is pretty good, keep the thread on topic.

    But a congratulations are in order to the workers, so celebrate with a hot blonde playing guitar. If ffb is modulation then so this is fitting. Take ones mind off our personality maybe, and no misdirection, just clarity, and appreciate the modulation, ya know, for what it is.
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  13. bandqit

    bandqit Active Member

    Dec 19, 2020
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    It was a gif of Donald Trump dancing but didn’t seem to embed properly. Didn’t bother trying to fix it as honestly your words speak for themselves
  14. Reiche

    Reiche Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 18, 2016
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    What are your observations so far?

    I noticed my FFB values in telemetry HUD being off from the in-settings values and skipped through the forums to find your posts as I remembered someone somewhere mentioning similiar observations recently.

    The placebo might be strong with me, but after really struggling to share the recent sensation around AMS2, I totally got it when changing the values so the telemetry/HUD values to match my desired values - it's a blast.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Karsten's file is not wrong or incorrect, even the two lines of code (mentioned by me) do their job and among other things I don't know if the bad guys from Karsten & Co have any changes to implement in the future related to the use of this incremental technique of GAIN and DP through the LFB ... I'm very curious to see future developments!!! ;)

    To date, I can only say what is certain, namely that:

    GAIN is = to (gain (+ gain (* lfb_slider (- 1 gain))))
    DP is = to (damping_slider (+ damping_slider (* lfb_slider (- 1 damping_slider))))
    LFB is = to lfb_slider
    FX is = to FX

    As you can understand by seeing above, the LFB value is also contained in the GAIN and in the DP, this creates a redundancy that duplicates the calculation before the output (in the case of the GAIN and the DP) and therefore a difference is created between the input values and the output values ... this difference is obviously great when the LFB is high (LowEnd owners) and it is small when the LFB is small (DD owners).
    So for example initially the file processes the input values (for example 80-60-60-60) but before the output, applying the two lines of code, the file again increments the GAIN and DP values and throws out for example 96-60-60-90.
    Only if LFB = 0 then GAIN=GAIN and DP=DP and input and output are the same!!!
    In the file there are practically two GAINs (80 and 96) and two DPs (60 and 90), one for input and one for output, but the output spits out only the last augmented ... ;)

    This also explains the flickering of the HUD which always calculates two values but obviously operates on the latter.

    If you disable the two lines of code but manually increase the GAIN and the DP as in the example to 96-60-60-90 (as if the lines of code were activated) you get the same configuration and the same result with no difference between input and output and without flickering.

    I am very curious to see what the Karsten & Co have in mind!!! :whistle::)
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2021
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  16. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    This also applies to 4.4 file .
    can comfortably run gain and power steering ( damp) at 100 each at default 100 per car gain .
    actually feels very natural on Gt cars.
    I would actually suggest this as a great starting point for new users to take some of the guessing work out.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Yes all files after 4.3 … 4.4, 4.5 Exp 1,2,3 …;)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Ricardo Maya

    Ricardo Maya New Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    Hey Guys, im also a owner of a CSW ClubSport 2.5 Wheel base and found a bit lacking on detail using the 4.4, anyone using the 4.5 with this Wheel base ? And what settings ?
  19. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Bandquit, my words do speak for themselves. Oh - so the hot blonde was not hot enough for you? You didn't go and chill out, with er, modulation? Right... you probably need to chill out.

    have you ever ridden a motorbike for 5 hours straight and the vibrations on the v-twin are making your whole body numb, first through your wrist, then your lower arm, then your crutch, then your legs - well the 'bumps' some guys are chasing on here, is over rated. The 4.5 exp 1 file was really good. Otherwise simply I think if people want more detail, they need a better wheel, which they are doing. Some guys may say oh well go for the inline 4, yeah guess what some of those are vibration machines as well.

    If you want speed you can have it - from something that sounds like a lawnmower, you can get up there in 3 seconds flat. Go try it. Then tell me about bumps.

    The only thing I am looking at with these wonderful (the mainstream ones) files is how they do in COMPUTER GAMES.

    great work fellas.

    People don't have any reference points of proper note and the kiwi guy is not even good at math. If it were up to the mad kiwi guy and people like yourself we'd be left with a file that was too bumpy and did fk all of next to nothing. I had to turn up and point out, no the bumps are not cool and aim for something like raceroom and others. I said aim for a game that was between raceroom and Rf2 and go from there - THIS WAS DONE.

    Oh! Then when I point out the business case merits of this very thing, it happens to be in line with the developers desire to 1 make a quality game, 2 extract a couple hundred dollars from your wallet with a quality title so they can earn a salary for a few years, build a bigger studio, get a brand-name, pay back ian bell probably, AND make a profit. If you sell 50,000 at 50 dollars, you have 2.5 million, so I am not talking chump change - you think I am going to 'play round' with that crap??? For heavens sake - they're spending half of that as we speak, got to pay staff and overheads, market etc, any business can spend up to 50% or more on marketing, and 40% on staff or more, so the game has to get to a point within a timeframe.

    But no - according to you - this whole thing is about your FFB preference, your desire to see people like me 'put down', and whatever else.

    The truth is the file in the 4's did not start getting good/next level until 4.5 and they are even better now the game is in the place it is in.

    Look - my suggestions (or my preference in racing games) is actually 3 times as popular as the game was 12 months ago after a non-increase in all that time. I am talking about the developers plans were in line with what my suggestions were - I am not claiming "i made this game" no... what I was saying was at odds with what people were saying. The truth is you don't know what product you want until Renato puts it in front of you.....

    Its as simple as that. I am a high level thinker. No, I am not the donald. Guys a low level thinker who can do high level things. Yuh - its not a put-down. I don't see the need to try to pull others down just to make myself feel better!

    You have helped make a good file, god - even the crazy kiwi guy (kuku=crazy/mad=crazy its no coincidence its a good name though), even he, and Karsten etc of course, but the truth is about the file, most people don't run the correct settings. For lower wheels lfb 80 is the spot. If people were paying attention to stakanov they would have input those numbers. We all know why you don't want to pay attention to me, you think the message is bad from me or wrong, etc. I couldn't care. The high-level things I seek in quality and sellable titles is what I am most concerned about. If the game wasn't good and this file was naff - I would not be here p!ssing in people's pockets.

    So given I am a big-things type guy, I am not going to be sweating the small stuff. If the file stopped production today, anyone would label it a win, just saying. I was even saying this is an internal engine thing ages ago with the altered values. Yuh - digital goods/digital in general, and I grew up in a totally analog world, man... I got gud with digital pretty quick. My car is also drive by wire and totally digital. I came to grips with this stuff a long time ago. There's not much you could enlighten me with but if you cared to look, you would see I am one step ahead at all times.

    Point is keep the thread about the file, not your own 'conquering' over how you, like the mad dog up there, seem to be taking ownership of the file. He could potentially wreck it. Because he is confused and he will confuse everyone else as they don't know what they want, until they want it.


    Yes use 4.5 without a doubt. Even with your existing settings you will notice an improvement. for a 2.5 the first page should set you straight. Written by the file author. But my first guess if you just want to jump straight in, is to increase the lfb.

    So the roundup:

    Try 95 gain, then 80 lfb, 65 fx, 80 dampener (which is power steering). If you like even more bumps then use file 4.5 exp 4, if not, then 4.5 exp 1 is your ticket. If you like those bumps but in terms of front end feel then you would want to currently go with maybe, because exp 1 is ok - 4.5 exp 4 from Karsten where he says he skipped exp ver 3. Now, 4.5 experimental 2 (two) is basically an experimental file in the truest sense and you may prefer that but its vaguer than the others. To conclude: 4.5 exp1 is the newest mainline file, as its improvements will one day be rolled into a version 5. Its the one to go with to judge others by and it won't let you down on any car, whereas the others you will want to be adjusting in game.

    - You may think that 4.5 exp 4 is where its at, but do not be fooled so to speak by the fact it offers something 'more', this extra information is not as useful as you may think. 4.5exp1 is the standard because it allows all the force feedback and the tackiness/stick from the tires to be resolved best by your wheel.

    - Same too you may think more 'front end feel' is the way to go - and 4 patches ago I would have agreed as that information was useful especially when accelerating down a hill, but a happy medium was found between that and the physics in subsequent revisions (from version 3.4). So this is another reason why the exp1 in my opinion is a gold standard, yes use others if you want, but the reference point for review as per 100% as intended for the game, should be 4.5 exp1.

    A direct drive wheel I would need to say something else about, but your 2.5 thats your best bet.

    I will be surprised since your wheel is like mine but you can get a little more detail, if this does not work; and my recommendation is to make standard 4.5 exp1; its the most balanced and bumps can get in the way for some people without needing to sacrifice by turning down a slider. You may need to lower gain to 90, or just lower it until it does not clip with the red bar in telemetry across many minutes, could be 95 or lower or as per taste. You can access telemetry in your car hud by pressing left (default) on the selector on the wheel usually. Then once selected you can cycle by pressing down.

    -things to note 4.5 exp1 still vibrates (great) like a mofo, but all the things are pronounced just enough and for game-play purposes, example, you hit the curb, its pronounced and you get a 'whollop' from the side on your wheel, the car is revving its pronounced, all the things are there in the right amounts at the right time but also do not get in the way or become the overriding accentuated thing; and it works good for all cars. Other files accentuate some of these things, and many variables may be different give or take, so do not fret that 4.5 exp 1 was the first file out the door.
    - I am beyond impressed with 4.5 exp1. and stakinov's in game settings recommendations which I listed.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2021
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  20. Olliebob83

    Olliebob83 New Member

    Jun 9, 2021
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    I’m probably not going to be liked, as this is my first post but I agree with Raceracerace in a sense, i agree with the wheel thing, people with low end wheels are probably trying to find the detail with the over exaggerated bumps thing, I’m on a dd wheel, had a dd2 and now VRS, I also agree with the motorcycle reference as I used to race the things until they started to try to kill me!! I think the first 4.5 is an absolute blast (game changer) for me anyway, start there, then tweak to your preference to suit

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