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Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. Micropitt

    Micropitt Mediocre driver doing mediocre laps AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 16, 2020
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    Thank you for your excellent contributions to the AMS2 community. Your ffb files are always spot-on. That's all....carry on
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  2. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    NAME: Silver Raw - MuscleFuktor (Update) - Tuned by Stakanov for Logitech and LowEnd Wheels (G920 and G923/G29/G27/G25/DFGT) (Date 13/06/2021)

    In game setting select "Custom" with this starting value for Logitech:
    GAIN 95* - LFB 80 - FX 60 - DP (PowerSteering) 55.
    *Then, in the car setting, use +/- % of Gain for car to taste!!!

    Last version with default setting 900° and sensitivity to 50

    IN GAME:

    900° All deadzone to 0 and sensitivity to 50 except the throttle on 25 and clutch on 30

    I hope you like it :whistle: ..... for me Karsten can put it on the first page or in the zip file :) ... i say thank you as always both for the file and for your patience ... ;)

    These are the changes compared to the original:

    (tighten_range 0.0025) --------------------------> Original 0
    (tighten_falloff 0.00025) -----------------------> Original 0
    (center_relax 0.05) -------------------------------> Original 0.04
    (exaggerate_front_load_feel 0.40) -----------> Original 0
    (exaggerate_front_load_feel_hi_df 0.10) ---> Original 0
    (exp_static_force_reduction_hi_df 0.12) ----> Original 0.10
    (accel_feel 0.5) ------------------------------------> Original 1.0
    (brake_feel 1.6) ------------------------------------> Original 0.85
    (front_drive_torque_feel 0.8) -------------------> Original 0.7
    (engine_scale_at_still 1.0) ----------------------> Original 0.7
    (scrub_frq_scale 0.3) -----------------------------> Original 0.15
    (flatspots_scale 0.07) ----------------------------> Original 0
    (suspension_scale 1.0) --------------------------> Original 0.9
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2021
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  3. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    RaptorBrontoAlpha release,

    Settings 90 gain, 80 lfb, 65 fx, 50-80 dampening, trend is courtesy of Stakanov, but file is for use with belts. As always with turning strength (center remains strong) but dampening will make it easier or harder and potentially reveal more subtle things for you. Also if I did not mention recently but steering deadzone for center is on 0, and throttle about 30 (not 50), in this file now the steering is like it is, the throttle is even more satisfying, so with anything like that a little delay in its progression is satisfying in gameplay, and more true to life with how you will end up applying it.

    camera settings - on, 35, yes, 40, yes, no (depth of field tho) 25, 75, 75. With this I find that the intent of the game's bumps/movement is preserved, while not being like an anti-shake camera lens or too bouncy. Sometimes you do want head shake and sometimes you do want to see the car body move up and down or angle up and down over a bump or incline as it be as the suspension compresses and decompresses and/or the body rolls during. Its really nice these days with all the aero changes and etc.

    Hi Cangrejo, please update to my next file contained in this post. You may find it restores slip feel.

    This post has been shortened a fair bit as to drive is to feel the difference. I would not make a file based on belt if it did not slot into default-reiza and custom-reiza, and this one. I don't mind all 3, but this could be your ticket for the right emphasis on things like suspension compressing and accuracy - can really attack the road now as you would, but with a tight center and good turning feel for a belt. One should try the games defaults and game-custom default regularly as its all an iterative process.

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    Last edited: Jun 14, 2021
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  4. Bull Shark

    Bull Shark "Later has already begun." AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    Wow that is what I call a post. I need to take a 2 weeks vacation to read it all. :D
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  5. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    I agree. Sorry man thats a good point. I just don't think too much bumps is good either for lesser wheels. But with good settings a belt drive is still really great, esp those with higher fidelity. Maybe not many years left for the belt drives, a decade perhaps knowing how tech now moves.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2021
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  6. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Hi guys,

    This is just an alternate version of the file probably for use with 65 dampener - the files almost look the same except center relax. The one drawback of reverting center relax in this version of the game is the higher speed oscillation (it won't be holding it as tight and I have left lfb scale at 0.35 (newest muscle/f files are at 4; this is an important setting for other things so one must be careful with it being tied to other things; 0.35 is the old value and most belts under normal circumstances run fine with this but any more boosting here and with this setup its not as good/ high speed and low speed oscillation etc), but in certain circumstances or if you don't mind or prefer different, this file could be for you. So if you race or drive brands hatch a lot you won't notice all that much, and other examples of tracks as such. Long Hockenheim straight, you will.

    In various cases its better, for example a gte at laguna seca. The trouble with the latest patches for belts is the LFB, but the LFB is also the home of a lot of goodness in the file. I do not think its best to keep turning down that scale in the file. But if you want to make that change from 0.35 iirc and its in the file anyway, maybe (lfb_slider strength 0.3). The truth is though while it seems like a detraction on the file and FFB, the best parts about recent versions of the game is the car physics improvements, and so when the belt is taken back to 0.35 it actually allows the belt wheels to feel those more clearly. Too much rattling and bumping just muddy's the forces. This is why I am not using that method. Plus default-reiza is excellent and default-reiza-custom is really good. In some ways this is a great alternative (these 2 files) to the defaults. It has to have a spot to fit in, and I could switch between all 3.

    edit: its also important to mention that the default custom file is still really good for me. Just because I made this file does not mean I do not like normal default in the game or its custom, or even this custom here from Karsten. After the minor updates, it negated a reasonable amount of the reason for the files altering in my eyes.

    Usually one of the first things you can do is remove power steering from the car. Not in file, dampening setting is good, but think without that on your car you feel so much more, some modern cars even try and do put road feel into the pedal more. The difference between manual driving or automatic perhaps.
    On DDrive you get strong forces already but in belt this is the best plus to increase front forces for feel. Make a real drivers-car kind of sensation. No can't replicate Ferrari wheel exactly on tires maybe, but can give that driving sensation in a belt wheel. It's about the driving, the physics model now does so much, so cool. But first file iirc is heavier with more feel. What you can do is adjust dampener yes, but 80 was so very good in that file, but also steering rack in the car setup menu.

    Imagine a high feel Nordschliefe track, heavy feel, more road feedback, and your belt wheel lol really, and you moving quickly going down nords. This game does it so well. Ok maybe some tracks some people say oh well go drive ACC when it comes to sedan style racing and big turns perhaps, F1 is just super good in any event as slightly different model .., but I think this and my other file and nords is amazing. As are many tracks. I'm not trying to be funny and sorry, but to not increase the center would be a little wrong, on a g29 only a little, like stakanov, for a belt probably as I did a lot. The reiza custom and default even try/did/will again some day, do that.

    The other change to file is a bit of front tire exaggeration. The suspension can also be felt clearly as it goes over undulations, no need to individually mess with values. 40% less torque in a belt on average? Then I just add around that. It's a blend, after all. 20% was already added to steering torque maybe this version or last 4.3 maybe, various increases elsewhere meant to scale back lfb impact on this file. It still blends really well with this file, no loss versus other files, some clipping, but not much, remember in a belt you would not be getting any increases the direct drives were getting....

    With this file, and the stronger one, its always best to drive accurately and not too fast, keep it steady, and no problems. The top file especially is not a gung-ho kind of driving thing. Don't overdrive the files and claim the physics are off, brake well and properly. You can nail nords with this kind of full steering in the first file. This second file is an example if you want a more relaxed steering, otherwise one can change the top two values lower. More dynamic steering is probably reizas custom if this file is not present in game startup. You could rename this custom file with a "_isn't" at the end or something similar and the game will recreate its own custom.

    - so the rack is slower, increasing steering effort a little, which is why its not its not default I suppose - many cars in game have electronic assisted steering; but an example for full steering goodness at nords I set the rack to a ratio of 19 and people would do this in a race track situation (not with a gte porsche obviously its all assisted and included). You will be able to turn in a full manner with that. For the cup porsche I have taken to using 27 or 28 even without this change. One may wish to bring that down for a. the new patch and b. slightly less steering effort. I do not mind it as the feel on the belt is really good (its not a detraction when the turning is so on-point for a belt with the extra feel). Its not a hinderance, nor is the slightly changed trail (race and drive properly and you will find its good; its in line with the base game) but obviously like an endurance race driver, you will at some point appreciate the less steering effort situations - for this you can lower dampening, but too much lowering and like the lfb tied to trail situation, you will at too low lose the realness of the setup. Obviously 0 dampener is not real at all, and here maybe 20 is out of bounds. So its not any different to normal custom in that regard. I would suggest the dampener settings of 25-50, 65, 70, 80 default.

    - especially first file - you will find none of this is a detraction and you will be able to race and hold lines just fine, you will probably feel the wheel turned into something between a belt and a weaker direct drive, such is why I called it a limp direct drive at one point; it is definitely more engrossing and doesn't affect the game at all in any negative way; so to be clear these two files are the custom file without 'tuning' (its all there), not much at all bar a downforce adjustment which is basically just a 30% increase and the forces which are lesser for this level of wheel [which have their unaltered scales in tact; yes LFB scale is reverted to a good for belt level, a level we used prior],thus they are all only brought up to a higher baseline using the proper implementation within the file, such that they poke their head above water kind of thing.

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    Last edited: Jun 14, 2021
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  7. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Hi guys,

    this is the final file for RaptorBrontoAlpha and you should swap to it or at least try it.

    I just remembered that in my control panel I run dampener at 0 I think!? You can always try that if it feels strange. Or adjust one by one tenth place at a time. Eg 48, 47 for center relax

    The steadiest high speed rack yet; probably at post 1.2 but pre minor update levels (high). This particular file includes center relax at 0.49 as its only change. Its the middle ground in the files and is closest to how I had the file after 1.2 dropped but prior to the 1.2 minor updates. It may have more rack movement at higher speed depending than default, but normally will not even be a thing you notice or too dissimilar to driving fast on a straight - and you wished you were back on the bends. The gte porsche is not even a problem, it seems resolved. I think it still strikes the best balance between rack speed and rack-feel across the full [for example] 540 degree range (I set 900 in control panel and use games soft lock), on a belt drive across the 100 cars, more of the time (and you can change rack ratio on the car settings). Its more engrossing than custom is normally as its tuned for belts of this nature. See above posts for full settings like camera etc, but for me main settings are 100 gain (for this version/for the trail blend), 80 lfb, 65 fx and 80 dampener, you may lower dampener a bit. Steering deadzones - 0. Throttle sensitivity 30 probably but lower than 50 default.

    While its tempting not to, maybe the best way to get a feel for the settings is during a race as you can follow the AI's driving lines and pace. I think you will be pleasantly surprised as another purpose of the changes of RaptorBrontoAlpha is to standardize the race-keep-up ability/settings. You will be able to achieve a higher level of performance (on a belt) with these settings. Its been an absolute blast to drive with this.

    - Why 0.49 and not .5 // While 5 is full enough, playing with a narrow margin in terms of holding force, .49 is nice as well, if not better over a longer period of time. Its difficult to determine if all wheels are a little different and any alteration of the .5 value means the trail equation gets further put out on this wheel, being the reference model (and its not out by much if at all for a belt wheel at .5, for racing and standardizing racing performance this is how custom should be imo for a belt, as custom is a direct drive endeavor). But this is an example nonetheless for those who do not want to open up the text editor.

    - so if you lower various values the trail and slip angles will begin to go out. At .49 the center is nice enough and with the gt3 merc at short speilberg austria after 3 laps the tires were warm enough and everything tightened up as I would expect with plain default; with them being col they were as expected too and I had to drive slower - so there is no cheating here or alteration just like at .5 // The way the game works if you turn a little you notice the screen will arc in a direction - but really in game terms your tires are changing direction/angles. You cannot see or hear the full effect of the tires turning until you do it a lot and then the smooth arc changes rapidly its angle>higher angle and you spin out. Thus, we have a little 'suspend disbelief' kind of thing to play with in terms of the trail equation, and for a wheel you don't want to cheat or change the driving model, thus you can't have the wheel too slow or too fast in your hands, this is a great level/bound to have it within when it is .5 or .49 AND you want the firmer center. For a belt I think it allows you to get an accurate driving style in the physical with your wheel in your hands. The physics of the game are much better these days so this kind of thing is not going to hurt it. Yeah if it was online maybe its not kosher or standardised then. But it doesn't really become "performance enhancing" its just removing some of the belts less good aspects.

    - worthwhile using if you ask me as the game has developed and really firmed up over time

    - so all you will find really is that you have to drive even better, be good with the brake, because the margin for error in a turn-rate for example is less when you have the wheel stiffer; and I guess if we look back at the development of the game, this has become more and more the case.

    - And as you may imagine the skill ceiling you have will go up.
    - dampening again should be 80 for ideal, maybe 70. Trail could be affected and general 'slip' or driving line tightness.

    such is why 0.48, 0.35 in the file etc is there and high downforce stuff and front feel.

    - edit: player x has just informed me that with this file he was able to get the world record at laguna seca with the f1 reiza. reckons the former holder, one known as kuku, ran a solid race and basically 400ms even in it. But many changes since the two races probably different version, still 400 ms is literally not a lot. Top 5 very close. Well done to all, that looks like a tight contest. It could be more if had hit that first right sweeper as did earlier then its one less chink to a perfect lap, but two notch up on low-mid gears iirc it was, and on video you will see how dropped the arb, might be another 100 ms can come off it, new to old only 280km v 300 down main straight. Seems to be 52-53 brake bias. You'll want that no doubt.

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    Last edited: Jun 15, 2021
  8. Bull Shark

    Bull Shark "Later has already begun." AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    Is this one usable on a CSW v2.5 as well?
  9. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Yes mate, its much the same, if old one worked this one will too almost certainly/hopefully, its just a little less tight but still enough, strikes the best balance yet between tight in center and transition to turns and swinging back and forth, twitch-like.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2021
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  10. Bull Shark

    Bull Shark "Later has already begun." AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    Will put it to the test.:D
  11. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    I just remembered that in my control panel I run dampener at 0 I think!? You can always try that if it feels strange. Or adjust one by one tenth place at a time. Eg 48, try, 47 try for center relax. In case your wheel operates slightly differently.
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  12. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    For belts at least, a peak is probably reached via the custom is my guess. I know the market is trying to push people towards ever higher quality stuff, but the two are diverging. Musclfuktor is actually really decent in its default state, i do prefer it over the games default. But for a belt the heavy center as found in other titles is probably whats letting the belts down at the moment, as there is no perfect blend. The game does really well to get round this by dynamically tightening and loosening and its feels natural, but for some they like (for a belt) the non find the pebble on the road kind of thing, and default for me is too bumpy, but its probably a necessity for such diverse titles like this don't know.


    Therefore this is SaurapodMustard based on 4.5 exp

    -smoothest rack ever for a belt, was able to set world record time
    -high precision across nearly all cars
    - high speed rattle of the rack, gone
    -high speed engine feel upon turning the key, retained.
    - car surges and turns and road detail is enhanced, feel/feedback is highly noticable without being washed out or muddy, suspension changes noticeable, bumps, curbs, going down a hill, compression of springs etc, all there and within the bounds for this strength of wheel

    - if you think its not smooth enough for you, or for your transition from center to turn, or center to lock or even lock to lock speed is somehow too low for you, then you can:

    > adjust in game gain and dampener. I have mine now set to 80 gain, 50 damping, 65 fx, 80 lfb / OR alternatively as the situation calls for it, or your belt gets warm after some use you could make a case for turning it down per car, not so good, or just set it to 65 gain, 50, 50, 40. The reason being longevity, but also depending on car you don't need the extra 25 gain and turning. Imola f1 reiza, you can fully have it 'full' feeling without such high values.

    > Adjust (center relax 0.xx) in the custom file. It is currently 0.43 which is a change from pre minor 1.2 patches, but post 1.2 main patch. You would want to go up and down in small increments. Higher, tighter, lower looser. Try 0.01 at a time.

    > To a lesser extent and not really recommended, if you feel its not the transition from center to turn that is the problem, you could try adjusting the (tighten range ? . ?) and (tighten falloff ? . ?) in small increments above what they are, but you will have more luck with the center relax. The file has been made to conform to the boundaries of a tx belt, and also the parameters scale within the custom file. Its a smooth file but the bumps are there. Its good for driving rather than trying to detect pebbles on the road surface with.

    The driving feels progressive, linear, smooth and precise, and natural. The car will continue to throw the steering about owing to its power and the physics.

    Cubs and bumps and stuff

    - curb scale I changed to 2.6, from 2.8 because of the 30% extra forces across the file, these can be changed back in the 'road features' section down the bottom - I think you will think the changes are in-line with other forces now and more true to life compared to a value of 2.8 (with the boost it receives elsewhere) and the calculation it crosses related to the 2.6 value; should be fine, seen here most at Nürburgring 24 hour and spa 93 as being totally within reason and bearable while making an authentic movement/sensation with the suspension and bumps and everything else - now the car goes up and comes down and lands/equal opposite force stuff as one would expect a 1+tonne vehicle (or lighter) to do so considering you are feeling it through the wheel; game is modelled well and in your mind we all know we carry a model and this is in the zone definitely. Its pretty cool. Light/stiff, heavy-limber, in between, its all very nice - if something is low-slung to the ground and you go over the undulations, or if its higher up, its really cool. You even get the seemingly correct-more sensation of downforce. How the game was I am not 'knocking' as to its quality - but this belt drive really appreciated the forces after changes being put back within bounds, even reinforced.

    - thus I changed down curb surface .2 you can change it back if you like, but its in line

    - in the section 'effects scales' down the bottom where you can also turn off flat spots (0.1 is ok as a low value you won't interfere too much with driving/getting back to the pits at some point when you slam the brakes on especially soft compounds, usually not the heavier ones...but if thats too strong consider 0.07 as present but barely a nuisance and 0.0 as being off. I would guess now with everything changed that 0.6-0.7 is going to make you question whether to brake hard or not and replace the tyre

    -road bumps large. Changed. It was tempting thus far with only bumpy Nürburgring-nords section being an outlyer and hockenheim ring/older tracks perhaps to not change this, but I did after trying a lot of tracks. I wasn't happy with "40%" margin of error overall why not go for 10-15%?

    It went to 0.38, and this takes the edge off them, to blend it back down in the pool of ffb. It felt like the curve of the graph so to speak was too pointy after the other changes.

    -road bumps off road - Changed up to .4. Do we all intend to come off the track? It was like glass before on a belt drive, the detail was just not there, this brings it up to feeling those smooth high/low undulations and increased spring travel.

    - I considered, take brands hatch - curbs and curb surface now in line but suspension exaggeration bumped up a bit, you can feel the undulations and compression and there's a pretty macro-detailed surface with dips and things. On the straight there are more of these 'dips' on the surface and the ride is like a river. It seems in proportion and as you scuff over it. For the smaller bumps and stuff I left it as is. For a belt we don't really want to adjust them down, its all blended relatively nicely.

    - the tact taken here is to feel the micro bumps less, as such, because this is not one size fits all or anything, and the custom file is so good... and the base game so on point, the game engine is really flipping good, so I had an opportunity and therefore the suspension and undulations and interplay with everything more and more could come to the fore. I was continually over time trying different cars; lighter/heavier; its difficult to undertake since at speilberg short the f1 reiza etc feel really low slung and nice, a balance would need to be struck, and .2 above could becomes .16 off, even; but I beg to dither on that thought, as for example Nords again, feels like a road once more (after many iterations). I think I have settled on the right numbers. You will begin to appreciate that in the file above this one - heavy steering, you don't need to tone down bumps etc, as the steering ploughs through - well with slightly lighter steering you once again get the 'crest' of the undulation and the sense that the front, back, either side of the car is going over a part of it or many parts of many undulations at once. Really cool. And like naturally to offset the 'force in motion car/smooth movement' of the road the curbs are again nice to bump into as if you went over a piece of cut timber used in building.

    So when I think of these things I think in terms of a motorbike for example and the expected occurrence of bumps and undulations and how its like riding a boat at times, and also how it can be like being jarred. I think the tracks have all the nice information there mostly how you would think (and you're looking at graphics) so I do not necessarily need the texture scale or mini bumps turned up as one would with a g29 to get the higher feedback quality/information density, in order to appreciate the pace of the undulations/track and the suspension feel, for a belt drive. I think those scales and whatnot are mostly correct. There's rolling resistance, no one is out there dragging each wheel across like sandpaper. And its nice too how you scuff and those undulations etc happen faster.

    Up and down versus up and down and to the side

    With the above, at Nürburgring 24 an example: you can go up and down as expected, but what about nords coming over forget the name, the hill/rise on the left and it soon goes to the right once you pass the crest... well imagine the above and at speed the car (merc gt3) lifts up a little and to the right as you go over the crest, its a nice effect or model in this game and all told its very engaging. Especially when its just about the compress and hunker down a little to the bottom right when you go over the crest and begin the turn. The sensations to model it back to your brain are done pretty well I'd say via the wheel; and of course your input/turning radius and angle/degrees is stretching out or compressing during it.

    - one of the tests I would do on it, to show the changes, would be the lighter overpowered by comparison cars, rocco with settings if you want to use these:

    :: drivetrain/diff of 30, 2, 73, 55, and
    front ARB 12, rear 6, downforce 4 (or some other combination)
    front tyres 140, breaks 60 front - should get a setup thats pretty decent or the start of one
    front wheels - 8.0, -3.2 (or less), 30, 4, 4, 10, 9, 5, 5
    rear lift spring thats 3 a little, and rear camber increase to -1.0
    steering rack 19 was ok for myself, +/- 1-3

    Iam not a massive setup expert, but this is all done on cold morning and no rubbering, but 20 cars going round nords and in front of me to rubber down too. Be prepared with this thing to use the WHOLE steering range, so turn the wheel all the way round etc (not that much maybe but literally) and you will get ALL the turn-in you need

    other things - then reiza f1 at speilberg modern short or laguna seca, merc gt3 at nords or similar/anywhere really. gte's too, virginia is a good one at times for something you may not have done months ago.

    - yes. The rocco now at nordsliefe, for the belt, got to try it, its come a long way with this, the game patch, Karstens file, even kuku gave an indication, its driving and stiff suspension on the light cars, this is definitely hitting the spot - even most of the gt3's suspensions for my preference of pushing forward the drivers-car aspect of this.
    On the open wheelers the game models the best, true, but its come so fat for tin tops, and the older cars, etc.
    I'd like to think the file conforms with what default has in mind, but less gritty and granular, perhaps. I am not against default or default-custom, I just prefer this from a gameplay perspective.
    I cannot guarantee this will work for each and every wheel but the (center relax 0.xx ) up/down from .43 by 0.01 each time will hopefully make a difference if not, and remember the settings I am using in game. (its my guess the better/stronger wheels above a tx will want to go up toward .50 but not all at once - and too far away from that number will begin to make the physics expecting certain inputs awry; but you can also adjust in setup steering rack and damper for turning strength, mine is 50). For this motor/belt .43 is ideal, think its 3 or 4Nm, and for that amount I think the file is amazing.

    This is not the same game, but its as engaging a driving model as something like dirt rally 2 with a wheel and yes you must make your micro corrections, but you can also push through slides etc as you would expect, let off throttle and hit it, etc.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2021
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  13. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    I apologize in advance, I know I will regret it :( ... but I would like to remind everyone that here we are all guests of both Reiza and Karsten & Co. ... communicating your feelings and settings is fine, sometimes even discussing in an animated way as well (I do not even conceive this if not for mathematical or logical certainties, let alone if I could ever argue or get angry about the feelings that another user has), but always exaggerating any modification or **** you change seems useless and not very productive ... as well as confusing for the people reading and does not have the capacity to understand the differences!!! :(
    Another thing that could be avoided is that of incoherence, it is not possible to accept that you write in one discussion that the default is good and then coming here and saying that the custom is good too, or on the contrary, criticizing on one side and then criticizing on the other, seems to me somewhat rambling and illogical!! o_O
    If someone is convinced that they are able to know what does not work on the belt-driven steering wheels, that they do and compile their own RACK, their own file rewritten from scratch, their own instructions, their own lines of code, to see what these subjects would be able to do and how they would be able to amaze us ... I know that in the end some are carrying out precisely the behavior that was so criticized of others and moreover in an offensive way, that is, to have absolute truths when, at the end all, he does is choose a version and do a simple tuning believing himself to be scientists!!!


    I want to express my thanks to Karsten & Co. for the work he does daily, I don't care if his work is specific to DDs or not, for me it is an opportunity and I rejoice and I also thank all the users who communicate their experiences, also yours .... but the day that the Default for me it will be better I will say it, I will explain it here (without needing to hear from Dante Alighieri and/or to write the Divine Comedy) and then I will use the default until, eventually, the improvements to the custom will not be superior again ... a little respect for the work of others!!!



    It's simple, and regardless of the jokes I use to play down, I say this just because I want everyone's good ... we give space to the compilers of the FFB file with synthetic and functional judgments ... we users are just lucky but here I would like to hear mainly them and read less criticisms and sermons!!!
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  14. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    omg spare us your moral injustices. Dude..... lol, sorry but ridicule is coming back at you, that was....something.... are you serious? This is the biggest "Little B" move ever, one of backstabbing proportions, thinly disguised as a moral compass for this thread...come. off. it.

    There's 150 pages - anything you had to say or wanted to say, and thought you could say, there's been a long time to do so. I am sorry you are a lonely man, and you feel this place should conform to the mastery of your emotional needs..... I, too have been here on and off for a long time, well only 12 months now and then.

    Based on this attitude from you if you're a day over 23 I would be incredibly surprised. If you're a day over 19 I would be surprised.

    What that whole thing about is displaying to me is a repressed passive-aggression attitude, and as such it speak volumes about the content of your character - guess what, I don't want to discuss your character...I only want to see your files and thoughts pertaining to files.


    Not whinges. People either come here to work on the file, or exploit the file. Its been made free, its a public gift.

    You have come here for a place to make your own. Please, friend, go live a life and be whole in the world, not get esoteric on here.

    I tried your file and its good, but I like this one better and I thought I would share it.

    Where-ever you gave me advice I have credited it.

    Apart from that, if you're jealous or something, suck a lemon.

    Do you really think a complete stranger cares about your feelings on here, who comes here specifically to grab the custom file? And with it, after all of the guys hard work, do something with it - yes he does work hard on it, and its a marvelous thing, but stop pretending its this special property you're protecting or something. He's that smart - he probably does it in his spare time, on a lunch brake, one Saturday once his real work is done.

    I feel deep gratitude for the file and every time I work on it, its an opportunity to enhance it in some small way for a specific type of wheel.

    Dude, people come here to buy the game, exploit the file, take it away and have their way with it. Its not yours, and discussions should be multi-lateral.

    Its not a place people frequent - they want to read about the files and what settings do.

    I have a saying - credit where it is due. I give so much credit, man. Bucket loads of it.

    I think your message is really strange.

    This page should be a kind and good one, but it should also be results orientated.

    The title has people on youtube using these settings, it has people just buying the game however many that is, probably hearing about it.

    If a better file can be made, lets see it. I am offering one up, and I am explaining things.

    IF I do not say it as 'race race race', you know I will pop my head back in, via tor, via any method, to say it, and there's nothing you could do about it.

    This is why my agenda is transparent.
    I COULD do that.... but am I?

    No, I am laying it all out in a solid way, and if you think my post was of little value, after 150 pages of semi decent value in places, then you need a good wake up call.

    I have literally made 2 different files.

    You want censorship. Do you know what happens to society's when they get censorship? You might want to take a trip to turkey or russia, then pop over to a british descendant country or territory like canada, australia, new zealand, usa.

    Notice any differences?

    Private conversation? You're a complete stranger. Whatever you want to say you say it out in the open.

    This file is exceptional.

    ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY...pages...let that sink in. What are you even on about? Is this you trying to regain some kind or perceived control over proceedings or something?

    Discussion should be transparent. It should be on going and not private.

    Here is an amazing file for anyone btw, nah, if you have a cog wheel or something then you may be sht-outta luck.

    I think that should be disclosed right up.

    Transparency should be happening in the open, there is no need to have 'private discussions' to spare 'feelings'. It is what it is

    - I should let you know I have increased engine revs - do you think most of these cars have the steering rack isolated, its just like daddy's lexus??

    - too bad if I can't give a decent test setup in this file.

    I swear you've never been on the back of a gixxer and felt the suspension. In a quick car, had your head pressed to the back of the seat without a chance to let it go. Thats fast.

    I can hear you now "euugh whats a gixxer got to do with it?!"

    Everything. I saw your files. You've never seen tarmac/road/track/bitchumen even come at you at 160+km's hour. You've probably never even touched it, smelt it, landed on it, had it rush at you faster and faster. You've got no idea. I am all for boosting gameplay, but there's somethings patch 1.2 don't need from a FFB file.

    Just like the other guy who reckons - RECKONS! he drove porsches and all the rest, like he's some hero - BUT he is stopping by out of the goodness of his own heart to show us his files. Meanwhile, when you plug in the files, its just a muddy mess.

    AND despite the "FACT" he drove porsches for some dude or whatever- he is soooo trustworthy that in his life all he owns is a cog wheel.

    I mean, cut me a brake, at least I had the sense to sell mine a long time ago when I knew what it was> If I wasn't being so contrary right now I would tell you to do the same on ebay and use the proceeds to put back... AND if I thought you were a cool guy, then thats why I informed you about 12 months ago... its not out of spite man, well not until you thought it was.

    fact of the matter is, wouldn't it be cool is direct drives were coming down in price? Oh and wouldn't it be cool if I TOLD YOU like 12 months ago. and not because the CEO is my buddy - he is not, but because I understand market economies, you know... [hopefully] like the one you live in.

    1 I don't know how to react to incompetence - because every time I tried to say something to the fella over 6 months was met with defensiveness.

    2 suddenly he is attacking me as he feels under threat.

    3 now you are attacking me.

    Look, mate, Vettel plays the game apparently, but I bet you a million dollars he is not wasting his time posting on here much. We watch him on youtube and tv, but he don't watch us....

    None of these wheels can replicate that. Let alone a g27. You're doing your best, but so is this file.


    And yeah, I think a discussion about direct drive versus belt versus those cog ones (which I soon sold and got a belt; who would have thought I could have went direct drive), is not on pertinent but would be amazingly helpful for all those people out there, some there are, who visit here.

    Why you are not discussing such things I do not know, but insofar as it relates to the file it could be discussed at some point.

    I am not smarted, shocked or anything from your display. You just pulled a power play on an internet forum where it literally effects no one.

    I was busy making a file, I really don't know what to say, except to say its not even worth the breath to say it.

    If you want some kind of exclusive club, or cartel, whatever, its not useful.


    For this file please turn down fx to around 40. Gain can be as you please, higher you like it the better, and damping can be as you like. If anyone has a better file for a belt I would love to see it some day.

    If people with belts use this file, they will be pleasantly surprised as its an updated version of the former, and in most ways supersedes that file.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2021
  15. nabelo

    nabelo New Member

    Aug 31, 2020
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    can you please post your ingame settings YOU are now using with this file?
    I have a T300..

    Best Regards,
  16. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Hi Manuel,

    Yeah mate sure. Gain 70, 80 lfb, 40 fx, 50 dampen. But you can do a lot of what you like, eg gain 80, dampen more or less, but fx is best kept around 40-50.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  17. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    He has reached Stakanov answering machine, is currently not in place but is keen to let people know what below:

    No my dear friend or my dear stranger ... I just said the opposite, that is to continue doing and saying what you want but in the right and minimally invasive way here ... then if you want to philosophize you can also open a whole "public" discussion yours, just the opposite of censoring or speaking in private ... modify everything you want in the file and if I share it I would have no problem using it ... even if long I have read all your posts and I have also applied your value but all the text was enough for me two lines ... but not everyone is able to follow your reasoning and here I think they confuse users. If you read my text well, even if it is joking and provocative, it is very much in your aid and not addressed only to you ... moreover my name Stakanov is as you say anonymous and I have no anxiety to be more or less famous too. because I have nothing to gain. Tomorrow I could re-subscribe and also call myself "Mr. Belts" ... and use your settings or files ... I like unstoppable types, but please NEVER FORGET TO TAKE THE PILLS, ONE IN THE MORNING, ONE IN THE AFTERNOON AND AN EVENING!!! :D

    Do not leave a message after the beep!!! :p
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  18. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Its just silly stakanov. I know I can be verbose, but you wouldn't even address a single point and your entire thing has no credibility, claims, or anything. Please, man, push off with that kind of crap. Your whole thing didn't require a post about it. This is not twitter.
  19. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    I love to behave like others do ... and deep down I love you but you don't believe me ... I'm heartbroken!!! :)
    But please continue to be verbose ... it turns me on and will make me famous!!! :D
    • Like Like x 1
  20. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Just to be clear, I have nothing against anyone, I do not know how you think or feel about me, and I am not saying this in order to change your opinion; but I won't be walking around with hate or dislike in my heart or mind or thinking much of all this anyway, its all good, its not something I think worthwhile doing, but I will defend my own ideas, but won't be dwelling on it. I have taken some things on board out of respect but don't expect a whole lot of mad self reflection or whatnot, its all good, I will have forgotten it in short time don't worry.

    You're an ok guy I have nothing against you. I try not to make super long posts, but one now and then won't hurt the forum too much, and I know the longer they are etc etc, its a problem in word count I have. I am trying to make a little bit of an effort in the posts so as to educate even a little bit anyone who comes by.

    NO. I do not expect them to read it all, its meant to be documentation, of a sort. Its just a casual hobby, mate, nothing need to get worked up over.

    This file is literally as close I would think, but happy to be proven wrong, I can get to the ACC feel combined with an AMS2 flavor and we all know by now how good the madness engine and reiza are getting, which means I already enjoy it as much as raceroom and think all told its surpassed every other sim in at least engagement of the road. I like a solid center and smooth transition to turns. Hey, I wish it was a direct drive but its a really good wheel nonetheless. I am happy with the result, but understand maybe its not to everyone's cup of tea.

    The standard I live by with these things, a person drives a lousy car - they don't want to drive it. They can't wait to get home.

    A person rides a really cool motorbike or even an average one - they don't want to stop.

    A person drives an amazing car, a race car, or a really comfortable and good car with a fair wack of power by comparison, same situation. Sure, in the last example each one of us just use cars to go from A to B usually, but a great car - such as in the game, you don't want to stop.

    This is how I want my FFB. This file is coming close. I like lapping in this thing and appreciate the paradigms in each sim, so I try to put the best into this as well. I like racing in this file as well.

    But yeah most of the credit goes to the game, not me. I am just putting into the file what I know I like.

    Might as well put the file again at the bottom of this post,

    My current settings are 70 gain, 80 lfb, 50 fx, 50 dampen. I recommend starting with those. Please limit FX to 40-50, maybe 60, as too much and it can oscillate at high speeds a little more than you may like, but its not bad. With those settings, if you have a 3-4Nm wheel such as a TX, or abouts that, you will find its really good.

    Last edited: Jun 16, 2021

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