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Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. Shriukan

    Shriukan Touristenfahrten Community AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 23, 2019
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    A gentle reminder to everyone wanting to have a wall-of-text-free experience that they can put individuals on the Ignore list by clicking their name. It saves your scroll wheel from premature wear and improves your forum experience exponentially.
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  2. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    But he never does. He does pop his head up all the time saying ' you can ignore this fella', sounds like his way of staying relevant. Funny that.

    Well, you all know you can try what he is missing out on.
  3. Micropitt

    Micropitt Mediocre driver doing mediocre laps AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 16, 2020
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    The ignore feature also prevents you from screaming out loud and spitting on your computer monitor. :rolleyes:
    • Funny Funny x 4
  4. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    And just on that - don't make out like I am this "pariah.

    The photo of yourself is at the hairdressers all alone. Yet you don't have hair, and you're telling people to ignore people. But of course, lets be gentle....its the pop word of all your lives

    Got to be gentle to shriuken, he is a vulnerable poor fellow. etc etc - he is always there to say "you know that race race race guy..." yeah, him... " well put him on ignore"

    I am all he ever wants to talk about.

    lol when it comes to these things, if this is what I have to get through in order to get out a file that is seriously better than anything I have seen to date, then so be it.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2021
  5. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    lol micro pitt. how apt. I can see you like a bit of grandstanding yourself. And I can see you, and like a big boy with my big boy pants on, am prepared to say it, albeit, online, but just goes to show how petty and small minded you are.

    But see, thats it. I can do things in a cool and controlled manner, unless its a serve worth serving, but no, all you can do is hand out low blows all the time.

    I think we know who is in charge here. I say something and you girls react. But what we know should happen is just talking about the file....I don't like puppets just critical thinkers.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2021
  6. jimortality

    jimortality Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 13, 2016
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    I'm using Kuku Maddog file for T300 and I'm impressed with it. Thanks all the people contributing for your time and thanks Kuku you've been very helpful mate cheers.
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  7. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Thats great man, kuku put a bit of work into that file. You'd be like the second person in recent memory, and at this opportune time, to be saying his file was good.

    Unfortunately I found it muddy and lacking in some areas, others not so, but overall I was left thinking we had to change the paradigm now the game was post 1.2 and our wheels, frankly, could do a lot better than that.

    Its caused me to make my own file. When I asked him what it was with the file, he said it should work. I then said maybe his wheel was in need of repair, because it was so muddy, and well who knows after that.

    I have a tx, which should handle anything a t300 can do and more, and I found it lacking as I was saying - to which he then said upon me saying he should get a direct drive and chuck that out - he said he was working towards getting the direct drive.

    I myself didn't use his file since then. And I set out to make a file that was clear and impactful, fun, exhilarating, smooth, responsive. The kind of file that says one more lap. The way I rate files is, well, mine... I did make it in my own preference afterall, then reiza's custom, then the custom, then the default, with nary a hair between them, but I do believe my file is out in front by a margin.

    If you do not like a file, do not hesitate to try the games own custom file, this custom file by Karsten and co, or anyone else's as I assume you already tried the default - but you could stand to try that again. There's files I simply don't rate, but I have to be transparent. The default is truly up there with the best of them, its surpassed many efforts in the past few months. I know thats not something people in the 'custom files' section like to hear, but its true.

    What happened with the custom-customs was severely derivative. BTW there is no town called coo coo, so lets just assess claims for a little bit, and I do not think there were Porsche's' driven but like anyone we've seen on boards. All those guys did was minorly alter a few variable and made a worse paradigm in Karsten's file as the game developed over time.

    Its nothing special. You could of done it, but no, we could not do the custom file. The credi goes to Karsten. Lo and behold this was more reason than ever to make a new paradigm and one based not on trying to 'coach' out a few more bumps (as if the reiza default is horrible, just use that)... but one that goes in another complimentary direction to the default in game.

    And no one was making files for belts. Anyone can add a .01 to a number to make a few more bumps.

    I like a couple of things in people, such as males, you look for courage, resilience, patience, creativity, resourcefulness. Because I was simply not seeing many of these quality's I knew there were no chances being taken, and I decided to take one chance. Otherwise it can be, a person chickened out - a person left money on the table - a person missed the girl he liked - a person didn't create something worth preserving, etc etc etc..

    Guys, I am not in err here. This lol 'saurapodMustard', and NO mate! lol its NOT a euphemism to jizz, alright, its just an animal name and a food name. Its not like that other guy's name who reckoned coo coo was a town and his dog was mad, thats just a name, or something, but there is no town called coo coo... or the one where you name yourself after your street and your pets first name, like is this the 80s?... the file I made is one of the best files going to date - I've tried them all. Its not bogged down in the battle to extract an extra bump or something. Its highly precise, its smooth, its got detail, its clear, its the goods. And like any good drive, you know its good, that your car is 'sweet' or your motorbike is hellafun - when you get to your destination, but you don't wanna stop.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2021
  8. Fizzy

    Fizzy Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    • Funny Funny x 3
  9. Fizzy

    Fizzy Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    Actually, screw it, I gotta do this:

    • Funny Funny x 4
    • Informative Informative x 1
  10. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Wow, I bet this is really helping out your mind issues. Wouldn't want you to get the jitters. Just remember, about ethics, take the courageous choice. Its not always sticking it to the man. I am sorry for you, brother, and I also pity you a little. Don't worry, I will not be trying to make your situation worse ok

    Just remember your 7 stages of grief; all you did was trade your agency on your supposed personal issues for an excuse to use against strangers on line, which I think is a cop out any way and says more about you than me; none of us want to be your wet tissue. So... you've tried bargaining...right.

    Or maybe you were in denial - because the man from 'kuku', probably hasn't driven a car in a long time, if at all. Any one can 'up' the bump scale. There's nothing wrong with the guy, he's probably a beach bum or something, though in NZ living on the beach is no mean feat, the best economical/living standards happen in their cities. Of which they have 2

    I got something for you as well. A better file than the one you're currently using.

    Now try acceptance. This is an update to further help our t300 associates.

    Belt wheels and the like are the volume sellers but that may not always be so. The tx and t300 users etc have to accept (on top of the other acceptance for that fellow) the development won't always favor you, and you have to adjust. Thus this is why a file like this exists. It may not be the fastest rack in the world ok, but the truth is, its ticking more boxes than the other files I tried.

    My settings for this one I had to change 70 gain, 70 lfb, 40 fx , 100 damper.

    You can go either side on some but 100 damper seems excellent for most cars.
    Try the gte porsche at 24 hour nords - then I promise you, the meme is a self inflicted uppercut on your own person as the saying goes. You stepped right into it - but this is just words and jokes I know I know, I am just saying you will be pretty happy as a t500 users or similar.

    And this being the internet for all we know you ARE kuku - and if you see him, tell him thanks, to begin with I was only concerned with the rack feel. But we all know karsten didn't make a bung file.

    edit: now added second file, higher grip loss feel (normalized); but you may want to tweak that slightly lower and I, too will look at it over time its really good though). On a green track, as you would expect. etc etc. Now the settings are completely dialed-in, I will turn my attention to the grip loss, but its something you can do too. 0.01>0.02. Or maybe you like 0.015 which is its linear progression. 0.2 was more mathematical though as I suspect the rack being heavier (but fast) accounts for this.

    ? - What I mean is yes, 0.1 you can barrell through and there is still slip but it won't affect your wheel so much - for .2 you need to double pump that wheel correction a fair bit on a green track in the rocco (it can also take 360 degree wheel inputs sometimes which is a good car to test on); this is going at a high speed and not running off the track at all. In the GTE porsche, you should have no problem. Another thing I am looking for is the diff doing its thing. If I can turn with wheel inputs that is fine, but a major factor in getting the world record at a track or two in other cars, has been the diff/higher average speed AND dicing either side of the grip/slip angles just right for the higher average speed. Other guys were not pushing the car enough. I am trying to push these cars. So I guess it will be more forgiving. Hence why its weighted higher. - now maybe it should be trimmed, but a double pump, countering, and letting off the throttle or modulating the throttle, trail brake, or braking keeps you there at the threshold. So the game is forgiving 'around' it in terms of going on either side of it, is the worst you could say of it all (plus lots of cars/tracks, got to be probably), its quite good, but not like this is cheating, its not. BUT if you think you would like it lower, its ok if you want that too.

    I will upload a version soon with 1.65 as the value - this is important, because the file is literally DOWN BOYS! wow, down to one constant, lol. Its good. So at 0.165 you will feel like its a computer game but its like you're going fast and you will marvel like you do, at how amazing a rocco (in this example) is good at getting you from one spot to another with such precision. At .2 yes it makes you work more but its harder to pull off on a wheel of this caliber.

    ^>> The test was a good one. Nord, 5 degree morning, heavy rubber (base line set at green track), race day, 20 cars, rocco, set up well, wait 20 seconds, AI 84 (they are too fast, and baseline checked) Hit it. And we go racing - and can I catch up. Temps low, tires cold, grip increasing, half way through lap I catch up. Let me tell you that was a good run. I wanted to know if pushing it, one could catch up and the rack was allowing me to do all the little corrections properly and it seems so. 0.165 for this file in particular. I mean, you know in terms of gameplay balance it can't just be easy or hard, or well the slip he didn't feel, or the slip didn't help. This was enough. So if you want that aspect of the files, and there's 3 levels, low, medium, 'true', its not high as in too much. Its in the zone. I have labelled the files, then you would want to download the 165 at the end.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2021
  11. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Again, yes the length of the above post, but you know it was necessary. My length, basically means we can then say something very short.

    The 165 file is so good, the race I ran out of fuel basically on the third lap, but the game is so good, so dynamic, such slippage on either side of the lines, it could be called Rocco Challenge at the nordschleife lol or something like that, and you'd be pleased, with just 1 track and car.
  12. Steve D

    Steve D New Member

    Apr 28, 2020
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    @Raceracerace Just a suggestion mate but why don't you create your own dedicated thread? I've nothing against you and others have clearly benefited from your testing, feedback and recommendations, at least where your specific wheel type is concerned. (I'm using an SC1 DD)

    However wading through and skipping over huge wads of text is off-putting and I now find myself avoiding what used to be a quick and interesting daily catch up as @Karsten Hvidberg's files developed and received a bit of feedback.

    This isn't an attempt at censorship. Far from it and no offence is meant. Just a suggestion to present and consolidate such specific and detailed information, which you clearly spend a lot of time preparing, in it's own place, where it can get the attention it deserves. It'll surely also help others, who specifically follow the tuning and testing you undertake.

    • Agree Agree x 4
  13. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    What the living sweeet mother mary fark are you on about? Every single word was about force feed back.

    Well thats your major first world problem, then, isn't it. Well, I am glad people are benefiting. I am benefiting. Of course its off putting, you only care about yourself where I care about the dissemination of information.

    See, thats it. You said it yourself. Quick, daily? Doing what - learning what? Hello... the game is not/was not realistic. Its not something I want to put into such words, when it needs explanation, man!

    I am happy with my custom file, I hope you and others are too if you or they use it, but don't hate me because I know a thing or two and see a wide derth of information. For heavens sake, a guy who apparently lives near a beach in nz, with ONE road in and out of town is the expert who was doing all those noisy files! and claiming it was 'kosher'. Then he said he drove porsches and its a total farce.

    Do you really think someone who lives next to a beach (in nz, mate, ok, not in western croatia, queensland, California, etc etc) and trys to make noisy files with muddy features is going to come up with a good file? Oh and that someone drives Porches.

    That guy gave me a hard time for some reason. lol

    J Broadbent does a video and reckons its not good (the whole game), I do a custom file and reckon it wasn't good until I did the file then its better. lol

    What the flying mother - sweet mary of jee... (thats just for effect) do you think those guys were doing for 150 pages, bro?

    I HAD to write that much - and to be honest struggle (apparently) to make it interesting. Dang... lol

    Im not mad, man, I am trying to be funny. I am glad I made a clear file after 150 pages (that you waded through to no great gain), then came here to see my posts and believe its great...well, its been my experience thats how it all goes down, and I am not mad at the workers of this file, you guys are cool, sure, this is just a game people, perspective - but just remember yes physics and math can describe the universe accurately.

    I don't think there's a message really in that, except to say now the file is done I won't have to come here and keep fking with it. Oh yes. Models. Something about models.

    Thats right. We know MORE about evolution than we do about gravity. Interesting isn't it.

    Oh I see micropit is again living and receding according to the content of my posts. I must be in his head lol... hey bro - Jordan was like this, getting into the heads of those who oppose - except he had a reason - ooops, I did it again...? :)
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2021
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  14. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Hey btw congratulations kukumadog, who beat the record at laguna by a whole second. Undoubtedly using my file lol. I don't know probably - but also undoubtedly. But to nail that first corner and with the current physics probably, but can't see the setup, is the thing I did 5 times at least but didn't put it all together in one lap. Cool stuff. Just a proof of concept, didn't mean to wrest the record from him - I remember how I first mentioned that course and he rushed off to break the record/set the record. Wow man, cherish it. It always helps to follow the ghost of the faster car at the time. Thats sim racing. well done.

    Yes yes, sure I knew to make the rack planted and all that. Its a proud day. That car could only possibly do that based on my less bumpy/muddy but still bumpy, planted rack. Precision from last time increased manifold. Yuh. Manifold. It takes you to do it.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2021
  15. Shadak

    Shadak Active Member

    May 2, 2020
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    god damn you are tireless with the "rhetorics" ...
    • Like Like x 2
  16. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    If we were on whatsapp chat the status of this user would always be "Raceracerace is writing the same message ...."

    I forgot, get ready for the next answer initially of 5 lines, then edited to 10 and finally it will become 50 lines of text with another file named SauroMostardCock attached at the end :D:D:D
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2021
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Funny Funny x 2
  17. Steve D

    Steve D New Member

    Apr 28, 2020
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    And there I was trying to offer a reasonable suggestion, offered in good faith, to ensure that the FFB information you are providing, specifically for your wheel type, is disseminated in the most effective way possible and to the widest audience who stand to benefit the most. It's deserving of that, would make searching for it easier and it wasn't a criticism because, despite page after page of your oft-repeated 'War and Peace' efforts, I applaud your dedication.

    But you completely miss the point and instead of reacting reasonably, launch in to yet another lengthy tirade of complete and utter bollocks because it doesn't fit your narrative.
    • Agree Agree x 5
    • Winner Winner x 1
  18. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    @Karsten Hvidberg @Panos Schoino @Shadak

    I may have found a minor typo in scrub section of file.

    (F_scrub (+ (* 0.15 (sin (* 1.9 F_scrubP))) (* 0.1 (sin (* 2.23 R_scrubP))) (* 0.4 F_curve1_now)))
    (R_scrub (+ (* 0.15 (sin (* 1.9 R_scrubP))) (* 0.1 (sin (* 2.23 R_scrubP))) (* 0.4 R_curve1_now)))

    It has a R in the line that looks like it should be F
    when changing to F , it feels make quite a noticeable difference to cornering stability especially low speed turns.
    I think this has been in files for some time.

    please confirm ?
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  19. buddhatree

    buddhatree Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Just put him on ignore. I did. My god, the guy will not be quiet and he totally hijacked this thread. The forum and this thread in particular are much nicer now that I can't see any of his posts :)
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  20. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    Nice catch Kuku!
    Def. a typo or copy paste error on my side.

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