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Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. Shadak

    Shadak Active Member

    May 2, 2020
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    Now we need Raceracerace to write a 4000 word essey on what a typo means and how it actually happens in the brain, is it even real? Are people even real? Who are we?
    • Funny Funny x 9
  2. torsteinvh

    torsteinvh Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2019
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    That explains why I felt scrub has been a bit strange lately :)
    (Looks like typo was introduced in rFuktor 4.3)
    • Like Like x 1
  3. nabelo

    nabelo New Member

    Aug 31, 2020
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    Hey Kuku,

    can you please paste in here how it should look the correct way?

    Best regards,
  4. Michael Enright

    Michael Enright Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2019
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    Just change that Red R to an F.
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  5. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    arrhahaha. its got to be accompanied by something. we all have our foibles

    nah. Mustard is mustard man.

    whatsapp why u use that - its cross pollinating facebook data. way to get ripped.

    this one had venom. hrm. and from a monk.

    but your wheel is no better. Hijacked? 150 pages of not much going on, I turn up and suddenly the ffb is better than ever. lol.. how little you understand. back to your safe space harmony seeker

    Is this how you ignore me!? Jelly I can turn out a good file. Those sauropods, sitting atop the coniferous layers, turning into coal, maybe diamond, are rolling in their oily graves.

    Its like the guy said - do you think a company that makes fast and the furious computer game and its basically a 100 dollar sham - could make a serious racing simulator game engine? You spent 150 pages going round in circles - heck karsten had to remodel the file several times. My file is basically the only file worth using now, or at least the standard settings for a belt. Failing that, the default/in game custom
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2021
  6. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Ohhh good, better, you've seen that the pills start to take effect ... you have been more concise, you have attached only one file and you have been a little less violent this time ... and you have also beaten Kuku, also finding a fault of typo, damn mustard!!! :D

    My real wish is that in the future you can be concise and constructive with the next files of Karsten & Co., even if in disagreement with someone, so that the forum can appreciate what your feelings and suggestions are ... .we hope, we can do it!!! :p
    Do not make me regret it ... as an answer I just need your little heart on this message if you like!!! ;)
  7. Jason Pladoh

    Jason Pladoh Member

    Nov 28, 2020
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    Is the Above error Applicable to the latest High end file?


  8. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    As to can the fix be applied latest file - yes it can

    Firstly thank you haha very much. All in good spirit, and myself in earnest to be sure. But sorry man I am not doing negotiations by ultimatums, as kind as they are presented with thinly veiled attacks.

    You've already wasted my time over 150 pages. I am not sure you get it, pal.

    If I ever leave this site, I will come back from time to time and remind you of this fact for as long as I am playing AMS2. - lol - and you cannot be serious, you can't read a few pages.

    Whatever. But please get over this nonsense about violence online. Its gaslighting me or misconstruing me - I may have been up front and direct, but it was not 'violent'. People live by their ideas. All I saw were file after files of noisy bumpy stuff. Maybe it was lambasting, but don't take it to heart. You can say I don't have the right but what makes you guys right.

    Regarding length: No. Its not. Its simply more defined than ever. After the foundational stuff is done there is no need to redo such lengthy things. And people who could either not articulate that, or bother to spell it out. Oh I know its futile but why not cover a few bases. We have a bunch of madness engine titles out there with a combined user base of something like 800 concurrent users at any one time across or something - one with as low as 2 people concurrently, one with as high as maybe 500. And AMS2.

    Thats why they probably needed Reiza, to get sold. They kept making sim-community-determined "crappy products" with fun and stars and credits to get picked up by codies or whatever they had an ambition for, and reiza would begin the serious work - its why AMS2 is basically Pcars2 content re-sold (this is what studios do when they want to get bought - they try to get the attention of their target). Is it any wonder the didn't really get on with the community. Not sure if chicken/egg there in terms of selling to the community since I think the sim-above-all-else nature of the segment is a little fictitious. When a person sits down to play they want to enjoy themselves. All I was getting from files were vibrations.

    I am not fully sure what sort of progression in that area/ next level stuff reiza need to do with setups and custom files etc, to be taken more seriously or 'gel with' the simming community. This file is just my experience on doing that for this belt drive, is all.

    My file bucks all those trends and whatnot and really dials it down. Its not a re-sold experience of force feed back. Gaming stocks were just one revenue source for them at SMS probably, I am not trying to be a snob - I didn't mind Pcars2 for a time once I came late to the party on it. Absolutely and felt I got my money out of it. It was on sale and its not like I played it forever, a month or so but isn't that the case with most titles. At the same time got to ask why its got more users than AMS2.

    Thus my file had to strike the balance. Its lowered bumps and curbs etc to be in line with the equal/expected forces for a belt drive (and it feels good), and increased road-surface awareness rather than noise, the tracks are very good these days for that. Its emphasized front feel and turning feel and downforce. You can call my file - simcade or something - I want to point out that I feel this file is literally the best possible belt file at this moment in time. And that I have not used a sim game at any point and had as much enjoyment as with patch 1.2 and this file for particular cars at particular tracks.

    Where possible I tried to give exact setups, cars, tracks, conditions. lmfao. Then you get a video from a popular youtuber who would much rather it just be set up - well he was saying its all rather too much and no one would be prepared to help a person out, clearly. Aw don't gaslight me you lot. I know how good this file is, I know what settings for camera, what values. Its probably not everyone's cup of tea but hey.

    The length is more of an "andromeda affect" than me liking the sound of my own keystrokes.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2021
  9. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Ok I was deluded the pill was expired ... you are really to be subjected to mandatory health treatment ... the population of my ignored users is 1 ... bye bye Raceracerace!!! :)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    I apologize guys and Reiza ... initially I tried to ignore the troll attitude of this subject ... when it became unstoppable and with so little respect towards everyone (especially towards Kuku) I could no longer ignore it and the criticisms useless against those who gave us so much for free with the FFB files they triggered the protectionist spring ... let's be clear, no one asked me to defend anyone, the choice was mine, but I do not tolerate bullying against anyone and I deluded myself that he could understand (although I certainly did not remain to suffer it) ... unfortunately it was not so.
    I specify that in the post above my joke on the typing correction meant that "kuku was useful and made a functional correction on the file while the other corrected the word mustard" (maybe I shouldn't have approached the comparison) so, if not I had been legible I send my apologies also to Kuku but I think you understand.
    I will not occupy this topic anymore, I have more middle-aged and big shoulders, no matter if that person threatens me and he will return here under another name to be angry with me ... I just hope we can return to normal with the space they deserve compilers of the FFB file!!!
    Sorry :(
    • Like Like x 6
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  11. Sunscreen

    Sunscreen Active Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    Youve got zero need to apologise from where Im sitting Stakanov. Dont let it get to you.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  12. mister dog

    mister dog Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Damn you have some strange individuals running around on this planet (refering to RRR), and I'm not exactly normal neither. :D
    • Funny Funny x 4
  13. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Hi Team

    Have had a blast experimenting with a couple of things and found some extra goodness since scrub fix.

    I have made a couple of unusual changes that I feel add to the feel by taking things away.

    Still using 4.4 as base with blended center full.

    I have reduced centre relax to 0,
    I feel its not needed with this file/wheel and keeps it fast and informative. I was getting some minor delayed signals before that seemed to come in out of step.

    I have also dug a little deeper into file and turned spring strength down .
    I think it feels more natural and well.. less rubber band resistance like. ( users can add it back in steps if its what the are use too ), but I think these belts have natural spring in them.

    I settled on running virtually no power steering and just containing max forces within gain and finding great loading feel and great tire feel with all sorts of cars, but users can play around with it.

    As usual my settings and instructions are in file and link will be in my signature.
    This can be loaded into front page karsten , I dont think I can improve from here. :whistle:

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jun 19, 2021
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  14. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    I also have some other good files to add in to the next zip file.
    Hoping to do it tomorrow.
  15. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Hopefully the latest patch hasn’t moved the goal post again, but I’m pretty sure it downloaded in between test sessions. :)
  16. Richard appleyard

    Richard appleyard AKA Neworder

    Feb 4, 2020
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    ok just tried with t500rs in game setting 80 50 75 0 feels very good thks again
    • Like Like x 2
  17. TonyPan

    TonyPan New Member

    Jun 19, 2021
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    I use t300rs in game setting 60 60 40 0 feels very good
    • Like Like x 1
  18. AxisMagi

    AxisMagi Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 2, 2020
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    Been awhile since I've had time to play so I've reset everything in the game after update and
    been digging in to the latest files. Currently testing McLaren F1 GTR on Bathurst as my
    main test car/track. What a fun combo!

    The muscle fuktor version feels like it's getting thrown off by the dramatic elevation changes
    and uneven track surface of Bathurst, tried reducing road effects, bumps,
    suspension etc but still feels like I'm fighting the wheel.

    Kuku I really like your latest file, even though it's designed with the T300 in mind it works well
    for me on Simucube2. Easy to control slides. Sometimes less is more :)

    For giggles I tried the latest Reiza default to see how their version is coming along,
    huge difference and clearly Karsten has worked some magic. Thanks all for your contributions!
    • Like Like x 1
  19. nabelo

    nabelo New Member

    Aug 31, 2020
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    Hey Kuku...
    So your ingame settings with this file are 100% Gain and 0% Damper, right?
    What did you set in for LFB anf FX on your side?
    I alo run a T300RS GT

    Best regards,
  20. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Not quite, My settings are described in file header. they may differ from what suits all and are just a guide. But it’s very easy to find your preference.
    everyone has different tastes and different wheels, I have the leather edition add on wheel which is much lighter than stock RS , and also have ball bearing belt guides instead of stock plastic, so generally have slightly less friction and more sensitive transmission of FX .

    it also doesn’t surprise me that T500 users like @Richard appleyard have much higher values for FX as traditionally they have shown to have lower sensitivity than T300 based on user comments over time , even though they have more power overall.

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