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Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. GearNazi

    GearNazi Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2020
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    Does this solution involve the purchase of a DD wheel?:p

    I like the file overall(on a t300), and it might be better suited for a geared wheel though, that's a while ago for me.
    The one I've been using forever now is weightier, but not altogether dissimilar from your tune.
    The fidelity in detail and overall communication is very good imo.
    I couldn't help but notice a strong ACC-vibe there... Really strong.
    ACC's ffb has always been somewhat of a subject for debate, but for me personally, it's the physics of it that I disagree with, not so much the ffb.
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  2. Efe7to

    Efe7to New Member

    Apr 14, 2021
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    Would be nice if you could upload a file with the preferred parameters for a DD wheel. The last file is very good and we on a dd would be thankful to try a file potentially better and we could compare ourselves the differences on both files and personalize for our taste.
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  3. chonk

    chonk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    I have a similar feeling as Azaris with this file on a T300, the detail is there, it feels quick and responsive but too light for me in the center and doesn't load up in the corners as much as I would like. I will try making the adjustment you mentioned a few posts above.

    I need to try GearNazi's file again there was a lovely weight to the wheel with that file so maybe with some tweaking it's the one for me.

    Mostly I've been using Kuku's v3 it felt great with the BMW 2002 detailed and responsive with a nice weight, a bit muddy with the C9, however I feel very comfortable when driving to my limit with it.

    I think I need to just pick one and tweak to my liking at this point. They all feel fantastic and really I think a wheel upgrade would be the biggest difference maker for me but that will have to wait.
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  4. Brett Laurent

    Brett Laurent New Member

    Jun 22, 2021
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    Thankyou Richard goes well i went with 75,100 ,100 in Control Panel just the way I like it.
  5. Richard appleyard

    Richard appleyard AKA Neworder

    Feb 4, 2020
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    forgot to mention over all strenght of all forces i left at 60 constant 100 periodic 100 spring 0 damper 0
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  6. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Guys for many months the compilers have not updated the code of the file which is stuck at 4.6 Fix and we try with our limits to improve the latest version we have ... no one is inventing news we are all climbing on the mirrors and we try to move forward by making mixes, additions and / or modifications made before.
    It's not a competition, there are my files, those of Kuku, of Peter, of AndreiC, of Le Galoise, the original of Karsten and many others ... I think that none of us make our own tunes to beat those some 'other (it would be stupid) ... also there is no perfect universal harmony ... your pleasure is always in your hands nobody wants to touch it ;)

    If you like another tune (from other users) it is right that you use that one (it is almost never possible to compare two different files with different code by just saying which one you like), if you like the default Reiza it is right that you use that ... if instead you liked my previous tune (V1, V2, ...) and you don't like the last one, I can try to solve the problem with you or I can make the V3 like the V2 or V1 ... but to do this I need to know the settings you used, what you did as tuning and above all check that no mistakes were made unintentionally.

    Returning to the subject, I communicate (who liked my previous V2) the 5 simple changes to be made in the V3 to find the same identical sensations as the V2 but with yhe last upgrade not structural:

    (centering (blend (- 1 trail_strength_feel) 0.450 0.500))

    (force_scale (* 1.650 (/ 0.225 centering)))

    (center_full (blend (min 1 (* lfb_slider 10)) 0.2 0.4))

    (load_norm_wheel 250.0)

    (x (* 10 (/ (min kmh 250) 400)))

    Always at your disposal ... but let me help you if I can and if that's what you need!!!
    Stakanov!!! :)
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  7. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Yours is a logical request but it is almost impossible for me to simulate all the DDs, a lot depends on how the software and drivers of the steering wheels are set up and between different brands there are different starting points ... but if we assume the same setting starting, for DD steering wheels I could recommend to modify these parameters:
    (tighten_range 0)
    (tighten_falloff 0)
    (damping 0.30) or 0.25
    (rack_friction 0.15) or 0.20 or 0.25

    then the rest of the parameters are almost all effects to be adjusted at will and usually to be lowered in the DD ... but even there personal pleasure plays a lot!!!

    If it is difficult to understand what users are doing on a steering wheel similar to yours ... imagine a steering wheel that is not mine and with different starting characteristics!! ;)
  8. GearNazi

    GearNazi Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2020
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    Give it another whirl... With one of those cars that were, not long ago, a bit iffy... But after thorough physics revisions are now pure simracing extacy. The 720s, and maybe the M6 in the same class, which never impressed me before, and understeered in a weird way, but is now fantastic too.
    I think this the one, for the trusty t300...

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  9. Peter Stefani

    Peter Stefani Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 3, 2020
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    Last edited: Dec 27, 2022
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  10. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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  11. Brett Laurent

    Brett Laurent New Member

    Jun 22, 2021
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    Oh cool ill try those today thankyou
  12. chonk

    chonk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    I have just been doing exactly that. I need to try more cars with it, I've just been doing laps of Spa in the C9. That's what I've been focusing on most lately so it's the easiest comparison for me from file to file.

    Anyway this tune is fantastic, I think it's my favourite so far, it ticks a lot of boxes for me and is probably the ideal base for me to tweak from, not that I could see myself changing much.

    I dialed everything right back. T300 is set to 100% in the driver and a Gain of 75 in game, at 65 the detail is fantastic but still a touch light for me 75 is a nice compromise though. The weight of the wheel is excellent, it centers really convincingly, it's light enough but doesn't feel like a clown car and you're right about it not needing LFB it just adds an uncomfortable drag. There's loads of detail in slow corners and a nice amount of load at speed but even in situations where the wheel feels quite heavy there's still a real sense of what's going on with the tires. Just with the gain setting alone it's really very satisfying. so yeah this one is a winner for me.
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  13. GearNazi

    GearNazi Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2020
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    Good stuff! That's what we wanna hear...
    Especially in the first months of early access, I would run LFB pretty high and I could just feel the motor working full-tilt to counter any rotation of the wheel. It would squeal too?! Can't be right.
    That motor would warm up, and I have 2x 120mm fans cooling motor and power supply.
    But it would be feel lackluster when I'd remove some LFB.
    So on top of now having quality ffb, that motor now barely warms to the touch.
    I am 100% adament that our wheel, with this tune does not need any LFB, and personally, I usually leave that damping slider @ zero as well.
    Clean, pure, honest feedback, that's totally immersive.
    On the point of immersion; my 'VR-center' button is located next to my 'switch camera' button. Accidentally pressed today, and found out I was in 'cockpit' mode the whole time, instead of 'helmet' mode. Makes a big difference in motion/head movement/g-force effects and so forth. Since when is this so good? I can remember a time when both views would bem identical, save for the helmet you could either turn on or off... Weird, but I'll take it.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. oli65

    oli65 New Member

    Feb 17, 2017
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    I tried after a long time ams 2 with my DD1 following versions:
    - Delta-x
    - Delta-X V2.1
    - normal ru4-6

    With some cars its feel good, with other ones less, but I dont have the overview, what are the differents between this files. Can anyone explain, what differences should be.
    Many thanks
  15. Rob Davies

    Rob Davies Bobby Dazzler AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 2, 2020
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    Just sharing my DD1 tune based on the Delta-X V2 file (which personally I prefer to V3 at present) in case it helps anyone.

    In game I run 30/10/35/10/10 and my base is a 100% strength with damping and friction turned off and interpolation set to 0.

    My Changes to the file (all commented with the defaul values for ref):
    - Increased tyre slip/scrub/tear feel
    - Increased suspension feel
    - Changed the weight->bumpiness factor (too janky on some Formula cars)
    - reduced the kerb effects.

    The overall balance let’s me then run FX quite high to feel the scrub and the back-end going so it’s much easier to drive on the edge, even with the F-trainers!

    @Kuku Maddog (and gang) - thank you for all your work on this.... game changer for me.

    The one thing I would like is a bit more 'front tyre' feel and load in the balance, what would you suggest tweaking please?


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    Last edited: Nov 3, 2021
    • Informative Informative x 2
  16. Hank Madison

    Hank Madison New Member

    Feb 28, 2021
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    My CSL DD arrives Friday. Anybody care to share which file/settings they love? (Unfortunately the search function won’t allow a search for “CSL DD”.)
  17. ray64040

    ray64040 Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 16, 2016
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  18. Rob Davies

    Rob Davies Bobby Dazzler AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 2, 2020
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  19. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    @azaris @chonk
    Despite having few technical references and only a judgment, I imagined what you might not like and today I remodeled the previous ALL IN ONE V3 file just for you ... :whistle:

    I hope he managed to understand your feelings ... the cursors value based on Logitech G920 or G29 are slightly different and now Gain 90 - Lfb 30 - Fx 60 - Dp 30

    I'd be interested to know if you keep hearing it ... it should be just a little firmer so just try to soften it up by reshaping the sliders ;)

    Everyone else is not allowed to try the files ... :p
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2021
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  20. chonk

    chonk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    @Stakanov haha dude! you're too kind. will try this out over the weekend.

    the file that, GearNazi posted a few pages back in this thread which is as you said his tweak of a tweak is basically perfect for me. If you were to try that file with basically just Gain at around 70 0 LFB or Damping and FX to taste you would have a good sense of what.

    Anyway the this is very much appreciated, I look forward to trying it out and hopefully being able to provide somewhat more useful feedback. :D

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