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Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. Benzaah

    Benzaah Member

    Apr 5, 2021
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  2. J.King

    J.King New Member

    Jan 14, 2022
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    Hi guys, i am totally new too this.
    i have a CSL DD

    is there a possiblity someone could share there FFB settings ?
    in NOOB language.

    i did read allot of pages back,But it's confusing for me
    i think because of all the different wheelbases.

    i hope someone can help me with these info for the CSL DD

    thanks allot

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  3. Daniel Escalona

    Daniel Escalona Member

    May 25, 2020
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    Hi J.King and welcome to the AMS2 community.
    I'm a CSL DD (8nm kit) owner and first of all I recommend you to download (if no done yet) the Fanalab app and load the predefined AMS2 profile they have.
    If you don't like Fanalab, or you're not willing to run any apps in background while playing AMS2, you can just use this settings in your Fanatec Control Panel (go to the Tunning menu section and make sure to enable "Advanced Mode" so you can tune your wheel base settings):
    SEN Auto
    FFB 100
    NDP 25%
    INT 4
    FEI 100
    FOR 100
    SPR 100
    DPR 100
    For further info, you can go to the recommended settings from Fanatec forum here.

    Concerning FFB custom files, right now my favourites are these:

    I like this one from @Karsten Hvidberg because I think is very rich overall, I specially love the scrub/wheel slip effect which brings a lot of inmersion in cars with less downforce like German group C, Mitsubishi Lancers, Porsche RSR, Copa Classic (Chevette, wow!), between others.
    Maybe the down part is the lack of strength/weight compared with some other files here, so my ingame settings are a little high for being a direct drive wheel.
    My in-game settings:
    Gain: 70 - 80
    Low Force Boost: 40
    FX: 40 - 50
    Damping: 0
    Menu Spring Strenght: (this setting just affect the wheel spring strenght in MENUS, it doesn't affect gameplay at all)

    This one from @Alegunner68 is quite similar to Karsten's but it feels heavier which I like because it gives me more weight range to run between cars with less downforce and open wheelers for example.
    Here the wheel scrubbing / sliding effect is present but quite attenuated compared to the Karsten file which could be a problem for those who use bass shakers in their cocpits as the effect could be kind of buried by the other stronger vibrations.
    My in-game settings:
    Gain: 70 - 75
    Low Force Boost: 40
    FX: 40
    Damping: 10
    Finally, I remind you that we are talking in the world of subjectivity and what may be great for some, could be ridiculous for others.
    In my game configuration it's obvious that I like somewhat high effects, which might not be to your liking, so I recommend that you to follow a tutorial to get the ideal configuration for you.
    This video from Simracing 604 could be of great use to you in that regard.
    Well I hope this serves as an orientation to start enjoying this great game with such a great steering wheel. ;)

    EDIT: some typos.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2022
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  4. J.King

    J.King New Member

    Jan 14, 2022
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    wauw amazing feedback and thanks allot for al this information i am going too check it all and i will let you know how it goes. ! great
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  5. J.King

    J.King New Member

    Jan 14, 2022
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    what abbout the menu spring strenght ? , no clue what that its.
    i followed your guide line and i think i am almost there !
    i went for the ALLERGUNNER86 VERSION !
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2022
  6. Dean Ogurek

    Dean Ogurek "Love the Simulation You're Dreaming In." AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    It just adds some centering spring-force to hold the wheel while navigating the UI. Best kept low for use with DD.
  7. JDean

    JDean New Member

    Dec 26, 2021
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    Hey J.King
    i use the Fanatec CSL DD 180 also with the Karsten Hvidberg FFB File (see in quote).
    My Wheelbase setting are a little bit different to some others. I like the FFB very crisp and sharp with hard details but smooth steering forces for long races. I lowered the "INT" in combination with "LINEAR" instead of Peak. (with peak i have to hard forces and a deadzone where i have no feeling for 2°)

    With this ground Setup i can feel the curbs, the tyre grip and the hard braking for a better understanding what the car does. Testet it with Porsche GTE and oder cars in that kind of class

    In Game
    Gain: 80-100
    LFB: 0-50
    FX: 50-80 (road effects and vibration)
    Damping: 0

    Screenshot 2022-01-15 021106.png

    I Use The Same Settings for the similar Platform Game Project Cars 2. In Game "RAW" FFB or the superb Hugo Vai FFB txt files.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2022
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  8. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Hei Kuku
    Try this File

    Attached Files:

  9. J.King

    J.King New Member

    Jan 14, 2022
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    great feedback men ! will check that one aswell ! thanks allot yall
  10. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    great work, you have definitely spent some time testing all those different values.

    the kerbs feel really good and the tyre feel is good.
    I’d need to tone down some bits for myself, but those that like strong details will like it,
    Did find it had a big variation in strength of feel between something like the F-USA and a GT3 of the limited testing I’ve done.
    Will play around with it tomorrow if I get a chance.

    Well done
  11. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Thank you Kuku! Is with one dd1 tested. I tried to serve all the cars. Is a compromise. Kart file is also new
    In the game:
    Gain: 60
    FX: 30
    Low force boost: 0
    Damping: 0

    Bye Daniel
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2022
  12. tUMi

    tUMi Active Member

    Apr 26, 2020
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    This is a good find indeed, Kuku! Thanks for sharing it to us. :)

    I performed an experiment with one of your hybrid files I've been using for some time now with my SC2 Sport wheelbase - the Delta-S Evo (Primary scrub Plus).

    I did the exact same changes to it as you did with the 5.0.1 file and to my surprise these changes seems to be working really well with your hybrid file as well!

    (lfb_slider_strength 1.0) #0.0-1.0. How steep lfb slider adjusts the curve.
    (center_full (blend (min 1 (* lfb_slider 2)) 0.25 0.5))

    I can definitely feel the difference in a center area of the steering, it feels more tighter and direct than before the changes. After testing many hours on Nordschleife with the McLaren MP4/12 I think I will just keep the changes I've made to your hybrid file from now on as it feels excellent!

    I have uploaded the edited file here in case someone wants to have a go with it. Or you can just download the original hybrid file from the link in Kuku's signature and look for the file from the archive and make the changes mentioned earlier if you prefer to do it yourself.

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  13. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Hi Kuku !
    Another small change for the file
    Bye Daniel

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  14. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Hi again Daniel

    I had a bit of play and got it to where I like it, but its just some personal preference stuff and I haven't tested a wide variety of cars.

    You certainly don't need my approval to be happy with what you have and to share it, in fact id suggest everyone that has a tune of a file they recommend for their wheel base to link it into their signature so people can find it easier.
    And if anything the one you should be directing your tuning ideas too is @Karsten Hvidberg ,as its his creation and I'm still very happy with it in almost stock form. ( Though I may adopt your Kerb feel values) and only need to find a solution for high speed oscillations without spoiling the awesome direct feel.
    but I m happy to put up with it if I have too.
    Keep up the good work, I'm enjoying spending less time fiddling and more time racing at the moment. :)

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  15. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Hi Kuku
    Thank you very much for your Feedback. Yes the only problem is the oscillation, also with me.
    Have a nice day
  16. Sims Alabim

    Sims Alabim Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 16, 2021
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    Hey guys! This might be a bit off topic, or just a bit off.....but, anyways! I figured maybe some of you ffb-gurus now something about this. I decided to do a little experiment today, and mounted a couple of speakers underneath my racing seat. Compact, and good sounding active monitors with a great bass response. Spent some time with placement/padding/shielding etc, so now i'm basically sitting on a stereo subwoofer, racing. I've split the audio signal coming from the game, using an eq to cut mids/tops and boosting all the low frequencies making the chair (my ass) vibrate. Combined with a 7.1 headset it's pretty awesome! I also routed the "bass" signal to a small speaker mounted under my G29 pedals, so they vibrate as well...haha. This will surely get me many, many dates..! So, from off topic to..just off. Gurus: Is there a way to convert ffb signals into midi signals? Example: I wanna have the ffb signals from road effects, curbs and bumps only, convert them into midi signals according to ffb input gain, route that signal to my ass-speaker, wich will then trigger whatever frequency making it vibrate the most. Essentially, feeling only road effects through the underneath speakers. Midi Motor Madness! Ok, sorry! And thank you!
  17. mdecker79

    mdecker79 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 3, 2020
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    Your going to want something like simhub which takes the telemetry output from the game and plays it to bass shakers and or speakers.

    Tuning the software can take some time but doing so with one effect at a time lets you better understand what you're feeling and adjust it properly.

    Per my sig I run simhub with two buttkicker / shakers, one zipped tied right to the seat springs so it vibrates my butt directly and another bolted to the underside of my pedal tray.

    With simhub setup correctly it almost feels like cheating because I gain soooooo much more information from the shakers. Also running it all in VR it really fools my brain to help with immersion.

    Just having brake lockup on both which vibrates my pedals a certain way helps me with threshold braking. Also when I have the brake bias a bit too far to the rear I can feel that same vibration on my butt which then I can dial in the brake bias a bit better. But again to get this to match the FFB does take some time. Also having wheel slip with the rear and having that vibrate my butt a certain way helps with throttle input and how to modulate that better.

    Also the feel of the road is in there as well and it's so good when you drive over a bump and you feel it on the pedals and the wheel at the same time and then a millisecond later on the rears (my butt) as the rear tires roll over it is just great.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2022
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  18. JDean

    JDean New Member

    Dec 26, 2021
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    Same here. Using VR, the Buttkicker (with extra 4$ USB Soundcard) in combination with Simhub for tyre lock on the Front Axle. It ads emersion but its not so clear and fast like yout Steering wheel FFB
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  19. Sims Alabim

    Sims Alabim Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 16, 2021
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    Thanks! This is just what i need, only ten times better! Except I haven't figured out how to get it working. Gonna fiddle with some settings and try getting it up and running. Thanks for the tip, much appreciated!
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  20. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Hi Kuku
    High Speed oscillations? I set the master_rack to 0.7.
    on_off_trottle_feel to 0 , brings unwanted effects. Oscillations over 200km/h are also in reality. So I am very satisfied.
    Bye Daniel

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