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Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Hey @Michael Enright I use only the first 4 lines of code ... the other 4 is ok but a little redundant, use only if you want boost the grip in the front or in the rear .... at this moment for me is not necessary but possible

    Then i use only this...
    (grip_l (max 0 (- grip_fl (*rear_grip_loss_feel (- 1 grip_rl)))))
    (grip_r (max 0 (- grip_fr (*rear_grip_loss_feel (- 1 grip_rr)))))
    (grip_l (max 0 (- grip_rl (* front_grip_loss_feel (- 1 grip_fl)))))
    (grip_r (max 0 (- grip_rr (* front_grip_loss_feel (- 1 grip_fr)))))

    With 2 variable in the fle
    (front_grip_loss_feel 0.150) #How much front grip loss decreases feel of grip
    (rear_grip_loss_feel 0.125) #How much rear grip loss decreases feel of grip


    Another Advice if you like, after this code ....

    (grip_fl (- 1 slip_fl2))
    (grip_fr (- 1 slip_fr2))
    (grip_rl (- 1 slip_rl2))
    (grip_rr (- 1 slip_rr2))

    Insert this

    (grip_fl (smooth grip_fl grip_tyres_smooth))
    (grip_fr (smooth grip_fr grip_tyres_smooth))
    (grip_rl (smooth grip_rl grip_tyres_smooth))
    (grip_rl (smooth grip_rl grip_tyres_smooth))

    and in the file insert another variable ...

    (grip_tyres_smooth 0.008) #How much smooth the feel of grip on tyres

    Regards Michael
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  2. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    @easy81 i'm in test ... when i finish i public here ;-)
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  3. Manolo

    Manolo Member

    Sep 28, 2021
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    Hey @Stakanov I haven't seen you participate in a long time, I hope everything goes well. ;)

    I have been using the "grip" as recommended by you since january and I am happy to have included it in all the files that Karsten has published to date.lately I have implemented your code for the scrub on 4 distinct wheels and I am not bad, then I do not deny that I have copied some values from the various very kind users.:)

    The front with the grip feels very connected to the road (no float) and with the smooth you regulate the strength of the sensation, I practically use Karsten's latest file with these modifications ... and now I'm curious, what you have in mind...

    regards Manolo
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  4. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Hey @Manolo, I read the forum often and as usual the files always go forward, so congratulations and many many thanks to the compilers. ;)
    So let's say that it's okay, I have ups and downs, the organs are in no particular order and therefore often after 15-30 minutes of play I feel on the Disneyworld without paying any ticket, I would say excellent :D
    About the file so I'm going a little slow but I hope to publish it as soon as possible or at the latest in a few days ... I'm just waiting for some feedback to make sure I don't have any anomalies for the user.

    Hi dear
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  5. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    This is very interesting, and inputting into my current use file is promising, and no random pull effect.

    I need to try some fine tuning of tyre resistance and grip loss but time is limited .
    But it definitely offers a progression in the file, I look forward to having more time another day.
    Nice work guys.

    Ps : nice to see you Stakanov.
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  6. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Hey @Kuku Maddog pleasure reciprocated. ;)

    When you can, in your test you don't forget to put in the code even this in bold for complete grip upgrade.
    (tyre_fl_stretch (* front_tyre_stretch_feel grip_fl FL_stretch angle_d_l wheel_diam_FL 0.5))
    (tyre_fr_stretch (* front_tyre_stretch_feel grip_fr FR_stretch angle_d_r wheel_diam_FR 0.5))

    Within a few one or two days I will publish a somewhat anomalous o_O file but that I like a lot (personal opinion for sure) ... :)
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  7. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    The file is mainly for dd wheels, Fanatec dd1/dd2 optimized
    Have fun
    A big thank you to Stakanov for his support and the creative exchange . The custom files turned out fantastic

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    Last edited: Mar 27, 2022
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  8. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    OK guys, the kart tuning remain WIP or not touch, but the file is now complete, functional and tuned and i attached here this rFuctor 5.0.X.X 4W.GRIP.MOD with also the last original Karsten's file rFuctor for fast comparisation in the game and in Notepad++. ;)

    This time the file is unique for everyone (DD, High or Low End, Gear or Belt) and I have not made any specific optimization for the Logitech bases, indeed the total tuning of the file was made by your values that you mainly use DD bases and good even for me.
    Perhaps only the bump, scrub and tear scales are for my steering wheel G920 but good for all, also I added just a pinch of tightening but it is so small that it might not even be noticed by many DD users and, if you don't like it, you can easily reduce and/or reset them as you wish.
    Under, in the spoiler, you find the technical description. ;)

    Name: rFuktor 5.0.X.X 4W.GRIP.MOD
    Mod and Tuned by Stakanov for all wheels


    1) In game setting, select "Custom" with this starting value:
    GAIN 95* - LFB 25 - FX 65 (+/- 10 to taste) - DP (Damping) 15.
    *Then, in the car setting, use +/- % of Gain for car to taste!!!
    2) Logitech HUB Setting
    Last version with default value
    (900° and all sensitivity to 50)
    3) AMS2 Game Menù Setting
    900° - All deadzone to 0 - All sensitivity to 50 except the throttle on range 20-30
    If you use manual clutch try to set also this slide of sensitivity on range 20-30

    1) In game try to start with your usual value or with this starting range-value:
    GAIN 50-95* - LFB 05-25 - FX 35-65 - DP (Damping) 05-15.
    *Then, in the car setting, use +/- % of Gain for car to taste!!!

    1) In game try to start with your usual value or with this starting range-value:
    GAIN 30-80* - LFB 00-20 - FX 30-60 - DP (Damping) 00-15.
    *Then, in the car setting, use +/- % of Gain for car to taste!!!


    Not wanting to write a kilometric post, I make it short, specifying that the characteristics of this file are:
    - Original used file and logical function is a mix beetwen 5.0.1 and the, the code below and the value-bases is from last;
    - The new Implementation on the front wheels of the Grip function and the insertion of all the other variables and lines of code for its management (smooth effect, grip_loss front and rear, etc);
    - New Code: Added and duplicate all the lines of code to calculate the forces also of the rear of the car when use or even if not utilized (future use);
    - Changes to the lines of code that previously calculated and simulated the rear by taking the values from the front. Now the same lines take the values of the rear physics of the car and if there are two values simultaneously on the front and on the rear, the most relevant or highest is chosen for the outpoot;
    - I specify that the above modifications are only for the calculation of the functions to be sent to Karsten's MOMENTUM RACK which continues to work perfectly as before except for 2 small coefficients and an implementation in the Yaw;
    - The SCRUB are now for 4, one for wheels and not only two for front and rear
    - Little modify to Custom Lock Stop, i don't now if is placebo but use of "wheeldir" seem most correct when you go at the start or at the end of run in the wheel;
    - note for the expert, the file can be modify easy as always, and then you can chage this in what you want (pure 5.0.1, with powerstering or without, etc.), if you don't like something, just overlay your replacement code or value at your tast.
    I exclude the code for the rear which has only been duplicated and I list here the one added and / or modified compared to the original......................

    (bump_weight_scale (/ 500 (/ (max (+ corner_FL corner_FR) (+ corner_RL corner_RR)) 9.8)))
    (brake_weight_scale (/ 500 (/ (max (+ corner_FL corner_FR) (+ corner_RL corner_RR)) 9.8)))

    (grip_fl (smooth grip_fl grip_tyres_smooth))
    (grip_fr (smooth grip_fr grip_tyres_smooth))
    (grip_rl (smooth grip_rl grip_tyres_smooth))
    (grip_rr (smooth grip_rr grip_tyres_smooth))

    (load_df (+ (* 0.66 (min rel_weight_FL rel_weight_FR rel_weight_RL rel_weight_RR)) (* 0.33 (max rel_weight_FL rel_weight_FR rel_weight_RL rel_weight_RR))))

    (grip_l (max 0 (- grip_rl (* front_grip_loss_feel (- 1 grip_fl)))))
    (grip_r (max 0 (- grip_rr (* front_grip_loss_feel (- 1 grip_fr)))))

    (travel_l (+ travel_l (* 0.00010 brake_feel (max 0 FL_long))))
    (travel_r (+ travel_r (* 0.00010 brake_feel (max 0 FR_long))))

    (angle_d_l2 (* angle_d_l 30))
    (angle_d_r2 (* angle_d_r 30))

    (tyre_fl_stretch (* front_tyre_stretch_feel grip_fl FL_stretch angle_d_l wheel_diam_FL 0.5))
    (tyre_fr_stretch (* front_tyre_stretch_feel grip_fr FR_stretch angle_d_r wheel_diam_FR 0.5))

    (rack_momentum_l (* 25 (spring tyre_l 100000 1 1) (max mom_FL mom_RL)))
    (rack_momentum_r (* 25 (spring tyre_r 100000 1 1) (max mom_FR mom_RR)))

    (x (* (if (min 0 x) -1 1) (* (- 1 (/ 1 (+ 1 (* lfb_slider_strength 15 (abs x))))) (+ lfb_slider2 (* (abs x) (- 1 lfb_slider2))))))
    (x (* (if (min 0 x) -1 1) (* (- 1 (/ 1 (+ 1 (* lfb_slider_strength 15 (abs x))))) (+ lfb_slider2 (* (abs x) (- 1 lfb_slider2))))))
    (x (* (if (min 0 x) -1 1) (* (- 1 (/ 1 (+ 1 (* lfb_slider_strength 15 (abs x))))) (+ lfb_slider2 (* (abs x) (- 1 lfb_slider2))))))

    (yaw_l (* yaw_l (max grip_fl grip_rl) (max grip_feel_front grip_feel_rear) (max rel_weight_relaxed_FL rel_weight_relaxed_RL)))
    (yaw_r (* yaw_r (max grip_fr gtip_rr) (max grip_feel_front grip_feel_rear) (max rel_weight_relaxed_FR rel_weight_relaxed_RR)))

    (steer_spring_strength 0.75)

    (rear (+ (* left2 mom_RL2 (if RL_bump_offroad 0 1)) (* right1 mom_RR2 (if RR_bump_offroad 0 1))))
    (scrub_effect (* scrub_scale (+ FL_scrub FR_scrub RL_scrub RR_scrub)))
    (road_effect (* road_rolling_slip_feel 4 (sin road_feel_pos) 0.02 (power kmh 0.5) 0.1 (+ 0.4 (* 1 (abs (* steerPct 1.3))))))

    (road_features (* road_features master_road (* 1.6 (power fx 1.6))))
    (effects (* effects master_effects (* 1.6 (power fx 1.6))))

    (wheel_dir‎‎ (if output 1.0 -1.0))
    (stops (bumpstop wheel_dir 0.15 0.5 0.2 1.0))

    I hope you like, it is obvious that the file can still be developed, tuned, corrected and implemented, but for now for me it represents the best basis (personal opinion for sure) .... thanks to all those users/friends who have had the patience to help me, since I can't do long sessions of tests .... good night to all!!! ;)

    EDIT: I replace the file for typing error ... re-download the file!! ;)
    SORRY!!! :mad::D

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    Last edited: Apr 13, 2022
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  9. newtonpg

    newtonpg Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 29, 2018
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    Thank you!
    While I'm still fine-tuning the ingame settings, I can say that this is by far the best custom file for my TM-TX.
    Ingame: 70 / 5 / 40 / 5
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  10. Manolo

    Manolo Member

    Sep 28, 2021
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    @Stakanov for affection and friendship, unfortunately, I am not impartial and I have known many changes in preview for some time, but know that I am trying in every way to send all the cars out of control, off the road, skidding, I spin, burn out and more. but the coherence of the steering wheel is disarming. o_O
    Seriously, congratulations for me you have outdone yourself. I repeat the GRIP implementation I already knew (the front wheels are now on the road), but the duplication of the formulas for the calculation of the rear forces, the SCRUB on 4 wheels together with the TEAR even on 4 wheels and, not for last, the use of the MAX function in the simultaneous presence of a front and rear force (not to confuse the Karsten's Momentum Rack) IS BRILLIANT. ;)
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  11. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Hey guys I made a little typing error .... correct this in red and bold ... ;)

    (grip_fl (smooth grip_fl grip_tyres_smooth))
    (grip_fr (smooth grip_fr grip_tyres_smooth))
    (grip_rl (smooth grip_rl grip_tyres_smooth))
    (grip_rr (smooth grip_rr grip_tyres_smooth))

    Thanks to @pista hufnagel for the correction!!! ;)
    I replace the file in post # 4602
    Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

    SORRY!!! :(


    I take advantage of this correction to modify on trust and on @Danielkart 's indication only two variables that would seem to feel better or more stable than before, namely:

    (accel_feel 0.50) ---------------------->
    before it was 0.75
    (front_drive_torque_feel 1.25) --> before it was 1.75

    It is not a mandatory change and if you prefer, leave it as it was before.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2022
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  12. Bull Shark

    Bull Shark "Later has already begun." AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    Is this for Karts only?
  13. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    No is a normal file for all cars, is a MOD based on the Originale 5.0.1- ;) ... but it is not optimized for the Kart and the values for this are those of Karsten's original file, maybe just one or two different ones.
  14. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    @Stakanov & @Danielkart!

    I'm really liking how these files feel different in each their own unique way :)

    @Stakanov I'm curious, your file is quite "amped up"/strong, is this not a problem at higher gain settings in-game? It does not clip?

    Best & thanks for sharing!
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  15. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Yes it is a problem karsten , but wait
  16. Aza340

    Aza340 Active Member

    May 18, 2020
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    Thanks so much for posting this file . It's just what I've been searching for , suits my 20nm simplicity wheel perfectly . Lovely weight to the wheel now and no out of control free spinning auto centering anymore . Fantastic .
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  17. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    I said the change Stakanov
    Regards Karsten
  18. mdecker79

    mdecker79 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 3, 2020
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    *Since this is a longer post I’m really just looking for more suspension feel in the FFB.*

    Let me start off with saying all these custom files are great and I have 751 hours on AMS2 which are all in VR and I can say 99% of those hours have been on many… many of these different custom files. So, thank you to all who have been putting in the time to make these files great.

    About a month or 2 ago I picked up RRRE for the first time as I ignored it because of DX9 and knowing it wouldn’t look as good in VR on my G2. After some fiddling to get it to look the best it can on my G2 I got into some racing and manly the F4 car.

    The reason I bring up RRRE is because of the suspension feel with the compression of going over bumps and how it reacts to the steering / FFB while I’m driving in VR. Everything feels like it matches up for me where I don’t have to think about it with the different forces and what not when going over bumps to what I’m seeing in VR. With the car moving up and down to how it feels in the steering / FFB to my buttkickers the immersion is great and just ‘feels’ right to me.

    That brings me back to AMS2 as I’ve been trying to replicate that feeling I get in RRRE with going over bumps to it matching what I see in VR to what I feel in the steering / FFB and I just can’t seem to get it right. Sometimes bumps are seen in VR and felt in the steering / FFB and sometimes they are seen in VR but just not there at all in the steering / FFB which is odd because I should be feeling that in the FFB.

    So, sometimes in VR when the car moves or bounces a bit from a bump I feel it in my buttkickers while seeing it in VR but nothing happens with the steering / FFB. I’ve tried all different types of LFB and FX but nothing seems to help or too much FX brings out that feeling but then turns everything else up that FX controls which is overkill. I then tried to mess with the FFB file itself but I’m not having much luck.

    I’ve tried messing with the following settings / dials in the file to see if it helps:

    Changing these settings does in fact bring out more detail but sometimes it’s just too much now as it doesn’t match other things.

    To try something different I switched things up and gave default and default+ a go which has all the suspension feel I’m looking for as it all matches what I’m seeing in VR and feeling in the steering / FFB but just doesn’t feel right/good compared to these custom files. It’s way to springy off center and when the back end starts to slide out the wheel moves very fast which I don’t like.

    So, I guess I’m just looking for some direction to get more suspension feel in the FFB to match what I’m seeing in VR when the car is moving. Because to see the car moving up and down from bumps along with feeling those bumps with my buttkickers but then not feeling it in the steering / FFB is just a bit off putting.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2022
  19. kbasic

    kbasic New Member

    Mar 28, 2022
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  20. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    It’s interesting how different people like different things.
    one thing that I don’t like about R3E is that exaggeration of suspension feeling, the simple act of the spring/ shock compression is something that I feel should be only felt a little and shouldn’t move the wheel axis. It certainly doesn’t behave like that in irl cars , because the point of the steering system that the wheel is attached too is disconnected from the suspension by swivel points and rubber bushes. So you only feel it through the body, not the wheel.
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