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Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Hey @Karsten Hvidberg, right now with these settings I am at the clipping limit but I can enjoy the game like never before ... in the latest post 5.0 files the low end is a bit underpowered compared to a high end and DD which would seem to be more overpowered .. .
    This maybe helps me a little compared to you DD user ... but I think it just needs some recalibration.

    The amazing thing is that the operating logic of the file is now identical regardless of the steering wheel level ... I tested this file with a dozen users at the same time and I chose almost all of them with DD or HighEnd and i with LowEnd and we spoke the same language, same emotions and the same conclusion ... it is as if we had reached a basic envelope that works for everyone and that must only be normalized in power and only defined but no longer distorted from one wheel to another.

    Regarding the center and hardness it would seem to improve with the use of this code tested by @Danielkart on DD1 but not yet tested by me on the low end ...

    (center_full (blend (min1 (*lfb_slider2)) 0.01 0.01))

    @Karsten Hvidberg This line of code for the center
    (center_full (blend (min1 (*lfb_slider2)) 0.01 0.01))
    on the low end wheel does not work, indeed it gets much worse.
    Instead the use of this line of code that I already use in my file....
    (center_full (blend (min1 (*lfb_slider 7.5)) 0.25 0.5))
    makes me stay the steering wheel stable and homogeneous.

    Regards :)
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2022
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  2. mdecker79

    mdecker79 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 3, 2020
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    I don't disagree with you really but I think there should be something felt in the steering when a front wheel goes over something. I feel every single bump and road issue in my car but that may be because of the car and how it's more stiffly sprung and the factory frame stiffing that is on the car.

    Also the steering feeling in my RS is really good so that may be the reason why I'm looking for a bit more because it's what I'm used to irl.
  3. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Bumps are there to feel in the butt, or in motion. No real car will put these things on your steering wheel, just a little. I have motion,buttkicker,G2, and it's the best feeling I've ever had. Even without motion, buttkicker,g2 it's fantastic. I know raceroom,that's no comparison to Ams2. If you feel the shift, cool. But unfortunately not realistic. When you feel the beats in the wheel , cool. But unfortunately not realistic.Shifting the gears, cool. But unfortunately not realistic. But of course it's always a matter of taste
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  4. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Exactly Karsten you said that very nicely.
    Exactly Karsten you said that very nicely. Everyone has this fantastic feeling now. Because now the front axle is connected to the steering :)
  5. mdecker79

    mdecker79 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 3, 2020
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    I guess I should of clarified. I'm not talking about bumps in a straight line as you should not feel them and they shouldn't interact with the wheel while driving straight.

    I'm talking about while you're in a turn and hit a bump. The front wheels are already turned a bit and then they hit that bump. This should result in some feeling in the wheel because the fronts are turned already. For me this results in sometimes I feel the bump in the wheel and sometimes I don't.
  6. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    I’ve only briefly had a run with this latest file development , but did find it quite overpowering in opposing force’s even with gain turned down by 50% .

    When i’ve been testing this front axle grip code it’s had good grip building feel , but never really seem to get a good feel of grip loss or slipping.

    I’ve still got some more things to try when time allows.
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  7. Manolo

    Manolo Member

    Sep 28, 2021
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    Instead before you did not feel the grip, you did not have the grip, you went sailing on a sea of scrub and tears, but you felt the sliding!!! And when you slipped oppression you didn't have any ??? :D

    Crazy things don't we have to do skating? The cars have wheels and are made of rubber and in the braking the weight goes on the front or not? Here it seems that you all go on motorcycles!!! :(

    And do you think you are oppressed by the feeling of grip??? o_O
    But solve the overpower that is your real problem and take advantage of the marvelous physics of this file and Momentum Rack made of mathematics, physics and geometry, not philosophy of the sensation!!! :mad:
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2022
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  8. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    I don’t even follow what you are meaning, but all i said was that out of the box the file is not suitable on my Wheel base and that’s just relevant feedback.

    i have successfully implemented all the key parts of the front axle feel into my own files for testing, and have experienced good feelings apart from the feelings of slip angle.
    as the grip loading remains even when the grip has been lost .
    slip angle is the key to racing on the limit.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  9. Dean Ogurek

    Dean Ogurek "Love the Simulation You're Dreaming In." AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Keep in mind, right or wrong, some players like extra ffb effects for a greater sense of immersion. Immersion is even more subjective than ffb is. :p:D
    • Agree Agree x 5
  10. Manolo

    Manolo Member

    Sep 28, 2021
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    Let those who might be able to solve problems speak if you are not able to have solutions, and you only know how to judge other people's things in 2 minutes, none of us comes to write stupid things to you if there are no solutions to the 10,000 versions of what you publish and you do, but now they start to be relevant just like you say.

    And you follow very well what i mean and in this your second post is totally different from fist post and withoth oppression, little good. But if is not suitable for your wheel base and withoth solution you can even not wright becouse this is a feedback not relevant and only bad.

    And yes the grip loading remains, many many less but remain even when the grip has been lost or when you are an accident with slip the wheels and scrub in the ashalt, then no stop the effect of gtip and no fly in the air and yes the slip angle is the key to racing on the limit but in fuction of the grip and as long as the grip is there otherwise how you fell the slide???

    And yes my feedback is pertinent ... no like yours!!!
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2022
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  11. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    I do not understand why you feel some need to attack , all i said was that i agreed with karsten that the level of force seemed high. and when you factor in that and multiply it with a powerful wheel it can drown out details.

    and in terms of slip and grip feel i have no issues feeling that grip with older files and it’s easily adjusted by modifying slide factor.

    but most importantly the fall off from max grip to starting to slide the front tyres is able to be felt but not like an on off switch , it’s a slight variation.
    friction is still felt after that point.
    all i’m pointing out that in my testing since this active front axle was introduced by @Danielkart and expertly evaluated again by @Stakanov is not quite there yet , as the grip fall off is out of time and only feels different to max grip at full slide . at which point you are already understeering of the track even though the wheel is registering a high force of lateral grip.

    i have stated that i need to do more testing and that i find it’s easier to do so by just including this system into existing files that i know work well .
    This is part of the problem solving, and also being able to have a conversation about it .
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  12. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    I don't like to write whale books. I think the key is in the line (center_full.......). It should be very linear, from 2Nm to 15Nm. So you could use 4-5 (center_full......). Then select file for the base and have fun :D
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  13. Bull Shark

    Bull Shark "Later has already begun." AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    Ah ok, that makes sense. Thanks for the explanation. Will test the files later this week. :D
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  14. Gazzawesty

    Gazzawesty Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 25, 2020
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    The file uploaded by Stakanov yesterday is fabulous on my g27. The wheel is tight in the center and the grip feeling is superb. I could even brake properly as I could feel the car slipping.

    Great work everyone❤️
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  15. Richard appleyard

    Richard appleyard AKA Neworder

    Feb 4, 2020
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    Stakanovs file works very well with my t500rs great work my new goto file
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  16. Manolo

    Manolo Member

    Sep 28, 2021
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    But which attacks and which victims...... now let's do the saga of the philosophy of physics!!

    Both the @Danielkart file and even more so the @Stakanov file are a huge leap forward and maybe need only to be adjusted in power on the DD and HIGH band and re-tuned in order to realign the effect of loss or slippage .... but even so it is superior now and not a little.
    I'm going to play it's better!!!
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  17. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    For me the basis. The rest is an extra :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. NBrembo

    NBrembo Member

    Sep 22, 2016
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  19. Rob Davies

    Rob Davies Bobby Dazzler AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 2, 2020
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    I tried on my DD1 but felt well out of balance (very strong turning vs anything else) so not sure it translates across devices yet? Currently running @Kuku Maddog ’s current file which I believe includes the rack improvements and feels good.
    Thanks everyone for all the continued work!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    ohhh, it s your own fault. Is a small intervention, have corrected it. Will post it soon
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