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Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. AntoAntoDD

    AntoAntoDD Member

    Apr 13, 2022
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    Thanks illuminating ... so the native variables are those not calculated in the file because they have already been read by the physics of the game and only reported in its value if indicated as FL_slide, FL_scrub and FL_tear .... while everything else is the one recalculated according to what we want to achieve as for example this ....

    (FL_slide (min 1 (/ FL_scrub 20)))

    that becomes in effect something like in C ish form:

    FL_slide = the minimum beetween 1 and (FL_scrub / 20)

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  2. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Yes AntoAntoDD (son) you are very insightful, if you learn well, not only will you know one more thing but you will deepen many other subjects or disciplines, certainly you will not be able to change the feelings of people (who will continue to like what they like) but at least you will know that it is a fake if they tell you that 2+2 is 4,5 ;) ... if only I think how many times have I said something wrong here on the forum without ever once Karsten corrected me, I feel a little stupid :p ... but you keep making mistakes and learn, which is always needed, always make others give up and never be stubborn, always explore everything especially what you don't believe in, everything ended tomorrow too, you will have moved on, but the old man is me this must not interest you dear young boy!!! ;)
    Have a good evening :)
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  3. GearNazi

    GearNazi Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2020
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    Hello all... Due to an oversight on my part, whilst I was going in and out of different sims, I left my rFactor 2 Fanatec settings active whilst in ams2.
    The most important difference being that this tuning is set to "linear" and not peak, as was recommended for ams2.
    Another difference is that damping(DPR) is set to 0 or off.

    Had to up my gain in game from 65 to about 80 or so, once I found out what I had "messed up". 10 LFB for a bit more resistance around center, and 35 FX... Again NO damping in game either.

    The difference is literally night and day as one would expect, and while it lacks in dynamic range, the details that matter(to me...) are suddenly all there.
    Road feel, even some nice brake feel, I was shocked?! Fanatec have their preset for ams2 all wrong IMO.

    It feels distinctly rFactor-y now, but without as much grain.
    Cars I know intimately feel much better, and more precise, without that rubbery vagueness that apparantly the "peak" setting introduces, as well as DPR.

    I'm leaving it like this... FFB in game is on default+ btw.
    This should work for basically all Fanatec users, be it on a CSW, CSL DD or podium.
    Out of AC, rF2 and ams2, our favourite sim of choice now feels the most luxurious to me. And very informative without too much grain.

    I don't know if many people run "linear", but it's a game changer, trust me.
    Should at least be tried by those that haven't.

    Kind regards...
    • Informative Informative x 2
  4. TexasSpecial

    TexasSpecial Member

    May 5, 2022
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    a quick note from my test of v1.4. On the previous version when stopped you could feel the engine vibrating through the wheel. (no wheel oscillation on mine when at idle BTW) with the new version, that sensation is completely missing.
    If you can add the load shifting, the previous version is fantastic!
    • Informative Informative x 2
  5. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Hi ! I think here in the custom ffb thread nobody will be going with linear with Fanatec ;) By the way, there is also a thread for default and default+, many greetings, Daniel
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  6. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Stakanov I haven't been able to test your file yet. But I'll let you know when I've done it. I'll give you feedback in the private thread. Thank you in advance for your sharing and your constant work:);)
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  7. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    @TexasSpecial I think you meant 1.3 ... for this is simple ... for now i have low the lateral load for stabilized the rest of file ... if you want restore with the sensation of 1.2 you try to modify this line which is at the bottom of the file .....

    (as (power as 0.6)) ---> set to 0.65 (the same of 1.2) or, if you want more, set to 0.7 that is the original value for lateral load of suspension ;)

    For all, however, I communicate that it is possible to restore the 1.3 file to the state of the previous 1.2 just set the following items as indicated below:

    (steer_spring_strength_feel 0.50) ---> set to 0.65 (the same of 1.2)
    (grip_deadzone 0.15) set to 0.00 to restore the different grip sensation
    (slide_factor 0.85) set to 0.6 to reduce the slide
    (tear_deadzone 0.01) set to 0.00 to remove the deadzone

    with these changes the file 1.2 and 1.3 is practically identical ... only the correction code of bump and of the road are the difference ... remember this if you take the tests. ;)

    @Danielkart and All, let me know by tomorrow night, so before I leave, I'll put your preferences in a v1.3.1 file. Do not be angry if I do not respond immediately to the messages I have to enjoy the family a little but I will read you and see what to change.:)
    Last edited: May 21, 2022
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  8. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    I am receiving positive private feedback with these combination of values and/or changes in the item of 1.3:

    (steer_spring_strength_feel 0.50)
    (grip_deadzone 0.01)
    (slide_factor 0.85)
    (tear_deadzone 0.01)

    and in the code at the bottom of the file
    (as (power as 0.625))

    I tried fast and they look good ... those who want more load still have to raise the AS to 0.65-0.70... but I also recommend doing a test on the most swaying cars to see what I mean ;)

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  9. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Hey Stakanov! Yes no problem enjoy your family :)I'll let you know tomorrow, today I'm dealing with my real car, best regards
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  10. ricxx

    ricxx Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 30, 2022
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    Exactly, as master Yoda said: 'Failure our greatest teacher is.' :D The principle is basically to gain knowledge by learning step by step what not to do, 'trial and error' is exactly that. If you embrace that you never lose, you either win or learn.

    He probably never corrected you because he wanted to be polite. It is nice but you learn nothing. That's why I mentioned that it really doesn't help anyone if you keep your criticism for yourself. Even by just disagreeing on something there is an exchange of ideas everyone benefits from.
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  11. AntoAntoDD

    AntoAntoDD Member

    Apr 13, 2022
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    Thanks for the words he had for my son, since yesterday he threw himself into Karsten's file and no, it is not obvious to have help, we are not at school where we must necessarily receive teaching ... so thanks for the efforts that says Mr. Stakanov and for the patience he shows towards everyone trying to meet the needs of others.

    Returning to the file, I also notice a lowering of the load level on DD1 compared to the 1.2 file. I found the good feeling by raising the value of "as" to 0.625-0.650, with many machines I could reach 0.675 but from here i feel the shake on wheel and it is true that whith a value of 7 many cars become rigid and with a strong elastic effect that is difficult to control.

    Regarding the Grip Deadzone I think it is subjective, at 0.01 it returns quite similar to ATMOS 1.2 perhaps a little more informative and linked to the road, while with value of 0.15 you smooth everything in the sensations and yes you can focus more on sliding but you lose a lot in the details transmitted from the road to the wheels, I did not find any further advantages in the intermediate values.

    Slide factor of 0.85 not disturb.

    I hope it will be useful. Have a good day @Stakanov
    Last edited: May 21, 2022
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  12. RubénGarMo

    RubénGarMo New Member

    May 11, 2022
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    Thanks all of you who are contributing actively to build these amazing custom files, and specially to Stakanov and Danielkart, who provide us the new files. I am not good at reading the numbers and codes in the file, but I can say that I have testet the lastest ATMOS file with variety of classes (formula from several decades, GT3 and stock cars, among others) and the feeling was always amazing.

    However there is a thing that I would like to improve. I hope you can help me. I like the configuration that I have set with mi T248, but the vibration and noise in some curbs is a little too much (mi destktop starts to rumble). There is a way to lower only the vibration on the curbs, not in the rest?
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  13. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    I have a change of plans, tomorrow I will be out all day, so I will publish the ATMOS file v.1.3.1 shortly with the advice received from users here on the forum and in private .... Daniel will excuse me if I can't tomorrow and monday I'm leaving, so you have the whole week if you want and if you can ... ;)
    Thanks in advance to everyone.

    @RubénGarMo for the curbs I have to lower the scale or the bump of kerbs in these two lines ....

    (kerbs_surface_scale 7.40)
    (kerb_bump_scale 3.00)

    up to raise (7.50-7.60 or 3.10-3.20) and down to lower (7.30-7.20 or 2.90-2.80) ... to taste!!!
  14. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Thanks to everyone, without your information it would be more complicated. The file is identical to 1.3 but with settings and sensations similar to 1.2 and following your tastes and feedback, moreover, I took the opportunity to further refine the form of the code ... for the next file we will not talk about it before next weekend, for any clarifications we will always be here whenever possible ... I will memorize all your analyzes ... have a good evening!!!

    As usual, two Atmos 1.3.1 files (with and without YAW) ... and as usual I attach the last original Karsten's file .... ;)

    Name: MOD ATMOS 4.1 (4xFX.1WHEEL) V.1.3.1 (with & without "Yaw") based on

    Name: rFuctor Original Karsten Files
    Last edited: May 21, 2022
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  15. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Hey stakanov is not an issue, I'll let you know next week as well. I'm sorry I can't test until tomorrow. What I noticed in your file is that bump_weight_scale , brake_weight_scale , accel_weight_scale is now 250 and not 500. What is your reason for this? Because of 4 driven tires? Has anyone tested it with maybe 350 or 400? Just an idea from me , I'll write you the first sensations tomorrow. Take care and see you soon:)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Yes ... if you are only the front you feel all the sensation in the same place and then the AccelWeight is together of all other but only in the front (or left or right) ... high values generate good moviment ... the same is in ATMOS but with High AccelFeel 0.50 and Weight 0.50 i have i bump effect not pleasure with a confusing movement along the 4 wheels and each one has its own will (bad up and down) ... with half value the variation of accel during the bump are pleasure on all car, for the Formula maybe I have to go down a little more ... the code for this is here, the red is the rear ;)

    (acc (/ kmh (max 1 (smooth kmh 0.005))))
    (acc2_vel (- acc (smooth acc 0.1)))
    (acc2 (+ 1 (*
    accel_feel 0.3 600 (max 0 acc2_vel))))
    (acc2 (max 0.66 (min acc2 1.5)) 0.1)
    (m_FL_load (/ m_FL_load acc2))
    (m_FR_load (/ m_FR_load acc2))

    (m_RL_load (/ m_RL_load acc2))
    (m_RR_load (/ m_RR_load acc2))

    EDIT: Sorry @Danielkart , I understood afterwards what you were asking ... yes you can change the value 500 or 250, like everything else, but it's right as it is and it has to do with physics that is the calculation of mass and weight ... it depends on the scale of size of the variables Corner_FL FR RL RR and it is correct 500 on two wheels and 250 on 4 to find the average value ... you get the same result by changing Accel_feel or Follow Weight without touching the physics on Earth or the average!! ;-)
    Last edited: May 21, 2022
    • Informative Informative x 3
  17. jimortality

    jimortality Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 13, 2016
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    Has anyone used the custom file with a tspc racer wheel?
  18. Supa

    Supa Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 5, 2016
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    Latest files feel great but most importantly they are a few tenths faster in Time Trial than either Default or Default+....for me anyway.
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  19. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Good morning Stakanov! Yes, I know that you put a lot of emphasis on physics. I also have a lot to do with physics professionally and it definitely exists there. Yesterday I was also "racing" in reality and there the physics are also very clearly defined. But in the simulation this will never be the case, that's why I sometimes decide against physics because it just feels better even if it contradicts physical laws. And every "moder" of these custom ffb knows how difficult it is to find a good balance. If you have found a corner then the other corner is wrong again. And of course there is no "perfect" file, because personal tastes are too different. I will test your custom today and give you my feedback personally. If we can mutually benefit we are on the right track no matter what the file. Happy sunday to everyone:)
  20. AntoAntoDD

    AntoAntoDD Member

    Apr 13, 2022
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    My friend with this wheel use ATMOS Yaw version, driver panel with the voice all set to 100% but whithout spring and damping (0%) and then set in game sliders Gain 65-75 LFB 05-10,FX 30-40 Damping 25-35. I hope this help you.

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