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Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. RubénGarMo

    RubénGarMo New Member

    May 11, 2022
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    Excuse me @AntoAntoDD (or anyone who know this), could you say me what 4 variables do you mean? I have been searching to try this for myself and only have found 3 that match with the description (accel_weight_scale, bump_weight_scale, brake_weight_scale). Which is the fourth?

    Thanks you!
  2. AntoAntoDD

    AntoAntoDD Member

    Apr 13, 2022
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    @RubénGarMo for four variables I refer to corner_FL corner_FR corner_RL corner_RR, for correction change in the file ATMOS 1.3.1 in Dynamic code all 3 values 250 to 1000 , whatch here down in red and bold

    # Dynamic adjustment to accel feel based on car weight
    (accel_weight_scale (/ 1000 (/ (+ corner_FL corner_FR corner_RL corner_RR) 9.8)))
    (accel_weight_scale (+ 1 (* accel_feel_follow_weight (- accel_weight_scale 1))))
    (accel_feel (/ accel_feel accel_weight_scale))

    # Dynamic adjustment to bump feel based on car weight
    (bump_weight_scale (/ 1000 (/ (+ corner_FL corner_FR corner_RL corner_RR) 9.8)))
    (bump_weight_scale (+ 1 (* bump_feel_follow_weight (- bump_weight_scale 1))))
    (texture_scale (* texture_scale bump_weight_scale))
    (micro_bumps_scale (* micro_bumps_scale bump_weight_scale))
    (kerbs_surface_scale (* kerbs_surface_scale bump_weight_scale))
    (kerb_bump_scale (* kerb_bump_scale bump_weight_scale))
    (suspension_scale (* suspension_scale bump_weight_scale))
    (rear_micro_bumps_scale (* rear_micro_bumps_scale bump_weight_scale))
    (rear_kerbs_surface_scale (* rear_kerbs_surface_scale bump_weight_scale))
    # Dynamic adjustment to brake feel based on car weight
    (brake_weight_scale (/ 1000 (/ (+ corner_FL corner_FR corner_RL corner_RR) 9.8)))
    (brake_weight_scale (+ 1 (* brake_feel_follow_weight (- brake_weight_scale 1))))
    (brake_feel (/ brake_feel brake_weight_scale))

    And then up in the item set this values:
    (accel_feel 0.35)
    (brake_feel 1.35)
    (accel_feel_follow_weight 0.35)
    (brake_feel_follow_weight 0.35)
    (bump_feel_follow_weight 0.25)
    Last edited: May 23, 2022
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  3. RubénGarMo

    RubénGarMo New Member

    May 11, 2022
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    Oh, thanks you very much! It's super explanatory for a newbie like me. I am going to try this in a while :-D
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  4. DirtyStonerNL

    DirtyStonerNL New Member

    Apr 25, 2021
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    I fixed it by changing from “legacy” to “custom” wheel in the settings for my Simagic m10. Still some oscillation but I can scratch my nose again while driving
  5. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    As usual, I attach two Atmos 1.3.3 files (with and without YAW) ... and as usual the last original Karsten's file v. .... ;)

    Name: MOD ATMOS 4.1 (4xFX.1WHEEL) V.1.3.3 by Stakanov (with & without "Yaw") and based on

    Name: rFuktor Original Karsten Files


    Last edited: May 31, 2022
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  6. Bull Shark

    Bull Shark "Later has already begun." AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    Thanks for all your effort. Enjoy the family etc. Gaming is nice but you can easily live without. You also can live without a family but life is a lot better with a nice family..:D
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  7. EcoBrum

    EcoBrum Member

    May 4, 2022
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    Exellent this file, I just changed some effects a bit, but I think they are personal taste. Thanks and welcome home.
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  8. Manolo

    Manolo Member

    Sep 28, 2021
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    I'm happy and also this time you have overcome it :) and with all this you have not abandoned us as you said :mad:.
    The file is beautiful and stable now, so do me a personal favor, leave us for a while and enjoy your life!!! ;)
    Thanks as always I wish you the best.
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  9. AntoAntoDD

    AntoAntoDD Member

    Apr 13, 2022
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    Thanks to you for your availability, you even video chatted with me to give me a helping hand while you were in an unpleasant place and in any case I have to congratulate you on your outfit :p, really trendy:D.
    Regarding the file, I have little to say since I had previously applied the correction.
    Thanks for all.

    I was noticing, when testing this and the previous file, that it is almost superfluous to present two more versions (one with and one without yaw), the difference is really laughable and tiny, perhaps on the powerful DD it is more effective to reset the tightening to 0.0 than not to remove the yaw, therefore it could be thought to re-publish only one file for all the steering wheels, perhaps proposing a smaller alternative value of yaw fast and delay as in Karsten's original file. I don't know if you agree with this but otherwise I have little to say technically,
    I like it a lot. Thanks.
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  10. RubénGarMo

    RubénGarMo New Member

    May 11, 2022
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    Thanks you very much for your the new version of the file! I have no doubt that it is going to be an improve. Also, I hope you have enjoyed your time.

    By the way, I have noticed an issue and I would like to ask if anyone has noticed yet. I was driving in Guaporé and have noticed that I was not feeling anything when driving over the kerbs. Nothing, really, even I go completely off the track. Only a little jump, because the grass zone is more elevated than te road. I have tested with Caterham Superlight and Ginetta G55 with the same result.

    Is it the same for you? It could be a game bug or is it related to custom FFB?
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  11. AntoAntoDD

    AntoAntoDD Member

    Apr 13, 2022
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    Guapore is a track practically without curbs, the few that exist are located only in the center of the curve and are homogeneous with smooth and rounded surface, for the rest you pass from the track to the grass, except for some short part in the exit of the curve but very flat.
    But what it says is true @RubénGarMo , I have tried various cars including the Catheran and G55 (but also the GT3 and GT1) and the feel of the curbs on this track is practically flat or nothing and only a slight bump is heard. ;)
    But the same cars (or rather all cars) have a great curb feel elsewhere. You can try them for example at Watkins Glen and the Caterham Superlight and G55 feel great too, so I don't think it's the file and maybe it's the game that's like that or a low level of effect are set by default or maybe a bug but I'm not sure looking at the size and type of the curbs of Guapore. ;)

    To be sure I did a test using the Default / Default + profile in track Guapore, the feeling is the same, flat, smooth and with a slight bump in the highest parts of the curb (to be honest those very few times it vibrates on the curbs it does in a bit different than the custom but it does not have a greater force or intensity and therefore I think it is normal since the default is another code) ... so I now deduce with almost certainty that:
    - or is it the track that is actually characterized by this flat feeling on the curbs;
    - o Reiza wanted to interpret this low level of effect curb;
    - either it's a bug or an absence of texture or thickness above the curbs that still need to add by Reiza.
    Last edited: May 28, 2022
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  12. RubénGarMo

    RubénGarMo New Member

    May 11, 2022
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    Yes, I think you are right! Yesterday I have tested those cars in another circuit to make sure, and I checked that it wasn't the neither Caterham nor Ginetta (I didn't tell you in the comment, sorry). I only feel that flat effect on Guaporé. And now I have tested Default/Default + and agree with you, it is not related to FFB profile.

    Between your thoughts on possibilities, I think it is the last, a bug or absence. I find so strange the feeling on that curves...
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  13. Champrt78

    Champrt78 Member

    May 30, 2022
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  14. DoZZa

    DoZZa New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 29, 2020
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    Which of the several files would be good to use with a SC2 Ultimate?
  15. Gary_S

    Gary_S Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 31, 2022
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    Hi All, I am new to AMS 2 and have noticed some strange countersteer FFB forces.
    Here is a blurb from a post I made, and a video.
    So I'm new to AMS2 and really enjoy it I must say. What I notice is that during corrective counter-steer, the ffb forces peak to ridiculous levels. The forces are even greater than a high downforce car at full load. This is not realistic, and also stops you from trying to correct a slide beyond a certain point.
    I done a stock pro race last night, skip to the last few minutes to see my issue in action. The wheel goes crazy. It's not the speed of the wheel that's the issue, it's the forces that countersteering slides seem to create.
    My base is a DD2 set at 70%. In game gain at 70% and car specific multiplier is 56%.

    Go to 10:45 in the video to see what I mean. I also made a clip of the piece I mean.
  16. Marnus Zwarts

    Marnus Zwarts Boost Creep AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 6, 2021
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    Thanks to the team, the file is awesome as always (MOD ATMOS 4.1 (4xFX.1WHEEL) V.1.3.3 by Stakanov with yaw).
    1. How can you reduce the constant underlying vibrations. It kinda detract from the necessary forces that could otherwise be felt much better. The micro bump settings does not remove this, even at 0.0 setting. What else could be turned down a bit?
    2. Upon wheelspin at the start of a race, there is a severe rattle/shaking - what can be turned down a bit to reduce this?
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2022
  17. Michael Enright

    Michael Enright Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2019
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    1. Have you tried changing this line. (texture_vibes_scale 1.20) Try from 0.0 and see if that helps.If it does, work your way up to a comfortable level.
    2. No idea as I have exactly the same problem, and have had for some time. Have asked the same question, but no-one seems to be able to solve it.
    Good luck.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  18. Mikk Schleifer

    Mikk Schleifer Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 30, 2019
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  19. AntoAntoDD

    AntoAntoDD Member

    Apr 13, 2022
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    @Marnus Zwarts in addition to what @Michael Enright specified, I use (micro_bumps_smooth 0.008) and (scrub_vibes_scale 0.00), instead as for the rattle at the start it is true it remains a little annoying but I cannot completely eliminate it even with the others and the original files where it remains even if in a very small way. Good night.

    Edit: If the road is much informative try to set down this (master_road 1.35) 1.32-1.30..... to taste. ;)
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2022
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  20. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    I really didn't want to write or post anything else in the thread. But a member changed my mind about making it available to the people. For me it was always the goal to offer people the custom file as an alternative to the default. Yes, everyone can use Default and Default+ if they like it, but Custom also have their place (Ettore). Above all, many people with default have massive problems with strong dd bases, it is even dangerous because people injure their fingers or hands, this shouldn't be the case. Strong vibrations are possible even when standing still, it should be a simulation for cars and not a helicopter sim. I think that both worlds together (physics and modding) give the best results and achievements. Now to the custom file, they go round in circles antoanto only changing the individual values does not bring any success. Now see for yourself how difficult it is to mod (not just tune) well. It takes ideas and intuition just like Stakanov did. His idea with 4 powered wheels is excellent, even if it hasn't brought the desired success. Now to my custom which I will post to you tomorrow. After my introduction of the dynamic braking and gas feeling based on the weight, it showed me completely new insights and new paths. I reintegrated relax_os and this opened up fantastic new possibilities. Accel_feel and brake_feel are only slightly needed 0.1, you could even set them to 0. The dynamic brake and gas feel now takes over this work. The under_steer_scale and over_steer_scale are now extremely different you will see. If you lose grip, the steering will be lighter, not too much but not too little either. There will also be no yanking and tugging on the steering. And there will be some other changes. In any case, the file is absolutely free of vibrations or dangerous deflections, which is very important to me. Good night
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