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Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. Guido Trampe

    Guido Trampe New Member

    Jul 14, 2022
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    We own Simucube 1 and 2 over here. But thanks for the tip. Will try them out!
  2. Allaeius

    Allaeius Beginner AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 18, 2016
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    I thought AMS2 defaults are very good already. But these custom settings are really fun to try out. I wish the game detect multiple files and we choose by the name. Would be really good to change on per car basis.

    Huge thanks to Karsten and many others for presenting us with such a great base and opportunity.

    EDIT: Oh. My. God. @Stakanov and @Danielkart's files are really amazing. Huge game changers. I still vote for in game interchangeable FFB files because I like them both!
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2022
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  3. Dean Ogurek

    Dean Ogurek "Love the Simulation You're Dreaming In." AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    IIRC, there is no way to alter / swap these custom files from within the game. I believe it's a design limitation in the game-engine architecture. If determined enough, we can do some file editing to personalize these files even further. I think that makes AMS2 ffb as good as ffb can be. :)
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  4. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Ultimately, everyone should take what he likes best. Personally, I don't feel like writing an endless story either, so for me the V42 is a "final version" with maybe even smaller adjustments, mainly because of the updates from Reiza. I keep hearing that it's all subjective. Yes, that's true because tastes are very different and the hardware naturally also plays a major role. But at a certain point it is no longer subjective because you can clearly measure it and feel when something is wrong. I tried to correct and optimize that with Karsten's ingenious physics. I hope I succeeded a bit and that some people like it. And maybe Reiza can also benefit from it, that would be the best
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  5. bazziboy

    bazziboy Member

    Jun 10, 2020
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    hey guys, just wanted to say that your last file worked very well for me danielcart.
    downloaded after new installation of my new pc and feels really good :)

    edit: im on a tc-300
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  6. Allaeius

    Allaeius Beginner AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 18, 2016
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    I do think the best course of action from Reiza is to take the best of all the FFB profiles here and integrate them with their own. One thing I noticed with Reiza's default FFB is that it is probably the most detailed compared to everything here. It does feel rougher and more raw, but the suspension travels and so on can only be felt with AMS2 default FFB on my CSW V2. With the exception being Daniel's as their profile seems to bring up again the missing feelings.

    However the reason why I still prefer to use the custom profiles is because when using the default profile, I always get the feeling that the steering column gets disconnected from the whole car when I hit a curb or when the tyres slip, making me not able to recover from the loss of traction. The tyres did not respond at all during those times, whereas with rFuktor (vanilla/Atmos/Daniel), I can still do some correction and the car would respond accordingly.

    I don't know if it's just me or it really is the problem with default FFB. I also don't know if realistically I really should lose control of steering completely at those points and whether the custom profiles are giving me some "assists" when it should not do it in the first place.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2022
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  7. Aza340

    Aza340 Active Member

    May 18, 2020
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    I know exactly what you mean . I find the default ffb is perfect for me apart from the one thing you mentioned. As soon as the front wheels lose any grip on the tarmac the whole weight in the wheel disappears completely, almost like driving on ice ! To be clear it's purely the feel in the ffb and not actually the car in game losing traction to that degree .
    I do think there should be some loss of steering force during understeer but not that much !
    I have tried tweaking various settings in my wheel driver settings but with no success unfortunately. The only thing that did help slightly was to increase damping to between 70 - 100 but doing this obviously reduces the feel of the track through the tires so not ideal .
    Have tried most of the custom files and found Daniels the best overall but I find they have the opposite problem of not translating any loss of grip through the steering rack forces .
    If I could just find a compromise between the two I would be a very happy SIM racer .
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  8. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    ohhhh that was a brilliant hint Azza. I have already changed a lot in my file and sometimes I had to reduce or delete values because there were anamolia. Your hint is excellent because I saw that this value was still set low, because there were oscillations for a long time. Will post the file right away and thank you again;)
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  9. Aza340

    Aza340 Active Member

    May 18, 2020
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    Look forward to trying it Daniel. To be honest I wasn't sure if it was like that intentionally , just personal preference maybe .
    Just to be clear it wasn't meant as criticism in any way .
    Thanks to everyone that has made these custom files possible.
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  10. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Best of Karsten Hvidberg V42-1 from Daniel

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Aug 15, 2022
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  11. Allaeius

    Allaeius Beginner AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 18, 2016
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    Oohh, nice one Daniel. I'll be sure to try this one out once I got home.

    You're right about not translating the loss of grip. Which is why I mentioned the custom profiles giving me unintended "assists" previously. With the custom profiles, I can go much much faster than I'm usually able to. It's fun but I feel like I'm cheating lol.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2022
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  12. Touc

    Touc Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 19, 2022
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    does this latest file work well with the TX/T-300 bases, tried a few and some i like some i dont. I have switched off the boost from the thrustmaster settings btw

  13. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Hello Touc! Just try it and decide for yourself what you like:)
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  14. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Due to the last note I had to change the custom again. This is now a definitive Finale Custom of mine. I will retire because now it will only be tuning in the custom. But everyone can do that according to their personal taste. I also think 1.4 of Reiza will not change anything about the custom if they do not change anything about the ffb. All the best for all of you and enjoy Ams2. Daniel:);)

    Best of Karsten Hvidberg V44 from Daniel
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  15. Michael Enright

    Michael Enright Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2019
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    Looks like an old problem has risen again with the latest Beta for me. If any Atmos file is even in the Documents Folder, and you load the Super V8 and Bathurst first up, it completely crashes the game back to the Desktop. If I run Super V8 at any other track first, then go to Bathurst, all is fine. @Danielkart's file does not do it. Thought we had this one nailed. Any ideas?
  16. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    sorry the custom still has a wrong value in it. I'll post the correct one tonight, daniel
  17. Michael Enright

    Michael Enright Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2019
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    For my problem, your file is fine. Just seems to be the Atmos ones. I do like yours, but I just can't get rid of the constant harsh vibrations. If I turn FEI right down, it certainly helps, but then I lose other information.
  18. torsteinvh

    torsteinvh Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2019
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    I'm currently using Karsten's latest file, and it works great with the beta.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Hi Michael! It has nothing to do with her problem. I just haven't changed my custom values yet when reviewing them again. I know that my custom doesn't have this problem, but thanks for your info
  20. Michael Enright

    Michael Enright Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2019
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    You are correct that your Custom does not cause CTD. But there is something in the your Custom that causes constant vibrations on my wheelbase. I have a CSW 2.5 with a Formula rim. I have tried changing several values, but nothing removes these vibrations. Unfortunately it is only your custom that does it to me. I am disappointed that this is the case. I will continue to try different values. Any suggestions on what I could change, that might reduce these effects? Thank you.

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