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Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Hi guys! After many hours of testing with the excellent new physics of Ams2, there will definitely be new V80 Customs. There will be many changes in the file to perfectly adapt to the new physics. But the effort will be worth it, it will be fantastic, the feeling on the wheel is unbelievable. See you when 1.5 is definitive:)
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  2. Racinglegend1234

    Racinglegend1234 AMS2 wiki founder AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 28, 2022
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    Can you give some examples of these changes?
  3. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    The physics have changed a lot (in my opinion the biggest and best change in the physics of Ams2 so far) But the FFB has also changed a lot with this update for defaults and customs. I had to adapt a lot and sometimes break new ground. The changelog will be long and maybe even longer for the definitive 1.5 update. I'll post it in due course:)
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  4. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    a couple of guys i race with seem to be experiencing similar oddities . not exactly the same in each case but still related to recognition.

    I’d suggest saving/recording all your settings and deleting the controller profiles out of save game folder . and creating a fresh profile .
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  5. Dmand

    Dmand Active Member

    Oct 3, 2022
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    Good day everyone!
    I just want to share this file for anyone using the Logitech direct drive at 11nm.
    base and in game settings are listed in the file. I can't really take credit for this, it's a modification of a modification of a modified file, but i have been tinkering with it here and there for a couple months.

    Danielkart, really looking forward to your new file!

    I really don't know what i'm doing, tinker-save-try, tinker-save-try...
    I would appreciate any opinions and feedback on the file, even though FFB is entirely personal, plus i really don't know how different the logitech direct drive base will feel to another DD base at the same levels of torque. DD noob here.

    Hope you get as much enjoyment out of it as i have and once again feel free to point out flaws.
    Thanks all. Enjoy your weekend.

    Attached Files:

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  6. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Hey Dmand! Very nice that you write your own file. It's a lot of work and anyone who has ever tried to create their own custom knows how difficult it is. I hope it will be of help to many Logitech users. Your settings will also be useful for me to integrate them into my file with the help of other Logitech owners. Well done dmand:)
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  7. Joaquim Pereira

    Joaquim Pereira Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2021
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    But take care, missing opposite (left_bump_pos (max left_bump_pos left_bump)) line in those files (I've already mentioned this before).
    One thing I definitly would change for TS-PC wheel bases is to reduce the "dead center" (by a lot!) with changes is these lines:

    (as (blend (min 1 (* (abs steering_angle_rack) 200)) 1 0)) #JP less dead-zone (200 was 10)
    (as (power as 0.01)) #JP was 0.7

    My file has many changes, I'll leave it here if anyone WITH TS-PC wants to test it.
    My wheel base is at 75% total force (test from here, don't leave it at 100%, my guess is there not much linearity in the 75-100% region)

    Attached Files:

  8. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    I have just got a probably slightly silly idea.
    I use a handcontrolled non-FFB wheel because of my damaged legs.
    But Im struggling with the linearity of the wheel.
    I know the Sensitivity does or at least should influence the linearity.
    But even when I set sensivity to 100 I cannot get enough movement (rough) on the virtuel wheel when I turn my plastic wheel.

    Question: If I set FFB on is it then possible to directly input a parameter in the FFB file that will make the transfer from plastic wheel to virtual wheel more exponential (rough)?
  9. cuadolo

    cuadolo Active Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    try sensitive @ 50.
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  10. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Hey Bruno! I'm a little overwhelmed with your question. You have a non FFB wheel, what does that mean? You're limited with your legs, but then why don't you need an FFB wheel. Are you restricted with your arms too? A wheel with double padel doesn't work either? Sorry for my questions but I'm at the limit with your question
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  11. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Thank you for answering Daniel.
    Yeah info was missing but it was only because I dont wanted to bore people with my problem.
    No my arms are ok - and my (1)leg is only damaged because of a sports accident (badminton:rolleyes:)

    But if you are using a fully handcontrolled wheel (pic) then you loose all control of brake/throttle if you hands and fingers get twisted more than about +- 20 degree by turning the wheel.
    And FFB "disturbance" is an absolute nono.
    So Im looking for maybe an advice to get fine control in the middle of the wheel movement and a much more coarse one when turning the wheel more than +- 15 degree.

    ByTheWay: The default linear sensibility 50 are completely useless. But thanks for the "advice".

  12. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Now I understand better what you mean. By the way, I didn't advise you to 50% steering sensitive ;) So my guess was correct that you use dual-clutch. But as you turn, you naturally lose your feel for the gas and brakes. The bigger the turn, the more difficult it gets, I hope I understand it a little better now. Very interesting your question, do you use defaults or Customs FFB
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  13. cuadolo

    cuadolo Active Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    I was the one who recommended it because it seemed to me, from its description, that it complained of a rotation between its real steering wheel and the one in the simulator.
    Me too had the same situation after version 1.4 and I found the solution in this, since before I kept the sensitivity at 100%, like him.
    My steering wheel was out of phase with that of the screen.
    Since I tried the sensitivity to 50% everything is back to normal.
    I'm sorry it didn't work out for him
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  14. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    No problem, I didn't understand him correctly either. And I'm not sure if I've really understood it now ;) Your suggestion was good, unfortunately not what he was looking for.
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  15. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    You understand it corectly now Daniel.:)
    But the reason I suddenly asked this question after a lot of years in AMS2 is only because I got the idea that if I to the contrary of now where I set the FFB to OFF does set it to ON - then I could maybe edit the turning law (transfer law between plastic to virtual wheel) inside the editable FFB file to something like an exponential curve (subtl in the beginning and then more coarse when I turn the wheel more).
    But after studying inside the FFB file I cannot see a parameter targeting this "transfer law".
    Silly me - but it could be nice if it was possible.

    ByTheWay: I just found this quotation from rF2 where the sensibility slider does actually work:
    Moving the sensibility slider to the left slows the initial reaction to the wheel's movement.
    Moving it to the right increases the response as you first turn the wheel.

    rF2 sensibility slider.png
  16. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Just as it is also possible with pedals to adjust these values for gas, brake and clutch in the software (in my case in the Heusinkveld software). If you could use this software without pedals it would be optimal. Of course that will be difficult;)
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  17. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    There is a possibility of making it more sensitive or responsive while leaving sensitivity at 50% so that the virtual wheel matches visually.

    this line here
    (ratio_scale (/ steer_ratio 8))

    increasing the number will increase the ratio of turning the in game wheel does, or in your case decrease the amount of degrees of turn required by your physical wheel .

    it will be a constant still so not scaled , but it’s possible that a new calculation can be made to make it scaled vs degrees of turn .

    but im not sure that would be the best idea for accuracy .
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  18. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Thanks Kuku for trying to help.
    You pinpoint exactly why this doesnt help - because as I understand your explanation then changing this value does the same as changing the wheel lock in the setup menu.
    And my problem is allready that to get a somewhat reasonably high turning effect when I turn my wheel to my personal max(about 20 degree) then there is more or less no accuracy in the middle of wheel movement.:(

    ByTheWay: Conserning Daniels proposal of using some other software to change the law (?) of the wheel movement then I dont think it is possible.
    The rF2 solution in my pic above where you pretty simple can change the linear law to something more progressive/exponential would have been ideal.:confused:
  19. CorvusCorax

    CorvusCorax Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 23, 2016
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    This should be what the steering sensitivity setting in AMS2 does, only the "make everything linear" point that is 100% in rF2 is 50 in AMS2. As you decrease below 50 it is conceptually the equivalent of reducing from 100% in rF2, and as you increase above 50 the equivalent of increasing beyond 100% in rF2. Same with the pedal sensitivity settings, 50 is linear in AMS2.

    I say "conceptually the equivalent" because we don't know what actual equation is used to calculate the input to output mapping curve, that may differ from rF2. But the idea is the same.

    I would imagine that to achieve what you want to you'd need to find the sweet spot between the steering sensitivity rotary on the SRW-S1 and a steering sensitivity setting somewhere below 50 in the game. I'd also suggest that if you alter the wheel's sensitivity setting that you also recalibrate the wheel in the game, given that that wheel setting just changes the wheel's rotation range.

    "ByTheWay": I have an SRW-S1 (two actually, the second one is a bit broken so it sits behind my wheelbase to serve as engine RPM LEDs via FanaLEDs!). Before I had the space and funds for a permanent rig I would use the SRW-S1 on a week night because the "proper" wheel and pedals etc (a somewhat elderly Thrustmaster T500RS, cutting edge here!) were too much of a hassle to set up and teardown just for a few quick laps. So I am familiar with what you're using.
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  20. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Principally you are completely right.
    But in AMS2 I think I have found why it doesnt work in my situation.
    Because I can only turn the wheel about the mentioned +- 20 degree then the effect of the change in "transfer" law doesnt cut in where it should (at higher turning degree).
    If I was able to turn as example +- 90 degree then Im sure that I could feel a difference between 0-50-100 in Sensivity setting.
    But because Im only is able to use this narrow band then the only difference I can feel is a change in the middle deadzone on the wheel.
    It does feel like that.
    Hehe and the reason is that when I use a setting of 100 which if I recall right is fully exponientiel then the start of the expo curve is very slow ramping up.
    Which gives the feeling of a huge middle deadzone.

    OK enough of this. Its my problem and I guess that my revelation of using the FFB file was silly :D

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