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Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Hi guys!

    I have extended the V70 Plus Ralley file. Now this one is for all bases from 2 - 25 Nm and for all Formula Dirt Cars / KART CROSS Cars / RX Cars / Copa Trucks / Go Karts

    Note the different in-game values for the different cars.You can also find it at the beginning of the file

    In Game: Gain 45-50 / LFB 0 / FX 20-25 / Damping 0 /for RX Cars

    In Game: Gain 85-90 / LFB 0 / FX 30-35 / Damping 0 /for Formula Dirt Cars and Kart Cross Cars

    In Game: Gain 40-45 / LFB 0 / FX 15-20 / Damping 0 /for Copa Trucks

    In Game: Gain 60 / LFB 0 / FX 20-25 / Damping 0 /for go-karts

    Have fun with it

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  2. GFoyle

    GFoyle Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    Weird, I currently play rF2 weekly/daily on LFM and none of the customs I have tried really feel like the FFB on rF2 for me, and definitely not Kuku's or Daniels. Somebody suggested some ATMOS file that should be closest, but if I remember correctly, it did have a bit similar feel in the center, but that feel change dramatically when you were more off the center and in the end it wasn't really anything like in rF2.

    I don't know what really is the cause, but none of the customs I have tried seem to feel good to me after 1.48/1.5 release, outside maybe 'heavy messing', but I'm now pretty happy with the default/default+. It was pretty much totally the opposite before those releases. It could be also due to racing on rF2 so much during the spring and getting used to that FFB (and loving it).
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  3. Xzanman

    Xzanman Active Member

    Jun 8, 2023
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    Weird indeed, I have had 1500+ hrs in Rfactor 2 and as I stated Kuku's file feels very close to me, not exactly the same as Rfactor 2 still has more detail, especially at the centre of the wheel and bumps feel more pronounced, but the general feel of the tire grip feels about the same, apart from the feel of driving on the edge of grip, which seems easier to detect in Rfactor 2, but I think that is more of a tire model thing than FFB feel.

    I suggest playing with your wheel and in game settings with the kuku file, try the Porsche RSR 74 as a test car. I found LFB (keep it low to 0) to be the most critical setting in game followed by gain (about 10 lower than where you are clipping under heavy cornering)

    Of course if your happy with what you are using then ignore the above.
  4. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    You can turn up this scale for more powerful bumps.
    (large_track_bump_scale 0.1)

    It’s set to minimum currently as i don’t feel like i need to be rocked by the bumps and makes for a lot of extra thumping noise in a confined space . i feel them just not violently.

    i’ve haven’t played much RF2 as i cant get the feel in a nice window for me . a lot of the larger track bumps feel ten times stronger than running over kerbs . i have no idea why ?

    it’s like randomly running over a 3 inch deep rim bending pothole .
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2023
    • Informative Informative x 1
  5. Michael Enright

    Michael Enright Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2019
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    Hello again @Danielkart. Is there a way of reducing the very high strength of the wheel if you happen to spin? At the moment it is almost impossible to hold the wheel in these situations. I have tried a few of your Customs, and they all do the same. Other than that, they are great. Hopefully there is an answer. Thanks Daniel.
  6. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Hi Michael! I should have more information from you. Do you still drive with the same Fanatec Base? Which file do you mainly use? There's sure to be something to lessen that power. To be honest, it's also a general problem from Fanatec with the bump stops and the settings from Fanatec (against the recommended settings, but everything had its reasons) I have absolutely no problems with the Simucube anymore, unfortunately it was with the dd1 before always a problem. Since I uninstalled the dd1, it became difficult for me to simulate the Fanatec. But there are values I can tell you so you can test it. Please write me here in the private chat, because here discussions about right or wrong come up very quickly. For me there is no wrong or right, it's up to the user to decide. Also, I'm not on the rig very much at the moment. See you soon Michael
  7. Xzanman

    Xzanman Active Member

    Jun 8, 2023
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    I changed (large_track_bump_scale0.1) to 0.2 and this gives a slightly better feel. If I increase it much above that I start to get a gritty feel in the steering, almost like it is amplify the track texture. So I think there is some difference in how Rfactor2 and AMS2 translates bumps on a pysics level. Even with the default FFB I cant get track bumps to feel the same as in RF2.

    Trying the same car on the same track in both sims, tracks just feel less bumpy in AMS2, maybe its the way track surface is produced in each sim that makes the difference?

    Overall I am really enjoying your file and it really allows the latest updates from Reiza to shine.
  8. Michael Enright

    Michael Enright Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2019
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    I use a Simagic Alpha.
  9. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    You can also try my personal custom.This is specially written for my Simucube 2 Pro, without compromises for other bases.This should build up less power, I drive forces of 10-13Nm depending on the car.Just try

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  10. Kurupt CDN

    Kurupt CDN Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    I've enjoyed several of the custom files I've tried from here, but have come to the conclusion that I find they just have way too much going and feels unnatural to me.

    I've settled for now with the base stock custom file as I find it's somewhat similar to iRacing.

    Any chance someone could tell me how to go about adding just a couple details...or simply make me one please:)

    I like the stock custom file and would like a bit more road vibration, suspension and brake feel.

    No need for scrub, tear, stretch and all that other stuff :)

    I use a Thrustmaster TX 3.9 nm belt driven

  11. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Texture is on the same branch and texture_scale is actually a multiplier of blended bumps and kerbs details, so it may be that you need to lower texture_scale at same time as increasing large_bump.

    but yes part of it will be just track rendering being inconsistent in Rf2, you can drive around most of a track and it all feel ok, then hit a moderate bump and it jolts fillings out.
    • Informative Informative x 3
  12. Xzanman

    Xzanman Active Member

    Jun 8, 2023
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    Honestly I don't want to jump down the Rabbit hole of tweaking FFB files, you seem to be doing a fine job, I am happy with the file you provided and trust your judgement.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2023
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  13. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Fair enough, it's just like adjusting sliders.
    Try this test file.

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  14. GFoyle

    GFoyle Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    Well for me the FFB in rF2 has this "sticky" feel and that is part of the puzzle on how the grip is felt. The more grip, the more sticky/friction type of feeling you get and when there is less grip, that sticky/friction feeling is lessened. It can be clearly observed if you go to drive on a "green" track vs. saturated rubber track, which feels really sticky.

    When I started with rF2, that sticky feeling didn't feel very pleasant and not sure if it even still does, but sure seems to be very effective and is perfectly natural now when I jump into that sim.

    Also if remember correctly, when the tires are overheated, the friction can still be felt, but it's a bit like there is less "grain" in it, it's smoothened out.

    I could be wrong, but maybe that is one of the things how rF2 FFB is able to indicate that grip/edge of the grip that well. Positive side effect is that there is no oscillations when standstill, because the friction / wheel speed being so slow takes away those. I don't need to have any dampers set in game (no option for that) or in wheel software.

    what comes to how you feel the track surface, kerbs and all that is not THAT different to AMS2.

    Some custom file felt a bit similar with that sticky / friction feel, but it was only our the center and when you turned enough, it changed, which I didn't like. Might be the one ATMOS file somebody suggested at some point.

    I might the customs again at some point and try to find settings in game/on wheelbase that would work better. I tried to dial in the friction from the wheel software, but it's not really the same as the game doing it for you dynamically.
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  15. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    It's amusing how people get stuck on their favorite simulations. Ams2 is and will remain Ams2 with all its strengths and weaknesses. And it's the same with Rf2 or Iracing and any other sim. To me what you said about stickiness doesn't make sense (my opinion) but if that's how you feel you should stick with Iracing. Ams2 will never become rf2 and rf2 will never be Ams2.
    • Winner Winner x 3
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  16. Xzanman

    Xzanman Active Member

    Jun 8, 2023
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    Thanks, I will give it a try when I get the chance
  17. GFoyle

    GFoyle Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    I didn't say that it's something I prefer, just that it works and the game is able to transfer the information to the driver very effectively this way. Also feeling of the grip and the edge of it, is something where rF2 is usually praised. I tend to think that in rF2 the FFB is a bit over the top, and maybe not "realistic", but it's really effective of giving the info for a sim driver who don't feel all the forces that you would in a real car. Never driven a race car though.

    The answer of mine was related to my earlier comment that no custom file of AMS2 really feel like FFB of rF2 and that was mainly just explanation what I feel different and how I perceive rF2 FFB.

    To be frank, I don't particulary enjoy that sticky feeling (much at all), but I do enjoy to be able to feel the grip very well and probably better than in any other sim I have tried. I wouldn't mind at all if there would be option to have similar feeling with some custom file in AMS2, but it's not something I'm actively searching and honestly, I do like the default options already quite a lot.
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  18. Xzanman

    Xzanman Active Member

    Jun 8, 2023
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    I gave it a try and it gives me that strange feeling in the steering I instead changed this line
    #Road bumps, details and suspension to 155 from 135 on your previous file and this gives me the feeling that I was looking for.
  19. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    yes the master scale for road effects .
    that’s definitely a good option . i thought it might make texture to high as it scales everything up the same . thats why i tried individual scales .

    but it’s good that master does the job as that’s the easiest way .
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  20. Ron Watmore

    Ron Watmore New Member

    Oct 10, 2020
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    I love this gorillaz FFB file just would like a bit more tire scrub. You may have answered this one before. Which line could I adjust to get this feeling. Thanks again for making these custom FFB files.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2023

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