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Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. Fizzy

    Fizzy Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    I have the same wheel as you. I have an old Silver Raw file that I have tweaked very slightly. I'm pretty happy with it, but I'm not an expert and I haven't tried any of Karsten's more recent files (sorry :)).

    In game:

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  2. psone

    psone Guest

    May 31, 2020
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  3. Michael Enright

    Michael Enright Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2019
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    I just tried the .31 file you guys are talking about. Have to admit, I really like it. Seems to have almost everything, but not over the top. The only thing that is lacking a little for me, is the loss of FFB over a crest etc. Doesn't really go light for me. I actually turned (kerbs_surface_scale ) down to 1.1 whereas that is one setting I usually raise. Thanks.
  4. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    talk about a life saver. thanks.


    so this is my thought process, and i reveal things as I go even to myself - so this is my ad-libing and also abstracting - this is not how I think, just explain lol

    only saved version 30 locally in that range.

    i too would like to add the wow-yes factor with version 31 and 30 for that matter. i know there's been some updates since and tbh the high end 45 last night (come on brain hope i remember!) or 41, but think 45 on a tx wheel was great (high end file;the range of its feedback was improved but yes today I noticed the turning was muted, and yet yesterday I felt everything was great...yesterday drove hockenheim modern and imola with open wheelers [reizas gen's/models, 1-3] today its been brands hatch with gt3). i dont know what I did but I made it worse or used certain cars, but it was a step up 45 technically and i determined that and the difference with 100 gain. which is probably wrong but i turned down many cars specifically.

    so I just know the two can be merged. because I remember a nice vibration at revs etc back then, or maybe the game changed it.

    the file used was 41 now i remember from t500 on first page (mine is tx tho).

    i rate 41 above 31 mostly but its missing that 5% little things when I tried it - so maybe i will tweak it. around this time in the sim world i changed race room lateral to being a bit more forward and it surpassed ams2...but if ams2 continues on this the ffb from around 41 and its range, scale, weight, minus the vibrations maybe (but I need to tune it).. will surpass rr again.

    fyi - i believe in 41/45 so much that I am going to operate with it in the main. maybe the lateral movement is off (after an additional patch? don't know..) but its more full so I guess I should tinker. I did not note any lacking with driving many different car types. i am trying 45 on a tx now and will try 31 and 30 too. but at this point I am just going off stuff I have done to confirm the 'missing' nature of it.

    with ver 45 high end on tx wheel (so basically 300/500 as well) felt good, vibrations there [was driving the bmw gt3 m6], turning was light as needed (used to be heavy last night)

    gain is 60, others are 50. center feel was fine to me and if i adjust to 65 gain I do lose that niceness. so will check other sliders; otherwise very good at brands. i feel as though the ffb, like here, should let you go all over the track without breaking your arm - this is how cars are afterall. well done. where i feel some people don't want is that on the telemtry screen this 45 version with those settings is NOT pushing the graph to crazy levels and red does not come on in the graph - which as i understand is a good thing. so maybe thats it. but to me its fine. i will try other tracks soon. and other cars.

    so version 45 high end/tx wheel as such, to me = done well, cooked nice, not overblown. i will not forget however how it was last night - it made my wheel seem even more high end lol, the dynamic range was out of this world with 100 gain, but it was hard to turn and center feel was strong for an arm work out - maybe it was this version 45 don't know - but this setup still lets me judge turns and all that well.

    so with 100 gain, its back to - holy hell- wow! the graph does not clip. hrm. the 3rd collum in graph the pale blue one is up now before it was not - red not on, which is cool. oh and this is racing with gen 3 model 1 f-reiza at brands (v10 selection though not the other one with 3 vehicles in it) love this thing

    next - I see no reason to go back to 31 full time now I have confirmed it but will check - I can drive this thing wildly at brands (i got good at brands recently usually I suck hard) and the tyres and all that and the in-between slide and move and grip is all represented well, down the hill you feel the forward push....

    i think maybe people got used to some things being overblown but this is good. now back to the BMW m6 because I felt that was too heavy earlier but now I am not so sure (because I think now I should tweak rather than abandon this 45 ver)

    - I always felt like driving the m6 around was like driving a brick - but with lowering the gain specific setting to 60 it solved the heavy wheel problem, the graph for this car is again near the top even with 60 gain. So there would surely not be too much wrong with this ver 45. And I mean thats allowing enough room for coming off track and wild driving, there is no clipping and the graph is within bounds. all other settings at 50.

    just thinking i am pretty sure if people are not fully exiting when they change things it can not reset the rack, at least in my case. thus I always only change gain in-game and everything else I exit to the main menu to refresh

    now the method and process is done and tips are out the way

    then I just want to remind people this one thing "version 45 as stated with the setup - I am absolutely f-ing amazed! thanks for all your hard work - i am doing a lot of open wheeler driving lately, F-Reiza, 10's 12's 8's, and I turn down the gain ONLY (promise) when driving gt3s..thus retaining wheel feel. There's a meaty but not over blown slip affect coming down the hill at bathurst, for example, and vibrations upon acceleration without numbing your hand over the course of a race. And it scales well with sedate and wild driving. I am not getting that whole speed-sense-ruining feeling with this like some are, and actually I was a little bit yesterday/this morning with another version, possibly 41 or even 30. And whether its lateral movement or slippage or forward slip and grip you can feel it build up from the bottom of the wheel to the top, which is something I always liked in Rf2 or RR and if you throw the car about to a stop you get that compressed-squash ball deforming feeling which is rather nice as if you bent a rubber cube and then it sprung back into shape. On this wheel for this setting the ffb acompany's you rather than takes over or demands to be noticed and I think thats ideal as it helps you drive rather than be the reason you drive. So with this I can react better to movements from the rear end and be more intricate in planning to deal with them; its not just a slide, you can resolve 'parts' of the slide and then save it with different degrees of inputs... Its got to be an A+."

    its that whole bitchuman / tarmac thing of if you've been on a motorbike and you hit one spot at a certain angle and you KNOW that grip level was not cool..and then you hit it from another angle next time, thats the sense I can now feel with ver 45 very pronounced. or you are going over the white line and its slippery, then you go back to the grip. its dynamic and constantly adjusting, so this is a great result.
    thank you, Sirs!

    Last edited: Feb 1, 2021
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  5. ToMythTo

    ToMythTo The Hero We Need But Not Deserved

    Aug 31, 2020
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    I still use the king version (.36) tried 37 and 38 as well but have turned back instantly. IMO Later improvements has gone more individual.(not enough user feedback before those versions to make them available for everyone else).
    Besides 36 was the most endeavored one by a few more people who I believe are good at that area. I could be wrong, but I want to be loyal with that effort especially while I loved that ffb the most
    But always appreciate the karsten’s continuing effort and support despite Reiza’s not endorsing attitude.
  6. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    Hey ToMythTo,

    It's good to see the variance between what people like, wheel bases and personal opinions here, thank you!
    Now with all the feedback on v45, v46 is on the steps with many changes (but need my late evening time to do it). Hopefully again closer to the target :)
    After this prob. will then try to find the best parts of a cpl select older version, based on the feedback from everybody here and hopefully be able to bring them over.

    Oh, Reiza guys came around and they have been and are def. busy. They are now helping me as they can by answering questions and so on & we will see where that ends. It's the communication from them that has made some of the steps possible to v45, that made that version better than others in some very specific ways too. So we are very good with Reiza :) (read back a few pages to see).

    Thanks again!

    Best, -K
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  7. sampopel

    sampopel Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 31, 2020
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    Always look forward to trying your releases, Karsten.

    As a G29, low-end file user, like a few others, I found .45 a bit colourless. I decided to try default for the first time in a while and whilst there are elements in it I dislike, it does have a better feel under braking, particularly when the brakes lock up.

    btw, did you say previously that your files alter the physics in any way?
  8. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    I think v46 is moving in your direction, actually everybody's :). Reg. braking, on my wheel base that is not the case, but v46 should make it work better across wheel bases again, as well as being an overall step up the ladder.

    Reg. the physics it's not as straight an answer as you'd think :)
    It does not directly alter any physics, as those calculations all sit inside the game engine. But those physics are reactions to what happens in-game and the angle the steering wheel is moved to. The the ffb signal coming out to your wheel base move your wheel base & so that affects the physics directly. It's a ping-pong-loop between:

    * physics.
    * ffb signal.
    * user input throught the steering wheel.
    * wheel base strength/speed/rim weight.

    They each contribute to make up the perceived physics and changes how the physics react.

    I hope this helps?

    Forgive me if you knew this and did just want the straight answer, which is that technically there is no way for the custom file to make any direct changes to the physics calculation in the engine that I know of yet. But maybe I will learn there is or it might change at any time.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2021
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  9. Fizzy

    Fizzy Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    It’s great that Reiza have let you behind the velvet rope!

    Reiza: It would be so cool if eventually the game UI would let us choose from a few preset ‘flavours’ based on Karsten’s files, or maybe an interface like NuScorpii’s madness tool where we have sliders for road noise, scrub, kerbs etc.
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  10. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    File *.45 ... I give up ... unfortunately I can't find a way to make my Logitech G920 steering wheel consistent and coherent ... among other things, I think there is something that also erroneously affects the physics: o_O
    - a first problem is represented by a very vague and wobbly center at low speeds that fills up as speed increases (ok are the new settings, but at low speeds there seems to be gaps/flat and it is inconsistent) ...
    - but the biggest problem is that, even in the most stable cars (GT3, etc.), on downhill stretches and before a curve, during braking and downshifting, the car closes the front inward curve with consequent oversteer ... even changing the parameters in the file does not help to solve the defect (it's a GT3 not a Catheran with H-Shifter!!!)..
    EDIT: Maybe the understeer problem is due to the latest Reiza update and not to the *.45 file ... I'm trying everything ... I'll just keep you updated and if I find the solution :(

    Having said that, I am waiting for the next version *.46 and going back to the *.43 or *.44 files, but reading them, I see many users posting the version of the ffb * .31, file which unfortunately I have not kept!!!
    Could anyone share the * .31??
    I would like to compare it again to the latest versions ... ;)
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2021
  11. Donato

    Donato Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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  12. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    And so ... let's start from the fact that after the last update 4 times I had to delete the AMS2 folder in documents and reconfigure the whole steering wheel (with default reset, calibration and reprogramming) ... let's forget that 3 times the automatic clutch did not work and the car started from a standstill as if I were a 90 year old man with the clutch pedal half pressed :mad: ... having said that, finally the fourth time I set the manual clutch and, incredible but true, everything unlocks and seems to come back normality (I'm afraid to put the automatic clutch back so I don't use it) ... so I try again to test the files:
    - *.31 Good, very rough, but few shades and not very elastic, perhaps it is the most immediate in the sensations but it is also the least nuanced;
    - *.43 Excellent, perhaps the best in center and cornering, but obviously does not scale with increasing speed and downforce like the 44 or better the 45 ... therefore some cars need obvious adjustment of the values;
    - *.44 Almost identical to *.43, almost excellent center, excellent cornering but it is also more elastic and adapts better to different types of cars, especially those with high downforce ... for the moment it remains the favorite for me .
    - *.45 As already written previously, it could be the turning point, but for the moment I do not find it coherent, it is vague in the center and especially at low speeds, it is irregular as it grows changing the sensations and only in speed does it approach the 43 and 44 versions ... I'm curious to see the developments ... thanks always to everyone!!! ;)
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  13. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    you could experiment with higher Velocity scale so it’s not so weak at low speed and see how it works.
    logitech’s often need a boost.
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  14. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    Wow Stakanov, nice!
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  15. Michael Enright

    Michael Enright Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2019
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    Just tried .31, .36, .44 & .45. For me, I keep going back to .31 as it has the best overall feeling for me.
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  16. Chip

    Chip Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 22, 2020
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    Just a thought, but perhaps going forward it's worth posting which version of the file each of us is using and referring to in our comments? The reason being is that perhaps one file needs its default values adjusted more than another, and it's not necessarily something wrong or undesirable in the underlying code. Obviously, the more info each of us can provide (car, track, wheelbase, etc), the more helpful it is, but at a minimum, perhaps the file type is the most important. Then again, I am only speculating here. I haven't had a chance to try ver .45 yet, but I always use the HighEnd file. It also sounds like @Panos Schoino and @Karsten Hvidberg use the exact same TrueDrive settings, and we all have SC2 Pro wheelbases, so hopefully that provides a solid foundation for feedback on the HighEnd file, but clearly it sounds like people are finding areas of improvement thus far (as always).
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  17. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    v46 posted just now.

    Huge thanks to @Panos Schoino & @Shadak for helping improve & adjust this version yet again! Also would not have been possible to adjust without all the input & feedback from everybody else in our little "ffb diehard" forum thread. It's truly a big team effort to make these improvements possible.

    So cheers guys, I hope this gets it closer to a center for most of us, but we will see :)

    * Improved LFB coherency. Does not make the wheel go lighter on cornering when increasing.
    * Improved center full feeling.
    * Adjusted kers & kerb surfaces.
    * Added new acceleration/deceleration effect adjustable by values "acc2_scale" & "dec2_scale". It's def. fun at higher values, but starting out in between conservative & fun. Can make sense to increase for some cars.
    * New "master_road" road scale value added.
    * New "center_full" value added. Use to increase/decrease fullness at center when LFB sliding does not cut it.

    Link: https://forum.reizastudios.com/attachments/silver-raw-6-6-5-46-zip.12575/
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  18. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    Guys, really sorry for not getting all your names in the file, will have them all included next time 8)
    Or at least try... Many are missing...
    (I know most of you prob. don't care much 8))

    On another note: I have some cool ideas for improvements and we still need to make the latest feel the best to all of us, if possible, but aside from that, if anybody's feeling something obvious is missing or has some awesome new idea for ffb possibly, def. post it!
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2021
  19. Dean Ogurek

    Dean Ogurek "Love the Simulation You're Dreaming In." AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Thank you again for all you invest in making AMS2 ffb as good as it can be.

    Is it possible to have a shudder effect when the wheels lock up? My D-box has a traction loss effect (shudder) but, it would be great to have that in the ffb as well.
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  20. tUMi

    tUMi Active Member

    Apr 26, 2020
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    @Karsten Hvidberg Thank you for releasing another new version of your custom FFB file. :)

    I just did a quick test run with the new v46 file at Nurburgring GP with two different cars - the Mercedes-AMG GT3 and the McLaren MP4/12.

    I must say that the v46 file definitely feels very advanced compared to v31 file for example which I was previously using (I did a few test runs earlier also with the files v45 and v41 but went back to the v31). :)

    First I took the Mercedes-AMG GT3 and went to Nurburgring GP and after the disappointment I had with the previous version (the v45 file, which felt lifeless and lacked road feedback on my wheel base) driving with this new file felt so much better. On my wheel base the difference felt HUGE compared to v45, not to mention the older versions.

    The v46 file has literally transformed my TS-PC Racer in AMS2, the Mercedes-AMG GT3 has never felt so good to drive. After the v45 file it really brought the life back into my wheel base. The feedback from the road (bumps), kerbs, cornering and center all felt excellent all around, the wheel no longer felt dead when driving on straight line. I also noticed with the v46 that it's easier to correct when oversteering, even when driving a high downforce car such as the McLaren MP4/12, thanks to the precise feedback from the tires and the road. Almost felt like I've upgraded my wheel. :)

    And finally, these are the in-game FFB settings I'm currently using with the Silver Raw v46 custom FFB file (after v31 file I had to increase them all). I'm on Thrustmaster TS-PC Racer Ferrari 488 Challenge Edition (I have replaced the original alcantara covered Ferrari rim with the OMP 300mm suede leather rim). By the way, I should mention that I'm using the "HighEnd" version of the file if anyone is wondering:

    Gain: 90
    LFB: 60
    FX: 90
    Damping: 0
    Menu spring strength: 10

    Vehicle specific FFB Gain: 110 (I'm using this same value for both Mercedes-AMG GT3 and the McLaren MP4/12, I haven't tested with more cars yet so another vehicle specific FFB Gain value might be needed for other cars)

    And these are the settings I use in Thrustmaster Control Panel:

    Wheel rotation: 900º

    Master Gain: 75%

    Constant: 100%
    Periodic: 100%
    Spring: 0%
    Damper: 0%

    Auto-Center Settings: The auto-center setting is left on it's default value which is "by the game" in Thrustmaster Control Panel.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2021
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