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Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. Peter Stefani

    Peter Stefani Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 3, 2020
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    With all the added adjustment lines in the .46 HIGH file, I was able to get exactly what I needed, and it averaged across cars quite nicely. Most noticeably was that, the trend to oscillate when letting go of the wheel has completely disappeared. Not sure how the guys did that, but in my opinion, it's the best thing yet!

    I was actually able to drive the OW cars with the same settings as the tin tops, and just had to lower the in car FFB level on some of the cars that have bounce, but on the F309 there was no need to adjust anything. differently from the tin top.

    These are the tracks that I used to test with: Imola, Brands Hatch, and Spielburg, and I tested the following cars: 911 GT3, AMG GT3, M6 GT3, ProCar, F309, Classic F1_Gen 3_M1, and finally the V10_Gen2.

    Each car has a specific response more or less, and that's why I did a variation to try to get a good average feel and a good in-game set of values that worked across them all, with just some minor FFB in-game level adjustment per car if needed. And that was primarily on cars with bounce.

    I also found that after using the .46, I was finding myself tweaking the car set ups a little better due to the excellent feel and more detailed info that I was getting, especially in the DIFF adjustment areas.

    Here's the link for reference: In-Game 57-82-68-Damp 2

    Cheers, and enjoy.
  2. inthebagbud

    inthebagbud Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 29, 2019
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    Good timing as my body clock decided it wasn't sleep time which gives me 4hrs before work to mess around with 46.

    Test with DD2, high end file, JCW mini at snetterton 200 as thats my next league race

    Apologies upfront as this can be demoralising for you when the feedback is not the most positive

    master road function works in 46 however road feel comes through better in 31 where i think this scale isn't there - can use the setting in 46 to increase although 31 just works straight off and doesn't feel as if its been exaggerated by a slider - if that makes sense

    wheel weight on the straight in 46 is improved but still slightly vague around the centre, - again 31 feels more natural

    cornering you feel the resistance however this seems to reduce very quickly at lower speed corners - try hairpin corners 2/3 on track. if you exceed slip angle in 31 you can correct this by the way it is communicated through the ffb feel however in 46 there was limited warning and found some of the higher speed corners i just drove off track without warning - was pushing on purpose though to see what happened

    brake feel doesn't seem to work for me

    Not sure if it was there but I thought I noticed in 46 that when transitioning from grass to tarmac i felt a bite when the wheels hit the target ( my excursions to grass were purely scientific you understand). was i dreaming this as it didn't seem to be in 31

    the over rotation effect is back in 46 , the left hander after the bridge is a case in point, turn in under decel and i lose the car but not in 31

    i had a good hour messing with 46 and as soon as I went back to 31 i was more confident and my lap times increased straight away.

    Hope i haven't put you off too much in your quest and it may just be the Fanatec DD2 interprets things differently or the most logical is that I don't know what I'm talking about :)

    So after writing this can you explain the function of LFB a bit more . I took random selection GT3 BMW to Bathurst and found no LFB to be the best , increasing actually dulled the feedback maybe like clipping does
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2021
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  3. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    No worries,

    But it's weird that you have no brake feel on your dd2.
    Maybe post car, track, fanatec settings and in-game settings so we can see what @Shadak has for comments based on his dd1 where he's got it so those things are very clearly felt.
    Also if you made any edits to the file post those.

    Reg. the Lfb, increasing it should not make you clip more and it should not give you less feel in any amount that you would notice. It should however give you more feel at the low end and more feel at the center.

    Last edited: Feb 3, 2021
  4. Michael Enright

    Michael Enright Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2019
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    Hi Karsten, Just tried .46, but can't seem to get the steering going light over a crest. What, if anything, can I adjust to get this feeling that is in .31? Everything else, after a few little adjustment, feels pretty good. I will test more later. Thank you for you continuing efforts.
  5. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    Hey Michael,

    Please change thse 2 lines:
    (FL_load_norm_s (smooth FL_load_norm 0.05))
    (FR_load_norm_s (smooth FR_load_norm 0.05))
    (FL_load_norm_s (smooth FL_load_norm 0.2))
    (FR_load_norm_s (smooth FR_load_norm 0.2))

    and these 2 lines:
    (FL_load_norm (+ FL_load_norm_s (- FL_load_norm (smooth FL_load_norm 0.05))))
    (FR_load_norm (+ FR_load_norm_s (- FR_load_norm (smooth FR_load_norm 0.05))))
    (FL_load_norm (+ FL_load_norm_s (- FL_load_norm (smooth FL_load_norm 0.2))))
    (FR_load_norm (+ FR_load_norm_s (- FR_load_norm (smooth FR_load_norm 0.2))))

    And see if it helps?
  6. Michael Enright

    Michael Enright Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2019
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    Thanks for that. I tried it and I think it was better, very hard to tell. Unfortunately, after about 40 minutes or so of trying different settings etc, I ended up going back to .31 again. Can't explain why it feels better, it just does. The car just seems to respond and communicate better. Can feel everything the car and track are doing.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Mikk Schleifer

    Mikk Schleifer Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 30, 2019
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    copy that from inthebag and Michael:cool:
  8. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    Which car is this?
  9. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    I think it is car dependent maybe.
    But next iteration will be targeted at making v47 better for all, including the v31 fanboiz :)
    (And also work better across more cars yet again.)
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  10. Panos Schoino

    Panos Schoino New Member

    Nov 21, 2020
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    Mate thanks for the feedback. The issue is that FFB is extremely subjective and depends on the gear used, expectations, preferences and real life and sim experiences. So some people like an certain implementation, others don't. Personally i find 0.31 to be lacking but if it suits you better, then fair enough. Now regarding 0.46 we have been working with Karsten and we have been trying to create something that is decent and acceptable for most cars and good between the different wheel bases which is a very tough mission as you may understand for many reasons. Having said that the purpose of the file is to work lets say "well" but give to each one of us the option to adjust things to our liking. I know it's not easy and it takes some time to do this but well it is what it is.

    I have seen that you did your testing with the Mini and to be honest, as it is, it may not be the best thing. We haven't focused too much on adjusting the settings for this car. Nevertheless you can try for now this file that i have adjusted as per your comments (as much as i could of course) and see if it works better for you. Bear in mind both Karsten and i use an SC2 Pro with 100% strength and no filters at all. I am not sure how fanalab works but i suggest you may try removing any extra filters, etc.
    For the ingame settings with the Mini i have used gain 38, lfb 5, fx, 55 and damping 10.

    So give this a spin and let me know if it is any better for you. In the meanwhile Karsten is already having some new ideas for 0.47, so hopefully some issues can be resolved, but also that is why feedback is appreciated.

    Attached Files:

  11. Michael Enright

    Michael Enright Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2019
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    Ginetta P1 at Bathurst mainly. I have also tried GT3 and Stockcar. Same result for me.
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  12. psone

    psone Guest

    May 31, 2020
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    Thank you Karsten, looking forward to trying this out.

    I spent a few hours playing around with .31 yesterday. Only in the Porsche Cup and only at Nurburgring. I'm starting to really like it now though. I just bumped up really obvious stuff like kerb scale, general road noise, wheel tightening under braking and also increasing front_grip_slip_feel_coeff helped a lot. Clearly I like things on the more exagerated side.

    I need to spend more time dialing it in and I haven't A\B tested it against default. But overall it's great, I have a good feeling of where grip is, good feeling under braking, a nice amount of feedback fx wise without it being over the top to the point where effects are grabbing at the wheel and still get that smooth transition around the centre that just isn't possible on default without a ton of damping.

    Anyway looking forward to comparing .46 when I have .31 where I'd like it to be.
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  13. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    Will be very interesting!
  14. AxisMagi

    AxisMagi Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 2, 2020
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    I'm having a lot of trouble with .46 and not sure why. I'm always testing with Formula Reiza on Interlagos with SC2 (same SC settings as Karsten recommended) as my baseline so perhaps
    this is downforce related differences from what you all are reporting.

    I'm consistently getting clipping alert from my SC2 wheel mid high speed corners and it feels more like turning against a soft bumpstop than typical cornering forces. I tried increasing
    and decreasing center_full and LFB slider value to get more center but its so far off not sure what to try.

    The one positive thing I can say is that the new acceleration effect has made my starts off the line faster and enjoying this effect.

  15. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    The formula reiza is rather extreme & I did not try it.
    But I think you can lower the velocity_scale considerably and that should make it work.
  16. Dean Ogurek

    Dean Ogurek "Love the Simulation You're Dreaming In." AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Something to note, I've experienced drastic differences in FFB gain (per-car) in certain cases, perhaps related to switching between default / Custom ffb profiles(?) I had some cars set to 120% and others at 50% gain.

    Exiting AMS2 and staring a new session may solve the issue, it did in my case.
  17. AxisMagi

    AxisMagi Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 2, 2020
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    Yeah that would explain it. reducing velocity_scale helped a lot but its still very far from the mark. I think a number of other parameters need tweaking to work well with Formula Rieza. Give it a try and see what you think.

    Currently my favorite is version .43

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  18. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    I'm testing the .46 file on G920 ... I hope tonight to have a couple of hours free to be able to deepen it and be ready to adapt to the future .47 of Karsten, but summarily it seems to me already a good goal that obviously needs to be a refinement and no doubt will be focused on in future updates by Karsten & Company. For now I have tested the .46 LOW version with a configuration of values equal to Gain 65, LFB 50, FX 50-60 and Damping 0 (or 50) ... compared to the 45 (which is the first version with the yaw scale, the velocity_scale and with the progressivity depending on the downforce of the car) it must be said that it is certainly improved, it is still to be defined, but the direction and the sensations go in the direction of the versions .43 and .44 (my favorite on Logitech G920) ...

    It is also true that the .31 file is a reference point among all the others (indeed according to many the best). Having done this, I think we should take the granitity of .31, the elasticity and innovations of .43-.44, and then apply the speed, downforce and scalability corrections of this version .46 and of future versions, all without creating anomalies, empty and/or inhomogeneous areas ...
    I think it is a long and difficult job, especially if the feelings of each of us are subjective, especially if we have many different steering wheels and above all because no one is right because this is a simulation.

    How to help Karsten & Company ??
    - Not quickly comparing the various versions with the same values found and used with our favorite, because each file has its own poem to interpret and therefore each file could be ugly because it is badly set ... the gain of .31 is different from the gain of .43 and .44 and is again different on .46 and will be different on * 47, same situation happens with LFB (between the various versions), with FX and Damping ... if we then add, that each of us, can vary the values, the scales and forces of 3 masters (the rack, the road and the effect) the problem is amplified; :(
    - Use the new files to test for a while before defining it (and/or returning to the favorite), as the brain and eye/hand sync is adjusted to your favorite file that you use every day ... a quick test (without making getting used to the brain and manual tacticity) falsifies our report card with incorrect feedback that can lead even those who compose the files astray ... ;)

    In short, we could risk going crazy :p .... but I think you all love Karsten & Company :), so we communicate results and feelings only after extensive and long test sessions.

    See you tonight, hoping to be able to give useful information on this .46 file .... good job to all and thanks ... :cool:
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  19. Shadak

    Shadak Active Member

    May 2, 2020
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    When I was giving my inputs and recommendations I was testing high DF cars as well to make sure there is nothing weird going on and also the ratio of forces applied to GT cars for example, and in the latest file Karsten made this pretty good so imo in most cars, you shouldnt need to adjust the FFB multiplier.

    Anyway, can you post your settings please? Ingame + SC2 force.
    I tested F Reiza just now on DD1 and it seems great. I get about 11Nm in very high speed downforce corners (300 kmh), I dont run my DD1 super tough as I like to keep the steering forces relatively realistic + a bit more to simulate G forces. Now after driving couple of race cars and a formula (F3 equivalent) on a closed track, I can say the G forces arent that big to warrant a 20Nm cornering force, not to mention the steering wheel is relatively light all the time. Of course the faster formula and prototype cars with huge amount of downforce will be a bit different. But its impossible to replicate the exact feeling in game. The most noticeable sensation in any car on the track is probably the braking and thats one of the reasons for the dec2_scale and exaggarate brake value, the increased centering torque during heavy braking is to imitate that feeling somewhat, while acel2 is to provide a bit of ligthness during heavy acceleration when the front tyres get unloaded.
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  20. Panos Schoino

    Panos Schoino New Member

    Nov 21, 2020
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    Try also decreasing by 0.1 both master_road & master_effects. With the formula reiza i got as well some occasional clipping beeps in mid-high corners but i was either close to touching the curbs or i was on a bumpy road. In game settings if i remember correctly i had 32-34 gain, lfb 5, fx 55 and damping 10 or 15.
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