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Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. bazziboy

    bazziboy Member

    Jun 10, 2020
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    To be honest i was shocked at how this update made my Ts300 come to life.
    Especially balance changes are really felt now, where i didnt feel anything before.
    Maybe its a bit overreacting at times, but for this wheel this is the way to go i think.
    I had my gain to 90 before, which suddenly felt too strong and i now tuned to 75
    in a first step. What i find most astonishing now is the shift of loads of the car
    (did only drive a few rounds in gt3s and porsche cup). i can somehow feel now
    how the car is leaning to the sides.

    for me this update is the best till now (not that i know how .31 felt :D)

    Great job Karsten and team!
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  2. torsteinvh

    torsteinvh Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2019
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    At first I thought v.46 was too weak/vague at the centre, and some of the effects, especially scrub, were a bit high. And I felt I was missing some of the acceleration/deceleration effects.
    I did a few quick changes, and for me this improved the feeling quite a bit:
    (master_road 1.10)
    (master_effects 1.35)
    (center_full 1.5)
    (acc_boost_feel 0.2)
    (acc2_scale 0.7)
    (dec2_scale 0.4)
    (dec_boost_feel 0.2)
    (scrub_scale 0.2)

    I'd say, for me, this is as good as v.44, with the added features from v.46 on top.
    (HighEnd file, DD1, McLaren GT3 @ Nordschleife)

    Edit: After some more practice I improved my personal best @ Nordschleife with both the McLaren GT3 and the Porsche GT1. That's usually a sign of improved FFB :)
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2021
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  3. sampopel

    sampopel Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 31, 2020
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    .46 (low-end for G29) is my favourite so far.

    Feels particularly good with some of the RWD cars - German Group A, AR Camaro. Feels a bit weaker with a couple of the FWD cars I tried but I'll trying upping the main gain for them. And the braking feel I liked from default is at least as good in this version.

    I'll be intrigued to see if this version can be improved upon and even if not, I'll be happy to stick with this one.
  4. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    At a preliminary stage of testing. I thought it could not get any better from ver 45. I was wrong. 46 high end, tx wheel. the added accel and decel effects are good, it feels faster and more depth in detail with responsiveness.

    I would not say this ver 46 has any inherent weakness. Its only up from here.

    Though its a big benefit all the new effects, I am going to do an A/B thing (not a full blind obviously style test) with the settings from torsteinvh.

    While I do not feel as though its missing too much, its possible a tweak to scrub for example, is in the works.

    I use 100 gain for main, 50, 50, 50 and dial it down between 0 and 30 at most on a per car basis.


    At default I get the most minor of red bar in the telemetry, but its not present during a run.

    At imola I can see clearly the potential for a faster time, its way more granular than the files in their 30's. Really appreciating the added depth, complexity and texture these files give to the experience, how they scale and all that stuff.

    And naturally having said something of the less than stellar take offs in the past in AMS2, this file goes a long way to improving that, while retaining the smoothness of something like raceroom.

    Pertaining to that, its nice now that the ffb forces on either side of center seem so much more real these past couple of months - this level of fidelity definitely broke new ground in FFB - so well done.


    To test some of the things I like to do is take the mp4 round jerez like a maniac, bathhurst in older f1 types and newer, the v8s as well, and gt3s round brands, era appropriate stuff at imola... I go through a system each time, and maybe I am losing out with a 50,50,50 I don't know but as a reference point this 46 version across a wide variety of cars is more on point than ever. The gt1s I like to go on spa, the german ones at hockenheim or nord (but porshe on the schlief and not in testing so much).

    It feels a lot more instinctive in the 40s than the 30s. I like the ffb to step out the way but be present as needed and I think a good balance is being found.

    Usually like to stick to things I can compare a little across titles. Some of the most enlightening stuff has been fiddling with gen1 f1s and tuning them just enough to be wild enough, then driving them, and in cases making them more compliant. The ffb is handling the task of all these things since the 43 update to my mind. Then the ginetta p1, and of course the sigma p1 car at santa cruz. So the ffb is even helping dial in setups so the fidelity is a reality now which is just so good.


    edit: its hard to quantify but in the effort of fidelity I think at jerez in mp4 for example its not as 'hardcore' fast as it was previously. Maybe I need to up the gain to 110 I dont know. Its definitely more fidelity but less of a sledghammer effect in 46. Just an impression I will now race this one. Noted the same kind of thing at brands. I keep all the files its not a problem.

    So I will now check the quoted settings. after I test that all in a jerez short race to see if the intensity is there.

    edit2 so one can see my mistakes/working out haha well i did try 100, but 96 is what I previously had it at (tx wheel, normal 100, jerez in mp4), and this allows for more intense or better driving. Also take offs definitely way better. Things happen a bit faster in this ffb and I am getting used to it. For example spins and saving spins has never felt this good. Or throwing out the back and then arresting a slide.

    edit 3: this ffb is definitely way more race ready. You can fit a lot more into your inputs. cars with good downforce and grip, for example, bathurst, you can pretend you're a fully fledged professional driver with the way you dart down the mountain.

    Is it any wonder the quoted poster found his time improved? The ffb gives a lot more clarity than even the [now admittedly 'obtuse'] force of 45 or 44. Going down the mountain however I did note he is probably right about his accel and decel thing, and also the progressive loading on a gen2 did not seem to be as much there. But I will go round again and use more brakes, I was darting and weaving. --- so its just that the car, the gen 2 v10 has so much grip, but a gt3 probably will show it better, though the v12 gen2 did actually load up on slip loss (or load down?).

    What I mean if no one reached the conlcusion that popped into my mind (trying an unbiased approaced for myself which I can be) it could be more pronounced that, further giving a sense of speed above the lateral and visual aspects. if thats an accurate description/and prescription

    because in a gt3 and even others the front feels vague when I may expect more weight going downhill. the telemetry geforce meter is forward/back so the force is there. will now try with extra brake and a brands hatch setup on bathurst. hehe.

    so with the front end loaded up more, and honestly crashing has never felt so good - the effect exists but is not as pronounced I would think. I will try the things I do with the extra settings. it may not solve that if it needs solving but it may do other things instead


    I will probably look into the file myself
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2021
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  5. Michael Enright

    Michael Enright Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2019
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    Was that a typo or did you actually change (dec_boost_feel) from .07 up to .2? That's a large jump. Haven't got to try it yet, so thought I would ask.
  6. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    hehe i did it and maybe thats the setting, decent improvement of sorts, maybe more longitude weigth or some such is required for my taste, but it was over powering in a sense to what that particular setting changes.

    thus I am using 45 again to get a good feel of the differences. its still my prefered one overall, notwisstanding most likely that 46 is superior in many tangible and beneficial ways.

    this is because at first I thought 46 was doing 'too much' if that makes sense. a re-frame of my thought but probably the more correct assessment in terms of holistically what it does for the sim.

    it must be stated that my driving skill today is not at its height. Its possible that with much better driving the thing is way better, but I dont think its going to work in regards to the weights and front vagueness.

    I dont mean its horrible - only that its not as clear in terms of input delineation (what you need to do for 1+1=2, I think the scaling gets in the way a little) as 45..

    edit: This is confirmed for me with 45 again on. I know 46 is technically superior, but in 45 it just does things so sublime and direct. I think a 45.5 would not whittle that away too much, that aspect.


    You know in race room lol sometimes it feels more on-rails than the other games, but I thought of 45 that this aspect was more organic but with the same effect. I feel 45 helps you out whereas 46 prevents you - just straight off the bat kind of thing. Yes I could learn that, but no it seems counter intuitive if that makes sense.

    While rr is prob more fake in some ways than a madness engine game of AMS2's nature, that driving experience is something to aspire to. I believe that fully.

    but 45 is god-level in my view. so its prob unfair on 46 maybe

    to give an idea - on the mcL f1 gt1 it felt great, but on open wheelers and gt3s it didn't compare to the direct nature at the core, so to speak, of 45
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2021
  7. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    well thats the aspects that would prevent me from downgrading to 45 again. the fidelity was just way more in 46. I still have them and will not rule out an interim adjustment to check things out, just one or two values.

    however, its best I redo partly some car setups. this is not an easy version to back away from, this 46. its very good.

    Of course this had me think: what could be holding back this game in some ways, all games, but this one in tandem with the engine - is per-car FFB settings/files.

    Honestly just think of that for a moment. Is this what the game needs for next-level type things. Or an internal offset to accommodate such things, as set by the devs, or others.


    My change of heart comes from user error/user not wishing to adjust so much. I set, for example the main one I was concerned with, the m12/4 thingo... clutch plates 6 at jerez and 80 power, slight higher coast...than previous values because default will work. helps one push it even harder. for the more fidelity this version has, and the way jerez is laid out, 6 clutch plates for my wild driving there (I will try to spin out on pit exit/startup.) blah blah this gives a good sense and feel.

    If you drive right you can crash hard and its interesting to see how it behaves. 46 is a good version and its allowing better overall driving, to be fair plus I was then able to put the gain per car here on the mp4/12 back to 100. I am not at this point changing from 50 50 50, though I will just see what thats like.

    ^ Pffft- its pretty amazing, again, think it was version 43 where I turned it to that. 75 fx seems pretty sweet. damping down to 20, and lfb at 50 since its got too much to it now for me to want to mess with as its in a decent spot; but will test 60 too later. cooool..... :)

    edit but the big vibrations and all the bumps is why I kept things at 50 50 50 haha - do that for a while and its not feasible. :) I am changing one setting at a time.


    Bravo: not. set it to 100 gain, 60, 75, 50.

    The slightest of adjustments up, more pronounced if you lower dampening. still get it all. then set the clutch plates back to 4 - was a hasty setup change.

    This means I set screen bounce legacy and at 40, then, so its bumpy on screen and bumpy in the hand. The reason why I seem to turn it down (then forget) is that the core of the ffb file is so well done, it just blends in. Thus I am not limiting all of it, just getting immersed. missed those engine rev vibrations being prominent though; before they were present but not full.

    And what that means for anyone following and experiencing it themselves is the core and the road feel combine very well. Regardless of that, should be enjoyable either way. Probably will not adjust individual settings in-file now.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2021
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  8. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    So I know have 3 (three) full posts going over bits n bobs about this.

    But I have just made the rather difficult - actually - choice of going back to version 45. For those of us whos driving skill oscillates between really, really, really good, and just really good lol... well version 45 is simply better as a game and in gameplay.

    Its that simple. For technical marvel 46 is the goods but in actual gameplay I find the more sublime (50,50,50 and core file - 'on rails') feel of the 45 version to be sufficient and game play-helping. The version 45 high end, at least on a tx, is simply too good to pass up. Its not about driving skill - the file just does all it needs to do and gets out the way - doubly so now the road noise is lowered on the tracks.


    I said that in the spirit of feed back its not a preference as I do think that in order to push through all the bumps and whatnot, the vibrations (which I never liked on v twins in the main), it is required to punch through that in order to deliver the input - which is why I prefer 45...

    but also it probably interferes in 46 with the new pitch angles etc of the latest patch, I am not sure, but it does not seem like its in line with how smooth 45 is. some people did not like 45 because it was not enough. I rather think the sublime aspect of it outweighed the other aspects.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2021
  9. torsteinvh

    torsteinvh Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2019
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    That was intentional :)
    I like to make quite big changes on first edit to notice the difference clearly. Then I can always dial it back if it is too much.
    Not concluded yet, though. Need to drive a bit more first.
  10. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    back on 46 for a little bit - no other game does bumps as much as AMS2 it seems to be a feature. This ffb can be good when you dial most of that out, but its still has not got the directedness and 1:1 type thing from input to game like in 45. I still feel as though 46 gets in the way of itself a little too much.

    i do have a slightly sore shoulder atm, and also if I lower the per car ffb right down to 60, its possible if I try it again it could be the goods. however the steering is simply not there from what I know of it in terms of trackability. its like the steering ratio is changing or something inside the file and probably needs further working.

    edit got to admit its a lot better, with high file, 63 per car gain on 100 gain setting, 60, 75, 50. could lower damping a bit. this is stock car 2019 at santacruz.

    To explain I think its out, yes, it moves like a free flowing water jet at the first chicane, but then it turns like a lead bolloon in any of those corners....kinda... so I think its 20% out of wack or something, hard to say.

    The difference between chunky and finesse... but then ams2 is a chunky game. except version 45 removes a lot of the superfluous stuff and focusses better I think. its more direct steering and movement is maybe not as 'alive' as this version but as a game plays better
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2021
  11. Panos Schoino

    Panos Schoino New Member

    Nov 21, 2020
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    I more or less agree with you. 0.45 is more lean and pure where the effects are subtle and discreet. In a way closer to "reality" where not everything is transmitted so much through the steering wheel. 0.46 is more fun in a way with the additional effects. For me both are good but it is subject to personal preference...
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  12. Raceracerace

    Raceracerace Active Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Couldn't have said it better. The steering wheel transmission is so key. And I fully get the desire to add more to it, but maybe I have come to see that at least for myself its not necessary.

    I base this on an impression I got from a forza 7 v Pcars1 review one time. It could well be that 45 and AMS2 is some kind of sweet spot.

    I am driving the P1 prototype Ginetta 558 at Imola today a fair bit, so its being fair to both 45 and 46; and I checked across other games to get a really good feel. Its more or less a relaxation day for myself but it was kind of frustrating.

    I even had that exact thought where I said to myself I would go into the file and add in super obvious breaking and whatnot, kind of like some of those settings in raceroom you always turn way down (front wheel slip, etc).

    What it would do and its why I don't do it - hence why I think 45 is just phenominal work - is it would adjust then the inputs I make to the wheel in response to whats happening on the screen. And with 46, for myself that does not gel as well. So while 45 leaves a little bit to the imagination it also does not add 'detail' or colour where there should be none.

    So I think its fantastic. Even when you do high speed on the road I guarantee (and we all know how each country's local roads can be pretty nasty lol) well its not race track bumpy. I am talking highway speed. So its like the ffb is trying to steal the limelight whereas in 45 its the physics, or they compliment each other.

    Beyond the effects and not to discredit what I just quoted because I fully agree with it - the steering is off due to that feedback. This is in spite of me thinking that technically (but for my own I mean not in practice) the steering as something I react to and plan for, is therefore off.

    And all that lead me to see, perceive, believe or understand that at least for my driving style, I had reached the pinnacle of a ffb -

    If its any consolation to the devs, its the best ffb/physics combo Ive ever seen :) it does not pollute my brains feedback channel haha and its resolving whats on screen as it happens to a level of detail/requirement unmatched. Maybe its as flawed as the game is unfinished but its still a higher correlation.

    ^ This is all with 65 gain (from 100 full in settings) 50, 50, 50, at imola and ginetta p1 type, I think less is more all over - all blends in rather nicely. The car is swift, the steering is swift, it bobs and moves around, its got road feel, its both loose and tight, firms up when it needs, stays loose as needed. And does that through the full range of tyre grip and general race happenings.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2021
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  13. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    I generally agree.
    Due to being a bit flat out this week , I haven’t been able to work effectively or efficiently with .46. .
    There’s some great additions in it, but I feel like I’m trying to tune it down to get the swift controlled wheel of .45
    .47 will probably come along before I get around to optimising it.

    Comparing the two does highlight a couple of areas that could be improved in .45. , like elevation feel and brake feel. .
    Some would also probably like stronger lateral loading and no/low load weights if that’s their taste. , but that should be achievable in file.

    I tried .31 again and it surprises me it’s popular, as while it feels decent around the track it’s kerb feel is quite one dimensional as is the variety in feel overall.

    I thought .34 was better in every way of the older pre king files.
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  14. Michael Flemming

    Michael Flemming New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    Hi guys, first of all a big compliment for all the work.
    I'm also currently trying with 0.45 and 0.46. 0.45 I really like with the GT1 Porsche, GT3 Mercedes and the V10 Gen2 on the Imola, BrandsHatch, Spa and RedBull Ring tracks. I find 0.46 very interesting. But unfortunately I find the reinforcement in the corners too strong. Especially with the V10Gen2.
    What value would I have to change to reduce that.
    Excuse my english.
  15. Michael Flemming

    Michael Flemming New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    I am traveling with the SC 2 Pro
  16. Shadak

    Shadak Active Member

    May 2, 2020
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    On my DD i have to use low-ish gain, like 23-25 and each increase by 1 point can make things unrealistically strong. to compensate I use about 30-40 lfb.
  17. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Tests finished on the *46 LOW file with the Logitech G920 steering wheel ... this time I started by optimizing the cars with so much speed and downforce F3 - F.Clas.2e3 - V10 (G1 and 2) - V12 - F. Reiza - F. Ultimate ... moreover, in the game, instead of starting from my usual values ([55-65] -80-75-0), I started with a midfield setting 54-50-65-4 because check that the center and the other features I am looking for can be obtained by modifying the parameters of the customized file ... ;)
    Gain 54 (50-55) is the minimum to have a bit of strength on all cars, even the lightest ones such as the MP4 the rest will be done by the customized file ... LFB 50, even here I preferred not to raise the bar to 80 because I have slightly increased the values of the center in the file *46 ... on FX 65 I do not give indications because it is subjective, do as you think , but in relation to this (if you like it seasoned as I like it) I set the Damping to 4 and not 0 this time, because at zero the jolts due to bumps on the road and effects, while with 4 yes without upsetting or sleeping the steering wheel ... even 1-2 dampens and if I'm not mistaken Peter Stefani uses 2 as a Damping value.

    Anyway let's go to the file.

    - First you have to specify one thing, the 3 files of Karsten LOW, MED and HIGH currently differ from each other only for these 5 lines, so if you take the HIGH but then insert for example the entries "tighten_range", "tighten_falloff", the "centering" and the "exagerate ..." then you should call it LOW and not HIGH anymore ... but this is unimportant.

    - Here we see what I changed ... just a slight change to the master road and then I raised the values of the center and of the exaggerate without stretch_fell to balance the low LFB values and then i raised the braking , the rear_grip_loss_feel and the kerbs_bump_scale.


    - And as effects I only changed the scrub

    The cars mentioned above feel great, the Spritrace, the Stock cars, the GTs and all the P1-4s, etc. quite stable as well ... I have to optimize it only for the StreetCars, the Catheran and the Retro which are very fluctuating .... let's see if I can do it by tonight .... and in any case this *46 it's not my favorite yet but already like this is very close to him!!!! ;)

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 4, 2021
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  18. AxisMagi

    AxisMagi Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 2, 2020
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    Testing with Formula Rieza - Interlagos

    SC2 Settings:

    Overall Strength: 30%
    Steering Range: 900 degrees
    Bumpstop: Soft
    Bumpstop Range 900 degrees
    Simicube Force Reconstruction Filter: 1 Minimum "fast"
    Torque Bandwidth Limit 2200Hz
    Other Filters:
    Damping: 4%
    Friction: 3%
    Inertia: 8%
    Static Force Reduction: Off
    Slew Rate: Off
    Ultra Low Latency: 16%
    Peaking and Notch Filter: Disabled
    DirectInput Effect Fine Tuning:
    Damping: 4%
    Friction: 4%
    Spring: 100%
    Sine Wave: 100%
    Square Wave: 100%
    Sawtooth: 100%
    Triangle: 100%

    AMS2 Settings:

    Gain: 40
    LFB: 30-50 Generally
    FX: 40
    Damping: 20-50 Generally
  19. AxisMagi

    AxisMagi Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 2, 2020
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    This is quite the challenge to tune with so many variables and difficult to calibrate without
    a reference point, hope my feedback is helpful.

    I tried lowering the master_road and master effects which reduced the clipping issue.
    I also doubled the center_full and lowered velocity in half which helped. But what I'm still
    feeling is way too much force at the wheel corner radius extreme, almost like a soft bumpstop
    on hard cornering at the edge of the wheel radius in corners.

    I agree with previous poster that the wheel forces in real race cars are not extreme.
    I've never raced an open wheeler but have a lot of experience with gt cars
    and race bmw m3. To drive on the limit the wheel forces need to communicate
    clearly and quickly to allow reaction and counter steering during slip. I've never been
    able to get that feeling in a sim and properly throttle steer like in a real race car,
    but AMS2 with your FFB is getting close!

  20. Shadak

    Shadak Active Member

    May 2, 2020
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    Thats a really big gain for a DD wheel, can you lower it to 23 and then adjust SC2 force slowly to get to your preferred cornering torque? Once done, adjust LFB.

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