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Automobilista 2 Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Renato Simioni, Apr 4, 2020.

  1. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    Ok, then that's no good of course.
    I really hope it will be a temporary "solution" anyways, so when they get the notchy issues under control I can go back to higher slew rate and maybe recon 1.
    Better the feel comes from the Sim than me filing to fix it by further filtering, like the limited slew rate.
  2. kimbo

    kimbo Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 25, 2016
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    is there any tutorial to understand the ffb telemetry ?
  3. Gnu009

    Gnu009 Member

    Apr 26, 2019
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  4. Slapshot82

    Slapshot82 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    I've spent hours today tweaking the FFB settings with the "New Default" setting and simply cannot get my T300 RS GT feeling like it's connected to the car. I've went back and reinstalled drivers just to make sure it wasn't something outside the sim causing the issue, but I'm quite certain this isn't the case. Before going any further, Thrustmaster profile is at Default settings, and current settings in-game are 65/55/20/35.

    Even at a Gain=65 & LFB=55, the wheel weight feels very light in the F3 - much lighter than it has ever felt in AMS/SCE with any wheel I've owned. Lateral forces are recognizable for sure in mid to high speed corners, and there is definitely more going on with the wheel under hard braking, but it's not distinguishable what exactly all the forces are that I'm feeling. I just can't quite figure out what it is that's off that I needs to be sorted out -- it's as if the forces are fighting each other for my attention. The end result is that I simply have not found a car that I actually 'feel' connected to as of yet in AMS2, with this new Beta or the previous release, and this is not something I've ever had an issue with in a Reiza sim. I feel like I'm reacting more to the consequences of the feedback I'm being delivered than utilizing it to better control the car.

    My intention of my post in only to be constructive in nature, so I will list the most noticeable feedback issues that I've identified so far:
    * Minimal/weak longitudinal forces under acceleration/braking and tire grip threshold.
    * Minimal/weak forces at lateral tire grip threshold.
    * Inconsistent forces from road noise/undulations and kerbing.
    * Excessive engine and/or vibration feedback

    I'm curious as to if any other T300 owners are having similar issues as mine. If anyone has found setting that are a better balance of my above issues, please share them. Also, does anyone know if there is any possibility of a Performance or Nvidia driver setting that could be having a negative affect on my FFB? I've tried messing with numerous options of No V-sync, and Adaptive vs Fast and these have only had the slightest impact to what I was feeling in the FFB so far.
  5. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    Not a T300 owner, but will pass along my only advice after many hours of methodically testing this and all prior versions of the FFB. Your list of issues is exactly what happens when FFB settings are out of sync.

    First, even though we do not have DD wheels, take a look at this more-thorough-than-normal FFB review of 0.8.4.

    LFB and FX intertwine, so they must be balanced to get both good feedback and to reduce or eliminate the problem where one car feels much too light and the next much too heavy. It's only my working theory, but won't hurt to try: start with the default of 50 and 50 for LFB and FX. Set Gain on the high side of whatever you have used previously (maybe add 5 to 10 max). Then leave FX alone, but if needed, move LFB up or down. I believe that LFB needs adjustment based on the strength of wheel (so very low for strong wheels, mid for mid, etc.). The guy in the video is using 50 for FX; I have observed many on here who report happiness are using 50 (or nearby) for FX. The LFB could be as high as 80 for a weaker wheel and as low as 5 for a strong one. For my mid-strength wheel, 50/50 produces the best balance of FFB (not perfect, but also not strange or inconsistent as I jump from one car to the next). Low (or even zero) LFB and FX feels very nice too, particularly for a small minority of the vehicles, but the only way I can feel both the front end and the back end of the car properly is with both FX and LFB in decent amounts. It just happens to also provide the consistency and balance across the entire range of Reiza's vehicles, so I am convincing myself there is some merit to the settings ;)
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  6. Shodan0000

    Shodan0000 Active Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    I also have a t300rs and for me FX only adds a continuous vibration noise which is very annoying. I have turned it all the way to zero. Then the ffb is really good. I use 70 gain and 40 lfb.

    Not sure what the FX is supposed to do, I heard somewhere engine vibration, but it is just a continues vibration in my wheel.

    For now, no FX for me
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  7. NuScorpii

    NuScorpii Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2020
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    It's working well for me on on the SC2, but I did need to make some changes. As others have noted, the New Default feels a bit lighter.

    Old Default:
    Gain 25 \ LFB 16 \ FX 30

    New Default:
    Gain 35 \ LFB 10 \ FX 45

    Bear in mind that is a 40% increase in gain I applied.
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  8. Slapshot82

    Slapshot82 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    @Marc Collins Thanks so much for this info! I'll give the video a look and give your advice a try. I do agree that there is some merit to having LFB & FX at similar close approximate ranges, as it does provide more balanced feedback. Though as @Shodan0000 stated about the FX setting with the T300, once you get around 40+ it creates this almost buzzing type of vibration that is massively distracting. Now that you've stated it like this though. I think trying, like you stated, at around 50 and then working down these two settings simultaneously 2-3 each time until the FX vibration levels out, that just might give a better balanced setting than my current values. Thanks! I'll update once I've tested more on what I find.
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  9. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    I'm not sure if they need to be similar...that may be coincidence for a mid-strength wheel. I suspect DD wheels can use less LFB and weaker wheels may need more, but FX at 50 seems to be a good starting (and sometimes finishing) point--except maybe for your wheel!?!?! See @Shodan0000's post above.
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  10. Slapshot82

    Slapshot82 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    I pushed the Gain up a bit, starting with 80/60/60 and stepped down the FX & LFB in equal increments to see what that did. I then decreased the Gain some and tried this equal decreasing steps again a few times but the only real positives this brought was a reduction in the engine vibration & wheel weight. I then set the Gain to 65, brought the FX back down to where the vibration wasn't an issue (~25) and starting making significant LFB adjustments to look for positive results, but overall the wheel still feels quite lifeless wheel all around with the New Default on the T300.

    Thanks for sharing the video though! It's awesome to see that Reiza has nailed the FFB for DD wheels. In fact, it does seem that this New Default might suite the high end wheels better than mid range wheels. I switched back to the Old Default and it instantly felt like the wheel came alive again. I didn't get much time to keep testing, but it did seem like the new changes to the brakes made a noticeable difference to the FFB when using the Old Default settings. As for the F3, I think there might be a bug with it due to to the new update, as it feels like it's driving on ice and the brakes are completely worn out and it simply doesn't want to stop. Not sure if it's a FFB related issue or physics, but I'll try and test that out tomorrow if I find the time.
  11. MarcG

    MarcG Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    I have a T300RS and the recent FFB update is a step backwards (cleaned documents folder), the SuperV8 just feels lifeless now, gotta be frank but there's been a lot of back & forth with FFB in recent weeks that it's become a bit of a mess to me. It seems like every update is a drastic change in the feel which requires big settings changes only to do it all again a week later, think I'll wait it out until it's "final" so to speak then try again.
  12. F1Aussie

    F1Aussie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    Agree, I am going back to the old one my DD1, the new one is just lifeless from my limited running with it.
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  13. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    I'm curious what is lifeless now?
    On a simucube 2, which I assume would be very similar to the DD1/DD2 and to me this latest update is way better, less jerky, details still present.
    I did have to up the torque output to my wheel outside of the Sim though, WHICH I see no problem in.
  14. Gringo

    Gringo Well-Known Member Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    I think the new profile is an improvement on my TM500RS. It meant a new setup for gain/lfb. Im using 65/65/50/50.

    One thing I notice if you have too much gain then the feeling goes away quite quickly. It could be a scaling issue with the sliders and the new preset. There is a point in the slider where if you go too high then the feel goes pretty flat.

    That seems to be the case with LFB as well, too much and the feeling goes away. For LFB I notice the tire lockup and driving over 3d curbs was lost if setting to high a value.

    The old preset was quite rough and jolting on my kit, I prefer the new one, but I would like to be able to adjust the smoothing level if that was possible.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2020
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  15. Wayne Whitmore

    Wayne Whitmore Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 26, 2017
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    @Karsten Hvidberg yes similar for Accuforce V2 definite improvement and is an absolute joy to drive. FFB like I have never had before.
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  16. Fizzy

    Fizzy Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    I just want to comment on deleting Automobilista 2 folder from documents:

    Today, I made the switch from old FFB to new FFB but when I went to drive, the wheel to game ratio was nerfed. When I turned my wheel 10', the game wheel only moved about 5'.

    So, I tried deleting the Autmobilsta 2 folder and recalibrating the wheel (multiple times), but could not get my wheel to match up with the in game wheel. Very frustrating.

    Finally, I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game, and voila, 1:1 wheel ratio.

    This had also happened to me with previous beta releases. The reason for posting this here is to let other people know, there must be a setting relating to wheel calibration, that is not removed when the Automobilsta 2 folder is deleted.

    If you are feeling that your wheel does not seem to be behaving properly (compared to what others are reporting), then it might be worth doing an uninstall / reinstall as it changes 'something' with regard to wheel configuration.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2020
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  17. CycloZeb

    CycloZeb Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 25, 2020
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    I returned to the old I can not find a setting that suits me.
    the old 70/40/60 the new 80/5/30.
    the worst is that in the new one if i put lfb at 50 no weight in the turns while at 5 a weight like the old one which increases when the aero load increases
  18. Carlos Panades

    Carlos Panades New Member

    Jul 30, 2016
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    Maybe you are opening the vr file. There is another file named graphicsconfigdx11.xml you should try to tweak it then I think.
  19. Slapshot82

    Slapshot82 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    I did try running equal/similar Gain & LFB levels on my T300. I did find some slight improvements running higher levels of LFB with the new profile, but like you said, things just go flat when making adjustments. I've yet to find a solid baseline where I could fine-tune without losing critical feedback.

    Are you not having a problem with engine vibration on the T500 running 50 FX? It appears that the Fanatec CSR & CSL wheels and the T500 do not experience the increased buzzing vibration from 40+ FX like the T300 does.

    @MarcG If there is one studio that will get it right in regards to FFB, it's Reiza! This new default seems to really benefit DD wheels the most, but not our T300 for some reason. This is the critical time for Reiza to experiment and receive feedback on these development issues. They definitely don't want this to happen post 1.0 release - can't blame you for taking a break until things are sorted though.
  20. Carlos Panades

    Carlos Panades New Member

    Jul 30, 2016
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    I would add that I notice (SC1 here) if I raise LFB, it puts some disturbing "noise" in my wheel (specially in straights) and if I keep FX at zero I lose the rear of the car and can't correct the slides but when set it to 15-20% I feel what the rear is doing, raising it above this value makes the car too easy to correct and basically can't lose the rear at all. Despite I feel the FFB is great, that thing doesn't seem phisically right.
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