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Automobilista 2 Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Renato Simioni, Apr 4, 2020.

  1. glen

    glen Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 16, 2016
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    I have used an OSW small mige with gain 50 LFB 0 FX 0 the whole time since beta 1. My feeling with EA went backwards.

    I'm now using gain 30 LFB 50 FX 50. It feels the best now. For me.
  2. VitorMach

    VitorMach New Member

    Apr 5, 2020
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    I can never understand gain settings too well. For instance, a Fanatec DD1 has 20Nm max torque, while a Logitech G29 has around 2.2Nm.
    Does that mean the gain for the G29 should theoretically be set to 10 times stronger than the DD1 to be realistic? I suppose not, because at 100% it already feels way too strong.

    How does the gain scale works?
  3. Avoletta1977

    Avoletta1977 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    G27 here.
    Gain 85
    LFB 60
    FX 60 (the effect of FX is very low no matter the setting).
    Everything else on default.

    Absolutely no complain about FFB.
    Cristal clear, no deadzone and detailed. On par with rF2 and slightly better than AC and AMS1.
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  4. glen

    glen Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 16, 2016
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    Victor, I'm no expert either, but with the DD you never run it @ 20Nm or it will rip your fingers off or break your wrist, so mostly you don't use the whole scale. The key is that your wheel doesn't clip when a force is over 2.2Nm, unlike your G29. So even in a strong corner when the wheel has a lot of weight, with a DD you still feel other things. Other advantages with a DD is less delay when you move the wheel the other way (there is no dead zone because there is no belt or gears. direct, the wheel is on the motor itself) and there is very little resistance without force, just the motor bearings only. Usually the DD will have a better rotation sensor as well? So the input is more precise.

    Why bother? it might make it a bit easier to feel a slide? it might make it a bit easier to be consistent? it might feel better? but really, a fast driver can be fast with anything!
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  5. C_Stephens

    C_Stephens New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Cote, wasn't trying to be snarky hope it didn't come across that way. It's in responds to recommended, I guess it's not as default is 100, which confuses me as its recommended to set profiler to 0, then let game change settings to 100? If we are suppose to use damper then why set profiler to zero. I do so many opinions no clear answer. And no changing the vibration had no effect on my wheel so just left it at default
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  6. Cote Dazur

    Cote Dazur Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    All good, I hope Reiza developers will step in, as we are all here looking for answers. :)
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  7. sherpa25

    sherpa25 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    Please confirm @Renato Simioni, that Damper and Spring are not used in AMS2 (so we should set these to 0 in Control Panel)? Need to confirm as the default value for TM wheels in Control Panel is 100.
  8. kagurazakayukari

    kagurazakayukari Member

    Dec 1, 2019
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    Can it just "pre-setup" the default value while the game detecting and binding with a new "never used before" wheel? Or just post recommended value zone by each tier wheel in the FFB setting panel underneath ? This is easier. Maybe near v1.0?
  9. RWB.3vil

    RWB.3vil Member

    Apr 2, 2020
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    Is that the norm for most low-mid wheels? I use a Thrustmaster TX 458 and i keep my control panel at default for all sim games
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  10. VitorMach

    VitorMach New Member

    Apr 5, 2020
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    Thanks, but already I understand the difference between DD wheels and the common belt or gear ones. What confuses me is the "gain" option in simulators. Is it a linear scale?
    "100%" gain will mean different things to different wheels, is there any methodology to adjust this?
  11. Case

    Case New Member

    Aug 8, 2017
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    Still supporting the decade old myth that spring and damper set to 0 are somehow recommended and ideal, despite the fact they work completely different than the people spreading the myth claim and they can absolutely be left at default 100% without having any adverse effects on the FFB for the majority of games :cry:

    I mean, setting them at 0 even *removes* intended effects from FFB in some games (Dirt Rally series, for example)...yet people still insist on exactly that.

    BTW, to be able to set the FFB properly, we really need an FFB meter. Without it, it's basically pointless.

    Also, reading some of the comments (not just) here, it should be pointed out that at least on non-DD wheels, the in-game gain and the point of clipping are independent of wheel connected. That's also something that's often quite misunderstood by a lot of people (as many think stronger wheels need different in-game gain than weaker wheels). If you set gain to say 85, you'll get FFB that will feel different in strength depending on the wheel connected and/or its settings, but the point of clipping will always be the same for all wheels, because in 99% of cases, clipping comes from the game, not from the wheel itself. A DFGT with in-game gain at 85 will be clipping in the exact same situations as a Fanatec CSL would be, despite the two wheels having a vastly different torque capability and therefore the resulting FFB strength that's "felt in the hands". Hence why one should always maximize the output from the game without clipping (too much) to get the most dynamic range and detail from the game, and then set the strength to personal taste on the wheel itself, not the other way around.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2020
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  12. Supa

    Supa Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 5, 2016
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    ???? I always have wheel at 100 strength with %20 damping and 15 inertia and adjust gain ingame. Why wouldn't I weant to use all the fidelity of my 26nm wheel.I run between 30 gain for Superv8s and 70 gain for F3s. 0 everything else.
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  13. CreamyCornCob

    CreamyCornCob Member

    Mar 31, 2020
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    Its no myth. You telling people that they could run %100 damp/spring and not have any adverse affects is a myth of your own.

    Spring is set to 0. Why? Because the game's FFB will be providing spring data from what the tires,car and track are sending to the wheel. Adding spring to it, is only going to exaggerate it.
    The same thing with damping. That data comes from the sim, not artificially introduced through your settings slider. Although it can provide a slight increase in those by sliding your bar a tad. Not %100.

    Do you suppose creating luts this way is wrong too? Spring 0, damp 0.
    Yes its AC, no different.

    I hope your not saying Renato is a "myth spreader" :
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2020
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  14. Alegunner68

    Alegunner68 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 21, 2019
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    Do the different wheel presets have different ffb code?
    Reason I'm asking is my SHH shifter in sequencial mode doesn't work in the CSW 2.5 preset.
    It does work in the custom preset, so am I missing any detail using this?
    Perhaps you can shed some light @Renato Simioni
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  15. vortex

    vortex Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    I'm not saying you’re wrong because I don’t know for sure. However, if that was really the case, why don’t the devs make 100% in the game settings the clipping point? Then everyone would know exactly what they could set before clipping occurred? It would then be easy for the devs to prevent clipping.
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  16. diknmuis

    diknmuis New Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    I'm also using simucube small midge
    gain 30 lfb 50 fx 30
    also tried gain 40 lfb 0 fx 30
    100% on simucube
  17. Cangrejo

    Cangrejo Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 22, 2016
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    Is it possible to customize each car at this time or is it still disabled? Could you give an example of how it should look?
  18. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    When the game doesn't use the damping channel, it shouldn't matter, if it's on 0 or 100%
    When the game doesn't use the spring channel, it shouln't matter, if it's on 0 or 100%.
    An example: The G29 drivers from Logitech doesn't even alow you, to change spring and damping channel anymore, do you know why?

    I was turning spring and damper down on my G27, because it has a lot of own steering weight and inertia and i was using it also with older stuff, that uses all channels, instead of just sending it through the main output. But with my CSL, i see basically NO sane reason to do so.

    Can anybody deliver reliable data, if AMS1/2 are using spring and damper channel?
    In AMS1, i had the impression, it actually uses the damper channel, at least on dirt.

    So @Renato Simioni, what is the reason behind the zeroing of spring and damper values, if i may ask? :)
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  19. Msportdan

    Msportdan Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Damper on in the control panel will only be used if the game enables it like spring.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  20. C_Stephens

    C_Stephens New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    All I know is there is a huge difference in my wheel between damping at 100 and damping g at 0. With damping at 100 its like the wheel has constant resistance, I need 2 hands, while damping at 0 I can basically use 1 finger. 100 the wheel is dull and I can't feel what car is doing, with it low ( I have mine at 10) I feel what the car is doing. G27 users can set this to zero in CP so maybe game settings has no effect Idk
    . The G920 can't be set.
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