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Automobilista 2 Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Renato Simioni, Apr 4, 2020.

  1. Romeo Foxtrot

    Romeo Foxtrot Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    This is the TM equivalent of Logitech's 100%. It is not the maximum output, it is the most linear and thus best for a wide range of forces.

    The clipping will feel stronger at 75% because the limit of the output is being reached quicker. If you have the CP at 100% the clipping will be barely different in force than regular forces so it'll be smoother. High forces will 'jolt' from, say, 95 to 100 (units of force) instead of from 70 to 100.
  2. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    Well, to be honest, after testing 0.9.5 a bit, they have already improved the feel of the car at the rear. That was the only reason I was fiddling with the scrub in the first place. I'll wait and see what they add for true severe scrub effects (i.e., sliding sideways) and either be happy with it or I'll be revisiting the custom file thread :)
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  3. Tomas

    Tomas New Member

    May 26, 2020
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    Thank you both for the info. I went and gave it another try. Well... i can't drive like this. There's no power. And the difference is huge. Back to 100. Let it burn
    • Funny Funny x 3
  4. newtonpg

    newtonpg Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 29, 2018
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    Just because it is default.
  5. Tomas

    Tomas New Member

    May 26, 2020
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    Ok.. i get it. It's normal to worry about the well being of your equipment. But it's not necessary that 100 gain in CP will damage the motor. You don't have to go to high with the overall force. Just use 65 to 75 in game gain. You re not putting too much stress on the motor. You just have the power for the pick forces when it's needed. No clipping at all. About linearity, there is not much to say. I don't feel anything wrong. 100 is just better in any way. And if it was bad or wrong to use it, TM would't give us the option in the first place. 75 feels completely wrong to me. 25% less power is a big deal for an already weak motor

    Edit: Break at work and after 3 coffees i have one last thing to say. Im almost 100% sure that TM chose to put 75 as a default value as a fail safe for the newcomers to the sim world. And thats because every game starts up for the first time with a value of 100. So until someone knows better what to do and how to adjust the in game settings, 75 in CP is a good starting point
    Last edited: May 31, 2020
  6. Goffik

    Goffik Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2020
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    Not true. In one of the many debates on this subject someone linked to info from TM saying the defaults were the safe values for the specific wheel being used, primarily to prevent overheating and potential damage. Probably should have saved the link but unfortunately I didn't.

    At the end of the day, recommended is not compulsory. Each individual can do whatever they like with their own wheel. Those that are happy to risk reduced life-span can, those who don't want to don't have to. Even TM aren't saying "your wheel will definitely break early if you go higher", and if it was such a serious issue they would lock the setting at 75 or below and refuse any warranty requests for anyone who has hacked their CP higher.

    So really, who cares? Each to their own. I'll be sticking with 75 myself because it feels perfectly fine to me, and I can't afford any further damage (paddle broke recently, bodge fixed) to my wheel.
  7. NuScorpii

    NuScorpii Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2020
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    Control variables added to our custom file too now allowing control of all enhancements:

    Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations
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  8. newtonpg

    newtonpg Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 29, 2018
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    Something after another coffee (Yes, I do like coffee too).
    Final Gain (%) = CP Gain (%) vs Ingame Gain (%)
    From your POV(*) ==>> Final Gain (%) = CP 100 vs Ingame 60 = 60%
    (*) Supposing your ingame setting is 60%
    Others (me included) POV ==>> Final Gain (%) = CP 75 vs Ingame 75 = 56%
    That's it.
  9. newtonpg

    newtonpg Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 29, 2018
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    Ops double post.
  10. Johnny Boy

    Johnny Boy New Member

    Apr 21, 2020
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    Renato simioni says they gonna update the force feedback guide, any news about this?
  11. Goffik

    Goffik Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2020
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    I doubt they'll update it until v1.0 is ready. They said there might be a few remaining tweaks to FFB as the car physics are finalised, so it makes sense to wait until this is finished before giving out any official advice.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Carlos Panades

    Carlos Panades New Member

    Jul 30, 2016
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    I was playing with Formula Reiza car at Kansai track and felt my wheel (OSW SimuCube 1 20nm) was clipping. Felt the clipping in few high speed corners. My FFB in game is 35%, LFB 10% and FX 20%, in the SimuCube driver 100% Gain and no other effects. I activated the menu that shows those bars in the HUD to check how ffb was and noticed the white horizontal bar reach something like 50% only and stuck at it (as shown in the screenshot (yellow arrows)) and that moment is when I feel the clipping happening. Also notice the third bar from left to right has number 50 but I don't know what it means. What I know is: first bar is my actual ffb gain, the two bars in the right are LBF and FX. Somebody knows what are the others and why am I feeling clipping? Capture.JPG
  13. Shadak

    Shadak Active Member

    May 2, 2020
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    I also felt clipping on DD1 which didnt make sense, hopefully Reiza will work on this. For now, Nuskorpii's custom ffb file fixes this :)
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  14. NuScorpii

    NuScorpii Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2020
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    The first 5 bars are the 0-100% histogram of the force in 20% increments. The 6th is the clipping bar, but it isn't working properly because clipping is performed before the gain is applied and the histogram is done after that. So the output signal is clipping in the range -1 to 1 but after the gain is applied of 0.5 you get -0.5 to 0.5 and that is what is shown on the histogram.

    I've fixed the clipping issue in my custom file which can be found here: Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations
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  15. jpmmuc

    jpmmuc Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 29, 2016
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    As NuScorpii mentioned:
    Also Renato has given some information that there is clipping in the internal routines (as in AMS 1) more or less for all cars to be smoothed out and high downforce cars have more clipping. They will look at this to fine tune it.

    This not so easy as the FFB needs to fullfill the demand from low end wheels like the Logitech with only 2,5 Nm force from weak to strong up to the DD wheels which can handle up to 20 Nm force. From my point of view they need something like
    a) a logarithmic compressor to bring the full fidelity in the range of 2,5 Nm where the low forces have to be boosted and
    b) a simple scaler to map the forces in the larger range of the DD wheels where the lower force don't needed boosted so much.

    To make it not to easy there are a lot of different wheels with all flavors between this two extremes. And Reiza have to enrich both completely different behaviors of FFB with the SoP, brake and scrub information to the right extend and as all users want a different feel but nobody is willing to fiddle with sliders they have also to find some AI algorithms to map it to the needs.

    Your 2nd question what's the 50 in your screenshot. It is something from the madness engine because the madness FFB engine had in the last implementation from PC2 4 sliders: gain, volume, tone, fx but Reiza has overhauled the FFB and uses Gain, LFB and Fx so this 50 would be the Madness volume but isn't used from Reiza and you can ignore this number.
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  16. Gaspedal

    Gaspedal New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 4, 2020
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    I think, with custom files of NuScorpii and Karsten (I prefer for NuScorpii), AMS2 is now fine with FFB Effects and very very realistic!! Don't change it please!! It's very realistic and on same level like rFactor2 for me. Thank you all!!! Reiza you are the best! :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Aza340

    Aza340 Active Member

    May 18, 2020
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    Do you mean the new default ffb or Nus custom file ?
  18. Ashaz

    Ashaz Member

    May 2, 2020
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    I got fed up with all the issues Ihad and didn't touch the game for a month.
    Tried it again last night and WHAt a difference!
    I am now getting great FFB on my G920 with default profile. It feels awesome.
    Great work!
  19. RoccoTTS

    RoccoTTS Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 1, 2017
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    Strange things happening here with ffb.
    Yesterday before i started with new update i deleted my controller file and started with fresh controller profile to be sure. I did a couple of tests and races and everything was fine.........
    .....until today : my ffb was very weak. So i cranked up gain and LFB, but the ffb was still very weak and i had almost no resistance in my wheel even if i saw a lot clipping in the ffb graph.
    So i deleted my controller file and started again with fresh controller profile, and guess what ....... my ffb is back and everything feels perfect again with my normal ffb settings :)
    • Informative Informative x 1
  20. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    Unfortunately, I have had this same experience weeks ago. There is definitely some odd "FFB refresh" issues in this engine...maybe it is updates or maybe some other issues, but the FFB settings and the controller config (especially peals) is not yet as stable or solid as AMS 1.

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