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Automobilista 2 Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Renato Simioni, Apr 4, 2020.

  1. Dean Ogurek

    Dean Ogurek "Love the Simulation You're Dreaming In." AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    I don't think you'll find more customizable ffb anywhere than with AMS2 custom profiles. If you can't get the results you want using those, it may be time to try a different steering system / or just stick with other titles.
  2. Filipe Paro

    Filipe Paro New Member

    Aug 13, 2020
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    I´m not sure if this happened after the latest update, but i had some trouble with my G920 wheel, clearly with the FFB higher than the usual (as before). There was a big gearing noise (i supposed my wheel got broken). I did solve the problem adjusting the Gain level to 80 (it was on 100 by default). Now, it´s the way i desired.
  3. Fernando Alves Souto

    Fernando Alves Souto New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 14, 2016
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    buying another steering wheel system is beyond my financial means.

    Thank you
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2020
  4. bmanic

    bmanic New Member

    Dec 27, 2017
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    Did Reiza ever publish all the available variables/math functions/inputs of the current Madness Engine FFB system?

    I still have a list of all the Project Cars 2 FFB variables (even all the hidden/non-publicly released ones) but I was wondering if Reiza added more systems to the FFB/physics simulation.

    What are the variables/math functions etc that we have available in AMS2 at this moment? Anybody got a list?
  5. LugNut

    LugNut Active Member

    Jul 12, 2020
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    Do you think you could link me to the info you already have? That would be great.
    As an aside, the latest ffb profiles from Karsten has been said to work with pc2 with very small modifications.
    I would look in the custom ffb thread further down in general forum and /or pm karsten or NuSorpio as per your question.
  6. Marius H

    Marius H Forum moderator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Hmm F-trainer has changed. Dunno what is it. Did drive it with F1 wheel cause my Gear up and Gear Down couldn't bind to my HE. It does sometimes when I switch wheels. Probably a bug or so. Need to test the F-trainer with my Round wheel.
  7. Slapshot82

    Slapshot82 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    This is very much an issue with the T300 and I have the very same issues as yourself with the Default profile. If you are interested, I've been creating car specific custom files (based of of NuScorpii and Karsten's latest files) to really dial the FFB in for the cars that I drive the most for the T300. If you are interested, I'll be glad to send them your way if you want to give them a try.
  8. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    "Logitech G920 and FFB Default with game version" ... the direction for the development of the FFB seems to me the right one, I notice big improvements in the general coherence, in the counter steering (excellent and without clipping), in the sensations and in the effects .
    - GAIN 100 (or 95), it is now possible to play with a value of 100 with less clipping on almost all cars, the steering wheel has constant resistance, clipping is greatly scaled and therefore the force is almost always present without sudden death ... I left 100 but if that little clipping (still minimally present) bothers, lower the value a little until it disappears.
    - LFB 20-30, here has been the biggest change I have detected compared to the default FFBs of previous versions, before version I was forced to use high LFBs (80-90) to fill the wheel in the center but with big problems with the pendulum effect especially on very swaying cars, now instead, with this last version, even with low values (20-30), the center remains full in the central degrees even if in a very delicate way, moreover, the pendulum effect has disappeared and counter-steering when cornering and accelerating is very consistent, predictable and controllable. Finally I can prevent the car from spinning, I can manage the skidding of the car and above all I feel the point of no return ... I therefore have a greater feeling of how the rubber of the tires works and it is clearer the transfer of the weight, the work of the chassis and shock absorbers and the final output of the sensations to the car's wheels.
    FX (85-100), this cheap wheel needs to be filled with effects and therefore I opt for high values ... this (in my case) does not modify and/or influence the above and therefore only adds what is required, curbs , frame vibrations, etc.

    So what's still missing ??? Only a greater definition of what is highlighted ... it seems all present but all soft and not very dry and decisive when needed ... but that's all, it only needs to be pronounced and underlined with a greater definition ... for me then this ffb of the version is a great improvement and I hope it continues like this in the right direction ... great Reiza !!!!
    • Informative Informative x 3
  9. bmanic

    bmanic New Member

    Dec 27, 2017
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    This is what I could find quickly from one of my own FFB files.

    #General form of code
    #(A B ....)
    #If A is known function name, then that function is done, with B ... as the arguments. If an argument is itself in (), then that is resolved first.
    #If A is not a function name, it is taken as a variable name, and is assigned B, and ... is ignored.
    #(output (relative output 1.0 0.5 2.0))
    #becomes in effect somthing like in C ish form:
    #output = relative(output, 1.0, 0.5, 2.0);
    #New possible commands found in FFB files
    # crossover (a crossover filter/mixer?)
    # vel_mag (car velocity magnitude, apparently can have two variables 0.0 to 1.0)
    # jerk ??? used in jerk based feel stuff
    # oscillator (probably just that, an oscillator.. sine?)
    # throttle
    # crankshaft
    # List of commands:
    #Variables ...
    #Output ...
    #* output -- the FFB applied to the wheel
    #Time ...
    #* dt -- timestep
    #* et -- elapsed time
    #Steering ...
    #* steering_vel
    #* steering_pos
    #Player Controls ...
    #* volume
    #* tone
    #* fx
    #* gain
    #Steering ...
    #* steering_approx
    #* steering_angle_FL
    #* steering_angle_FR
    #Useful for centering spring type effects.
    #Rack Forces ...
    #(FL, FR, RL, RR)
    #* FL_Fx
    #* FL_Fy
    #* FL_Fz
    #* FL_Mx
    #* FL_My
    #* FL_Mz
    #These forces are the components of forces at the tires as felt through the rack. Simply add them all together to get the full rack force.
    #Note that Mx and My are near zero, and do not contribute much at all, so adding Fx, Fy, Fz, and Mz is adequate. (NOTE!! NOT TRUE!)
    #Full Forces at Tires ...
    #(FL, FR, RL, RR)
    #* FL_lat
    #* FL_long
    #* FL_load
    #* FL_scrub
    #* FL_bump
    #* FL_bump_period
    #* FL_bump_amplitude
    #* FL_bump_sharpness
    #* FL_slide
    #* FL_angvel
    #* FL_vel_x
    #* FL_vel
    #Unlike the above these are the raw full forces at the tires, not mechanically filtering through steering geometry and linkages.
    #Grips ...
    #(FL, FR)
    #* FL_def
    #* FL_adh
    #* FL_tack
    #* FL_stab
    #* FL_visc
    #* FL_tear
    #The ratios of full grip (forces) due to each grip type in the model. They will all sum to 1.0 at any given timestep.
    #Rubber ...
    #(FL, FR)
    #* FL_slide -- 0 to 1 for how much the contact patch is in slide
    #* FL_stretch
    #Relates to Functions ...
    #Linkage ...
    #* arm_angle -- Linkage uses this value as the spindle arm angle
    #Split ...
    #* split_lo -- split's output: low component
    #* split_md -- split's output: medium component
    #* split_hi -- split's output: high component
    #Smooth ...
    #* smooth_lo -- smoothed signal (same as return value)
    #* smooth_hi -- the remainder (input - smoothed)
    #Histogram ...
    #* hist_L -- histogram's L value; F1 widget uses this
    #* hist_ML -- histogram's ML value; F1 widget uses this
    #* hist_M -- histogram's M value; F1 widget uses this
    #* hist_MH -- histogram's MH value; F1 widget uses this
    #* hist_H -- histogram's H value; F1 widget uses this
    #* hist_clip -- histogram's clip value; F1 widget uses this
    #SignalScale ...
    #* scale_window_init -- first time time window before adjusting
    #* scale_window_nominal -- subsequent windows
    #* scale_soft_clear_t -- reference time for fading out learning info
    #* scale_blend_t -- reference time for blending in new scale
    #* scale_min -- minimum scale
    #* scale_max -- maximum scale
    #Function Reference ...
    #Absolute Value ...
    #(abs <input>)
    #Add ...
    #(+ <input> ...)
    #Add all of the inputs.
    #AntiDrag ...
    #(anti_drag <input> <Cd> <Cf> <refvel>)
    #* Cd -- anti drag coeefficent, function of wheel position velocity
    #* Cf -- anti drag friction, constant resistence, tapered to zero via:
    #* refvel -- wheel velocity below which to taper to zero.
    #Drag ...
    #(drag <input> <Cd> <Cq>)
    #* Cd -- drag coeefficent, function of wheel position velocity
    #* Cq -- drag coeefficent, function of wheel position velocity squared
    #Blend ...
    #(blend <bias> <input for one> <input for zero>)
    #Center ...
    #(ctr <input>)
    #Convert input assumed to be between from 0.0 to 1.0, to -1.0 to 1.0.
    #Divide ...
    #(/ <first input> <input> ...)
    #Divide inputs from first input.
    #Down ...
    #(dn <input>)
    #Convert input such that:
    #* 0 - 0.5 : 0.0
    #* 0.5 - 1.0 : 0.0 - 1.0
    #Hard Clipper ...
    #(hard_clip <input> <cap>)
    #Histogram ...
    #(histogram <input>)
    #If ...
    #(if <cond> <true> <false>)
    #Linkage ...
    #(linkage <mode> <angle>)
    #Maximum ...
    #(max <args ...>)
    #Minimum ...
    #(min <args ...>)
    #Multiply ...
    #(* <args ...>)
    #Power ...c
    #(power <input> <power>)
    #RelativeGain ...
    #(relative <gain> <bleed> <clamp>)
    #Safety ...
    #(safety <input> <limit>)
    #Scoop ...
    #(scoop <input> <knee> <reduction>)
    #SignalScale ...
    #(signal_scale <input>
    #<L weight> <ML weight> <M weight> <MH weight> <H weight>
    #<clipping weight>
    #<equalize blend> <boost blend>)
    #Smooth ...
    #(smooth <input> <ref time>)
    #Soft Clipper ...
    #(soft_clip <half in> <unity>)
    #Split ...
    #(split <lo scale> <md scale> <hi scale> <lo/md ref time> <md/hi ref time>)
    #Spring ...
    #(spring <force> <stiffness> <damping>)
    #Subtract ...
    #(- <first input> <input> ... )
    #Subtract inputs from first input.
    #Tighten Center ...
    #(tighten <input> <range> <falloff>)
    #Up ...
    #(up <input>)
    #Convert input such that:
    #* 0 - 0.5 : 1.0 - 0.0
    #* 0.5 - 1.0 : 0.0
    #Compressor ...
    #(output (compressor output threshold gain attack release))
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2020
  10. bmanic

    bmanic New Member

    Dec 27, 2017
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    Note, anything that has the tire forces can have the full Mz, Mx, My added.

    So example, again from one of my files for pC2:

    # Tires linkage through 0 arm angle
    (Fx (+ (* left_scale FL_Fx) (* right_scale FR_Fx)))
    (Fy (+ (* left_scale FL_Fy) (* right_scale FR_Fy)))
    (Fz (+ (* left_scale FL_Fz) (* right_scale FR_Fz)))
    (Mx (+ (* left_scale FL_Mx) (* right_scale FR_Mx)))
    (My (+ (* left_scale FL_My) (* right_scale FR_My)))
    (Mz (+ (* left_scale FL_Mz) (* right_scale FR_Mz)))
    (tire_grips (+ (* Fx_scale Fx) (* Fy_scale Fy) (* Fz_scale Fz) (* Mx_scale Mx) (* My_scale My) (* Mz_scale Mz) ) )
  11. mikek1357

    mikek1357 New Member

    Aug 26, 2020
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    Any good suggestions for FFB settings for the latest build for a Thrustmaster TMX/T150 wheel?
  12. Coanda

    Coanda aahhh whinge whinge f@#ken whinge.. Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    Curious if anyone else has noticed this.. I always feel slightly less initial resistance when I turn right so I did a test using the MP4/12. Whilst sitting in the pit box I am able to turn 5 or 6 degrees CW until the ffb widget on the HUD shows blue. When I turn -1 degree CCW it shows blue right away.. My wheel is center calibrated correctly..

    What would cause this..?

    I have also tested the F3 at a different circuit and the same applies..

  13. Ernie

    Ernie Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    A little bit of speculation, but could it be, that the ground of the pitplace isn't completely flat and leveled? Is it the same on different tracks?
  14. Coanda

    Coanda aahhh whinge whinge f@#ken whinge.. Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    I originally thought so too so tried a different track and vehicle. I also stopped out on track and I can feel it around the lap.. The HUD is also not showing CW input for those first 5 degrees... weirdo :confused:

    no issues with my other racing games..
  15. deadly

    deadly Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    For F1 cars like V10 2, F Reiza or Ultimate I increase the LFFB Boost to 50, for the V 10 1 to 60. Feels much better to me. And I am using a custom ffb file:

    Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations
  16. LugNut

    LugNut Active Member

    Jul 12, 2020
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    Thx so much bmanic.
    Although almost all of it is over my head:) ,I am trying to learn all I can.
    Should have paid more attn in high school in the 70s:) But I was too busy trying to learn to play drums:)
    Thanks again
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Sting Ray

    Sting Ray Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 22, 2016
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    REF - Any good suggestions for FFB settings for the latest build for a Thrustmaster TMX/T150 wheel?
    I too would be interested here. i have a TMX and was using the custom files (from the long thread), but since the weekends update they dont feel at all right. I have reverted to the in game Default setup with Gain at 65, Boost 50, FX 20. Problem with the default is there is zero feel re what the back wheels are doing
  18. shushkata

    shushkata New Member

    May 13, 2020
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    Hey guys, i really have no feel whatsoever when i brake. Coming from titles like ACC and Rfactor 2 i am struggling to feel what the cars is doing under braking. I am running the default FFB profile. Visually i can see the car leaning and all, but the FFB is totally not communicating the brakes and the transfer of the weight. My current settings are 75/80/70/10 with a T300.
  19. LugNut

    LugNut Active Member

    Jul 12, 2020
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    My question is...why can't I feel grip loss in my wheel like I do in rfactor 2,race room and even gtr2. I've really done nothing but test and test. I have a sh""t ton of laps mostly using stock car Brazil and kyalami. So many I'm actually 2 or third on the TT boards:)
    I've tried default and all the custom files.

    The feeling I'm talking about is the major reduction of torque on the steering wheel when the front ,or back tires lose grip.
    I can feel road,road bumps,berms, brake vibrations, etc but not grip loss.

    I've found I have to set the in game ffb gain down to about 30 to not have too much steering wheel resistance so I don't think I'm clipping. I feel other details it seems.

    Does any one know what parameter I could adjust in the default copy custom ffb?
    Could it be a matter of reversing ffb effect somehow? I've had to do it in other sims.
    Please, I love this sim....just this one thing is killing me:)

    Thank you
  20. GJDriessen

    GJDriessen Member

    Aug 31, 2020
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    What wheel are you using? If not a dd, then gain should be much higher I believe.

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