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Automobilista 2 Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Renato Simioni, Apr 4, 2020.

  1. ToMythTo

    ToMythTo The Hero We Need But Not Deserved

    Aug 31, 2020
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    What people actually mean by loss of ffb? Because I had it like the auto control did not give me the car control back after pits hence no ffb. But the issue for me was not transferring the control back which in case I won’t assume to have ffb already.
  2. azaris

    azaris Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    There is a bug where after a while your wheel will lose all FFB (totally limp) when in the cockpit of any car (it's still on in menus), and it won't come back until your restart.
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  3. CorvusCorax

    CorvusCorax Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 23, 2016
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    There was a fairly long standing bug / issue (it was not present in PC2 or the early AMS2 builds, it appeared later - at least for me) where the FFB system sometimes encountered some sort of issue and became stuck pulling to the right at maximum strength.

    It would stay like that (during driving) until a) the player switched between standard and custom FFB or b) restarted the game.

    If a) then switching back would bring the issue back, and in fact it could later happen on the second FFB profile too in which case b) was the only option.

    This seems to happen with a variety of different wheels, from different manufacturers (T500RS for me). It also seems fairly random - I've had long play sessions without it, and I've had sessions where it happens after only 5 minutes or so.

    More recently there was a post on the forums from Domagoj Lovric where it says that Reiza are struggling to work out what's going on and they've put in a check to turn off FFB when this happens, presumably at least in part because that's much safer for those with high powered wheels than a full strength turn. So that's why it goes limp now instead.

    I really hope this gets resolved soon, especially as it seems to be something that Reiza have introduced to the engine with their FFB changes. It's the main thing that keeps me from playing AMS2, and if I am not playing I am not buying DLC :( Which is a shame because there's a lot to like in AMS2!

    (Edited to add link to other post)
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2020
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  4. David Nicolás

    David Nicolás New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Sería bueno si la configuración de los volantes más comunes se pusiera en la primera página. Sería una gran ayuda.
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  5. ZeferinoCoutinho

    ZeferinoCoutinho Zef_mirror_man-zefthebestofcour

    Mar 19, 2020
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    Totally agree!
  6. Sunscreen

    Sunscreen Active Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    PC G920 User
    F301 at Curitiba
    Between Esse De Alta and Vitoria, there is a very odd ffb effect which is very hard to describe just as you arrive onto the short straight between those two sections. It feels almost as though the track surface is not mapped properly and so is making the ffb feel like the car is suddenly driving through thick mud.
    Has anyone else noticed this?
  7. GodzillaGTR

    GodzillaGTR Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 4, 2017
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    I am looking for force feedback similar to Rfactor 2 and I have tried every combination of the default and I have also tried the "silver raw" file and every combination of that.

    Where the ffb lets me down specifically is heavy braking into a corner, and corner exit. In Rfactor 2 I always have a good sense of where the weight is and can feel when the car wants to get squirrelly on corner exit. In AMS2 I can't find that feeling and the wheel is very numb and heavy with no detail at that point. I have had gain down as low as 35-40 and typically keep the FX 15 or under. If I have gain over 50 the wheel is just a brick

    Does anyone have a custom FFB file that addresses this? I have a Thrustmaster TX and would really appreciate it.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    I am very close to uploading a Hybrid file of Karstens and our pc2 friend PopsRacer. It will contain more tire feel, it may or may not give all that everyone wants, but hopefully will please some, and is tuned to my t300, so same wheel.
    I was hoping to release today , but having internet issues at worst possible time, and it’s stuck on pc.
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  9. GodzillaGTR

    GodzillaGTR Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 4, 2017
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    Appreciate that, thank you. If I could even just get the coener entry feel that is all I need. I really like this game but I end up feeling like I have to under drive some formula cars because the ffb isn't giving me the info I want and it ends up feeling like the rear just suddenly snaps. If I drive based on what I think my inputs should be rsther than what the ffb is (or more accurately ISN'T ) telling me the car doesn't snap out but I feel like I am underdriving it and it feels odd.
  10. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    File is up , hopefully it can give something your missing. though its hit an miss with some cars in Ams2, some just seem half baked , I dont tend to run formula cars either, this feels great with gt3 & gt4.
    Kuku Hybrid - Custom FFB | Reiza Studios Forum
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  11. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    Hey Godzilla,

    In Silver Raw you can try setting "brake_feel" to 0.0.
    Brake feel really should be renamed "exaggerate_brake_feel", will do that some time. It adds additional brake feel, which will cause you to have less feel of balance, so you probably want it at 0.0.


    • Informative Informative x 1
  12. Manohy

    Manohy Member

    Mar 28, 2020
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    Hi friends I may have found a quick method to find a good G27 setup quickly with AMS2. It might also work with other steering wheels but I don't have the possibility to test it. I've already shared it in the g27 thread but i would like to get some Feedbacks from the other wheel model owners. I also tested the method with Raceroom and Assetto Corsa and it works with some specific settings. I call it the "Manohy's FFB method" to make it easy to share. It doesn't need custom files. It's a bit W*T*F like method I hope you'll forgive me lol. In any case, this FFB makes me want to drive longer with AMS2. I don't want to say bull**** but for me I find the same feeling of the FFB of RF2 with this one. I've just tested it with the stock car 2020 few minutes ago, oh ! heaven!!!! Please try it with your wheel and tell me what you thing :)
  13. GodzillaGTR

    GodzillaGTR Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 4, 2017
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    Thank you, I will try this today. Appreciate the effort. Those files are hard to understand!
  14. GodzillaGTR

    GodzillaGTR Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 4, 2017
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    I did adjust that and I can certainly feel the brakes locking up. What I struggle with though is the weight transfer under braking. I can't seem to get it right in the openwheel cars. I either brake too much or too little and the car either over or understeers. It is clearly my driving that is at fault but I feel if I could get a bit more info from the ffb I can improve.
  15. Clippy2020

    Clippy2020 New Member

    May 25, 2020
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    This game is a letdown really because it is missing a per car FFB multiplier. Not only that, but the gt3 cars for example are super inconsistent. If you setup the FFB for the merc, you have no FFB on the Porsche. Like literally almost zero. That’s just wrong. The FFB should be almost the same between those cars. T300.
  16. Manohy

    Manohy Member

    Mar 28, 2020
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    You may try my method quoted below, may be it can help. I've testing it on various cars and it seems having a bit of FFB consistency. G27 users seems to find it OK. I've not tested it with the other wheels but i'm curious to see the results.

  17. Dean Ogurek

    Dean Ogurek "Love the Simulation You're Dreaming In." AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    FFB is feeling better again here on default.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2020
  18. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    Maybe also physics is improved in general?
  19. Tony Binelli

    Tony Binelli Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 26, 2016
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    New beta has individual ffb multiplier that can be adjusted on track via button configuration. Works well.
    GT1 cars are wonderful
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  20. Marius H

    Marius H Forum moderator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    • Agree Agree x 2

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