Automobilista 2 November 2021 Development Update Part 2

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Nov 22, 2021.

  1. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Greetings everyone!

    Part 2 of our November Development Update has finally arrived with some fresh good news for Automobilista 2 in our final development sprint of 2021!

    And what a run of weeks it has been so far - not only have we managed to hit some of the important developments we had planned for the month, we also managed to find and are in process of resolving some other significant issues along the way - in fact our plan had been to publish this article already with our first big game update of November, however spotting a rather sizeable physics issue just a few hours before the update was meant to be deployed has forced us back to the drawing board for a few more days - the new Automobilista V1.3 update is expected to arrive towards the end of this week.

    On the plus side, V1.3 will now pack even further value to what is already a landmark update for AMS2 - so let´s get into some of what we have been working on these past few weeks!

    AMS2 Demo With VW TSI Cup by Acelerados Now Available
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    Our collaboration with Volkswagen Brasil and the Acelerados Channel has come to fruition this past week with the release of the AMS2 Demo featuring the new VW TSI Cup, bringing the VW Polo & Virtus production cars to AMS2 - more details on this release here.

    The delay on our new game update unfortunately has meant the addition of these cars to the main game have also been slightly held back - do look forward to their arrival later this week however with the release of V1.3!

    The Big Physics Overhaul of AMS2 V1.3

    As touched upon in Pt1 of the November Dev Update, physics & FFB are receiving a pretty substantial overhaul this month similarly to what happened earlier in the year in the V1.2 dev cycle, maximizing further knowledge of the Madness tire & driveline models we have gathered in recent months.

    Beginning with the latest finding - the issue spotted just this weekend forcing the delay of the update is nothing more than a simple syntax error that resulted in some of the tire models in AMS2 using components that didn´t belong to them. This error - the type you hope not to spot years into the development of the sim - is nevertheless the type of thing that can happen when you are working on someone else´s technology, and part of a learning curve that sometimes can stretch longer than one would have preferred. The silver lining here of course is that spotting and correcting this error will lead to even further progress to what was already proving a very extensive revision of all tire models in AMS2, which combined with the driveline developments have already led to all cars driving substantially better than the current release to one degree or another.

    On to the driveline developments: as with tires, we have been constantly learning more details about the complex driveline system in the Madness Engine - a physical model based on masses, friction coefficients, stiffnesses and pairings, which if not configured correctly for each car can easily result in various handling issues.

    The first major development here is fine tuning clutch LSD disc friction coefficients to eliminate the infamous "sticky" behavior of the differential on some cars, which could lead to the car balance suddenly changing mid-corner; the differential operation is much smoother now, remaining closed when it should, and opening immediately and yet gradually based on your effective locking amount from preload, ramp angles and amount of clutches.

    The second important improvement was made to the clutch engagement formula itself - thus far, preload setting in LSD diffs had far too much importance and ramp angles relatively very little. Reason for this laid in a bug in the underlying mathematical formula combining forces from these two setup factors. With that legacy bug corrected, it´s been possible and in fact necessary to update all default differential setups to more sensible ones.

    One neat example is the Caterham clutch LSD that could now get inspiration from a real-life Titan LSD designed for Caterhams: a 30/90 ramp configuration with preload adjusted for each driver's needs. This maintains the Caterham's trademark throttle steer character, while users will remain able to fine tune preload to suit their lift-off behavior tastes.

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    Furthermore on the driveline topic, we have been literally "flexing the muscles" of the engine by introducing driveline elasticity - with multiple moving parts between the engine and driven wheels (each with its own finite stiffness) the forces applied on these parts can be immense, as gearboxes multiply engine torque - one can often hear these dynamics at play on real onboard videos as engine noise and transmission whine oscillating as the whole driveline acts like a giant spring under changing loads.

    We have revised stiffnesses and driveshaft weights in multiple classes, and in multiple points in their drivelines. This creates an immersive and organic effect that fully depends on what is going on in the physical simulation. If you stomp on the throttle in 1st gear, you will hear revs jump up as the driveline tenses up. Lift suddenly, and the driveline releases its tension audibly. Driving over bumps the engine and transmission noises will oscillate smoother than before as the connection between tires, gearbox and engine isn’t as direct.

    This isn’t purely for immersion purposes either, as a slight delay in response between driven wheels and engine can have subtle effects on handling - it means for example that tire slip and engine RPM aren’t the only buffers for sudden forces, which can also dampen some sharp jolts in bumpy braking zones.

    In the video below comparing a lap with the Mercedes AMG GT3 around Nürburgring in V1.2.5.1 (left) vs the current AMS2 Beta (right) overlayed with wheel speed telemetry, you can see and hear the subtle but noticeable results of the developments described above:

    All of these substantial physics developments along with some adjustments in setup options have also led to a big revision of default setups on all cars - so further good news is default setups being as reasonably well adjusted as they can possibly be as universal baselines for all tracks and controller types.

    It does also mean however it will be critical to reset all your setups one more time upon deployment of the next update - failure to do could result in some very odd setups that will most definitely spoil the cars´ handling.

    A small price to pay hopefully for what is all around a really big step in the AMS2 driving experience - while physics development remains always an ongoing process for anyone serious about simulation, in V1.3 the physics will have reached a level of maturity that we are confident represents our very best work in this area to date.

    Force Feedback Developments in AMS2 V1.3

    AMS2 V1.3 will also introduce developments in the game Force Feedback, with the addition of a new "Default+" profile, parallel to the existing "Default".

    FFB can be a somewhat subjective matter - while generally steering FFB in-game should resemble certain traits from real world vehicles - self-centering steering wheel, resistance buildup with more steering angle & ramp up of forces with tire load - in race sims that is somewhat restrictive and often leaves us missing the actual feedback we get in our bodies on a real car through its lateral and longitudinal acceleration. Through FFB one hopes to convey some of that mixed in with the usual steering forces, and the way to do that is where things get subjective.

    With the new "Default+" profile we have what we believe to be a good compromise, adding further useful information to what you get on the Default profile.

    Aside from additional info provided in Default+ , we also did a lot of work on damping, which is inherent to any steering system and something we strongly advise to be used to some degree as it doesn´t take anything away from the feedback, instead working in sync with the vehicle you drive - it depends not just on steering velocity, but vehicle velocity, lateral acceleration, tires slip, oversteer. All of that is taken into account on damping, making it usable and helpful instead of simply providing viscous-like resistance to wheel turning.

    While the Default+ expands on the level of information being provided to the wheel, more in tune with the preference of some users, given FFB´s subjectvity to taste the usage of custom FFB profiles will remain an option - some interesting and popular work is being developed by @Karsten Hvidberg and company you may also want to check out. We had in fact planned to add one of these profiles as a third default option in the game, however we found out that the memory load from FFB system is raised considerably by its presence if there is another complex profile present in the "custom" slot, which could lead to various glitches.

    We do encourage our users who may still be looking for something beyond what our default profiles are offering to give these a try checking out the Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations thread.

    AI Development in AMS2 V1.3

    AMS2 V1.3 will bring yet another big step for the AI, with an extensive calibration pass to not only match recent player physics development, but also solving several track and car specific performance discrepancies from the current release.

    Driver personalities have been extended with some initial parameters defining an AI driver´s ability in managing tire wear, racing in wet weather & cooperating with blue flags.

    Furthermore, V1.3 will introduce the option to mod AI driver names, livery assignments & personalities - you can read more about this new feature on this topic moved from the beta subforum for those looking to get an early understanding of how to go about it.

    Multiplayer Rating System Hitting Public Beta in V1.3

    Last but not least in our big list of V1.3 features is the introduction of the driver profile page alongside the long-awaited Multiplayer Rating System - albeit in Beta stage in this initial release.

    The system is heavily based on the legacy system featured in Project Cars 2 with several adjustments - more details about it to be shared in a dedicated thread shortly before release.


    We are also working with third party Multiplayer services to best integrate our system with theirs, which should hopefully see the arrival or organized scheduled races in AMS2 in the not-so distant future.

    Furthermore, we have also been collecting some valuable feedback from the community for further Multiplayer development, some of which we are pushing to deliver as we progress through the public beta of the MRS - not everything will arrive in a matter of weeks, but we do hope to be fulfilling at least some common requests in the near future.

    Racin´ USA Pt2 Arriving Soon!
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    As previously announced, the second part of the Racin´ USA Expansion Pack is due to be released shortly after V1.3 and before the end of this month.

    This time, we will explore what many consider to be the golden years of American single seater racing, as Racin´ USA Pt2 will feature a number of Reynards, Swifts and Lola Indycars & Champ Cars from the 1990s, along with three iconic road courses.

    The cars will make up what we will call the "Formula USA" class in the game, in three generations - Gen1 will feature models from the 1995 Indycar season (the last before the series infamously split), Gen2 will have models from the 1998 season when Alex Zanardi reigned supreme, with Gen3 featuring models from 2000 - the performance peak of the Champcar era, enabling historical feats such as Gil de Ferran´s closed course record average speed.
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    The 3 tracks to feature in the pack will be Watkins Glen (which even though was not raced by these cars during the 1990s, is still one the greatest road courses in the USA fully warranting its place on the pack); the unique Cleveland temporary road course, set on the Burke Lake Front Airport with a fast, flowing and very bumpy layout serving as stage for some memorable wheel-to-wheel battles; and the third one remaining under wraps for a few more days as we finalize some licensing requirements.

    Racin´ USA Pt2 itself will be a slightly staggered release - the Gen2 cars along with Cleveland & Watkins Glen will be released at the end of this month, with the remaining models and the third track arriving just before our Christmas wrap-up; there will be further additions to this pack later on in 2022, as the arrival of Racin´ USA Pt3 will introduce oval tracks to Automobilista 2, which will see all Formula USA models in Pt2 receiving their oval spec variants.

    While Pt3 of Racin´ USA will take a bit longer than originally planned into 2022, the delay will see more tracks being added to the package than originally planned - at no extra expense for those who already bought the full Racin´ USA Expansion Pack!

    Price for Racin´ USA Pt2 will be the same as Pt1 in your local currency.

    New Manufacturers Joining the Party!
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    We are happy to confirm we´re in the final stages of licensing arrangements with Nissan, which should see several models from the brand coming to Automobilista 2 if not already on v1.3, very soon after.

    There are at least two more major manufacturer deals we are looking to wrap before the end of the year, all of which leading to various existing classes in the game being expanded with new competitors over the course of 2022 - watch this space!
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    This covers the main topics we had to bring you on this Dev Update, even if not quite all we have in store for the remainder of the year - we will cover these remaining goodies in our final Dev Update of the year early on December, by which time you will all hopefully already be enjoying AMS2 V1.3 & Racin´ USA Pt2!
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2021
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  2. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Free speech matters AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 7, 2016
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    Well that was worth the wait! Awesome stuff :hurrayreiza:
    Cleveland....where is the drooling emoji :whistle:
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2021
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  3. lstinziano

    lstinziano New Member

    Sep 12, 2016
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    Finally !!! Worth the wait. Cant wait to het my hands on the Chamcars, hopefully Indianapolis will come soon to AMS 2. And hopefully that third track is Road America :):):)
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  4. yuriasd

    yuriasd New Member

    Aug 27, 2021
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    Finally!Thank you Reiza,you save the Monday!
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. DaveC187

    DaveC187 Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    Fantastic information and really excited for the upcoming updates!
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  6. BazzaLB

    BazzaLB Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2020
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    Fantastic news. Thanks for the detailed update, especially in regard to the physics development.
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    Jun 4, 2021
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    ford is a must i think, jaguar would be nice as well. very pleased with what i see in the dev update. i'll be streaming this a lot more now, theres more a reason to keep doing it night after night.
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  8. FrankyRed

    FrankyRed Youtuber

    Aug 28, 2020
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    Holy moly that's a lot of AMS 2 goodness coming our way. <3
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  9. muz_j

    muz_j Active Member

    Apr 27, 2020
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    Thank you Renato and the rest of the Reiza team :)
    This looks great and it's nice to see improvements, optimisation and tweaks of the core parts of the simulator (differential & physics etc). I look forward to having a spin with the new updates.

    Many thanks for the expansion of the Group C cars in the game. I love the Nissan Group C cars, so I'm sure I'll enjoy driving the new car (it looks like an R90C to me, but the R92C looks similar too, but I'm betting on the former, especially given the shape of the rear wheel arches).
    Purely as a vague suggestion for the future and in no way am I unhappy with the current content (it's better than I hoped for when the game was initially released) - I have two comments:
    1) Peugeot 905B
    2) Mazda 787B
    ...I'm basically making those suggestions, just in case you're looking for licensing ideas for the future. The Peugeot is from the "cheap" era of Group C, where budgets were capped and engine limits were introduced, but I think the aerodynamics of this car make it very interesting to include in a racing sim.
    More info on this car is here: V-10-Powered 1993 Peugeot 905B Evo Engine Exhaust Sound Video
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  10. Stickdeath1980

    Stickdeath1980 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 27, 2019
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    i read bumpy hell yeah Sebring
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  11. Dylan Hale

    Dylan Hale Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Very very grand. Here's hoping Racing USA part 3 has proper Oval racing rules and yellow flags. Otherwise it will end up like Pcars 2 and 3 as meaningless side content
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  12. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Administrator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    The bumpy is related to Cleveland, as described in the dev blog. :)
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  13. DjFIL007

    DjFIL007 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    According to an earlier Q&A that is exactly the objective, because 100% without full course cautions, oval racing is just chaos and loses lots of strategy.
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  14. Dylan Hale

    Dylan Hale Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Question about the Custom AI feature. How would I tell the game to use those specific AI in a race? Like will we get a list of AI drivers per class, or can we build our own driver's roasters and select them as a pre made grid?

    Also will this work in multiclass, so I could have say 6 protos, and 20 GT's?
  15. Dylan Hale

    Dylan Hale Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    I was the one who asked that question, and If I remember correctly, Reiza said FCC's are something they would like to add in the future. (But I might be and hope I'm wrong) Without the rules of oval racing, it's just survive turn 1 and turn left.
  16. CaptainParallax

    CaptainParallax Metalmoro AJR fanboy AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    Does this mean modern Formula USA is on the cards eventually? :whistle:
    Here's hoping!
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  17. Brett Nagle

    Brett Nagle Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 14, 2016
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    Unfortunately there is still no way to select the exact grid you want. AI personalities/names are assigned to specific cars, but there is still no way to make sure that the exact cars you want make the grid.

    So for now the AI editor is great for single make series, but unfortunately is not as helpful for multiclass racing or even classes that have multiple models and available cars that out number the amount of spots available.
  18. Brett Nagle

    Brett Nagle Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 14, 2016
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    Seeing the R89C? was a huge unexpected surprise. Really cool to see the group C and GT1 classes getting more running mates and if the deal with Nissan is favorable hopefully that means additions to other classes as well!

    Excited for the champ cars and annouced tracks. You can't go wrong with Watkins Glen and Cleveland should be awesome. I'm interested to see what the 3rd track is for pt2 is as Watkins was out of left field so now I have no idea what to expect for the third track.

    Looks like November and December are going to be good months for AMS2. Looking forward to all the new content and updates coming.
    • Like Like x 4
  19. farcar

    farcar Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    So much to look forward to.
    Thank you Reiza!

    I'd love to see Ford. Because they have a rich and varied motorsport history.
    Also because there are some cool possibilities for street cars.
    But also because I harbour a faint hope that Reiza will one day include the Gen 3 Australian Supercars.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2021
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  20. deekracer

    deekracer Active Member

    May 29, 2020
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    We know you've been waiting excitedly because there is so much to anticipate.
    So here is much more to anticipate, but you gotta wait just a little longer.

    I know what I'll be doing while the rest are out shopping!
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