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Automobilista 2 V1.4 Force Feedback Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Domagoj Lovric, Sep 4, 2022.

  1. kivipallur1

    kivipallur1 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 8, 2021
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    Plus there is this neverending story about dampening, namely Fanatec DPR and TM Damper slider - does it or doesn't it matter. In theory, I know it should not matter BUUUUUT, I swear, that on my TSPC sometimes I have most certainly felt the difference but on another time when I did the test, nothing changed. I don't know if it depends on my mental state, driven car, ffb profile or moon phase (historic weather data with moon phases that alter the physics would be bloody awesome by Reiza though).

    Most recently @CrimsonEminence @James Lee GTE @Danielkart went on about it in v1.4 release thread but the end result was usual, which I agree with, that everyone should try themselves what suits their personal tastes better. It might be a placebo, it might not be a placebo, nobody knows. :D
  2. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Hello Kivipalur! Of course I tested it. But it makes absolutely no difference whether you set DPR to 100% or 0%. It's completely identical, I leave it at 100% because there are simulations where DPR can be used. greet Daniel
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  3. Domagoj Lovric

    Domagoj Lovric Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 15, 2016
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    Over the many years at Reiza, i have experienced few times (Fanatec DD1 base) Damper effect active, even if i know for sure game didn't request it. This was a rare bug, and since at least late 2020 i have never experienced it (only pc restart would solve it).

    Thrustmaster T-GT i have been using for a year and few months, have control panel settings as indicated in first post and have had zero "ghost" damper / spring effects.

    SPR or spring DI effect is used for menu centering spring, as mentioned - but i do have an issue with Simucube where Spring is clearly active occasionally - but hard to miss this "issue", as wheel is very stiff.
    Simucube is a game side issue, and September patch hopefully will have it sorted.
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  4. Helleno

    Helleno Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 17, 2018
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    I don't know if is it because my dificult with english but I never completely understood what kind of strength Damping add to the wheel. When I translate the word to portuguese it makes no sense, but I found this generic description on google:

    "a decrease in the amplitude of an oscillation as a result of energy being drained from the system to overcome frictional or other resistive forces."

    Is it right and fits in FFB context? From my understanding, it will make steering wheel heavier and FFB foces will be soften by this weight as they interact. In proportion, it would be like the difference between a hydraulic and a not hydraulic steering? Sorry if I am asking something obvious but I just cant figure what it is.

    I have an old Thrustmaster T500-Rs and I always used Damping=0/LFB=0. But, after this post, I tried T-GT recomendations and I liked it... its something different from what I am used but maybe a path to explore and improve my experience. So, I will play with some fine adjustments and that's why I would like to understand what Damping is doing here.

    Thanks from any help
  5. Dean Ogurek

    Dean Ogurek "Love the Simulation You're Dreaming In." AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    I tend to think of Damping in terms of fluid-damping. Increasing the Damping increases the drag or resistance to movement. Imagine waving a stick in the air, then try it in water, then in honey. With increased viscosity, resistance to movement increases.

    Damping in ffb will add resistance, reducing wheel velocity, oscillation, and overall steering-response (Speed). With high Damping, the Self-aligning Torque influence on steering will also be reduced or delayed. This is an obvious indication of having too much Damping applied.
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  6. James Lee GTE

    James Lee GTE Active Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    For the DD2 users here are my settings
    FFB Strength 36, FEI 100 and FORce Effect strength 100 and everything else wheel related Zero! Scaling set to peak, spring strength keep at 100 to align with AMS2 menu spring strength and Braking effects whatever you fancy.
    Default flavour
    Gain 36 LFB 0 FX 0 and Damping 16
    Default + flavour
    Gain 30 LFB 0 FX 0 and Damping 24
    In game car specific gain 94%
    You may read that DPR is best set to 100 and not 0. My DD2 brothers, I implore you to try DPR at both 0 and 100.
    As Walter Sobchack famously said in The Big Lebowski “Mark it Zero!”. Truer words have never been spoken haha
    Hope my settings help, enjoy and be nice to each other!

    Edit - Messaging other DD 1 and 2 users, the personal taste range for FX ranged from 0 to 5. With LFB everyone on these wheels I’ve communicated with agree on 0.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2022
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  7. Theodore Schultz

    Theodore Schultz Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 3, 2022
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    Not sure if you are wanting us to post our reccomendations on here or not but here is what works for me. I am generally 1-3 seconds faster (depending on track and car) than any other FFB settings I've tried. Give it a go and let me know what you think.

    Wheel Thrustmaster T300RS GT

    In gme settings

    Custom @Danielkart V44 attached
    Gain 100
    LFB 45
    FX 40
    Damping 30

    I have tried Default and Default+ and many other custom FFB files but this is my favorite by far.

    Attached Files:

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  8. Helleno

    Helleno Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 17, 2018
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    The stick was a clear example. Thank you.
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  9. Case

    Case New Member

    Aug 8, 2017
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    Why are the recommended in-game gain values for non-DD consumer wheels different? I don't really understand. Technically you should (IMO) be sending the same signal to the wheels with the same amount of clipping, meaning the in-game gain should be identical, and the specific differences between wheel bases should be covered by their specific driver settings. I would also understand sending lower gain signal to wheelbases that need generally higher low force boost (so the lower gain would somewhat compensate for the overall higher signal levels).

    But the recommendation seems to be pretty much exactly the opposite - send the lowest gain signal (in-game gain at 75) with the least amount of clipping to wheelbases that don't need a lot of low force boost (TM - and in my brief experience with Default+ on the current patch, even 75 in-game gain can still clip a fair bit, but I understand the "acceptable" amount of clipping is somewhat personal preference), and send signal with a highest amount of clipping (in-game gain of 80-100) to wheelbases that need the most low force boost (Logitech), further worsening the clipping(?)

    I'd really love to understand the logic behind it. I assume sure there is one.

    You have it backwards. TM Control Panel gain should be personal preference (to adjust the strength of the forces you feel in your hands), in-game gain should not be.

    Also, T300 is perfectly linear all the way to 100%. Those homemade tests (using Wheelcheck) are based on a flawed methodology - they measure the amount of wheel movement in response to the force/torque generated, not the actual amount of force/torque produced.
  10. AdrianJ

    AdrianJ Active Member

    Sep 2, 2022
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    My menu not showing Defaut+
    Only default & custom

    how do I activate default+ option ?
  11. Supa

    Supa Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 5, 2016
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    My DD wheel doesn't have all those silly settings like slow rate etc just Damping. Inertia and Friction. No wonder everyone's sooo confused. I feel sorry for you all. Quality equipment like a top end Amplifier would be lucky to have Bass and Treble and some dont even have that
  12. Supa

    Supa Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 5, 2016
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    I meant slew rate
  13. Theodore Schultz

    Theodore Schultz Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 3, 2022
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    May I ask what wheel you have and what settings you recommend?
  14. AdrianJ

    AdrianJ Active Member

    Sep 2, 2022
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    My ffb system dosnt have them either
    Just : power , smoothing , bump stiffness

    Leo Bodnar Simsteering
  15. Nolive721

    Nolive721 Active Member

    May 17, 2020
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    Hello @Domagoj Lovric

    Nice write up, it was clearly needed

    I have a TSPC racer so same base as TGT
    I see you recommen Auto center settings by the wheel and at 0% instead of the regular By the Game
    Any reasoning for that or is it a mistake?

    Thanks a lot
  16. Manuel Staedel

    Manuel Staedel Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Please look at that file below.
    It is 10 times bigger than the default, but where, they got the information, to modify it?
    Where are the documentation, please?

    Attached Files:

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  17. kivipallur1

    kivipallur1 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 8, 2021
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    It is because if you adjust the Contol Panel gain, you limit the motor maximum output, ffb peak forces will be lower and your wheel starts to clip earlier. Basically with TSPC if you set CP gain around 40% you get yourself a TMX/G29 or around 65% you get a T300 (in terms of max output).
    When CP gain is at 100%, full range of the wheel power can be used by the game and you can lower the in-game gain slider by personal preference to have same (I'm not sure if I use right expression) average strength, while having higher peak forces without clipping.

    It is true for all the wheels DD or non-DD, and in all the games. If you have weaker wheel, you have to have higher gain in game for same average strength. Hence the recommendation from original post.
  18. F1Aussie

    F1Aussie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    Have been having a bit of a a play with the Reiza AMS2 settings for DD1 and Maurice's profiles and in game settings for fanalab and I must say that I much prefer the feel of Maurice's profiles.

    Does anyone else use them? And if so what are your thoughts about them compared to Reizas settings?
  19. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Free speech matters AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 7, 2016
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    How can I add the drop off from understeer to the custom barebones profile?

    So for the CSWv2 I should be looking at the T-GT FFB settings for a starting point?
  20. torsteinvh

    torsteinvh Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2019
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    Yes, after using various variants of Karsten's rFuktor files, I decided to try Maurice's profiles, and so far I like them a lot. Not a big surprise really, since they are built around another rFuktor variant :)

    I've also tried the new recommendations from Reiza, but find the FFB way too light compared to Maurice's profiles and the rFuktor variants. Will do some more testing and play with the gain a bit and see what it feels like then.

    An interesting difference between Reiza and Maurice is that the Reiza recommendations use a lot of in game damping, and very little on the wheel side, but Maurice use a bit of damping wheel side, but nothing in game... Still the general feel isn't all that different.

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