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Automobilista 2 V1.4 Force Feedback Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Domagoj Lovric, Sep 4, 2022.

  1. Boci

    Boci New Member

    Nov 18, 2024
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    Whats your base settings, and in-game settings ? :)
    Did you use custom file ? :)
  2. Rintintin78

    Rintintin78 Member

    Sep 3, 2023
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    is it possible to have the .txt of the DEFAULT+ profile?
  3. carloscepinha

    carloscepinha Member

    Jul 29, 2022
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    Do you use 100% FFB force nm in base and have lower ffb strenght in AMS2 ?
    (max possible inbase)
    Do you use lower FFB in base and have AMS2 ffb strenght close to clipping?
    (max possible ingame)

    (I couldn't find how to create a poll)
  4. Dean Ogurek

    Dean Ogurek "Love the Simulation You're Dreaming In." AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    I use moderate settings on both. I've tested 100% on wheelbase but I really think any perceived benefit is placebo.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    I think it depends on 2 factors. You can safely set a base up to 12Nm to 100% and use the full power of the base. For a base with 15Nm or even higher, I would reduce the force but adjust the gain in the game to the optimal "range" (60-65% Customs)(approz. 50% Defaults) to get as much detail as possible but as little clipping as possible. Ams2 is different than most other simulations where they are better with 100% gain on the base and then adjust the gain in the game. Yes, you also have the same powers in Ams2 if you take this:

    100% Gain (Base)
    30% Gain (Game)

    or you take:

    100% Gain (Game)
    30% Gain (Base)

    in both cases you will get 130% gain and there will be no difference in pure power (or no difference you will feel)
    But the big difference will be felt and seen in the clipping or loss of details (in the FFB graph)
    Do this test and you will see and feel what the difference is.
    And one last point is the risk of injury when driving such high Nm on the base

    Addendum: This test is recommended with (100% vehicle-specific FFB). It is also irrelevant whether you test it with Reiza defaults or a custom FFB, the result will remain the same
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2025
  6. carloscepinha

    carloscepinha Member

    Jul 29, 2022
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    I used to have like in most of my other sims and mainly because I saw jardier do this in ACC and I just got used to doing it always like this which was.

    Not really 100% ingame but as high as possible without clipping
    (if i use 100 force it clips in telemetry there will be lots of red line, so I will use max gain possible until i see a sliver of clipping on extreme conditions like 64 in my settings in game)

    then In fanalab I would use the gain while driving and find the max gain I can handle while still being confortable so i try to feel all the details .

    then recently i saw a jaaames video where he used his simcube base at 100% all the time and only adjusted smaller levels of gain in the sim.

    i tried it, i also asked in AMS2 facebook post, and it turned out to be actually what most people do, and it seems to work better, which I'm quite surprised literally!

    It's all trial and error, but this kind of gain adjustment never crossed my mind and it's like i'm rediscovering FFB all over again and ams2 feels even better.
    it's not "that different" nothing too crazy but feels different for sure.

    thanks for the replies anyway
  7. Matus Celko

    Matus Celko Active Member

    Jul 23, 2018
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    Imho the correct way is:
    • Wheel Software - As high, as you think is the upper limit for the force the wheel should EVER produce. For 15nm you can keep it at 100%, or lower it to 85% (this will limit it to 12.75nm).
    • Game - As high as you feel comfortable. Generally avoiding clipping (shouldn't be much issue with a 15nm wheel).
    Why this way? Becasue of clipping. There is a lot of misconception as to what clipping is and why it happens. At a core, it is not a wheel strength limitation, but an API limitation. Two different wheels, with the same in-game FFB settings, will experience clipping at the same exact situation (even if one is 5nm, and the other is 50nm).

    The thing is, the game doesn't know how strong your wheel, or what its limit is. It doesn't specify the effect strength by nm.

    The api has a range, for simplicity let's say 0 is no ffb and 100 is maximum ffb (be it 5nm or 50nm, the game doesn't know).... The game does its calculation of force acting on the wheel, and comes with a number, the number is then multiplied with gain (0-1). This resulting number can be bigger than 100, if it is.. it will get clipped to 100, becasue that's the API limit. That's why lowering gain solves clipping.

    This is the number that gets sent to the wheel driver. This is where the wheel SW settings comes in, and the number gets multiplied with the settings in the wheel SW. But at this point, the signal is already clipped.

    That's why you want to keep the number ingame relatively low, because the lower it is, the more headroom you have in the api range. In theory you don't want it super low, like 10%, because then you're might be limiting the fidelity of the FFB, but this shouldn't be an issue for a 15nm wheel.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  8. Xzanman

    Xzanman Active Member

    Jun 8, 2023
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    Posting this useful video here, originally posted by Marc Collins in the custom force feedback thread.

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