Automobilista 2 V1.6, IMSA Track Pack, Endurance Pt2 & Lamborghini DLCs RELEASED (V1.6.3.6 Live Now)

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Nov 29, 2024.

  1. TomLehockySVK

    TomLehockySVK Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2022
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  2. xNAPx

    xNAPx Member

    Jun 11, 2024
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    I thought it was somewhere else in a ini file or something, I've got everything on ultra already
  3. Jason Fantus

    Jason Fantus New Member

    Nov 6, 2023
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    Wowzers, 1.6 is really great. The AI behave quite a bit better now. I did a SuperTrofeo race at Sebring, in a drizzle/light rain. They didn't magically gain 5 seconds a lap, and they were fighting each other and passing/taking different lines/etc! I was amazed. The handling is improved - with a little tweaking I was able to use a PS5 DualSense successfully!

    Bought all 3 DLC's right after that - great work Team Reiza! Now I'll set up a replica 2024 SuperTrofeo championship (as much as I can - no COTA except for the sorta broken mod, subbed in Road Atlanta) . Once the TCR mod is 1.6 compatible I could even run a pseudo Michelin Pilot Challenge!

    Now to just finish the "tweaks" - AI swap/better AI driver for stints/AI using other tires/save during a stint and it'd be mostly perfect :)
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  4. leggy2fast

    leggy2fast Artist and amateur racer!

    Jan 15, 2021
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    Just wanted to say my thanks to Reiza for the amazing update. Been playing a lot, and loving every minute of it. The sound, in particular, really got my attention, and the presets work great all in all!

    In no other game I feel the same satisfaction of finishing a full length classic F1 race, exhausted and proud of taming these amazing cars. It's the kind of magic that only AMS2 provides <3

    The IMSA content is also super cool, it's just a shame that I found out that 45 cars might be a bit too much for my PC. Still, having a reasonably sized grid def beats my years playing Gran Turismo against 5 other cars only hahah

    Bit of wishful thinking now, but what I think would make the whole thing perfect would be a hand or two of polish in minor aspects of the game. You know, the menu here and there that doesn't work as it should, the tiny bugs, the visual little weirdnesses (like, say, debris popping up on track and never disappearing, or the occasional pit crew in the middle of the track). I know it's no easy task, and after such a big update I hope the folks at Reiza get some decent rest this holiday season. I'm just excited for more <3
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  5. Enthony

    Enthony from Far East

    Dec 17, 2023
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    I like AMS2 already for a year, after i switched to it from other pc sim games. It is pretty, it has amazing weather system, and of course the content.

    I was into AMS2 for a couple of months (or even 4) back then but then I tries all the car-track combos I wanted, enjoyed much but finally got extremely bored with lack of online and float tire and a switched to GT series, as I've been into it since 2001, almost very beginning.
    So for me, the lambos and Nord American tracks was a last part in update I cared, but tyres and online.

    Now the LFM is a deal maker, I know it just launched and hard to make any conclusions, but how good is online and how many people race now AMS2 online now is impressive, i like it, had a really fun and good time. Hope it will stay improving. Definitely the biggest +.

    What I see now is a good step forward for AMS2, it's undoubtfully prettiest and pleasant racing sim on PC now. Regarding tire physics, which was always a controversial, I would not say it is totally fine. I noticed some cars are still floaty and it is a bit irritating (the way it should not be). In some cases, it feels amazing, in other cases you still have to overdrive a car, push 100% acceleration even when car already slides, to make through the corner. Don't know why, but it breaks the game a bit. And after all the time I doubt the fixing of tire model would help but building a completely new model. But it's just a personal opinion.

    New ui design is also amazing btw!
    and i wish you won't consider it as hate speech; it is just a feed back.
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  6. bazziboy

    bazziboy Member

    Jun 10, 2020
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    Thank you Reiza Team for this great update!

    I registered on LFM and I have been racing a lot this weekend. It was great, especially the LMDh cars. The graphics look really good and the sound is amazing. From my noobish perspective, the
    physics are much better now, giving confidence of what i can do and what not.

    One little thing though: I drive with automatic clutch and manual gears. There was one race, where i wanted to save fuel, just like in that video of yours, so i wanted to let the car roll downhill, with the clutch pressed. That didnt release the gear, so i slowed down a lot. Maybe a bug?
  7. dryheat94

    dryheat94 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 16, 2021
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    You're set to auto clutch so I would assume you have no control of the clutch. Try putting the car in Neutral instead (if using an H-Pattern shifter).
  8. bazziboy

    bazziboy Member

    Jun 10, 2020
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    Yes. I think i remember this working in former times, not too sure about that though.
    I would like to have some sort of hybrid mode where automatic clutch is enabled, but when i press it it will release the gear no matter what else i do.

    Unfortunately i dont have an H-shifter (then i wouldnt use automatik clutch i think), so putting in neutral gear would require me setting up a new keybind and i dont have lots of buttons on my wheel :(. Thank you for the tip with neutral gear though.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2024
  9. dryheat94

    dryheat94 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 16, 2021
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    I'm not aware of a keybind for Neutral unless there's a hard coded "hidden" one from the Pcars days so your options are pretty limited. Add more fuel :)
  10. bazziboy

    bazziboy Member

    Jun 10, 2020
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    I just checked: You're right, there is no keybind for neutral gear.
  11. bazziboy

    bazziboy Member

    Jun 10, 2020
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    I just tested it on my Manjaro Linux and its working properly.
    So it's obviously an AMD windows driver bug. Nothing Reiza can do about i think.
    • Informative Informative x 2
  12. spikerjack

    spikerjack Member

    Mar 30, 2018
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    Furthermore I would also add, after several races, that the AI vs AI behavior is in the ballpark of what I dream, they defend the inside line and keep it when entering a corner. On the contrary in the AI vs human setting they still keep their ideal line in the straights and not protect the inside.

    That's it, that 5% missing to reach the level of perfection I would love you guys to reach ;-)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. bazziboy

    bazziboy Member

    Jun 10, 2020
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    Three issues i would like to mention:

    I was about to enter an lfm-lobby (filtered by the name 'lfm').
    When scanning for servers, the list appeared after a while but the overlay that tells that it's searching didn't disappear, blocking any input.
    Only after cancelling it several times with escape key (and going back to the main menu) it worked. More precise cancelling it once did restart the search. Cancelling twice made it go back to the main menu. Luckily i could enter the lobby just in time :)

    The other one happened when in monitor mode in race, switching through different cars can sometimes lead to missing car textures. So you see - nothing - or some wierd opaque textures. Sometimes after switching back and forth through cars fixes that though.
    This happened on Spa.

    Watching a replay i noticed that the brake discs on the Oreca went from glowing to instant dark. They should fade to dark though. The brake disks of the other car (was it Ligier?) don't seem to glow at all.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2024
  14. Enthony

    Enthony from Far East

    Dec 17, 2023
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    Yeah, I had two-time bag with lfm server, daytona roval, GT3. No matter what, when i was loading with BMW M4, the game crashed. With any other registered car - all worked good (Merc, Vette - ok)
  15. reptilexcq

    reptilexcq Active Member

    Jun 5, 2021
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    I found a huge glitch in the game. Got me frustrated because it messes with my settings. It was from MP. Now, I don't usually play multiplayer but today, I decided to give it a try and when I join and start, it give me a different view...(not a cockpit view which is my default) and I had to set up shortcuts on the wheel buttons just to change view and after doing that...realize i can't start the car because it needs ignition or some shyt...freaking annoying. Okay, no problem...i just need to create another shortcut. Well, after I am done with MP, and went back to playing single player....all my shyt is screwed up. Every car I start, it gives me a view outside of my car (not the cockpit view). Worst, it won't even save the cockpit view as default no matter what I do...try different cars, same thing. I read online that one way to resolve it is to go back to MP and entered spectator mode and change the camera to cockpit, then exit and try single player again. I did that and I don't know if that did it...i ended restarting the game and it work. Now, come another issue...all my car stuck in neutral at the start of the race despite set up on automatic gear. I spend a long time trying to figuring this shyt out to no avail. I created shortcuts for shifting gear up and down and that work for manual but i ain't driving manual. I then saved it and then went back to automatic and saved...STILL not working...stuck in neutral no matter what I car select. Funny thing, sometimes while pressing the throttle for awhile and it work but when you restart the race, it doesn't work again. Finally, I play with Fanetic wheel and pedals calibration or the brake and throttle and once I did that...everything work as expect. Holy crap, but why? What did I do? I didn't do absolute nothing beside going into MP. Now, I am hesitated to go back to multiplayer, it screwed up all your settings and shyt. Question for Reiza, why didn't you fix this issue? It seems to exist a long time ago as the the article I read was dated 2 or 3 years?
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    WASNLOS New Member

    Feb 5, 2022
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    Guys, thank you for an early Christmas!
    Though I'm not that much into contemporary cars I bought all the new DLC simply to support you and show my gratitude.
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  17. Rhodos

    Rhodos New Member

    May 3, 2023
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    Its been a great weekend of multiplayer on AMS2, utilizing the LFM platform.

    Perhaps not the right thread but I'd be very interested to hear if the Reiza and test team have been delighted to see the level of MP enthusiasm.
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  18. Ricardo Correia

    Ricardo Correia New Member

    Aug 21, 2023
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    There are truly no words to fully express our gratitude for the incredible work and dedication you have shown throughout the development and release of the highly anticipated version 1.6 of Automobilista 2.

    The passion, care, and commitment to quality you pour into every detail of your work are nothing short of inspiring. You haven’t just created a simulator; you’ve delivered an immersive and thrilling experience that pushes the boundaries of what’s possible in the world of racing simulation. It’s clear that every decision, update, and improvement has been made with heart and the goal of achieving excellence.

    We would love for this message to reach the entire Reiza team as a sincere gesture of appreciation and recognition. Keep shining and inspiring the community with your talent and dedication. You are a true benchmark in the world of sim racing, and we can’t wait to see what the future holds!
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  19. Dimitar Yankov

    Dimitar Yankov New Member

    Dec 2, 2024
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    Hello! I'm new to AMS2, but not new to simracing in general. I had the base game for more than 1 year and I spent like only 10 hours in it oveall, up until last friday, when I decided to buy all the DLCs content and give the game a proper go, after all the hype around v1.6.

    The game looks gorgeous and the sounds is very nice. The FFB is top lvl and the A.I is amazing to race with. The new tracks Sebring and Road Atlanta are pure joy for me, and the new Prototypes are amazing to be driven out of the box.

    What I don't like, is the feeling the GT3s gen2 gives me on default setup. They feel quite loose on the rear. Some cars are more nice to be driven, others are on average and a few are just deadly.

    I don't think this is the feeling we are looking to get, when we go for a ride in a GT3 car on a default setup. It feels like a very aggressive E-sport setup, willing to rotate a lot, all over the corners, constantly. I think, it spoils the experience and the first impression of a new driver coming to AMS2 for the first time, having not enough knowledge how to tweak the setup. Even the experienced one will say: WTF is this, as I did...?o_O

    I think the default setup in general should be a good starting base, well balanced, giving you enough confidence in driving and pushing the car around the tracks, but at the same time be predictable and be more on the safe side. I don't get that feeling form the default setups right now, when driving GT3 gen2.

    The good thing is, if you stay long enough and not throwing the Sim back in the bin, because you don't like how it feels, but instead you spent like extra time in it, like I did - 25+ hours of driving AMS2 for the weekend and probably did more than 300+ laps around Sebring with the A.I. Just a few clicks are needed, here and there in the setup menu and the cars start to feel safe, predictable, still fast and nice to be driven. So, maybe a little bit of default setup polish for GT3 gn2 might be a good thing in the future?:rolleyes:

    Anyway, I'm not here to moan or complain, but just to say:

    Great work overall! I appreciate high the continuous willing, dedication and the hard work to make the Sim even better. You have me with v1.6 and the new content. I'll deffo spend more time with AMS2 in the future, that's for sure.

    Have fun and happy racing!
    just my 2cents:)
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2024
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  20. ZolaLegend

    ZolaLegend Active Member

    Apr 13, 2021
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    Well I have to say well done to Reiza 1.6 is a great update. I was a little underwhelmed initially, perhaps overhyped, but I reserved judgment and after exploring for many hours over the weekend I can see the improvements across the board. The new IMSA content is outstanding.
    If you could only have 1 sim this would surely be it the amount of content is staggering.
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