Automobilista bug report thread (Please read the opening post)

Discussion in 'Automobilista - General Discussion' started by Renato Simioni, Aug 25, 2016.

  1. Lorencini

    Lorencini Luciano Lorencini AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 10, 2016
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    I can confirm this in Boxer Cup. When you are exiting the pit with limiter on, while running the pit lane you can notice a quick silence in a timed fashion. Feels like a MP3 with a quick silent part at the end, played in a loop,
  2. Domagoj Lovric

    Domagoj Lovric Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 15, 2016
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    Do you guys get this every time you take these cars? If it does happen after inital starting of game, try exit track and back again, see if it happens then. (missing starting sound).
  3. Mat Kane

    Mat Kane Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    I'm getting a CTD with 1.3.5

    Track & Layout Used: Cascavel
    Car Used: F301
    Applicable Settings: Time Trial
    Report: After setting fastest time, and exiting to pit menu, AMS stalled and CTD. Tried to reload game and enter same track/vehicle in TT, but game repeatedly CTD when the pit screen has loaded. All other tracks, cars and race types/sessions unaffected.
    Steps to reproduce:
  4. Alex Couri

    Alex Couri Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 5, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: any
    Car Used: any Formulas (f-classic, f-reiza, etc)
    Applicable Settings: IA in medium level agresssive and 95% ability (AMS v1.3.5)
    Report: Bug in option of formation lap to standing start. Cars of artificial intelligence collide with each other during the formation lap. Impossible to simulate the real start of Formula 1 races.

    Updated: if press ESC before start formation lap and restart race, the IA cars aparently have normal line during formation lap and dont collide, but i dont tested in all cars and circuits and think this is not a good definitved solution to this amazing simulator! Rigth Reiza?
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2017
  5. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Knowing what track you´ve experienced with would help - AI behavior on formation laps admittedly needs improving, with that said I tried F-Classic at Adelaide 88 and Jaca Historic and they went around and lined up fine.

    We got this one - should be sorted in a hotfix very soon.
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  6. Alex Couri

    Alex Couri Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 5, 2016
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    Olá Renato, realmente sem o "macete" de reiniciar a corrida antes da volta de formação (para largada PARADA) os carros da AI ficam "agressivos" e batendo durante a volta.. outra coisa que notei é o fato de qdo se alinha na posição de largada do grid após a volta de formação, você pode acelerar a vontade que não queima largada!! o carro só é liberado (automaticamente) qdo a luz verde acende..

    Teste por exemplo com o F-Reiza no Canada, Brasil, etc.. OBS: Para volta lançada com largada em movimento a AI aparentemente esta ok, o problema é da AI com a volta de formação para largada PARADA e esta questão de não ter punição de queimar largada pois o simulador te "segura" até a luz verde.

    Espero que fique redondo em atualizações futuras... abs e parabéns pelo ótimo trabalho!
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  7. Badi1994

    Badi1994 Member

    Apr 5, 2017
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    Track & Layout Used: Imola, Cordoba, Brasilia and few more I tried, probably all.
    Car Used: Mitsubishi Lancer Cup (both models)
    Applicable Settings: Quick Race vs AI, changing race setting doesnt change a thing. Windows 10
    Report: Crash to windows (Windows stopped application...) at about 70-80% during track loading at first attempt. After restart race loads to 100% and than freezes there, I left it alone for more than 10minutes and it just stays there. If you restart the game and race in another cup, than try lancer cup the circle starts again: first crash and at second try a freeze.
    Tested on current clean install and 1.3.1. Reinstalling and file checking did not help. I downloaded a mod track to test and the same happens.
    I don't know when it started, as I bought my copy last week - as noone reported it yet it may be something wrong with my system, but I dunno what it could be :(
    Both time trial and practice/test in lancer cup works well.
    Steps to reproduce: Just try to start a race in Lancer cup.

    Btw. amazing work guys, the sim is just superb! I feel guilty I have just now tried any of your products, because what you make is just poor awesomeness!
  8. Domagoj Lovric

    Domagoj Lovric Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 15, 2016
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    @Badi1994 Pls try "Verify intergrity" in steam. Right click on "Automobilista" -> "Properties" -> "Local files". You will see a button there "Verify integrity of game files".

    If that doesn't help, do the following: Right click on "automobilista" -> "properties" -> "General"
    Now click on "Set Launch Options". In The text box, copy paste this:
    When game crashes, it will generate log file which will be in your users folder. Usually in "Documents\Automobilista\userdata\LOG"
    File is called trace.txt. Attach it here.
  9. OlivierMDVY

    OlivierMDVY Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 1, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: Adelaide
    Car Used: Mini
    Applicable Settings: Time Trial mode
    Report:In TT, when I start a TT session the Mini starts from the first turn before the starting line but goes too fast and crash. No way to avoid the crash.
    Steps to reproduce: Start the TT session
  10. Badi1994

    Badi1994 Member

    Apr 5, 2017
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    I tried veryfing before, did not help.
    Attached the file. After putting trace=2 firstly I experienced the freeze at 100%, after that I reproduced the crash moment.
    It seems the Lancer Cup's driver model is the problem.

    Attached Files:

  11. Alex Sawczuk

    Alex Sawczuk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    What setting do you run car detail and opponent detail at? Does it happen if you create a new PLR file?
  12. vitesse73

    vitesse73 Jake Smith AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 6, 2017
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    Track & Layout Used: Curitiba
    Car Used: Superkart
    Applicable Settings: Dedicated server (hosted on VPS) with 15 AI and 3 players.
    Report: AMS seems to be crashing a lot, just randomly. The crashing was occuring for all 3 of the players in the server. I don't know if it's just an issue with having AI on the server, or something else. Also, the pitlane indicator on the map seems to be a bit confused, jumping around when you're travelling down the pitlane.
    Steps to reproduce: Crashing happens repeatedly, even after rejoining the server. Pitlane indicator seems to be a constant problem.
  13. Badi1994

    Badi1994 Member

    Apr 5, 2017
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    I"ve tested many configurations of player detail and opponents detail - Full+Med, Full+Full, Full+Low, High+Med, Low+High, Low+Low ---> every configuration crashes.
    Deleting PLR file did not help.
    But changing number of AI cars do help. What I've tested: 15AI=Crash, 11AI=Crash, 10AI=Crash, 9AI=Ok, 7AI=Ok, 4AI=Ok. I can do quick race in Lancer cup as long as AI number is less than 10,
    but all other cups/classes works fine with 20+ AI cars.
    Don't know why is it so, but my problem is kinda solved. Don't bother if the issue is limited just to my case and don't affect other setups/people.
    Thanks for help mate, keep up amazing work :)
  14. Frodesa

    Frodesa Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    I reported this in the News section, but this is the correct forum I guess. Sorry if I am spamming the forums.

    Track & Layout Used: Londrina long
    Car Used:mini
    Applicable Settings:
    Report: In the minis the autoshift driving aid is not working properly. When changing from 1 to 2 gear the car goes from 1 to 6 and then to 5 to 4 to 3 and finally to 2 gear. I see that the Electronic aid for autoshift is off, so maybe that is the explanation?
    Steps to reproduce: Use autoshift as a driving Aid in the minis and the reported behaviour will occur.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. bobsacamano

    bobsacamano New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    The same thing happens in the ARC Camaro in TT mode at Adelaide. Once it turns to player control the car has spun and you end up facing the pit lane tire barriers with no way to stop the spin.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Speeddmon91

    Speeddmon91 New Member

    Nov 10, 2016
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    Got a issue with the wheel rotation not being sent to wheel with CSW v1 tried all the wheel presets updated both driver and firm ware still no joy, it works perfectly fine on version 1.35r and earlier.
  17. TrintaE2

    TrintaE2 New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 15, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: tried adelaide, bathurst, kansai, cascavel, taruma, etc.
    Car Used: tried v8, mini, supertruck, fextreme, boxer... none worked
    Applicable Settings: wheel profile sensitivity set to AUT, customized wheel rotation set to NO
    Using Clubsport Elite Wheelbase + CSL Steering Wheel.
    The on-wheel settings has sensitivity set to AUT.
    About DOR.
    I loaded the Clubsport Wheel profile, "enable custom steering rotation" set to NO, i load the car (whichever) and i have 1080 degrees on the wheelbase, the wheel on the car does the rotation it wants!
    New installation?? Profiles? Driver profiles? Controller ini settings? Any idea of what i'm doing wrong??
    The FFB wheel rotates the maximum which is 1080DOR whatever settings i use.
    Steps to reproduce:
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2017
  18. Wheelzpin

    Wheelzpin New Member

    Apr 11, 2017
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    Track & Layout Used:
    Car Used:
    Applicable Settings:
    When running a dedicated server with human drivers + AI, the game doesn't keep track of positions correctly. Human drivers move up the leader board, even though they haven't passed any cars and no AI cars have entered the pits or retired.
    Example: I set up a 15 lap race with 19 AI cars and me (In this case I used Opalas at Cascaval). Starting in 20th postion, I followed the field for the entire race. By lap 3 I was shown in 16th. By Lap 10, I was shown in 8th. At the finish, i was scored as having won. In the results, most of the AI were scored from 6 to 8 laps down, even though I hadn't passed a single car, and none of them had entered the pits. ​

    Steps to reproduce:
    I tried with two separate dedicated server installs, one on WinXP and one on Win7. One was a local machine on my network, one was remote. In every case, the result was the same.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  19. Chris Stacey

    Chris Stacey Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 17, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: Any track
    Car Used: ARC Camaro
    Applicable Settings: Practice or Qualifying during a Multiplayer session.
    Report: Users leaving the server causes Crash to Desktop for other users on the server.

    Steps to reproduce
    1. Start an Online practice session with the ARC with at least 5 people.
    2. Drive around for a little while.
    3. Have someone leave the server.
    4. Most, if not all, users still on the server will crash to desktop.
    5. The server remains seemingly unaffected and users are able to rejoin.
    Does not appear to affect the Race session as the cars are not technically leaving the server since they're "Stored in the Garage". It only affects Practice and Qualifying. And it's only with the ARC Camaro.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2017
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  20. Rob Nelson

    Rob Nelson Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Track and Layout Used: Velopark
    Car Used: Stockcar V8 Chevy
    Applicable Settings: Time Trial
    Report: Ran out of fuel during TT
    Steps to Reproduce: I'm not sure, but this is what I did. I entered garage, went to game settings to see if I could change head movement, and when I went back on track the low fuel warning was on.

    I closed AMS and restarted it and the problem was gone. Repeated the steps above but it did not happen again. The screen shot shows the low fuel warning and the player control countdown, so I was most definitely in TT. Actually beat my previous best by almost .5 seconds :)

    vlc 2017-04-22 20-33-04-03.jpg

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