Automobilista bug report thread (Please read the opening post)

Discussion in 'Automobilista - General Discussion' started by Renato Simioni, Aug 25, 2016.

  1. Wexodius

    Wexodius Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 16, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: Velopark
    Car Used: Copa Classic Class B
    Applicable Settings:
    - Race 30min
    - AI strength 97%
    During the race it is quite noticeable that when you start to pass the lapped cars, the AI suddenly steps on the brake too hard when you're quite near to them. You can notice in your mirrors that when you just pass them, they step a bit to hard on their brake, suddenly creating this big gap between you and them while it wasn't actually necessary anymore for them to slow down as you had actually almost fully passed them. This behaviour also sometimes causes trouble for the player, as when you come into contact with their rear bumper during the passing manouevre they keep slowing you down as AI continues to step on their brake with you hanging on their tail.
    It also seems the blue-flag logic is not well respected during races, the AI does not move as nice to the side of the track as for example during their out-lap on qualifiying. This behaviour also causes trouble for the AI as they slow down too suddenly and too hard, causing them to lose valuable time on the lap where they're being lapped by the player.
    Steps to reproduce:
    - Choose Velopark
    - Choose Copa Classic Class B
    - Race and start lapping cars
    - Notice how they have this braking behaviour when you start to lap them
    - Notice that when you hit an almost lapped car on the rear-bumper how AI slams their brakes on you, making it difficult for you to move away from the rear-bumper and continue the passing manoeuvre.
  2. Wexodius

    Wexodius Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 16, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Track & Layout Used: Santa Cruz Du Sol
    Car Used: Copa Classic Class B
    Applicable Settings:
    - none
    - Pit exit light doesn't work correctly. Always lit green, even when qualification period has not started yet or is already ended.
    Steps to reproduce:
    - Choose Santa Cruz Du Sol
    - Notice how pit exit light is always lit green
  3. Martin Vindis

    Martin Vindis Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 12, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Track & Layout Used: Any
    Car Used: Any
    Applicable Settings:
    - none
    - There seems to be a bug with the AI in multi player where some AI drivers first lap in a race session doesn't count which result them to brake to let other cars by and create a mess.
    Steps to reproduce:
    - Fire up a server with some AI (we usually run 20 AI or so) and proceed to race session.
  4. Martin Vindis

    Martin Vindis Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 12, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Track & Layout Used: Any
    Car Used: Metalmoro AJR (Honda)
    Applicable Settings:
    - none
    - AI drivers using the MetalMoro AJR (Honda) in multi player are really slow. (Works fine in single player)
    Steps to reproduce:
    - Fire up a server with some AI and watch the pace differences between the Hondas and the other cars.
  5. Wergilius

    Wergilius Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 24, 2017
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    Track & Layout Used: Interlagos
    Car Used: MR18
    Applicable Settings:
    - x2 tyre wear, x2 fuel, 23 AI, 45m race
    - Estimated laps on full tank 30, race should be around 30 laps as well
    - Most AI do their pitstop on final lap (except 1 in my case)
    - After crossing finish line, AMS CTD
    - AI when lapped, break rather hard when you at their side (as mention previously)
    Steps to reproduce:
    - Run race to the end where full tank laps and race laps is equal
    - note AI slowing down a bit more than needed when lapping
    - Any combo where the laps/fuel is equal would have the same result (guessing here)
  6. SaxOhare

    SaxOhare Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    That is a workaround, perhaps Reiza can fix it.
  7. Wexodius

    Wexodius Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 16, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: Cascavel
    Car Used: Copa Classic Class B - Gol
    Applicable Settings:
    - Practice session
    - Qualification 15min
    - Race 30min
    - It sometimes happens that when AI comes back into the pit and enter their pitbox during qualification, that their engine keeps running and their timer also keeps running. This will now prevent the AI car from being able to do more qualification laps as it seems to be stuck in an endless running of the laptimer. This does not only happen on Cascavel but other tracks too and is also not limited to the Copa Classic cars, I also had this happen with other AI vehicles.

    - Sometimes there's a yellow flag in the last sector of the track that never gets revoked during the duration of qualification. This also happens frequently enough on other tracks too.

    - I also noticed that when you do "Finish Session" till the timer runs out during practice the "Skip Session" changes to "Next Session" (normal behaviour), BUT when you do "Finish Session" till the timer runs out during qualification "Skip Session" will take much longer to change to "Next Session" status (abnormal behaviour). I am guessing here that the problem of the AI going out of the pits when qualification time is already over, must be connected to it.

    - When having pole position it is quite clear during the rolling start that the AI in 2nd place cheats. When you get the message "Safety car is pitting now" the AI in 2nd place starts accelerating away, but you as the player will get penalized when going over 100km/hr before you get the green lights. It should be the car in 'pole position' that can determine the pace after the Safety Car pits, and the rest behind should not get penalized when accelerating with the 'pole position' car and staying in line.

    - SUGGESTION: When you finish a race in a championship you have to press the X in the top-left corner for the progress to save. This is sometimes confusing as you can use it in a championship to back out of a race weekend during practice or qualifiying without the result being saved.
    Why not use "Finish Session" after you finsihed a race to save your progress? Or have "Skip Session" change to "Next Race". It would make more sense in my opinion.

    Steps to reproduce:
    - Choose any car
    - Choose any track
    - Watch live feed and search for AI cars with continuous running laptimers during qualification in pit box & engine still running
    - Notice "Finish session" behaviour
    - Notice jumpstart of AI in 2nd place during rolling start
    - Hopefully notice other problems mentioned too such as yellow flag problem (does not always happen in qualifiying, but enough to notice it and become a nuisance)
  8. Wexodius

    Wexodius Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 16, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: Guapore
    Car Used: Copa Classic Class B - Gol
    Applicable Settings:
    - Practice session
    - I finally started to realize that the perpetual yellow flag on track is connected to some AI cars in their pitbox with continuous laptimers. During my practice session I noticed in the pits 2 AI cars (1 with engine off, 1 with engine still running) with laptimers going on for ever.
    - There were also 2 AI cars (both with engine running) in their pitboxes which has lost their frontright wheel, these cars never went on track again to set new practice laptimes. Also several other cars which showed damage in their pitbox, this damage never got fixed (I could argue this is realistic of course and as such a good thing).
    - Also at the end of the practice all the AI cars that came back to the pits, first had a pitstop before being spawned back into their respective pitboxes.
    - And to finish things off I saw that some AI cars in their pitbox have their engine turned off (12 from 25 AI cars), while others still have it running (13 from 25 AI cars) at the end of the practice session. I would have expected all AI cars to have the same behaviour, so I find this difference odd (which maybe could help pinpointing to a bug which is hiding somewhere).
    - I could also not use the replay function anymore during the practice session, after having pressed the "go-to-the-end" button . None of the buttons would work, no pause, no rewind, nothing.
    Steps to reproduce:
    - Choose Guapore
    - Choose Copa Classic Class B - 25 AI Cars
    - Do practice and start to notice mentioned problems above by using the camera buttons to go through the field. Have the Reiza Native Hud Type enabled so you can see the laptimers running continuous, symbols indicating pitting of the cars and yellow flag signal.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2018
  9. jose46lopez

    jose46lopez Active Member

    Sep 30, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Track & Layout Used: Any
    Car Used: Formula Ultimate 2018
    Applicable Settings: -
    Report: The hard tyre is not shown with the correct colour in the replay, and makes the other two compounds look bad too.
    Steps to reproduce: -
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2018
  10. jose46lopez

    jose46lopez Active Member

    Sep 30, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Track & Layout Used: Any
    Car Used: Formula Ultimate
    Applicable Settings: Limited tyres
    Report: Every time you click on the garage button (car icon) a set of tyres is used. This means that sometimes changing tyres and moving around in the setting menu will leave you unable to choose other tyre compounds.
    Steps to reproduce: Choose a compound for set 1, press the suspension menu for example, go back to the garage menu and that set is already predefined.
  11. Racing Heart

    Racing Heart New Member

    Apr 26, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Track & Layout Used: Any
    Car Used: Metalmoro AJR, Boxer Cup
    Applicable Settings:
    AI strength 102%
    Flag Rules = 2 (penalties + full course yellows, per default)
    Report: Even when blue flags are turned off for both the SRS and PLR files, the AI will slam on their brakes while being lapped (see post #802 and #808 of this thread for similar blue flag behaviors). This is particularly bad when multiple faster class cars lap a slower one, one after the other, as the slower blue flagged car will come to a stop.
    Steps to reproduce:
    1. Set QUICK BlueFlags parameter in PLR to 0
    2. Select All Cars, All Tracks series
    3. Have at least one AI driving each of the aforementioned cars
    4. Notice how the AI Boxers will brake after being overtaken, even though the lapping AJR/s are clear of the Boxers.
  12. Scraper

    Scraper Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 9, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: Interlagos 2017
    Car Used: Metalmoro AJR, Metalmoro, MCR2000
    Applicable Settings:
    AI strength 103%
    AI Aggression: Max & High
    Report: (I was driving an MCR2000.) When being overtaken by a Metalmoro AJR, the MCR2000s (the slowest class) slow markedly, often so sharply that it is impossible to avoid running into the back of them. There is no sense of the overtaken car trying to lose as little time as possible to the field.
    Steps to reproduce:
    1. Select All Cars, All Tracks series
    2. Set aggression to Max or High.
  13. Philip00

    Philip00 Member

    Apr 11, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Track & Layout Used: Montreal 2017
    Car Used: F-Ultimate
    Applicable Settings:
    AI strength 95%
    AI Aggression: Medium
    Report: 1. I see in the change log teh following:
    Added AI function to stop them from pitting in last 10 minutes of a race - even if they cross their tire wear threshold they will soldier on for the remaining distance rather than doing a costly late-race pitstop

    However it seems to be working only for time based raced. In lap based race tha AI go to the pit to cahnge tires even in the very last lap.

    2. AI do not use DRS when lapping car which is under second front of them in teh detection zone (EDIT: please disregard bug number 2. AI do use DRS in when lapping another car)
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2018
  14. Philip00

    Philip00 Member

    Apr 11, 2016
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    I recgnized it as well, also sometimes AI does change tires in their secnd pit stop however some AI does lost a lot of grip in their 3rd etap (seems like tyre wear broken) and they are doing (not all AI just few) very bad lap times in their 3rd etap of the race and sliding in the track (probably connected to AI lose a lap without any reason).

    It happened with F ultimate and original tracks
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2018
  15. Emyr27

    Emyr27 New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 18, 2018
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    Track & Layout Used: Brands Hatch & Oulton Park (any layout)
    Car Used: StockCarV8 and others
    Report: Pitgroups issues
    At Oulton Park, cars share a pitgroup with a car from another team and their team mate end up under a tent. Order of pitgroups does not seem to follow a logical order.
    exemples : car #30 (Blau) with car #80 (Cimed) in Cimed pitbox ; car #90 (Eurofarma) alone in its pitbox and other Eurfarma cars under tents.
    At Brands Hatch, some garages only have one car and the second one is under a tent.
    Steps to reproduce: launch a race and look how the cars are organized in their garages
  16. Philip00

    Philip00 Member

    Apr 11, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Track & Layout Used: any original tracks and modded tracks
    Car Used: F-Ultimate
    Applicable Settings:
    AI strength 95%
    AI Aggression: Medium
    Report: AI lift off when lapping another car even in straights, they are too cautios and lost of time.
  17. Silvano

    Silvano Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 15, 2016
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    yes they lift off way too much and if your behind a fast driver, the lapped car will smash your front because of getting so slow, thats a prob in close racing :confused:
  18. Philip00

    Philip00 Member

    Apr 11, 2016
    Likes Received:
    rack & Layout Used: any original tracks and modded tracks
    Car Used: F-Ultimate
    Applicable Settings:
    AI strength 95%
    AI Aggression: Medium
    Report: In Safety car period sometimes some AI start to slowdown and let other car pass even i have set freeze order=1.

    Also even with Lucky Dog=1 the lapped cars does not taking back lapping
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Robert Waddell

    Robert Waddell New Member

    Mar 24, 2018
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    Track & Layout Used: Any Track
    Car Used: ARC Camaro
    Applicable Settings: Any
    Game crashes and closes after any attempt to use the above car.
    Steps to reproduce: Simply choose the ARC Camaro in Single Player
  20. AlenC

    AlenC Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 24, 2017
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    Track & Layout Used: Adelaide
    Car Used: superkart
    Applicable Settings: championship
    Report: championship progress does not save until the car is in the box
    Steps to reproduce: start new championship and after completing the first race, exit the tracks before reaching the box after cooldown lap

    I've seen recently a post on steam about custom championship not saving progress. As I had the same issue (with kart championship) I decided to chip in (UI is a bit confusing, or so I thought). Just to make sure I'm not giving wrong advice, I decided to test championship progress and I randomly chose superkart.

    I did several tests and the only way I managed to save progress after any race in the championship was by letting the AI drive the cooldown lap and enter the box. I'm not sure what actually triggers progress save, if it's time, other cars entering their boxes, or player car entering the box.

    Is this normal behaviour? I know that this doesn't occur in other championships. For example, in formula trainer, leaving the race in progress would save the race result as DNF...

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