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Bug Reports - Automobilista 2 (Read the Opening Post)

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 4, 2020.

  1. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    Could you please try launching AMS2 with the launch parameter beneath in the games properties and report back if playing around with it makes any difference:

    "-ffb 600" (without quotation marks)

    (this changes FFB refresh of the game, the number after -ffb is the refresh in hz) so feel free to experiment with it a bit... -ffb 0 will turn any FFB off.
    • Informative Informative x 2
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  2. DjFIL007

    DjFIL007 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    What is the default? And what is the max range (if 0 is minimum/off)? Thanks!
  3. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    600 is default
    Unsure of max as while you can run it higher , its probably outside the range the game supports .
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  4. selwyn gregory

    selwyn gregory Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    Version: V1.3.2.
    Track & Layout Used
    : various
    Car Used: Porche GT3
    Applicable Settings: Practice, online, may be due to lost connection but not sure.
    it may happen with other cars and sessions but I've not been online that much.
    When driving in practice the AI takes over and a new screen pops up.
    It shows the other driver stats and there is a continue button on the right.
    Clicking on that button does nothing and I'm stuck on that screen.
    The car is still driving in the background so it hasn't frozen.
    Pressing escape has no effect.
    The only way out is CTRL ALT DELETE.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2022
  5. CourtG

    CourtG New Member

    Jan 3, 2022
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    Version: V1.3.2
    Track & Layout Used
    : Daytona RC (1st round of custom c'ship)
    Car Used: GTE C8 #3
    Applicable Settings: Offline Custom Championship PQR1R2 Timescale x 5 Real weather
    Report: Custom Championship issues
    Steps to reproduce: Restarted championship a LOT of times

    I've come across a couple of issues with the custom championship (which I love btw)
    First is duplicate cars. I've been trying to create a custom "IMSA" series driving the Yellow #3 C8 and sometimes restart for a more balanced grid and often there is another C8#3 in the line up. Not the biggest deal but annoying.
    Second, if I start the above c'ship and say set P1 to start at 10:00, Q1 to 14:00 and R1 to 19:00, if I go to P1 and quit halfway through the next time I reload every session(PQ) start time is 19:00 (R1). If I skip to R2 it's start time is normal.

    Otherwise great SIM, thanks.
  6. F1Aussie

    F1Aussie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    I have noticed the time issue as well, is a previously fixed bug that has come back
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  7. clomay1120

    clomay1120 Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 28, 2020
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    greetings to all and happy new year
    the rating is strange for me it's been several times
    it does it to me: I make a race I score points,
    the points correspond to the top of the window on the right with the progress
    in the blue barsu....
    but when I restart the game I see my score at the top of the window
    on the right lose 30 or 40 points when I open the game ...
    and it doesn't correspond with the progression of the blue bars ...
    there is something I didn't understand or it's a bug ? :whistle:

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  8. Sting Ray

    Sting Ray Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 22, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: Silverstone 1991
    Car Used: Formula 1 Gen 2 V10
    Applicable Settings: Weather - Sunny
    Report: Going into the last corner of lap 1 (eg coming onto the main straight) one of the AI cars ran it's right wheels along the inside kerb, causing the car to flip over, landing on its wheels pointing backwards down the track. A second or so later the car then flipped itself over again on the same spot, sitting on its roll hoop. No logical reason why a stationary car would flip the second time !!
    Steps to reproduce: Not sure. I saved the replay but no idea where it saved to !
  9. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    You can find replays under:

    "C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Automobilista 2\savegame\[large number]\automobilista 2\media"

    The replay files are usually the bigger ones. To share them, you musn't rename them btw., unfortunately it's a bit of a hassle, because to identify the right file you have to look for the date and time it was created.
  10. FS7

    FS7 controller filters off please AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 23, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: Cleveland
    Car Used: Superkart
    Applicable Settings: Weather - rain
    Report: it rains inside the tunnels
    Steps to reproduce: drive through the tunnels in the rain.

  11. FS7

    FS7 controller filters off please AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 23, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: Azure Circuit
    Car Used: Superkart
    Applicable Settings: NA
    Report: there are some spots where I can drive off the track and fall off the world.
    Steps to reproduce: drive through the spots shown in the videos below.

    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. Sting Ray

    Sting Ray Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 22, 2016
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    No idea how/where to put the 10mb video file but these 3 pics show what occurred

    Attached Files:

    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. Daniel Goulart

    Daniel Goulart Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 14, 2021
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    Version: V1.3.2
    Track & Layout Used: Interlagos
    Car Used: Porsche 911 GT3
    Applicable Settings: Online Racing Rolling Start, ingame created session.
    Report: Penalties for being too slow because my car didn't start while other cars started. And when I started I lost 7 positions. I was in pole. The other cars were already on "S do Senna" when my car started to move.
    Steps to reproduce: In my case I noticed that someone wasn't ready when all the cars beginning to move. I think it was a sync issue between me and this person. Other thing I noticed was the partial times wasn't being shown to me for this same person on qualy.
  14. olligreen

    olligreen New Member

    Apr 5, 2021
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    Track & Layout Used: any
    Car Used: different GT3s and GT1s
    Applicable Settings: any
    Report: in replays sometimes the front(!)lights of my car dont work. It is just switched off. The back lights do work. It is just in the replays. The lights are working when i drive.
  15. alink

    alink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 3, 2017
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    AI at Silverstone 1991 is horror, they hit every curb, not only in Woodcote. In Maggotts, Becketts, Chapel as well (at least F1 cars)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. NR The-Boss

    NR The-Boss Bug Hunter AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 14, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Track & Layout Used: Goiania & Salvador tested, likely all
    Car Used: Formula Ultimate 2019
    Applicable Settings: Damage 75% or higher, any session
    Report: After damage heavy enough to remove a front wheel, resetting the car to the garage or restarting the session fails to return the wheel. The car drives fine, but the wheel isn't rendered.
  17. Nats

    Nats Member

    Jun 14, 2021
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    Track & Layout Used: Monza, but any
    Car Used: Any
    Applicable Settings: Any
    Report: Replay GUI element buttons stop working when you turn off the interface and then turn it on again. You have to exit the replay and reenter it to get them to work again.
    Steps to reproduce: Use the replay turn off all GUI elements and turn them on again.

    Also the 'interface' button should turn off all the interface elements in one button press like it did before, I dont like the way you have to fiddle with each element turning them off one at a time to get a clear screen. Thats a right pain.

    Also lets have functionaility added where we can jump to a certain area of the replay just by clicking on the time ribbon please.
  18. Nats

    Nats Member

    Jun 14, 2021
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    Track & Layout Used: Modern Monza
    Car Used: Any
    Applicable Settings: Any
    Report: Track cameras and DRS zones are missing
    Steps to reproduce: Use the track camera / drive a car with DRS.
  19. Shriukan

    Shriukan Touristenfahrten Community AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 23, 2019
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    As I explained in the other post, the replay literally streams the livetrack evolution. The inability to skip is not due to a lack of will but rather due to an engine limitation
    • Informative Informative x 1
  20. NR The-Boss

    NR The-Boss Bug Hunter AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 14, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Track & Layout Used: Any
    Car Used: GT3, GTE & P1 tested, likely all
    Applicable Settings: 3x Fuel, Accelerated Tire Wear, Changeable Conditions, Race session
    Report: Pit crew don't change tires even if tires are specifically checked in the pit menu. Especially difficult if the track is wet and the pit crew sends you out on dry tires.
    Steps to reproduce: Set up a race session with the applicable settings, beforehand make a pit preset for wet and dry tires with full fuel and no damage repair, and either start with a dry track and go wet or vice versa. When it's time to switch, select the appropriate pit option (Without sending the car into the wall lol) and pit. Observe as the infinite wisdom of the pit crew override your request for different tires and simply don't change them.

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