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Bug Reports - Automobilista 2 (Read the Opening Post)

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 4, 2020.

  1. Marg

    Marg Active Member

    Dec 7, 2021
    Likes Received:
    Seems that AMS2 does not "remember" the last car class used in single race. It always shows stock car on the selection screen, after restarting the game next time.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Marco Miljkovic

    Marco Miljkovic New Member

    Jul 27, 2023
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    Any Idea when the hotfix will be released? Guys, thanks for addressing all this, with the quick responses. You guys make this forum amazing, and I appreciate the time you take to help us all out. I respect you guys very much so. Thanks again.
  3. Manbird12000

    Manbird12000 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2023
    Likes Received:
    Track & Layout Used: Any track
    Car Used: Any car
    Applicable Settings: Any weather and any session, with or without AI, VR and Flatscreen
    Report: When the session reaches 10 minutes, the game freezes for 10 seconds while car continues moving and goes off the track or into a wall. If you pause the game for a period of time, it delays the freeze by that same about of time. In other words, the in-game session will always freeze after 10 minutes of un-paused gameplay. If you use a time multiplier, say 2x, then the freeze still happens after 10 minutes of actual session time (eg. in this example, the clock will read xx:20 instead of xx:10)
    Steps to reproduce: Set up any session with any car. Set the time to whenever. The moment the in-game clock reaches xx:10 minutes (times whatever time mutiplier you're using), the freeze occurs.

    I figured this must be a rare problem because otherwise everyone would be reporting it.

    RC version

    Computer: HP Omen 2020 16 Ram, RTX2060-16Ram, Win10
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2023
  4. _ShadowWolfe

    _ShadowWolfe Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Version: - Main branch

    Track & Layout Used: Auto Club/Fontana - Oval
    Car Used: Formula America 2023
    Applicable Settings: N/A
    Report: AI pit sign men appear on the outer lane of pit road (starting at the wall on the right hand side and then moving to the left) instead of on the wall
    Steps to reproduce: Set up a race at the Fontana Oval, pit with the AI on the cooldown lap, pit signs should be in the outer portion of pit road.

    Track & Layout Used: Any
    Car Used: And
    Applicable Settings: N/A
    Report: Replays save when viewing them again, causing duplicates to form - although a seemingly random occurrence.
    Steps to reproduce: Save a replay, view it, upon loading, the replay should be saving again.

    General Suggestion/Bug Report: Drone Camera gets stuck on invisible objects at times (maybe bump the speed up too?), and the semi-hidden free camera (Ctrl+K) should also have its controls drastically revised as well.
  5. SlowAssDave

    SlowAssDave CrazyCanuck (CASS) AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 15, 2021
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    Not track specific.

    When inheriting a lobby from another user (P2P not Dedi) I cannot start the racing because it is telling me I need a broadcaster and director.
    This happened twice in a row in two different lobbies.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Scar666

    Scar666 Zum Glück bin ich verrückt

    Jul 1, 2020
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    The mouse pointer returns as soon as I click it just before the screen goes black...

    No issues with steam overlay or task manager or anything else... I can alt tab fine... I just get a black screen as soon as I click the mouse...

    I had 5 attempts yesterday where I was getting a bugslpat, but most of the time I have to use task manager to close it... I checked the file in public documents and there was nothing alarming, but I sent them through anyway...

    I still can't get it to work so I'm going down the regedit route to do as clean as a new install as possible and reinstalling as many drivers as I can think of... Because I want to avoid doing a reformat... I ended up being too busy last night to do it...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Zsozsa

    Zsozsa Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 13, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Track & Layout Used: Daytona Road Course
    Car Used: GT3
    Applicable Settings: Multiplayer, Weather - sunny, 3 AI, qualification-race
    Report: I joined an almost fully loaded qualy session, as I remember I was the 30th competitor including three AI. Around 4 minutes remained from quali. I was not able to push the drive and edit setups buttons, they remained grey till the end. Only the options button worked. When the quali finished the lobby stuck in that phase (the good old issue which was reported being fixed in the latest dev update if I'm right) we couldn't proceed to race. After waiting for couple of minutes I quitted so I don't know if the race could start later.
    Steps to reproduce: I participated in more lobbies (they were not full), but I just experienced the bug in the mentioned one what was a full lobby.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2023
  8. Bloodhound

    Bloodhound New Member

    Jul 28, 2023
    Likes Received:
    Track & Layout Used
    : Long Beach / Spa / probably any other track
    Car Used: Group C / Porsche 962
    Applicable Settings: Soft Tires / Day / Sunny
    Report: I drive Group C cars exclusively and i thought they were very good in 1.4.8, but since i updated to at least the Porsche 962 seems to have way too much grip under acceleration out of the corners.
    I can hammer the throttle down very aggressively in 2nd gear and the car just accelerates until it hits the rev limiter without losing grip which is very unrealistic for a 700HP car.
    In version 1.4.8 i had to be careful and modulate the throttle on corner exit, otherwise it would break traction. Sure, you can still crash in version 1.5 if you really want to, but it feels almost like having 50% traction control.
    The lateral grip seems to be the same as before because the cornering speed is about the same, but the longitudinal grip of the tires is way too good in version 1.5.
    I only tested the Porsche 962, but i think other Group C cars may be affected as well. I briefly tried the Mercedes Sauber C9 and it felt too docile for a 850 HP monster.

    Could it be that in V.1.4.8 we had very good tire grip to compensate for the suspension problems, and now when the suspension problems were fixed in V.1.5 we ended up with too much grip?
    Thank you for looking into this.

    Steps to reproduce:
    Drive the Porsche 962 with soft tires in sunny weather at Long Beach, where there are many 2nd gear corners. Feel the grip of the tires while accelerating out of the corners, notice how hard you can be on the throttle before the car loses rear grip.
  9. F1Aussie

    F1Aussie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    Nissan GT3 custom championship race at monza the all weather pitstop bug from the beta is in the public release now. He bug is where if you have the pit strategy as all weather tyre changes then the pit crew change them but the tyres still show wear on them when you leave the pits.
  10. cebra

    cebra New Member

    Jul 28, 2023
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    Track & Layout Used: Any
    Car Used: Cadillac DPI
    Applicable Settings: Any
    Report: Game crashes when reloading a championship race with the cadillac DPI.
    Steps to reproduce: Start a championship with the cadillac DPI (no matter what ai cars or track). Finish the qualifying and while on the intro screen of the race go back to the menu.
    Now try to load the race again -> crash

    RC version

    Edit: sorry this bug was already submitted on a previous page.
  11. John Cobb

    John Cobb Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    New Base release build of the game
    Track : Taruma international.
    Car used Formula trainer with identical cars for AI
    Single race with today's date, noon start time & light cloud, AI driver opponents set to custom 31
    I have encountered a Visual defect / Bug when driving out of last corner onto start / finish straight the image flickers but then almost returns immediately within 0.5 sec.
    Unfortunately this bug doesn't show up in the cockpit replay :( Sorry I can't attach a file.
    Loving these cars though on the new update.
  12. Scar666

    Scar666 Zum Glück bin ich verrückt

    Jul 1, 2020
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    So after I uninstalled AMS2 and deleted the mydocuments folder I deleted 40+ registry entries, reinstalled my GPU, mouse, audio and chipset drivers... Then reinstalled AMS2...

    This time around there wasn't anything in my Appdata folder to remove...

    Now it doesn't get past the Reiza logo without a bugsplat...
  13. Cassini

    Cassini 3D Artist and Video Editor AMS2 Club Member

    May 14, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Track & Layout Used: Bathurst (seems to happen in any track)
    Car Used: M1 Procar
    Applicable Settings: Weather - Clear | Max Graphics settings | Windows 11
    Report: After finishing the race, a black screen bug flickers entering the boxes, it seems like a mesh that's not shading right, then it covers almost all the screen. I was using a helmet cam, if this is relevant.
    Another thing is, I had a black screen issue like 90% of times I raced in this track, every time I had to close the game via ctrl+alt+del. (sound and game stay functional, but the whole screen turns black.
    FIXED THE BUSPLATS: Another thing is, I had a lot of bugsplats after this update, from opening the game and getting (sound bff issues) to leaving the game at the race start screen, and from nothing I got a bugsplat.
    Already check the game files integrity, with no issues...
    Deleted ams2 whole documents folder.
    PS: This is an AMS2 mod free install.
    Reinstalled the game as Steam didn't detect the corrupted files.

    20230729004756_1.jpg 20230729004810_1.jpg 20230729004825_1.jpg
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2023
    • Agree Agree x 2
  14. Jari

    Jari New Member

    Jul 29, 2023
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    Track & Layout Used: any
    Car Used: Supercars V8
    Applicable Settings: any
    Report: Heel-Toe Downshift does not work.
    Steps to reproduce: No driving aids. Drive the Supercar V8, and try to do Heel-Toe Downshift with clutch just like in real life... is useless :(.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  15. kenny8691

    kenny8691 New Member

    Aug 31, 2022
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    GT3 cars handling like on ice when starting official championship, cars act as they should in one off single race. Traction control showing at 8 yet cars are a nightmare to handle, authentic aids on and dry track / slicks. Has to be a bug considering how forgiving GT3 cars usually are.
  16. deadly

    deadly Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Car: Ginetta G55 Supercup (maybe others, too)
    Report: Setup reset does not work when there is a setup saved.

    Did a few laps at Jacarepagua Oval and saved a setup for this track.
    Later on, I did a race in Spielberg with this car and the game, as usual, loaded the last chosen setup, which was the one for ovals. So I clicked "reset to standard" and left the garage. Driving felt strange, so I returned to pits and saw that the game has loaded the oval setup again. Tried the setup reset several times, always the same. Had to delete the setup for Jacarepagua, then, the game was willing to load the default setup again.
  17. AlexBfromG

    AlexBfromG Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Car: all AJR Gen 2
    Track: all Tracks

    The Front Wings are acting opposite to what they should behave like.
    Under braking they go down when they should go up while when DRS is active they stay up
  18. Luismuku

    Luismuku Member

    Oct 29, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Version: V1.
    Track & Layout Used
    Ascurra Dirt
    NewCar Used: Rx
    Applicable Settings: Nothing special
    Report: Fall out of the circuit.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  19. Yerffej

    Yerffej Active Member

    Aug 30, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Version: V1.
    Track & Layout Used: Circuit Catalunya
    Applicable Settings: None
    Cars: Only tried BM1 Procar, and 2020 Stockcar

    When starting a race whether it be rolling or static, when the cars cross the start/finish line they tap their brakes, this happens nearly every lap, if you are quite a way behind them, you have no problems passing them, kills the enjoyment.
  20. kmikiwi

    kmikiwi Member

    Jun 19, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Track & Layout Used: I tested almost 8 tracks
    Car Used: Stock Car 2023, Toyota Corolla.
    Applicable Settings: Any hour, any day, any weather
    Report: The car spit the front lights :D
    Steps to reproduce: Just turn on the lights.
    Nvidia GeForce GTX1650
    RC version



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