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Bug Reports - Automobilista 2 (Read the Opening Post)

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 4, 2020.

  1. deadly

    deadly Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Montreal GP Layout:
    Lollipop man of pitcrew is standing on the track instead of pitlane when AI is about to come in.
  2. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    I don't follow this thread so it's possible that these errors have already been reported and are known. If you already know, forget about the post.
    In front-wheel cars there are anomalies when shifting in corners. There are knocks in the steering axle when changing gears, which can be clearly felt and can also be seen in the FFB diagram. Tested with defaults and customs files
  3. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    The damping in the game doesn't seem to work properly with the defaults. The higher the damping is set, the greater vibrations and pendulum movements occur. Damping should make the wheel more sluggish and stable, but the opposite is the case. The wheel becomes very restless and nervous when increasing the damping
  4. alink

    alink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 3, 2017
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    Isn't there missing a wall or guardrail?
    Hockenheim National
  5. Theoloop

    Theoloop Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 4, 2021
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    Alright this is gonna be a big post, all of the following bugs occurred in our Indy 500 race.
    Track & Layout Used: Indianapolis Oval Formula USA 2020
    Car Used: Formula USA 2023

    Applicable Settings: Real Weather May 29th 2022, 13:00 start


    1. Server froze up between practice and Quali once practice was done so we had to repost, this is an old bug still present.

    2. Replay did not save for anyone in the race, it created a 129kb file that could not be played back. This is a huge issue as we cant review for stewarding or even the bugs.

    3. The wind seems very severe, and inconsistent at times. But this might not be a bug, as it might be more complex than we’re assuming but we're not sure. We ran multiple practices with different dates, most of the time the wind was between NW and NE. Every practice we ran the wind affected turns differently, but would only have an effect on one turn at a time. First was T1 with huge understeer, then t3 only even through the wind was still north for both of this past sessions. During our race the wind went from 18-27 kph that day (per simhub and the AMS2 UI) and it was only effecting t2. These cars specifically seem to be over sensitive to wind, but its hard to say. the wind here forced people to drop 20-30kph into t2, but had zero effect anywhere else on the track which was odd considering the huge tail wind was noticeable on the back straight but created no issues for the turn.

    4. FCY triggered and the safety car pulled out late to the leader, the leader was going sub 200kph and slowing at that time. Leader passed the SC and slowed right down to let it pass, during this the leader was passed by about 3 cars due to closing speed. The driver doesn't recall where the SC was but at this point he began to get peppered with penalties for not passing others to get back in order. He was then Dq'd by the end of the lap. It seems like the penalties and order were correct, but the system needs to give more time to adjust.

    5. Pit preset issue 1, one driver tried to pit 6 times with "slick speedway" selected in this preset. The game would not put new tires on his car. The 7th time he manually cycled through tire compounds and it finally changed the tires for him.

    6. Pit preset issue two, likely going to be reported by @Emery with more detail. But every time he pit, he used the dedicated pit preset he set. But game would send him out with 2.0 bar pressure tires, and the next time would be 4.0 bar pressure tires, it flip flopped every single time, even though pressures were set correctly in the preset. This same issued occurred to streamer DDF in our 2.4hr Daytona race two years ago. That was two years ago and about halfway through the race his preset kept giving out minimum pressure tires for his DPI. This might be relative to race length, as both were well over 2 hours.

    7. Ghosting/sync issue. FCY was triggered, a ghosted car rear ended one driver and sent him into the air. Car cannot be seen other than the track map, looked to be going unrealistic speeds. Link

    8. Trackside cameras are too zoomed in and nearly useless with these cars, very hard to use as a broadcaster.

    9. Private Quali has a super strong draft effect, we were seeing 38.2 lap times with the top qualifiers, vs 39.2 at most in a true solo session. Ghosted and invisible cars still show up on third party track maps, and you can easily draft them, or essentially drive inside the other ghosted out car for a boost. There did not seem to be a dirty air effect, only the draft. This made quali more of a track position game of luck compared to an actual individual based qualifying.

    10. When in practice and quali (and likely race) almost every time you ‘escape’ out to the pits, the vehicle takes up a road course setup and gearing, as well as 35L in the tank at times. Loading your setup before you initiate back on track seems to fix this. But this bug is incredibly consistent in MP and should be very easy to replicate.

    That's all i can think of for now, I know these are near impossible to find. But they're all super taxing for those who want to run serious MP events. Here's our entire stream for it. Link
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2023
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  6. Emery

    Emery New Member

    Jan 10, 2022
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    I can't create posts on this forum, but I can reply!

    Here's the description to Point 6 above...

    Pit Preset had tire pressure values that weren't accurately applied during a race.
    Each time I pitted the tires were either overinflated or underinflated.

    The alternating application of incorrect tire pressures was not random. If I got underinflated tires on stop X, I'd get overinflated tires on stop Y. The pattern was true for pit stop numbers X+1, Y+1 consistently

    Attached Files:

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  7. titof3

    titof3 New Member

    Oct 2, 2023
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    I just reinstalled the game 3 times, there is no time left in the time trial, it’s difficult to train.
    Thank you.
  8. Roy Niessink

    Roy Niessink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    yeah, not a issue your end, they took the timetrial boards offline to reset them for the coming update, unfortunately they jumped the gun quite a bit on this, as the update wont be here before the end of October, they just forgot to notify the users ingame or on Steam, only if you dive deep into the forum you know the reason......
  9. Tinez

    Tinez New Member

    Aug 21, 2023
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    Track & Layout Used: Happens on all tracks/layouts
    Car Used: Irrelevant
    Applicable Settings: Seems irrelevant
    Report: Selecting 'Off' as time progression doesn't work. It always reverts to 'Real Time'
    Steps to reproduce: Set up a race and change time progression to 'Off', click save. If you go back to check the settings, it always reverts back to 'Real Time'. This goes for practice, qualifying and race.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  10. stum

    stum New Member

    Nov 7, 2020
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    Track & Layout Used: BATHURST 2020
    Car Used: German Group A
    Applicable Settings: Test Day + Multi-player
    Report: different tire wear between identical sessions
    Steps to reproduce:
    30 Drivers 90minutes,
    current date (2 Oct 2023 16:30hrs 1 slot weather/light cloud)
    Progressing Track Conditions

    We saw SIGNIFICANTLY different tire wear (about 45%) between small grids in Test Day and Multi-Player practice sessions and the full grid of the actual MP race - even with identical lobby settings.
    The only difference between the sessions was number of drivers.

    With small grids the tires were well worn by lap 18 (45minutes)
    This was the result of MANY sessions in Test Day and in Multi-Player sessions (2 or 5 or 7 drivers)

    With the large grid (30 drivers) the tires were MUCH LESS WORN at the same distance/time
    lap 19 (45minutes)

    By end of race it was easily 45% difference, and the same results were reported by ALL DRIVERS.
    - this is not anecdotal or flatspots or results of spins - all drivers reported the same difference.

    This was a big event for our league, and drivers had done a lot of testing and practice
    It changed the race from a 1 or 2 stop, to a 1 or even a no stop.
    Its disappointing for drivers who are trying to take the race seriously/competitively and are practicing tactics and race strategies, and its frustrating for League Admin who are trying to set up races - but are unable to calculate/predict race conditions on the day.

    We have seen this in other classes on other tracks - it is not just GroupA at Bathurst.
    We recently saw a similar tire difference in the P1 class during a 6 race league series.
    Please contact me if you need more information
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Sun87

    Sun87 New Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Report: Bug with the User Interface "Start new championship page". If I change de Maximum Opponents : Default to 1,2,3,4... The opponents on all championship already started will change.
    Steps to reproduce: Start a first championship with ten opponents in Edit Championship and after start a second championship but change the Opponents setting :Maximum opponents : replace default to 3. If You return to the first championship the opponents will change with three instead of ten.
  12. Rölz

    Rölz New Member

    Aug 22, 2023
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    Car Used: Mclaren F1 GTR
    Report: Wrong backfire position
    Solution: Open mclaren_f1_gtr.crd located inside Vehicles\ mclaren_f1_gtr folder and overwrite the lines:

    <prop name="Exhaust Position 1" data="-0.468;0.286;2.37" />
    <prop name="Exhaust Position 2" data="0.468;0.286;2.37" />
    <prop name="Exhaust Position 3" data="-0.377;0.286;2.37" />
    <prop name="Exhaust Position 4" data="0.377;0.286;2.37" />
    <prop name="Exhaust Target Position 1" data="-0.468;0.286;2.57" />
    <prop name="Exhaust Target Position 2" data="0.468;0.286;2.57" />
    <prop name="Exhaust Target Position 3" data="-0.377;0.286;2.57" />
    <prop name="Exhaust Target Position 4" data="0.377;0.286;2.57" />

    These are the correct coordinates taken from Project Cars 2 version of the car. ss161532.jpg ss162013.jpg
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2023
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  13. ray64040

    ray64040 Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 16, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: Gateway Oval
    Car Used: Formula USA 2023
    Applicable Settings: Multiplayer session with practice, qualy and race
    Report: Gearing is changing if you warp to pits. Does not happen on pit stops and did not happen in offline sessions. It was a consistent issue for everyone in the session including the host.
    Steps to Recreate: Reset to defaults, make some wing changes and save the setup with a new name. Will also happen if you change final drive and each gear then change them back before saving. Run some laps then hit Escape and return to pits. If you head back out without reloading or viewing the current setup, the gearing is much shorter. It also gave me shorter gearing at the start of the practice session and start of the race instead of the gearing for my saved and currently active setup.
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  14. xoph

    xoph New Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 28, 2016
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    Problem persists - will this ever be addressed? If not, please take out the car!
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  15. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Administrator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    Please check it out in beta if you get the chance (because you have access you might be able to see it functioning there already).

    Don't expect to have a car taken off the sim because of a MP bug that is reported, known and in process of addressing. Never gonna happen, mate.
    • Like Like x 2
  16. alink

    alink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 3, 2017
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    Track & Layout Used: -
    Car Used: -
    Applicable Settings: Qualifying - private session
    Report: When doing a private qualy session, you can hear other cars and even debris of other cars are suddenly on track as well as dirt!
    It seems, that in private session, AI is there as well, but not seen- and hitable for the player.
    Like here: Watkins Glen, qualy, private session (10 minutes), wheels of another car? But private should mean 'alone', isn't it?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Rölz

    Rölz New Member

    Aug 22, 2023
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    Car Used: McLaren F1 GTR
    Report: The windscreen banner is not visible in the cockpit camera ss162614.jpg ss161954.jpg
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  18. Dolph

    Dolph Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 21, 2020
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    FYI, some discussion going on in Steam forum about sound being too low with several users reporting it and also a workaround fix:

    Capture1.JPG Capture22.JPG
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  19. Theoloop

    Theoloop Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 4, 2021
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    Track & Layout Used: Laguna Seca
    Car Used: F-USA 2023
    Applicable Settings: N/A
    There’s a hole in the map or some sort of issue on the right side exit curb of T9 Rainey corner that instaspins the car every time it’s driven over.
  20. TexasTyme214

    TexasTyme214 New Member

    Oct 10, 2023
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    Track & Layout Used: Laguna Seca
    Car Used: F-USA 2023
    Applicable Settings: N/A
    Gearbox bug/damage issue. The car shifts down on its own from 4th to 3rd after ~60 minutes of running. The car will shift down more frequently from 4th to third on its own. Eventually, you will no longer be able to access 4th, 5th, and 6th gear. You are still able to upshift form 1st to 2nd to 3rd, but you are unable to shift into 4th. The engineer does not call you in for damage. The gearbox issue is not fixed after pitting to fix all of the damage.

    The first clip is an example of the car shifting on its own from 4th to 3rd. I'm aggressive upshifting here to minimize time loss.

    This second clip shows the gearbox issue continuing to occur after the repairing everything in the pits. This is what leads me to believe this is a bug. It doesn't appear to be a hardware issue as driving another car or a same car in a different race/practice/test session removes the issue.
    • Informative Informative x 2

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