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Bug Reports - Automobilista 2 (Read the Opening Post)

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 4, 2020.

  1. Redvaliant

    Redvaliant Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2020
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    Nope, still CTD bugspalt when choosing the C3 Corvette - testday, race, online. I'm not the only one having this issue, so as quoted "it's known issue and will be sorted next update".
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  2. Carlos D. (General_RIMT)

    Carlos D. (General_RIMT) New Member

    Nov 26, 2022
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    listen to it closely with more volume when after I let off the gas each time after stamping on the throttle after leaving pitlane.
  3. shadow82

    shadow82 Active Member

    Dec 4, 2024
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    Track & Layout Used: Irrelevant.
    Car Used: Lamborghini Huracan GT3 Evo2
    Applicable Settings: Seating position 0/0.
    Report: RaceLogic timer is not fully visible (hidden behind a vents) at default camera position, become even less visible is you move your seating position any further back to see the whole dash of the car. Moving the camera forward will end up hiding the whole dash until you can see the full timer.
  4. Carlos D. (General_RIMT)

    Carlos D. (General_RIMT) New Member

    Nov 26, 2022
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    i tried multiple DAWs, different monitors, different headphones. That audio was captured from in-game. My rig is overkill for it (sitting at 50% gpu usage and 25% CPU usage) with 144fps. Very stable, tried playing around with various settings, thinking that maybe it’s audio hardware / RAM issue but nothing affects it.
  5. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Random crackles is known issue. It seemed like op was trying to highlight something else pertinent to this car in the video with all the unnecessary and abnormal reving and noise.
    im sure it’s been noted and there’s no more to be added at this point , and best to just leave thread for further reports .
    • Like Like x 2
  6. Dady Cairo

    Dady Cairo "Son of Spartakus" and "Leisure Nostradamus" AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 12, 2017
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    Ah,online MP,you didn't say."Communication breakdown,always the same...." Led Zeppelin:)
  7. shadow82

    shadow82 Active Member

    Dec 4, 2024
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    Track & Layout Used: Irrelevant.
    Car Used: McLaren 720S & 720S Evo
    Applicable Settings: headlights/tailights fully off without any beam on.
    Report: Like the Huracan, the 720S does have small bits of its front headlight (namely two leds at the extremity) and its tailights as soon as you turn the car on (see below picture; rear view is from a video coming out of a corner, so no braking applied there and it has no beam active), but in-game those are off until any beam is activated. It does not seem to be a limitation from the game as the Huracan does have the correct headlight setup both front and rear.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  8. dogryan100

    dogryan100 New Member

    Sep 6, 2018
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    Track & Layout Used: Irrelevent, replicated on multiple tracks.
    Car Used: Irrelevent
    Applicable Settings: Car reset option turned on
    Report: Cars that use the "Reset to track" option aren't ghosting. Very easy to repeat, and is very annoying! Here is an example:

    Steps to reproduce: Use the car reset option, and the car won't ghost and can appear directly in front of an oncoming car.
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  9. DannyDB

    DannyDB Member

    Oct 9, 2024
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    The crackling could be due to how the audio sample was cut. When the sample loops, if it's not properly trimmed, there will be a "click" when it restarts.
    In version 1.5, the BMW M6 had a clipping issue. The audio sample would exceed the -0.3 dB threshold, causing distortion in the sound.
    In cases like this, there are multiple moving audio samples, and understanding who is responsible for what, when, and how can be a challenge without having access to the individual samples.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2024
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  10. Odd Socks

    Odd Socks Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    I don't believe that the cars have ever ghosted when resetting.
  11. TomLehockySVK

    TomLehockySVK Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2022
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    Always has been ghosted when reset before 1.6 but only for about 3 seconds.
  12. PeterV

    PeterV New Member

    Oct 20, 2024
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    Track & Layout Used: Any
    Car Used: Formula Vintage Gen1 (Noidel 1 or 2)
    Applicable Settings: Wet races - very wet!!
    Report: The V1.6 "AI Wet Skill Scalar" slider is not effective enough - by a long way! The AI still race in the "Very" wet as if they were in the dry when it set at the lowest possible value of 0.5x

    I would say that I am "quite good" at 60's type formula cars (or any very slidey type cars), which is also of great use in wet racing (often sliding around etc). In the dry can beat an AI 104% field of 19 opponents, over a 20 lap race (eg Watkings Glen or similar track length) starting from the rear (which of course has a LOT of variables possible!!) - but that is with not one single car to car contact all race, by being patient for passes that are assured to work and be safe for all cars. And that eats up a lot of time/laps! With the heaviest rain setting this is a BIG task to do! (Try it and see how you go!)
    In the rain on a low to mild wet weather setting (with AI Wet Skill Scalar = 0.50x) I can still beat them much the same as in the dry - I would say that their "wet skill decrease" is as good as non-existent then. But on a heavily raining track (again with AI Wet Skill Scalar = 0.50x) the AI are as good as in the light/medium rain conditions. Even at 0.5x "AI Wet Skill Scalar" they are still too good to beat - maybe I get to 7th or 10th region at best.
    To bring them down to a "correct" level, I need to lower the AI driver file for them to have 0.40 set in that for the Wet Skill, plus then the "AI Wet Skill Scalar" in the low/mid 0.5 range (eg 0.55x).

    I have seen this across most car classes I have raced against AI in the Wet - so it seems that this new "AI Wet Skill Scalar" is an overall result of "not decreasing anywhere enough" control setup. The amount it helps tone them down is effectively useless as at 0.50x it only makes them 'super fast' compared to a human driver, instead of 'super super human fast' at 1.00x ! (LOL)

    It should even be allowed to go down to as low as 0.10x anyway. Even if the whole system was adjusted to operate more effectively, there is still no reason not to allow a very low value for the case someone does still want/need that. (Allowing down to 0.00x would be useless/silly of course!!)
    It is most likely just "maths".... the AI Wet Skill Scalar as a 'master' skill multiplier.... so allowing it to go down to 0.10x as a minimum ( and still 1.00x maximum), even with all other aspects left as they are now, would probably allow adequate wet weather skill control of the AI.
  13. PeterV

    PeterV New Member

    Oct 20, 2024
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    Track & Layout Used: Any
    Car Used: Any class, that does not have tire warmers
    Applicable Settings: AI to change tires on a pitstop
    Report: The AI can come out of the pits at "top racing speed" immediately. Versus human drivers having to contend with cold brakes and cold tires,which notably affect that first outlap (or longer). It can mean many seconds, even into 10's, over that first outlap - AI versus human lap time.
    This ruins AI races, as you have to account for the fact the AI will get a jump on you, at some stage (whenever that/each car pits and gains that advantage). eg You might need to lower the AI strength a BIT to offset the bonus gain they will get on their pitstops. That then means would will probably advance 'better' from the race start onwards, until the AI get that 'catch up bonus' due to your pitstop cold tire/brake issues and their non-issue with those.

    It probably varies per car class and type, so it is likely that every car class/type need to be tested and "tuned" to act more fairly and realistically. Though some car/class vehicles seem to be "fairer" in some races, at some tracks. eg Being at least somewhat affected for at least a short while.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Claudio Araujo de Almeida

    Claudio Araujo de Almeida New Member

    Mar 6, 2020
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    Please help me....

    I can't set a tire wear when open a lobby server in game.
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  15. TomLehockySVK

    TomLehockySVK Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2022
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    Over here:
    And then here:
    Once the server starts, you can change it anytime here:
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  16. Claudio Araujo de Almeida

    Claudio Araujo de Almeida New Member

    Mar 6, 2020
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  17. No Insurance

    No Insurance New Member

    Dec 3, 2022
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    Yes, But, different from offline races, when we set a multiplayer lobby the only options available are "Authentic" and "OFF", there is no "x2" or onwards for multiplayer.
    I wonder if this is something to fix or a feature / limited option set on purpose for multiplayer?
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  18. Dud

    Dud Member

    Feb 1, 2022
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    Not a Bug per say, But the Formula Retro Gen 3 Turbo has far too little drag, using default setups it goes over 320kmh, the BT52 with default setup is around 310Kmh
  19. Fabrice L

    Fabrice L New Member

    Feb 23, 2024
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    When pitting for tyres, the pit regularly takes the time to change the tires (goes through the loading bar with tires) but doesn't actually change the tyres.

    People get stuck in lower fuel modes if they changed it during FCY, changing it back doesn't work. It just defaults back to the lower mode

    TC/ABS randomly stop working for different people while switching from qualy to race.

    Results at the end of the race get mingled, sometimes you gain positions for passing people during the cooldown lap.

    Still have the desync issues when people with higher ping join the session.

    Often cars are invisible if they join the session after you.

    I was driving, seeing 3 people on track but the relatives showed me 8 people driving. Other people reported seeing more drivers, some saw all 8, other saw 5 one person thought it was a private session cause he saw no-one only relatives

    Player AI driver is painstakingly slow, running 97% AI and the player swap AI is 15-20 seconds slower a lap.

    Example around Le Mans:

    Rainy weather
    - AI is doing 4:12 laptimes
    - Player Ai is doing 4:27 laptimes

    Dry weather
    - AI is doing 3:52 laptimes
    - Player AI is doing 4:08 laptimes
  20. Seb02

    Seb02 Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2022
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    Since the 1.6 update, I feel like the Cockpit view is moving a lot more than before. Like the camera movements are bigger than before? Maybe it's just a feeling. The movements are giving me headaches. Anyone Else ?
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