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Camera too bumpy

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by WhippyWhip, Apr 4, 2020.

  1. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Hehe Are you me?:D
    Because I also admit that in the beginning I had also troubles accepting how AMS2 does this unsmoothed thing.
    Because eventhough its a loooong time ago I had my refered RL FF1600 experience - and I also admit my mental mem block(s) are a bit old - but...

    ...in the beginning I found the best AMS2 compromise by using Legacy + either head mov 0 (or was it 99?).:rolleyes:
    But after experimenting a lot I settled down on non-legacy + head mov 99.;)
    The thing that got me to abandon legacy was some strange on/off switching of bouncing on as example Bathurst when you pass under the banner at the start of the long ending straight just after the leftgoing hairpin.o_O

    ByTheWay: My final input to this bouncing discussing is that it just take a few days (weeks?) using Legacy OFF and the hMov at 50-99 to suddenly get the revelation: THIS IS THE REAL THING DAMMIT. :p:p:p
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  2. turtleCZ

    turtleCZ Active Member

    May 2, 2021
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    LOL, probably brother I never had.

    It's the very similar journey. I started with legacy on because went from AMS1 and it looked more like AMS1. After some time I switched back to non-legacy and it was much better. Last time I was thinking if the camera could shake more and enabled everything. Classic tracks are my favorite now because it's pretty wild.

    But I can find the source of troubles for me. I was new to sims and cockpit view and I always checked my dashboard with my eyes. That's not what you should do, you need to check the road only. And then everything clicked. My problem was to have bad eye focus.

    After all I think some VR users could have problem but mostly it's not the game. Cars are bumpy and it's playable.
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  3. Elcid43

    Elcid43 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 3, 2020
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    It would be nice for those of us who don't like or don't want to get used to the "bumpiness" to be able to have the OPTION to set it the way we like. As it is now, I never really play the game anymore, sadly.
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  4. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    OK this is a pretty clever insight/conclusion if you ask me.
    My only excuse for not have realised this myself is that I solely/only drive AMS2 formula cars with not so imposing dashboard.
    But furthermore because I try to use a theoretically realistic FOV (F/Back) and have only raised it a bit (pic) then I dont see much of the cars "dashboard".
    But I agree that if I was driving tintops + used a FOV more "unrealistic" backwards - then this bumpiness would make a more harsh impact.
    But you just have to watch a few videos from RL tintop drivers to see that everything bounches up and down.;)

    ByTheWay: @Elcid43 I have said above that I feel sorry for people like you - but just like some people also in RL get motion sickness by just driving to the drugstore then there is obviously huge individual differences in how impacted people are in this virtual area.
    The only thing I can say is that its good for Reiza that its only few people that need to chose your solution.;)

    Reiza cockpit.jpg
  5. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    You can set it the way you want. Hence why we aren't seeing the daily complaints (for the past many months) about the bumpiness that used to exist. The extreme bumpiness was fixed/adjusted by Reiza. I know, because I used to get it, too.
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  6. VFX Pro

    VFX Pro Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 31, 2017
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    I wish we had more control of that "cool camera bouncing effect" to make it behave like other simulators...
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  7. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    OK thats one kind of a standard.
    I would rather use "realistic" or RL behaviour as a standard.
    At least if we consider AMS2 as a simulator of some kind of RL car behaviour reality.:p

    One of the reasons I have never been really found of all the gMotor based "simulators" is because they allways did/does smoooth some of the cars vertical movements out.
    And eventhough AMS2 like pCars2 with their SETA tire model originally had a relation to the gMotor engine then the Madness guys created a minor miracle twisting the code - and thereby the potiential car behaviour.:cool:

    ByTheWay: Both iRacing and a few really ancient "simulators" like Racing Simulator 2/3, F1 Racing Championship from Ubisoft was much better in this area. Giving a much more directly/raw feeling/sight of a cars vertical movements.;)
    Last edited: May 8, 2021
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  8. mansell

    mansell Active Member

    Mar 8, 2021
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    i see a lot of realism in this thread...
    i am just asking for an option to have the camera steady.
    is this existing in real life? off course not.
    but also in real life you can't use autoshifting, you can't reset your car to the track when you are spinning out of it with a button, you can't have a dynamic racing line turning red when when you suppose to brake and you also can't drive a real car with any camera you wish.
    i'm also suspecting that my grandpa who drove the 1965 mini s at historic spa could not use the telemetry hud in eau rouge or even see his deltas and other drivers times.
    the game(s) gives you all these options.
    but a steady camera option for the people who want it will harm the realism of automobilista 2!
    Last edited: May 10, 2021
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  9. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Actually the only thing you are saying is that because this sim isnt 100% realistic in all aspects then this is an argument to launch further even more unrealistic "features".
    Good logic.

    ByTheWay: OK...
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  10. mansell

    mansell Active Member

    Mar 8, 2021
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    yes bruno, this is exactly what i am saying.
    you can force the level of realism in MP when you create a lobby and you can choose the realism you like in SP. thats what reiza (and other developers) try to do with their sims.
    i just asking from reiza to do it properly.

    ByTheWay: if they can...
  11. marusu

    marusu New Member

    May 6, 2021
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    My point of view is a little different. I don't want to put unrealistic feature in the simulator, rather I would like a realistic feature of a human body stabilization implemented. Real drivers (and other people also) have build in ability to stabilize images they see. And it utilizes many senses, not only vision, but also e.g. space orientation, feel of acceleration, ability to focus out peripheral vision, that are not available in simulation. A great simulator would somehow compensate for that shortage of senses.
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  12. Beccobunsen

    Beccobunsen Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2020
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    You asking for a helmet cam with the "the spinal spring" damping of and eyes moviment latency .
    uhmm, very difficult to do.
    For people like you who can't handle this type of camera there should be a completely flat "BattleZone" mode, which is not difficult, if the graphics engine allows it.

    ByTheWay: ® BrunoB
    however I assure you that in reality on some cars , no damping can help you. (Uno turbo for example), movements and vibrations are so strong that they deform the images on the retina
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  13. Dean Ogurek

    Dean Ogurek "Love the Simulation You're Dreaming In." AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    I have experienced distorted vision many times with various vehicles due to extreme forces, bumps, etc., It may occur in the eyes or the brain, or some combination of both.

    Thankfully, such occurrences tend to be very brief and so long as they are not repetitive with high frequency, recovery is not generally a big issue.

    In the early days of Simulation, track surfaces were not modeled with great detail, only very vague undulations at best. View & movement issues among players were pretty limited.

    The challenge for developers now is likely related to more complex models and differences between people. Add to that, various display configurations, VR, latency issues, frame-rates etc., and it becomes quite a challenge to address all possible cases.

    Every title has gone through some amount of view settings and revisions to achieve a decent result in order to suit most players and still, they all come with RHM type requests at some point.

    With RealHeadMotion, I've seen many posts asking what settings to use. Trial and error is probably the only way to dial it in as it's a very personal formula for best results.
  14. turtleCZ

    turtleCZ Active Member

    May 2, 2021
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    I am still not sure what kind of stabilization people want. It's a car, you can't stabilize it, right? What could help with your viewing? Car will always bounce, so there is no space for it. And horizon is stable, because it's far. Currently I am not sure what should be a solution for people who has a problem with.

    Some other games doesn't have correct car bounce and then it's like no bounce at all.
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  15. mkel1966

    mkel1966 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    My issue is on every elevation changes when the dashboard goes up/down while the car is bouncing due to road textures/bumps. I never really notice this movement in a few racing titles I played. I adjusted my car cam in the config to its minimum but I still feel/see it. My feeling is like riding a ferris wheel on its way down(or up) and the dashboard goes up(or down) blocking parts of my view while the seat bounces up/down, then my motion sickness kicks in. If I could only feel/see the car bounce due to road bumps/textures without the dashboard going up/down(my seat/wheel is static) during downhill/uphill especially in open wheelers, I'm more than a happy camper.
  16. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    You can adjust that out and not have the moving horizon if you prefer.
  17. mkel1966

    mkel1966 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Right now I prefer HM=0-15, LHM=NO, G-Force=15, Camera Leaning=75, High Speed Shake=ON, OFF(faster F1 car). I just can't use LHM, not even 10 mins straight. I don't mind the car yaw/shake/movement due to all the road bumps, it's when there's uphill then downhill or flat surface(vice/versa) changes.
  18. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    You can prefer whatever you want, I am just saying that you don't need to have the uphill/downhill "roller coaster" effect. I agree, it would be annoying, so I don't have it.

    I assume you are also aware there are two cockpit views? If you want to use the visual representation of the helmet, you must use the second one. If you don't, you can use either/both and configure one differently than the other if you want to experiment with some settings.
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  19. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Ahh hm.:rolleyes:
    Isnt you exaggering it a slightly - my good man?:D
  20. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    He isn't. Drive a Rental Kart over rough kerbs, it's already enough to test it. Your vision will be a bit distorted, can confirm by hands/eyes-on.
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