Force Feedback (FFB) thread (Logitech, Thrustmaster, Fanatec, OSW, etc.)

Discussion in 'Automobilista - Help & Support' started by Tomy, Mar 10, 2016.

  1. TeSL9

    TeSL9 Pessimistic (rarely flying) Finn :) AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Can we possibly get a clipping monitor feature in the future?
  2. Alex Sawczuk

    Alex Sawczuk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    We have a long development list at the moment. That isn't high priority right now I'm afraid.
  3. TeSL9

    TeSL9 Pessimistic (rarely flying) Finn :) AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    I understand. :)
    Can you explain if it makes a difference to change the overall forces in Thrustmaster profiler and keeping the game ffb in 100 or other way around?
    It is always easier to change the overall ffb value in game... But is it the same thing?
  4. LoloRRR

    LoloRRR New Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    ok thanks again. I adjust the ffb to 85%, works fine, i will test more later.

    my other point was that i can't set the ffb to "pure + effects..." because it always come back to "pure 360", is this a known issue ?
  5. Xzess

    Xzess New Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    I think you are incorrect in this game, if the setup is ok, you should use 100% FFB as is the best 100% linear FFB.
    The values that will change clipping are the ones in realfeel.ini. Realfeel scales FFB we can say "between 0 and 11500" being 11500=100%. If you lower 100% you are reescaling whole FFB.
    For what I have read, downscale is no linear. Maxforcesteringrack is the value that regulates clipping, unfortunately I think this works per car as some have heavier forces than others.

    As realfeel works, clipping is a good choice sometimes, for example between 0 and 11500 a especific car gives an average of 7000 in max forces but some peak of 10.000, the forces must be reescaled to something like 9000 in tipical wheels setup, just because we dont have direct drive wheels with tons of N/m that could handle hard FFB and low rates and peak harder 1 second per lap. It's better to loose that high peaks than the loose detail in the lower ones, having a weaker FFB too. Leveling this parameters it's a hard thing to do.

    Correct me if I am wrong.
  6. P*Funk

    P*Funk Active Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    If there were anyone who ever articulated this from a developer team or the guy who made Realfeel thats the way to know if you're right. I can't remember reading anything like this. Meanwhile at least one post from Niels has not dissuaded me from using the slider in game.

    RealFeel settings and discussion

    Niels: In game, the FFB strength % is a great way to change the overall forces you feel.
  7. Xzess

    Xzess New Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    I researched in rfactor 1 times, a lot, i'll say everything, from how rf1 FFb works and Realfeel works, everything to archieve a linear FFB, i knew how worked every parameter in game, and profilers of logitech drivers (and i think all type of wheels) remember seeing some graph with the Fanatec CW2 showing how linearity is loose by changing parameters.
    For example to archieve accurate FFB and avoid clipping, you have to drive your car (in this case in automovilista) take values from steering rack forces in some telemetry as motec, then use the max value to calibrate realfeel, perfectly linear, after setting every value to it's correct linear range.
    In short terms, everything in rf1 ffb must be at 1 scale some parameteres must be 1 some 100%, some 0. Realfeel has the control over how the forces are sent.
    You have 2 controls one is rfactor own FFB the other is realfeel, and one is into another, if realfeel s acting alone, ingame FFB slider must do nothing, but it's not the case...

    And sure you avoid digital clipping with FFB slider, but, you will end the same but weaker, as It reescales realfeel signal.

    Maybe things now are different and i am wrong i something or everything. But i think if automobilista's realfeel is good calibrated and your drivers are too, you will have no clipping at 100% or at 50%.
  8. P*Funk

    P*Funk Active Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    For those of us using Logitech wheels there is no driver calibration that one can use that is beneficial because many use over 100% force to offset FFB deadzones inherent to the wheels. This means that you're either tweaking the global FFB in the game by percentage or you're tweaking every individual car by realfeel. Without a clipping tool this would be challenging.

    Given the forces I've felt in most games that have clipping tools I don't feel like 100% force in this game is at all beneath clipping for my wheel.
  9. Xzess

    Xzess New Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    I don't know, if FFB in Automobilista clips, I think it doesn't for me.
    Logitech perfect config for linear FFB is from 100% to 102% not more, the others at 1% 1% as this it's not clear, but things point that 0% there disables some effects, you can use 0% too. But ffor sure using more than 102% is introducing artifacts and/or compressing the signal, the same if you use less values.
    I only know this information on how rfactor wrked, i don't know too much about other sims, but I think the best way it's to limit the parameters to touch to the minimum, and this is the way to go in rfactor/realfeel in this case automobilista. Use linear logitech and more raw posible rfactor, then tweak realfeel, this is simple to do as it has ingame controls the famous Ctrl+ numpad. In automobilista i think you can enable this on the .ini, only one parameter is needed to tweak as the others has nothing to do with clipping, and they are tweaked by the developers.
  10. FeltHat

    FeltHat Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Hey folks, i recently got my first wheel and was wondering about two things (or even three!):
    - there's no thrustmaster t150 option in ams but my wheel works under digital gamepad or t300 or whatever, are those only for button binds? i was wondering if ffb works differently under different setups
    - do i understand positive and negative % ffb value correctly? like, negative is reversed positive? by practice it was kinda hard to judge, i have no experience in this field
    thanks for any help!
  11. Xzess

    Xzess New Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    I think FFB output is the same for every wheel, it can be diferent, if custom tweaked controller.ini, developers should clarify this.

    Anyways, i am near sure that with button/axys binding, FFB set to wheel, and positive/negative values you are okey.
    Positive/negative values depend of the wheel you use, if you feel FFB when turning right softer in that direction, then you have to use the other, the right way is to feel harder when turning, not softer. Try 100% negative and 100% positive you will notice a big difference.
  12. FeltHat

    FeltHat Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Thanks a lot, thats very helpful
    can u explain to me why some folks have this additional option: rotation / auto adjust? i cant see it anywhere
  13. Xzess

    Xzess New Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    Maybe it's a wheel detection problem, and yours it's not on the list in automobilista of variable degrees of rotation, or is detected as a generic input. Talk with developers about it. You wheel supports 1080ยบ, in my pc doesn't matter if i have the wheel pluged in or not, that option is always avaliable, but maybe it is because it launches logitech profiler automaticaly when i open automobilista.
    The option is at the right on config/controller, where the keybinding is.
  14. FeltHat

    FeltHat Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    that may be a thing, t150 is quite new, Reiza gods, help t150 owners :D
  15. Gevatter

    Gevatter The James May of Simracing AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Is there a way to only lower the high end forces and leave the low end forces intact? The Formula cars all clip a lot for me going through fast corners, but when I tweak the realfeel.ini to eliminate clipping, the lower speed corners lose almost all the detail.

    On low downforce cars this problem does not occur for me, that why I would be glad if there was another method instead of lowering the overall FFB strength either in-game or in the profiler.
  16. LoloRRR

    LoloRRR New Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    is someone has this type of issue, like descibed in this post :

    Wheel lost

    It is a big issue for me, if someone can help.... thanks
  17. kwakaman

    kwakaman New Member

    Jun 18, 2016
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    @ Tomy or and other CSW V2 users.

    What in game settings do you use please?
    Plus other Fanatec CSW V2 wheel settings?

    Downloading game now. Have a slow connection so have to wait 12 hours.. grrr.
  18. Robert Roussel

    Robert Roussel New Member

    Jul 20, 2016
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    Well I am new here , I have THRUSTMASTER 300 RS . I finally got it going some how. But not please yet with setting. When restarting the game ...have to redo everything , help would be welcome
  19. Domagoj Lovric

    Domagoj Lovric Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 15, 2016
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    What do you have to redo? Controls mapping or...?
  20. Robert Roussel

    Robert Roussel New Member

    Jul 20, 2016
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    Ok ty for fast response. So many things to get set up ..... Now what I do is plug in my Thrusmaster after game load up... then have to check everything cause sometime the car is driving " feed back ect " I DO LIKE STRONG FEED BACK " ,,,,, And cars most of the time my wheel do not respond !!!! hard to explain. I may post on Youtube (Video ) what is going on .

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