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Gamepad Support - Analysis, Suggestions, Wishes

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by GTAce, Sep 2, 2020.

  1. FS7

    FS7 controller filters off please AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 23, 2016
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    Another update and AMS2 controller issues still persist. I keep going back to AMS1 since the controls feel much more responsive in that game.
  2. tAz-07

    tAz-07 New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 15, 2018
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    gamepad is not bad (xbox one controller) but the road feel so empty and flat ...

    ACC is a reference for me for this point.

    Reiza , any roadmap to improve this part ?
  3. turtleCZ

    turtleCZ Active Member

    May 2, 2021
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    So, what do you think? I did small test and it was much better, like faster response.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  4. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    Please indeed let's keep the reports coming guys. Interesting to hear your thoughts. If you can, be as detailed as possible.
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  5. FS7

    FS7 controller filters off please AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 23, 2016
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    To be honest, from the testing I've done so far (a little over 2hrs) it feels exactly the same as before, there's still built-in filters that slow down my steering inputs, both on controller setup and custom wheel setup (even with steering sensitivity at 100, and speed sensitivity at 0 & controller damping at 0), it takes me nearly a full second to go from center to full lock to either side. It still feels like controller support in this game was designed exclusively for tap steering (just like in PCars2) and not for precision steering. It feels like something is off with linearity, especially if I move the analog stick more than halfway through, like the in-game steering wheel only moves the amount I want after I hold the analog stick for a second or so (clearly something designed to prevent tap steer players from losing control of the car). I don't mind the default controller settings being catered towards casuals that use tap steering and assists but ideally there should be the option for advanced players to disable all that stuff.
    Is there any chance we could get an option to completely disable all filters and dampers, enable raw input and fine tune from there like we can do in AMS1? I'd love to have full control of the steering like I have in AMS1, not have the game limit how much and how fast I can steer.
    Also there's still basically no vibration even with vibration set at 100.
    Other people using different settings and/or controllers might have different opinions about the latest update but for me if feels exactly the same with the same issues.

    My AMS2 controller settings:

    Microsoft Xbox 360 wired controller setup as controller
    -steering deadzone: 20
    -steering sensitivity: 50
    -throttle deadzone: 0
    -throttle sensitivity: 50
    -brake deadzone: 0
    -brake sensitivity: 50
    -clutch deadzone: 0
    -clutch sensitivity: 50
    -speed sensitivity: 50
    -controller damping: 0
    -controller vibration: 100
    -minimum shift time: 0
    -steering assist: no
    -braking assist: no
    -automatic clutch: on
    -gearing: manual
    -driving assists: authentic
    -opposite lock assist: off
    -steering lock: 15 degrees

    Microsoft Xbox 360 wired controller setup as custom wheel
    -steering deadzone: 0
    -steering sensitivity: 50
    -throttle deadzone: 0
    -throttle sensitivity: 50
    -brake deadzone: 0
    -brake sensitivity: 50
    -clutch deadzone: 0
    -clutch sensitivity: 50
    -speed sensitivity: 50
    -controller damping: 0
    -controller vibration: 100
    -minimum shift time: 0
    -steering assist: no
    -braking assist: no
    -automatic clutch: on
    -gearing: manual
    -driving assists: authentic
    -opposite lock assist: off
    -steering wheel range: 480 degrees
    -steering lock: 24 degrees

    Normally I set steering wheel range at 300 degrees and steering lock at 15 degrees in other games, but in AMS2 after a lot of testing I figured out that setting steering wheel range at 480 degrees and steering lock at 24 degrees feels more responsive (but still not as good as AMS1).
    I tried the 2 controller settings above that I had already saved and used before, I also tried creating a new controller setup using the same values, as well as trying different values (steering sensitivity at 0/50/100, speed sensitivity at 0/50/100, controller damping at 0/50/100), but ended up going back to the custom wheel setup above.
    Cars I tested: Stock Car 2019, McLaren GT4, Formula V10 G2, all at Nurburgring GP with minor setup adjustments. I'm aware about the setup bug so I always reset to defaults then load my custom setup at the beginning of every session.

    I tested Stock Car 2017 & Formula V10 at Nurburgring GP in AMS1 and the controls in that game feel so much better, more responsive and intuitive.

    My AMS1 controller settings:

    Microsoft Xbox 360 wired controller
    -steering deadzone: 20
    -steering sensitivity: 50
    -throttle deadzone: 0
    -throttle sensitivity: 50
    -brake deadzone: 0
    -brake sensitivity: 50
    -speed sensitivity: 50
    -steering rate: 100
    -throttle rate: 100
    -brake rate: 100
    -clutch rate: 100
    -automatic clutch: on
    -gearing: manual
    -driving assists: authentic
    -steering wheel range: 300 degrees
    -steering lock: 15 degrees
    -force feedback effects: pure + effects 2
    -force feedback strength: 100
    -ffb low force boost: 0

    If there's any more info needed or you want me to test something specific please let me know.
    • Informative Informative x 4
  6. turtleCZ

    turtleCZ Active Member

    May 2, 2021
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    Wow, interesting! I would say my steering rate is faster and maybe something is really removed, it feels more precise. I will test Formula Vintage on Nords and that should show any inaccuracy. Mostly I use same settings as you and gamepad support.
  7. turtleCZ

    turtleCZ Active Member

    May 2, 2021
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    Hmmm, Nordschleife was great. I still have a feeling, Formula Vintage is a bit different than yesterday. To me, this steering speed is completely fine because many other games are slower. I will need to test some of the worst cars but this Formula is nothing easy with lagged controls. Current ones are rather fine.
  8. 3dquick

    3dquick Active Member

    Oct 30, 2022
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    I own most racing titles and I find the digital setup is most to my liking on RRE, Ok on ACC, and not as good on AC and AMS2. I don´t use analogue joysticks for steering,

    What I like about RRE is you can lower the steering lock to reduce tyre wear and have less reactions, especially on ovals. This has to be adjustable even in fixed setup MP, the same as braking force.

    Steering sensitivity is also adjustable between linear and non linear with high initial response or high end response. Finally, speed sensitivity can be calibrated to take effect at a certain speed and max out at another speed e.g. 70kph and 200kph. ACC also adds return to centre speed adjustment, which is nice as you may want slow steering but fast return.

    If AMS2 could incorporate these adjustments for digital input, I think it would help a lot.

    Finally, there needs to be a calibration pass for all content as it is not normal that cars in the same class have totally different responses to steering inputs. The Nissan and McLaren GT3s are much less reactive than the others, for instance. I am not talking about handling as it is apparent even in a straight line.

    Obviously there are so many controllers and mapping combinations it will be hard to make everyone happy but more customisation is never a bad thing as wheel users are able to adjust their rotation degrees and a number of other parameters that we don´t have.

    I´ll test the latest update a bit more and report back.
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  9. FS7

    FS7 controller filters off please AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 23, 2016
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    Which controller are you using?

    The first thing I try when testing controller settings (even before doing any laps): with the car standing still I move the analog stick from the center to the side very slowly, then move the analog stick from the center to the side as quickly as possible. In both AMS1 & AMS2 when moving the analog stick slowly the in-game steering wheel moves exactly as I expect in a linear way, but when I move the analog stick as quickly as possible in AMS2 the in-game steering wheel moves slowly, it seems to start moving quickly but then it slows down and takes nearly a second of me holding the analog stick all the way to the side for the in-game steering wheel to reach full lock, like if the game had sensed that I made a sudden move and tried to "correct" my input by slowing it down. Meanwhile in AMS1 when moving the analog stick as quickly as possible the in-game steering wheel goes from center to full lock almost instantly. Obviously I never move the analog stick to full lock like that when playing but that's a good example of the difference in response in both games, and how the filters/dampers can affect steering response in AMS2.

    Having more settings adjustments like suggested by @3dquick would be a dream come true for every controller player.
  10. turtleCZ

    turtleCZ Active Member

    May 2, 2021
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    I use normal Xbox One, it's Elite 2. Yes, exactly, I know. PC3 was completely broken because of it and PC2 had many filters. Currently in AMS2 it's fast enough for me and don't feel much filtering. Something like faster steering return rate? It's important. WRC is completely broken because return rate is crazy high.

    Currently I am rather happy but I don't play other games too much. I would say it's better than yesterday but it's always hard to test precisely.

    It's smooth and fast (not the fastest).
  11. 3dquick

    3dquick Active Member

    Oct 30, 2022
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    I have an Xbox clone but I mainly use keyboard - 45 years is too long a habit to break.

    My steering technique is keeping the key pressed during all the corner and only tapping to make corrections or opposite lock.

    Maybe we should all get together and do a same car race to see how each control device responds etc.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2022
  12. turtleCZ

    turtleCZ Active Member

    May 2, 2021
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    That's exactly opposite approach we (me and FS7) like in sims. It should be the same as tapping on a gamepad (using full locks only). It's possible because of low steering rate.
  13. 3dquick

    3dquick Active Member

    Oct 30, 2022
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    OK, I have settled on 80 damping and 85 speed sensitivity. That seems to work well with most cars but the BMW GT3 is still over sensitive. Over 84 damping makes all cars impossible to drive as the steering is too slow to react.

    The other issue I am having is that some cars like the Nissan GT3 break traction too easily even with TC on at the highest setting. In other games that doesn´t happen.
    I am also seeing faster tyre wear than before.
  14. Seb02

    Seb02 Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2022
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    I use an Xbox one controller.
    I also tested the controller following the last update. I had to slightly increase the steering sensitivity.
    I tested a few open wheels, the Nissan GTR, BMW GT4 and SuperV8.
    On open wheels, I found that not bad.
    same for the superV8. The only concern I have for these 2 examples is when I get to the maximum of the direction of the joystick, it suddenly becomes too sensitive.

    On the other hand, the BMW GT4 is still a nightmare to drive, much too reactive for my taste: in a straight line for simple trajectory corrections. On the contrary, the Ginetta is a treat.
    Regarding the Nissan GTR, it is satisfactory. I find the other GT3s too reactive except the McLaren. And yet, I set the steering sensitivity low (below 50).

    All in all not bad but there is this overly responsiveness on some GT3 and GT4 cars. If it helps...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. kkdrummer

    kkdrummer Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 25, 2016
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    To help with the reaction, keep the rear wing on 6 or increase it to 7. TC at 9, reduce turbo a bit and keep radiator at default. It did the trick for me, but I'm on a wheel.
  16. FS7

    FS7 controller filters off please AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 23, 2016
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    So, I did more testing using the custom wheel settings above except that I changed steering wheel range to 300 degrees and steering lock to 15 degrees. Controller response still feels the same to me as before the update.

    I tested at Nurburgring GP with Porsche Cup 4.0, Stock Car 2019, McLaren GT4, and McLaren GT3, all using custom setup with a few adjustments, I can drive all those cars with similar laptimes as before the update but that weird feeling of filters adjusting my inputs is still there. I also tried Nissan GT3 & Nissan GT1 using default setup, Nissan GT3 felt ok to me, but Nissan GT1 is a clear example of how built-in filters/dampers that cannot be turned off can make catching slides more difficult. I had a few moments with the GT1 where I could see the car losing traction, I tried to correct the slide but because the filters slow down and "correct" my inputs I ended up spinning out a few times. Making quick corrections is nearly impossible because of the filters/dampers that mess up my inputs.

    I'll see if I can test some of the other cars mentioned in this thread tomorrow.
  17. 3dquick

    3dquick Active Member

    Oct 30, 2022
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    I agree.
    Cars that need less reactive steering, especially at higher speeds:
    BMW Gt3 and 4
    AMG Gt3 and 4
    911 GT3
    Senna Hypercar

    Cars that need more TC intervention on higher settings.
    Mclaren GT3
    Nissan GT3
    Senna Hypercar
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. turtleCZ

    turtleCZ Active Member

    May 2, 2021
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    Yes, BMW GT4 was very tricky to drive, like very sensitive to input. I guess it's the car.
    I could try PC2 again to check where it started.
  19. FS7

    FS7 controller filters off please AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 23, 2016
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    More testing done with the controller setting quoted above.
    Nurburgring GP, BMW GT4, Mercedes GT4, Porsche GT4, Ginetta GT4, all using default setup.
    I can get similar laptimes with all these cars (around 2:08) but even though I set controller damping at 0 there's still that feeling that my inputs are being slow down/delayed by the built-in filters/dampers. I mean if I set controller damping to 0 that should equal to raw input with no filtering/damping. It always feels like it takes a while for the in-game steering wheel to turn as well as to return to center, as opposed to AMS1 where the in-game steering wheel turns as much and as quick as I want and controls feel very responsive. That is very noticeable whenever I need to counter-steer and try to catch slides, controls in AMS2 don't feel responsive enough in those situations.

    Although I generally set steering lock to 15 degrees in most games I play I find it odd that a number of cars I tested in AMS2 have a minimum steering lock of 14 degrees, while in other games it's possible to select lower steering lock values like 10 degrees or so. Having lower steering lock values would be helpful for people who find steering too sensitive/twitchy.

    As for the comments by some of you about certain cars having more reactive steering than others, I wonder if that has to do with the fact that when using gamepad setup you cannot adjust steering wheel range, different cars may have different steering wheel ranges and that may give the impression that some cars have more reactive steering than others.
    In AMS1 there's the option of either using original steering wheel range (which differs from car to car) or setting a custom steering wheel range value that will apply to all cars. In AMS2 using custom steering wheel range value that applies to all cars is only possible when setting up controller as custom wheel. It would be interesting if the option to select custom steering wheel range was available when using gamepad setup as well. Being able to set the same steering wheel range & steering lock for all cars and adjusting from there as needed can result in more consistent driving imo.

    As for controller vibration, there's basically none. I can get controller vibration by hitting a wall head-on at full speed but there's no vibration when going over curbs, driving on grass or gravel, or when locking up the tyres under braking, or when sliding on corner exit.
  20. Seb02

    Seb02 Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2022
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    I can't talk about the McLaren Senna because I don't have the DLC.
    For the rest, I completely agree.
    I hope this will help Reiza

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