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Group A Classic DTM tire model issue?

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by DaWorstPlaya, Jan 10, 2025.

  1. DaWorstPlaya

    DaWorstPlaya Active Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    Rear rebound from my experience has more of an influence on lift throttle oversteer and while it does influence corner entry braking, it's not as much as front bump, IMHO. In addition to this, I've done a whole bunch of additional testing and found something interesting.

    So far, I've been tuning the car with "traditional" tuning concepts, meaning raise the ride height enough, so you stay off the bumpstop during braking or cornering. I noticed, depending on the ride height, if you hit the bumpstop mid corner (travel hits 0 at some point), you lose traction and spin. So I kept raising the ride height so that wouldn't happen aka stay off the bumpstops and make sure travel doesn't go to 0 mid corner. But the flip side was, after a while of driving you'll experience this unrecoverable lazy spin either upon corner entry or corner exit. The original issue I'm reporting with the setup I just shared a while ago.

    So tried something completely different, I lowered both the Merc and the BMW to the lowest ride height. Basically setting static ride height either close or on the bump stops and guess what, the cars are driving perfectly normal with no uncontrolable lazy slides. You can catch and maintain slides. The oversteer on the cars are easily modulated using the throttle and steering wheel with no danger of the rear stepping out in an uncontrolable way.

    This to me means, it might not be a tire model issue but perhaps the way the weight transitions due to the updated physics in V1.6, perhaps? Running on bumpstops in the front causes slightly less grip under braking and running on bumpstops in the rear may cause slightly less grip under accel. If both outside bumpstop are engaged during cornering then there is no sudden "shock" to the tires causing a sudden loss of traction. There should also be less dynamic movement of the chassis during braking, accel and cornering as the bumpstops act as additional springs. But it seems to be keeping the tires on these DTM cars somewhat happy and comparatively easier to control at the limit.

    Either way these are my findings. Thoughts?
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2025
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. steelreserv

    steelreserv Well-Known Member Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 25, 2020
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    Seems you found a way to bumpstop tune a car in AMS2. These cars do have inertia based on CoG height, so its reasonable that raising the rear car might cause instabilities. Pretty cool find. Depending on which wheel hits the bumps (F or R), will dictate the cornering characteristics.

    Wrt dampers, every car is different so naturally, philosphies may differ as well. Adjusting a suspension, including dampers, have an impact on camber gain as well, so based on geometry alone, it may make the difference on which general principle you choose.

    The general principles I follow:

    In the most simple terms possible for a typical two way car:
    Use bump to control traction. Rebound to control the car (weight).

    Diving deeper though, I try to identify which phase of the corner I find unsuitable. Next I try and determine what phase (bump or rebound) for each damper of a car that is active in that situation.

    Then use the following principles to transfer weight.

    Bump softness slows weight transfer. Bump quickens it.
    Rebound stiffness sheds weight. Rebound softness holds it.

    When in phase, the primary damper to control the weight transfer would be the one with the most "phase" available and where the weight wants to go.

    After conceptualizing what the car is doing, what the dampers are doing, you can transfer weight to the specific wheel that needs more traction.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2025
    • Informative Informative x 4
  3. shadow82

    shadow82 Active Member

    Dec 4, 2024
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    Conclusion: set your car as understeery as bearable to still make your corners to avoid grip loss. Could the default setup have an update ? Because on most the rear is very lose and just give something very undrivable for folks not versed into setups tuning. Just step into a lobby with default setup to convince yourself watching people left and right spinning.

    Funny how we end up back on discussion about bumpstop and ride height control though.
  4. steelreserv

    steelreserv Well-Known Member Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 25, 2020
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    Well in this case except for added dynamic stability during trail braking the car is setup for rotation, so the default setup isn't at issue.

    That being said, make sure to check the next changelog to see if any changes will be made to the default setup.
  5. Icy

    Icy Member

    Dec 22, 2024
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    I have noticed that it is not only the weak grip of the rear wheels that causes sliding, but also the strong grip of the front wheels, which to some extent exacerbates the rotation of the rear .

    Even with aggressive maneuvers to turn into corners, it is less likely to lose control or cause the vehicle to spin instead of understeer, which means the grip of front is too strong.
  6. Icy

    Icy Member

    Dec 22, 2024
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    Regarding tire temperature, I feel that in AMS2, the tyre temperature changes seem to be relatively slow. Even if SPIN occurs continuously, the wheels will not heat up sharply. Conversely, once the tire gets too hot, it will hardly cool down.
  7. Racinglegend1234

    Racinglegend1234 AMS2 wiki founder AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 28, 2022
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    Because the HUD doesn’t show the flash layer

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