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Help - Does AMS2 drivers really want to race online?

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by roszman, Feb 26, 2023.

  1. Mhad

    Mhad Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 13, 2020
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    How many race series are you thinking of adding for each license level?

    IMO you don't want more than 3 or 4. It would be great to focus they player group into a smaller number of series to try and get more human-to-human racing.

    I think each license should have one race series in each of the following style (with Higher, Silver, Bronze examples):
    • Open wheel
      (modern F1, F-USA, F-3)
    • H-pattern
      (classic F1, GT Classics, F-inter)
    • GT
      (GTE, GT3, GT4)
    • Enduro/prototype
      (DPi, P2, P3)

    For tracks, I think you can almost use the track grades from https://www.game-automobilista2.com/circuits. Higher uses Grade One circuits, Silver uses Grade 2, and Bronze Grade 3 (or historic variants in place of their modern ones where appropriate).
    • Agree Agree x 2
  2. roszman

    roszman Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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    Concerning race series - almost my toughts exactly ;)

    Thx for tracks.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2023
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  3. roszman

    roszman Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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  4. Magnus

    Magnus Active Member

    Oct 12, 2020
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    I’d agree with this. I’m not a big open wheeler/Formula driver but there does seem to be a big split between those that enjoy tin tops and open and not offering something for both could mean losing a large section of potential users.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. roszman

    roszman Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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    Yep that's the plan, to have a little bit of everything.

    Also I was thinking, since we have this async multiplayer, why not to have races every 30 minutes? One race series every 1h starting at *:00 and otherrace series every 1h starting at *:30?
    Will it work or would it be too frequent?

    P4 series is the most popular series on RCO and I am wondering if it's because P4 is so fun to drive ro because of races every 1h?
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2023
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  6. Coldsalmon

    Coldsalmon Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Regarding P4 popularity, I think it's probably both. At the very least, having the same internal between races would allow you to more accurately gauge player engagement with each class.

    Half-hour races are a good idea. At this stage, there are still too few players to have populated races every hour, so switching to a half hour schedule won't really impact race population. It will make it more convenient to race though, which is important for attracting new players. You can already see which races have players registered, so if you want a multiplayer race, you can just join one that already has people registered - this should happen organically if players sort by number of drivers.

    I finished the survey - it was hard to choose!
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  7. Magnus

    Magnus Active Member

    Oct 12, 2020
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    Probably a bit of both. It is a very fun car/group but the freedom to just drop in and drive at almost any point in the day is superb.

    I don’t think that having more regular hourly or even half hourly races would necessarily detract from the series running every four hours or once or twice a day. People have the choice.

    I’m someone for whom those regular races work very well but they wouldn’t stop me using the other series if/when I’m available. I also doubt that those that may only be able to drive once or twice a week, possibly in the evening or at weekends, would find more regular races would stop them from finding other humans to race against. Besides, if it doesn’t work you can always change it later.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  8. roszman

    roszman Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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    Yeah, I was hating myself for 3 choices limit :D

    So *:00 and *:30 it is. Thanks for help ;)
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  9. XettMan

    XettMan Active Member

    Dec 13, 2016
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    P4 is more enjoyable than F3, Vee and the other slow car class.
    In its current state RCO is mainly used for async mp. Maybe in the european evening for sync mp. So every 30 minutes would not hurt anything. So go for it.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  10. roszman

    roszman Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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    I think @Coldsalmon can be up to something :p

    Since two days I am trying to get some points in P4 series and main motivation for me are RCO standings. During the race, while losing/gaining positions and despite the fact that there are no or very few people in race with me, I am getting worried/exited about my standings, it feels like multiplayer race, but it's not :p

    It's something more than hot lap leaderboard, but little less than grid full of humans, but for sure asynchronous multiplayer is something, and it's something new :D

    Thanks :)
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  11. Coldsalmon

    Coldsalmon Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Asynchronous multiplayer is a term that I know from board games. A correspondence chess game is a form of "async." Board Game Arena is the largest service for async boardgaming - usually players will make 1 move per day, but if they happen to be in the game at the same time they can play synchronously. You might be able to take some inspiration from async boardgaming, but I'm not sure how well the concepts will translate. If you want to do some async boardgaming I am definitely up for it :D
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  12. roszman

    roszman Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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    but async mp in online racing game? it's something new :D

    Hmm, not exactly new, since every online racing platform is comparing all their drivers in standings, whenever they race together or not, BUT it's usually PvP only and RCO does PvP and PvE simultaneously ;P

    I would like to play some board games async or sync, but in my world the most valuable resource is free time, and there is not much of it avaliable now. :p
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2023
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  13. roszman

    roszman Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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    Just want to let you know that I am messing with points calculation, so don't be suprised if something is changing ;P
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  14. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    That could be a great idea for TT.
    It would make AMS2 slightly special if TT players could see each other (as ghosts) if they participated in a TT session at the same time.

    ByTheWay: Hehe some kind of semi-MP "race" where no idiots could crash into you :D
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  15. roszman

    roszman Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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    Cool idea, but it would be still a TT, no passing no defending.

    ByTheWay: Not everyone crashing in to you is an idiot ;)
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  16. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    How do you know? :D
    In my former 5+ years in iRacing most of the people crashing into me was :)
    The most mandatory excuse was: You braked too early :confused:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. roszman

    roszman Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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    Because I am crashing into people and I don't consider myself an idiot :p

    Not skilled? Yes.
    Not experienced? Yes.
    Idiot? No. ;)

    I've learn how to deal with people/ai crashing into me. Just expect the worst ;)

    My before race mantra is: "I will not survive T1", or "There is small chance that I will finish this race".
    Usually that works.

    Also, when I see someone on my tail I try to do one quick break before my real breakpoint, just to warn them that I will be breaking in the moment.
    It can be annoying for someone behind me but it's safe for me.
  18. Coldsalmon

    Coldsalmon Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    I remember when I was first trying to learn clean racing against AI, I would rear-end them all the time when they braked earlier than I did. At first I thought, "How can I possibly avoid that!? I can't slow down to leave space, or I will never pass them!" But then I figured out that if I'm close to the guy in front, I have to pull off the line in case he brakes early - that's my responsibility. It's surprising to me now how long it took me to figure that out.
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  19. Coldsalmon

    Coldsalmon Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Wooo, my first multiplayer win against 2 other human drivers!! Copa Classic B at Goiania is fun!

    I have now had the experience of winning from pole position with no overtakes, and losing from last place with no overtakes. Based on both of these experiences, I think the AI should be calibrated to give the slowest human driver someone to race against near the back of the pack.

    Driving alone with people behind you, even if they are far behind, is still fun and challenging because there is something at stake: if you mess up you can lose positions, but if you don't push hard enough those behind you might catch up. Driving alone in last place is incredibly boring because there is literally nothing at stake: you aren't fast enough to catch up, and even if you crash you can't possibly finish in a worse position. Nothing you do matters.

    So even though the driving experience was technically the same in both cases, I felt awesome in the latest first-place race and horrible in my other last-place races. That's why I think the AI should be calibrated to the slowest drivers (until AMS2 gets the ability to add an arbitrary range of AI difficulties).
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  20. Gabriel "Pai" Legnini

    Gabriel "Pai" Legnini Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 27, 2020
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